Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1962, p. 1

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tw mini j i mwk herald for fine printing i tand jtelepbooejr 7- kw tt 72301 biha a mst eat to eh hnu t sssssew t sswy hl o l ot nnjiy o isa mi sixtmm ho kynac mcmtwcmo v- tff r fair board pays 2200 in prizes ur jonas georgetown seen an old hag with goggles ytlmmcls honest that a hit name hat a good reason to look a little miffed ha i been tlood up broomhilde who maket her annual ride across the midnight tky on wednet day didn t show up for that test flight last mght and tunnels who hoped to repesenr the town t black felinet tn the navigator t teat this year it tt ii titling by ihe untried o cedar sabre broomhilde of courte it one of wiichdom t moit prolific broom p lott end wat once a member of their femout acrobatic team the golden hagt advertising signs still controversial affairs a request la erect advertising signs three locations by premier ftuitding product revived lha conrfowrsiel sign noaelion at monday a council rneetirtg and found counc i ion sharply divjded in opinion planning chairman rax cock while opining that thera ahould ba mora standards tat by council on such matters uid thara it nothing in lha proient by law prohibiting tha company a request had nothlnf prrsonat affaiiul cr jim emmarun a view was calls lor ana aim on a build inf that olhm in lha time area have baan asked to run eve eslra sign and tha law suit ba applied to everyone and cr llarruon claimed uut slns erwtd without par miaaioa bava baan allowad to etey while requests through tha proper channels bava baan denied cenflullna inleresl cr harriion laid the marl atta firm baa painted over a former garnet building prod licta sign and reealla no per miaalon given he explained that ba had conflicting inler- aita not bacauaa he u employ ad by the premier firm but bacauaa one of the algns is planned on properly at tha armstrong mountalnvlew eor nar which ha owns for this ration ha declined to vole on than question tha dap reeve was joined by cr barrager in luggeiting companlaa ahould ba allowad directional finger signs a m vote turned down tha algna with only cra cock brown and lleneilly voting for them thli brought an angry itatemant from cr meneilly who wondered if there ii double atandard which allowa una people to put a ilgnany where and olhera who ara tamed down look along main street he uld almost every itore hai mora than ona ilgn gas tta horn along the highway too ha either eight or wrong and if only ona algn la to ba al lowed others should tike theirs down cr llsrriion then charged that tha motion was defeated on persons grounds against him tinea main si widening last veer i lie an cr barrager business place overtone ha street ha tali ami years aa wfcan dautjlea wilson wat lawn anajlnaar deputy keeve hunler had baan ordered la renvove a elan in irani el his hlhway bo- alneie prapaty become ii can- trevened a bylaw wall and see i notice the sign wis remov ed last month but whethet for painting repairs or what ill wait and tea ha shipped mayor sargent triad to soothe runled tempera at this state and pointed out that council at one time did not control tha atoll by law and it might be wise torevert to this procedure cr harrison as did reeve hi liott tha reeve said signs down town and in an industrial area ara completely different ques tions and that the planmns committee ihould study the re quest further he ihould bsve suggested two yesrs ago letting a lsw stand snd not making a mess of it said cr cock referring to the days when the planning board ruled the sign by law and council did not have to de cide reeve uhotl ssid he thinks tha majority of people are hap py with the present system the discussion ended wllh the implication that a council majority would okay a sign it the premier plant location if such a motion was made nest weak leadership course for church ladies among thoea attending lha leadership training school for toronto conference u cw at ovinia aa oetotw ind and 3rd frow dulferta and peal pratbytary ware tin w bsnka from laurel slsa llrs z ii richardson sirs murray nelson call oon e urt t ii hindi calrdon mra u uckensle rockwood lire ii a coutta orangevllle lire w haw son uslton lire ii craig urt r j shsrpe mrs r g belsdon mrs e bryana and urt w a allen tram brsmpton two days of inspiring ses sions featuring programme suggestions for ii cw matt ings and bible study ideas were highlighted tuesdsy evening by an address by lis ada sandell a mls- sionsry recently returned from korea while at orilln many of the members visited tha hillcreat lodge for senior cilurns maintained by tha united church ind enjoyed a friendly visit with tha teiidents who appeared eon tented and happy ill their home us cuban action sparks query on emo georgetown town council plant to contact bruce macgregor head of the county emergency meaturei organ ization to reveal plant for local action in event of a nation al emergency ratepayer robert leitt asked council monday what la being done and referred to us president kennedys ipeech which had been felecatl uit prior to the meeting announcing a blockade of cuba and the u s decision to bar shipments of nuclear bate material from russia to the island reeve jalin vlllah whete hatn i been at urns county co- ceuncll committee includes emo uld thle it en o county basis atw he weuld eenlactmr juue6rear the next day leva lalte title calmly sau cr harrlsen i can ee the headlines new gearoetewn ceuncll in anaatar llller it would appear the reeve operation for he tayi the only information ha sets la from tha county meeting minute uld cr meneilly reeve elliott denied there were any problem though 1 dont feel we are felting our money a worth from the county organ jut ion he added agree damage assessments to parents of juveniles endorsing en3akvllle council resolution asking the government to hold parents responsible for damage to pub lic buildings by juveniles found council spill 54 monday but opponent hunter barrager ernmerson nd harri son were not egeintt the idea but concerned with e techni cality of suggesting that damage claims ba added to the years tax bill lose property one councillor thought the idea could be misinterpreted indrttlsun added to property taxes it a tenant were the guilty party and another was concerned wit a man might deputy reey hunter aald he lose his property if a hujh datn- afie assessment were made proponents of the plan ar gued that the requeit to the government la only a anenllty and any future action would have close provincial scrutiny ceunty council endorsed the resolullob last weak allbouck ux toutw kil sayibio but favwsraole of cwplnl fair laai baoul tha giai agricultural bo- cialy waa able to bay its prisa a6oay ut full cb wat 6jit te piiw wumara ua wk u tha awauot ai saaaa ipproalnuuly tloof leu ulb paid out ust year th dumtua il st tha bosua ai mr and airs jsmes ayukrr wkaa tha pmldnl curtield uccllvriy thanked ike uiaktri for tkclr on ulul auptmt j ika itsltilr lad eoakcatulatad tha naw sac- rcliry ana treasurar for their efforts la kitting the prise sbftoay out to rshibitors st iueb an early data tbaaka of tbe ueetlng slso h rianliallons lhatt mart bthoffle lent their aulstanca on fair days including tha uoas club f cltlxfelu pollca junior kareaers bojr eeauu donors ind eibibltors i two more eorinowo a committee composed of dents who era now vir aad un jim klsher and ur and un use aleiander was appointed ta look after irrsngensents for tbe snnusl dlre6rs banquet in decern ur another ghs wing by september 1963 excludes more houses ieaster lily in full bloom ur lurnelt j norval phoatd itw herald tbla ic4k te rrxurt ikat n kuur lily there u in full bukom 1u uid the punt rud thrv bkwjrai on tt utl woek but he rul two off the third oar it that lliiu wii jiut eut ot tbe bud re lanadiao ntiif m are ur and elrt i- v ken jl itrey or whoie tpphratidru were approved by judge grant at the ll coun ty court houie brampton rt ccjltljf kinettes give 100 high school bursary a hundred dollsr bursary i has baan created by tha kin ties to b awarded to a grade 13 student at tha geo rjelown high sciioo s com martcamant this spring the members arranged tha bursary at the first regular meeting of the new season held thursday oct lllh al slans rosteurent end et tha urns time voted to essisl in g ving english the import ance it deserves as e maior subiect by creating a 10 00 prue for ihe student with tha highest marks in grade 10 english money lor the aw ards will come out of proc eads raised by the spring dance needs ha hate vice president lira gary al ten chaired the ueetlng um utes or tha inatillsiien and es ecutlve naatinats were read by lha secretary mra welly sein ski ind tha treasurers report wsl presented by lire george baker tbe members listened with mliad amotions while a letter from tha save the children fund was resd notifying them that the child that the club had adopted and supported thro thte organisation for the past 3 yein is ne longer in need of lulstince informslion on in other unfortunite youngster hie bean forwarded to the club during the business of select ing vsrious committees mrs bob ftugereld was named ehalrmsn of tha joint committee which will meal in dec mrs jsck mlc kaniie will head the children s chrtstmss party committee and tha chrletmii lelclei project will ba under chairman mrs george biker mrs ilirry uvy wai nomimted and accepted for the poll of secretary after lira welly scinskl requested a sli months leeva of absence due to ill health urs bill hew itt is the convener of the neat mealing to ba held nov 8lh it the same meeting plsce an honoured guest will be district convener mary green and it ii expected the twelve clubs in district 1 will ba send lng representstlves to this one debate in council ratepayers request a farmer town employee h fiedler 41 tteylewx creecent cemplilmd monday that ceuit- ell turns matters war te eam- mlttaea which sheum be thre shed out around the table while lanpayers are listening mayor sargent explained that often a question comes up with which councillors are not fimlllir and it is proper to have e eommltteo cheek and report back before it is placed on the agenda charelnti that there la cheek oh ouantltlas el supplies received by the lawn he was tela that truaueads el read material are weighed et the pit end can be checked al any time if the teum wlshaa it you have evidence that anything la wrong council would appreciate details ad dad ltayor sargent knoacimlnts mr and mra harvey 0 al len announce the engagement ol their daughter lilrlcllannn uo mr william shubert r 2 rockwood formerly of sprlnghlll n s arm of mr and mra william shubert the marriage wljl take place on iilurtlsyt nouember 3rd in at georges anglican church scouts broadcast on local ham radio geerevi icautt cuba sad cuuae talttne part in jswherae oa tbe air the w cealsctad tkelr eaunsartsarte tn centra frwm have watte 1 c uiln site 1am ftejulewmeat f mr end mre ktt ssarusham 10 raaway driv on saturday ind oeaes sa tea4ts under sfcalr taa- tar sta4 llvtnea wuim fumday aka aifar s uaa tbe eeileiuint was utlllaw ky sd flesreala leaufe etd cuba susdae vis gvm etj eju u cae laisa uu tk u tltyul co taauts fraim u mraaa tka flatten seuekf ut each ether mm ihe ttarw radlaa awl w ii wsa aver ihe caller bad taaethy lists nemee arid eddrasaaa with which s strlk up carrse andsnee frlanilsklba a treating frem carsd lane end vic gunn t ste- ium al ptlntm albert was tape raeardad and bread- cast evr the lasl slslun with ike attemaem news scautar guru did som re- cerdlise af bla wvn and kas aeeae taur kaurs al canvar- saltan between gaarealan taauls and fcauls acraaa ike demlnlan and as far north ay lekreder young liberals elect new officers for 1963 merlin in oakvllt tm mon day night halton younc lih- erali elected a new ilata of otficera with al steveni of oakvtlla taking over tha pre sidency from rob blake who alao acted at campaign mana ser or dr harley in the june 18th election other offlcera named were jim cooper burlington first vice president john westheid appleby college 2nd vice president derek mason trea surer and sally davis secre tary pro tern an invitation was extended by the new president to all young people in the county to join the liberal ctub and take part in their debating nights and aoelal affairs it wai announced at tha meeting that the annual meet lng of the hilton county li beral association will ha held in milton on november solh when boh nikon mpp for brant will ba tha guest spea kar mr nixon was just re cently elected president of the ontario liberal aatoclation seek urxj purctas for street widening a by taw which will start pctoedinqt lo a2quira urvd tor future- widening of onta rio sweat fikavftd two read i not by council on monday deputy cues hunler op- poud tta rrvova duiung that tny money lo ba tpanl liquid ba n tttpiov rtg roadi in other paitt of town and alio that tfve pretni counc t itvould not impoie costs fulura ne wu4nj 3i uo fl hload rhairman lumtvon roun frrrd thst jvncr planning in luch miltrri ivr monry if wr are vou catching w think only if rurrrnt ihmxi but if wr are ronuritntiouily doing our job wr plan ahejd he obtervinl queried by hrtve rlliott and the deputy on rols lr jurrl son rtimtri purrhstr price of land at lk a ujuare fuot the road is to he wiilrned some 3 500 trti ilayur sargent streited that before any action h final lied council would have to jvanc lion the tranarlton planning malta cr ties cuck said he wanted to point out that the smith stone firm hat not rrqurated ihe widrninj and it ii itriclly a council planning matter the drput rrrvr wat the cinl opponrnt when a vote was taken offer bursafies to medical students the hilton tooperative uediral services contributed to tbe medkal llurtary which will be offered by the co-op- er alive medical services fed- caration of onl to a medical stsdent this term it was an nounced this week to qualify the student must be a member or dependent of a member of a medical co operative and must have com pleted his pre medical train lng the bursary consists of 3 000 to be given in four equal wo0 instalment to the selected student choice of candldatr will be hated on both academic standing and need in decision figures wdh tha finishing loucrit ihlt bjmg tddsd to hva ul- est addilioi to tha htrjh school a motios authonring ilit- ctwf for anortvae ttuitiion wai pstiiwi aavday ntht at lh racjular riemtng of tha gaorcjatown a district high school board this popoiad add ton w ii conta n 13 deuroom four worltifiopi and an activ ly room th i would ba a room as terga as a gym but not h gh it is fop to star coa- son in septembar 1963 upon complet on of tfva proposed bu id ng 1 550 pupils ba accommodated an inoeeta in capacity of 470 0 struct pud the projected enrolment fl lures based solely on public school attendance with no al lowanca for 3diironal home building are as follows iremnt enrolmrnt rramtj onrlmat faw septavnbei 1063 1005 september 1s04 1110 september 1065 1220 september iftm m 1235 september 1tvi7 12a0 svptemluv xwa 13ftl september loflo 1477 september 1070 1503 while the pretarnt newly fin lined buildjng accommodates loflo the addition would be needed before the pupil popu letion actually reaches that fig ure because the demand for the technical courses has etcee ded ripeclstlons as a result without a further addition the board feeu by september 1d63 the shops would be filled and the following ytmt pupils for those courses would hav to be turned away during a meeting with some members of the board and the iepl of education the question arose as to tha relative merits of building a completely new school on another site or add ing to this onr the depl fav oured the addition feeling that a composite school with 1u variety of court functioned moit efficiently with a urge number of pupil ttoe present difficulties of ho- c lasses will rjot be a great dur ing the building of this propo sed addition since it is planned almost as a separate building joined only by a corridor ur it kord and mr wm hiikett representatives oi har nett lr rieder archltecta hi tha present school submitted threa different plans for extension however the plan approved by the board tha 13 classroom one was felt to be most conomltsi in the long run since it yield ed over two hundred mora pupils than the others one of the proposals thst of building nine classrooms ab ove the present shops could still be used if necessary in the future however uld chairman b ii breckeortdfe by 1070 when more apace ii needed 1 foresee a second high school on another site in con cluding he added these pro jected figures ara low pen aura aince building will bo doubt uka place parking authority passes on split council decision setting up of a parking authority for georgetown cam a ttap closer monday r0hen council on 54 vote gave third reading to a by law for its establishment while council is in agreement to provide better down town parking facilities tome councillors expressed concern that parking meters might be installed in the lot l m etspesetj le mater in what keuld it a fra parking area aald cr jim immareen high schooler win prize in sweeps a dittnet young man is ri cher by- over b00 by virtue of a winning ticket in the cambrotdgeihlre race last wenk gordon currle 15 yearold ton of mr ard mri ernie currle r r 3 drew a non starter escort in the race and wai notified that he had won 272 pounds u shillings 8 pence th exc rata on the brjhi1ibljrs8rcjdtid the 300 mark gordon is e grade 1 1 stud ant at georgetown high 5cloot he purchased his ii cket under the nom de pluma horseshoe whs with reave ihiah depu ty raava muntar and cr bar raear apt th wylaw the raava alsa pp4 mat art and said ha wauld ilka a tttcwj matting with merchants te tea what i kar tdaas fhay might have cr barraeer asked that the by law raadine ba rialayad e wmk as a marchants meeting 1 was slated far wednesday j night any arrsneementi cr harrison pointed out that no local parking area la free the present parking area behind main st has cost the town money in maintenance and iga and the pelrex mar ket centre are assessed business taxes on their parking areas he said merchants can make any ar rangements they wish with a parking authority he said and meters are not a necessity aj long as the parking covers its costs cr ben cock said the park ing question hss been kicked around for years by council committees and the present by law is essential for down town benefit mm convinced this u a bet ter method thin anv consider ed to date said mayor stirg ent explaining that meters are not necessarily part of plan milton has an authority and does not use meters he said sftmhilng to talk about followlnn the vote cr har rison queried why cr barra ger had declined from voting on the first two by law read ings saying thu aa a merchant he had coflictlng interests but had voted on the third reading i dldnt want to break the record quipped cr barrager i wanted to give you some thing to talk about and i didn t want to ipoll our s4 record pcler jones georgetou1 straining librarys mercy delinquent book borrowers will be taken bit the hook again by the public llbary week the library board has declarod it forglvenns week end holders of qtrferdua books will bo allowed to drop their raadinrj matter in a box inside ip10 door without penally from october 29th to november 3rd they are hoping the seven days of am- nesly will bring beck soma pt the books which have been off the shelves for years the above borrower looks a little guilty about her overtime reading end was no doubt hop ing lo slip ihe mountain of lllerelure in unnoticed wrong parents outline under the thinks- jlvlnj picture of bev barrett which state she ii the daughter of mr and mrs william bar- rail 11 mclniyre crese war incorrect bev who was shewn in the photograph holding a bi ble and giving thank at sl jt pauls baptist chmfth moun talnvlew road la the daughter of mr and mra mel barrett at 11 dalrey drive

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