Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herold byh i neaataaaaaaasa ueahe 22 maun siaaaett gaaosoajsoaaan ontario tag4 thursday octobht 25 im3 editorial comment ry business recip an excellent retponva it being mt by caattvatveat in jh current ywywca cim- ptlg which it teajurvrj j 10000 to irwet erv tldpted oparellng cult for en 18 month po0fm pewntly in it edveitcej pln- ninfl ttaga tha y it hut- etwred of codil rplaon in ilie geogiovn community ctd wilt pove of turvnw benefit to kcmdinrj qenecttion fyouna goqe- while trie organizing committer hat rightly reared ttt efforts to a minimi pro- dfawti i ttart and hat avoided any dit- cuiiton of a ptmjnnt fco iding in the fefaslla future trie 8 is an opportunity ctvrung up wh ch m ght be loo good to miu- we sjjeakol the pvvtant potf offwte toon to b 4bndotd fc riv fev high way structure being built the building would be almott icwa for the type of progant which a ymca conduct it u centrally located wall comtrtx ld with plenty bf ipac and with minor lterom could be a y building which evew th moit optimittic could never envi ga in a lown ttu til dumour hai it that tle town would have firtt of on on it purchase at a muni opal building if to there would be tha alternative of ui ng tfve preent wih location ai y heedquartcn st ymca meets good reception comment ng m a herald editorial of latt week a buimettman alio thit part in ert queit on we are aiked to contribute gener- ouily to civ c projects a boip tal a twrnrv mlng pool a yaaca program what do we gt in return h t inference of court it that a mer chant ihou d expect a measure of local pat ronage from res dentt and white he tgeet that th i it forincommg from many he fee that a lomewhet largar thara thou d be expected no one mou d eipcct every dollar that ll made by a local rci jent to be tpent n town for a tcvn cinnj be an economic entity in tttelf any more than a province a country or a hemisphere but one could expect that price and quality being r a ton ably equal that geor geown would get a large percentage of the t hopping dollar and in lite fate of our friend who dealt in a tervice type bun neit for which ratet do not vary ertwng aganti for thit tervice it thould be axiom atic that the large majority of tuch butmett thoud be locally handled what we mean to tay it th t tipping the scales sugar anc spice by bill smiley v uaal iri fear vot hi hair- i vartv at ottawa report iimoothiv outtvationl v di hamy hakiiy mp fot haiton no buairteaimen gauges h a contribu tioni lo chanteble or civic enterpmea by ror thai bast to waaks js bnd latcklal it tkit u u tiatra ti tilth a thltaf u a ba chalor wlta fca j lot cauldraat i kv no my wife hiant loft hi fothula u tuiuim u urn i kaut u uh kla towi hu tw fin fa fclnc 1 w au tatkil u tkai t w ivuat mai n w s umi iati ly alu om bhuu h u tmrflit ul rw ly4- ry to tk 4i tui mm mj ttaji ckltavm w tl urt w feta whatever ami whn awrr aod wbartvar plawd u let ih dlihri p tag in lh fclitk and tka dirt plt up on the tour with equal mdlf rrrnr we wore lb tame aorka tax da 11 waa a raal bo liday wren ihoujh wt alwaya tuu i luf kuom faugh aijirnr hrll when th tfctt faravannara mhml boat ot bomr i wll 0li u iy uki waali a rla m tk uh ka ww tr lul fcmmki kaa i u al tka ar aj kna ka tinea tk jyl iihwr ih lua h klp wl ika 41ki ym a uh aoalar r ik liua iwy im wl t wkl k kava vmin ui imm caapll- calj ur kau arraaa- aaahnta kaw kuraa4 lmaa- ly u caiwalaally ykla tlau ii waa ion it waa oat alalia krlh ht t mawlua feakaual ia iva nwr kam a ajlaat l aa aayna aa i waa a a tka u yrtobla a llrlla wuh aha walks ui tka atkar avaalnaj and talartad ajlarlng araunal ta aaa wkat bind al a maaa waal nuau mm wai aaialmi tauj u aa taiy a ailrty ujm v- hare bd ttow 7 uaka tniel w pr nvvfcj- tlifaifl will i walk but tj my uduw and uav iwd lyuur lit tw ttuddle gt um kitiawa r4evr liaia will i lave dpty ur uuu tud bmpj1 nit trayi au ovr tiw joml senf ilb wll 1 biat my jckt on tcp of uw rfrt jefalr nr wilq wtu r wort footipuiouajy vbn tay wif walls about tfea auapuraj of uia juiu ajwl kaaa kav ket old broculd ttiyr jutt tiof- ml rhildrfn never in thr old diji rooking wh fun wbtn i wit left id charg thrr was flair and imamna tiot vi ion and variety in our menu vr miktit itart off with bowl t 1jblum mlitd and i hrrwiy retract every mla remark 1 have ever made about running a bom bin a toft touch its not laoofcinf ai- ter a houw and raiting a faiv lly it all riclil for the birdt birth them feed them for few wwlti then kirk them eutr and move to a new bout but it rruihei the aentltlve fcpl nts of men people at ma and- all the houtewivet in the laad since our lait report two weeltt ago the debate on the sport h from the throne hat term nated a further amendment wat propoted by the i x ral party wh ch criticized o i u rn government for impot ng taxation on the ixope of canada at impoted by the wh h hop lo gat but 1 only human mpo wllhoo p 3 1o or d b or h m lo aapact that ihoia whom ha halpa dbi ng tha maaturet by lha alacled repraianlal vn ol t c ptop a ih i amandmant will eal toma loyalty in ralurn churches measure growth somewhere in the intarvan- ino year thata yeunettart nave a town t growth can be meaured in wayt not the lean by the number efld x ze of t churchet tweny yean ago georgetown wat fepretened by oy f vo of the major de- iwnnat onv un ted ang can roman ca tholic preibyler an and dapt it s nee then a chnitian reformed church hat been added one more united two bapt tt jehovah witnettet and pen- lecoatt and church hallt have been added to the pretbyter an and united churchet at preten a 51 000 atddit on it plan red for si john t un led de qnatcd a a chr it an educat on bu id ng and the lu the corporation from j20q 000 theran church hat purchated property pre- qqq two hun trfld t0 paratory to formirg a georgetown congre- 400 000 000 four hundred mil q lion the inrreate n nrce- tary at the prtiou amount only maor denomtnal ont not repre u i imntt uxrd up tented in town will then be evangelical i if addition thit bill which wat defeated by comb ned votev of the soc at crc m and conjervat ve mtmbari the motion of approval of the speech from the throne wat patted by th i comb nat on eg a n aga nt the oppoiit on of the liberal and new democrat c part ci partumenr bon lit humn i en of jegulation on rndi xnd aince thote efforuwere with that thing and it brought been rulrte4 theyve turned uv cl j2th 10u2 the firt rro f thr rood of u and mr a mile when 1 vmonrd eur te hnwrlble llhle cenlerwlitt- luti on and bi i wat on tha l i fed we ihoum g ve err hsmit bn duttlnp alf hit tky wiki meat end ettte oil where it it deterged hand aftar a tklrmltb with and all thtt tart ef jurib that jdlrllaa a ut tllthaa and u mi iain furouralte arv dutt and in hat of the hftneit tf waan maalt they have 13 hhle hatwe evary u kae h cuat and tkarea e uatk claud for wy tllvee iuu with t4iu ut miad end u tha1 with plnripple the next eourte n ke tail we wii i might turn out to be meit plet w uauld i u hiefodl and ire fifim wed wind upf wy prmwit b i cauld with rhorolate hart and pop or m fij jikar ttptma l nkldla4eed heuaabaaarj au line evitarleacad caaii z with children five uj ter ulary ne tcrvbahlne hert tart and french rriei the kilt tcrted my rookinz and there wis never a tcrip wt oer port credit lnurance coror allon the intent of thu bill i you hae paid mr j hnh the 9nmv u to ralie the amount of tpcr hott ihr hishrat c implimrnt thanking 3 lit tnuirance roverege under t tt pnwlble to fire and he appreciation ran wrar it knowing that he fi rt 1 hai juitly earned it j in the pjst lew wrrk e hae irarnrd of d snnaniii1 n the front office of our mu jriripal office i in view of the fact that thoif jewuh selwation army un tarian and rrccived unanimout urn front officet worked jtupport from all tides of of mr john hliutt tnala each ttrewing a terdld on behalf of a cr up of trail f trurnbt banana tcuri town ladiri mildred ivnian tbint arid apple ceret trm m nd ef the haute te tha elher chnitian science and the day will come 1 houf wl liiow lh import in a larger town when any or all of thete credit insurance corporation wll appear on ftta local tcene fp promisor notei dir ectly from thr importer rath er than notct made out to the yeri wail 8a0 boosts plebiscite on land release 21s delrtx tllvd 31 october 1dg2 the editor daar sir at the october 13th council uaating the iuue of the reti dan til i land releate hat hern tabled again i am of eourte referring to the proposed as reenunt between georgetown md delrex development ltd permitting the latter to tub- dlvlde an additional 1100 re sidential lota with only the seantjett provitlont for aimul taneoua induttrial development 1 have alwayt been together with what i believe to be a urf percentage of the george town population opposed to the signing of this agretvnenl the draft agreement u now bafare the department of mu alclpat affairt which u expec ted to give its opinion at to whether or not the plan ought te be implemented because the department bu not yet ldvltd dvlnn it exporter by the buyer during rent lu reply certain council membert of next the debate the rw democratic on are now augceiling to for l council will have to face pirty introduced an amendment get about the uunlelpal bord tnln the present hlch wat voted down by the and to aign the agreement i councillor aimply eannot af ilout tha amendment would ford to lake on such e respon have committed tarliamcnt to old provcre i dld learn one thing during thlt appalling fortnight i get up earlier in the found out that my wife wn not than your neighbour juat an old crab as the kids georgetown herald publlthed by tume httpri limited ceorgatowb ontario waher c bukn pubuthar cahutj jgucilvrav production supenntendeat office suff tairy harley alleea bradtef news editor accountant hyde parker advertiting uanigw letlia clark dive luttlng member of tha canidun j weakly newspipert auociatlod and tha ont trie association tibility c llildabrandt yhird in a scries without hiving obtained their advice let it be remembered that the question of tha land rel ette it e highly controversial ci e council iuetf was divid t ed when it voted on it and it la a r ceoroetewn took tha tiebreaking vota of rcea dating back te u3 tha mayor to come up with yc k ii v i alif only tlira hve to four in fa i ii j a dtlaw vour of tha agreement since did you know then numeroua petitions hava i been made urging council to that any men attending a abandon or at least defer the fire anywhere in town may i- i be deputized on the tpot by if now after listening to a me fire chief tnd ordered to letter from delrex develop- in battling the blaze mentt ltd effort are made to bull dose thin thing through wa are becoming suspicious it is only tix weeks until muni section 22 of by law no 49 which dealt with the sup- prettinq of firet ttatet the cate of any fire if cpal eleetloni are held aa i the opinion of the chief end hava suggested before the land m hit absence of tome lerv releate question should be de- or ofieer the attittance of cided in a plebiscite which any male inhabitants of the could conveniently be held at j own present at tuch fire 11 tht tame date weeks of the if in the dying present council fut up uuaxyl iv jmctet time tor you to ui tharfluiwr expedient and necessary to prevent the spreading and progreti of tuch fire it shall be the duty of all tuch male inhabitant to present end they are thereby required up on being requetted to to do try any tuch chief or other of ficer to give their ectioe and full attittance for tuch pur- pot e under the order and dt recfion of tuch chief or other officer and in cats of any perton refuting or neglecting to give tuch attittance he or they ihall be liable to be pun ished ei hereinafter provid ed uoon cpnvlctlon they may be fined e turn not leu than one dollar nor more than 20 for each offence and in de fault of payment of fine im posed and cott of protecu- hop it may be lawful for tha convicting justice or justices to issue his or their warrant to levy the some by distress and sate of lha offenders qoods and chattels to make the amount of fine or it may be lawful for the justice to commit the offender to the common lall of melton county for any period not exceed- irtolhlrty days lending money to poor coun triet and the amendment wat ruled out of order by the spea ker as only tha government may propose expenditure of money this bill paisad and debate hit begun on the reiotution to amend tha farm credit art to increji the capital of tha farm credit corporation from twelve million dollars to sixteen mil hon dollar 10 a to increase ihe lending rapacity from three hundred million to four hun dred million dollars twe tjultk vet were taken yesterday after an appeal ag alnst the speakers ruling re tha type of quulion iskfd mln liter on order of tha day the speaker wia upheld and debate on the farm retolutoln continues thit should mike money available to firmer in our county but more detail will ha given later if nu inefficiently during the last two morning ear under the able leader wnr harder and whrme more t had firmly believed for bob bsker ilia uylei ciloalt- thlp of mr frnie hyde it 1lc closely to your job and year during th last decade miyor thete thlngt troubled llay u later plinning how to e hi informed u t least the mind of miny tixpiert ficl ahead of him while he is a week that w are 1 but no doubt they have been in not only will ou tr 0 filthy bums or alter- stnlghtened out by now aince fsr mor m behind you nitlvely dirty tlopt she bit it it neirly the end oftheyear wnrn np but you uill lo f ind to our well what de veu knewt by lt a heck of a lot sooner fifm that w are telfith thou a trnge coincidence while chile and use ess we making my notes for this let hollywood ita fj thrugged it off rethought siwi w plzjz tw u women it 0 i i wh m k ha rat u w rt7 hrlclrsmatd to a llollwood aabxlt kiwicly that aha waa the mail bao says honest john deserves title 0 ewlni strati georgetown ont october 22nd 1002 dear sir i would b plcaaod if you would reprint this letter which am sending to the leider ai one of group of women in georgetown who are close ly following council news i wish to thsnk you for pointing out to your readers that wo hrve at laaal ana council haettv har that wa can isbal with these words honast john at least lhew will ba doubt in our minds of the hon etty of ma win however we cbuld have hoped that you would also have given an a for effort lo mr jiftnet em merson line it is well known thit he has spent many l hours in an effort to overcome the serious off balance between industry and housing ingeor- gelown battery waar id hate to tangle dim atar 49 right at least the waa rleht who weeds it the last time we were in a record store we assked the man if he stocked a record that taught lnglish nah he replied and there aint no call for it neither buy your canada savings bonds average yitld lo maturity 51 ll pit avium attheftoyal ask for an official application form at your bearcat royal branch there is one nearby fill it out and weu take care ot all the details1 you may buy for cash or by convenient instal ments whichever you prefer canada savings bonds never fluctuate in value can be cashed anytime for their full race value plus interest royal bank i wi v

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