Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 8, 1962, p. 13

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seven year dream is in school a draem which bagen in e smell ccyrw of tha milton fir kill vn yrt 490 bcem a reality saturday with tha opening of the na surtrina school lor the retarded on the 7th lirva cueit speaker mr w k clarke assistant tupennien cunf ontario defct of education paid tnbut to thoia whose afforu medg lha 40000 building poubl the mowy wei rolled by public subscription from trie mi i ion aclon and georgetown areas and by provincial and county grants th aiteblishment andltiie 14000 tola including fur luccwit of schools or the ke- 1edd may wall qo down in iintory books as the greatest eciuvemeni in education the past twenty years tke speaker tidared he w on to express the pride ot the department or rfwir part in the development from io53 111 june 196 over 4000000 in grants have hn given according to mi clarke ma added that the 106263 bodgat called or orant o 11100 000 to verve approximately 7500 children i iaaakla ii alma vka fctkeala k fjt nla4 ttwri la 4 far kmiwlva iu 1 1 j h ua ma a a as sal a ftke ww ujlvuual la v a da at ahu im lui ttkaji tha tmlew who kae t wmu la a eea- u- flsure in the wvuwy have ha w ttkuve mj i i the flaw j ttuiu ha eulu4j by whu iumuiumi far the lula fc ae kurjj wit pre- yutaa the utaetua la severn- wiatt ej poajk alike jjual resaeaslbje hie chairman for th day harold iltnry who wn ilw chairman os tha gcorsjatown campaign introduced ur g g addison prealdent of the north hilton association for retard d aa the man moit rnoonil bit for the building of the new achool ii r addison publicly thanknt every flub organization and individual who contributed to the school lie told of gifts from young achool children from the much maligned teen age group and from 111tlng commercial traveller the public contributed j30 000 of niture be stated but wr still have a 15000 bortgage to lit traced use ttevejupment of the jyunihui school lrum a una 11 earner of the ullton iire hall whara all toya and mater tala had to be cleared away each olght to tha pxaaent at tractive school 11a robtruttd the budget of j73 a month to thr pretrnt shm a year mr aiulta wantw eoalnst cwhajtaamv w tha he ttheel la will yuu u4t ee phase- ka tstxterw what haav aae ta the cklm wh ftw ere tfceoas kecet what ekeu raerh ta arvat eme ifet rjtut wm aku tha elaulikimaat l awalllary claa- is in ave ihuu wwaltr ke dmmajulw lai tv knaw if government tnd ichool boartlt aeem to mow too alow ly he concluded remember thpy do not know what ou are wi ling to pay fur let them know cuir greetlnj were titen dad from georgetown hilton and eaquralng by deputy reete u denny uiyor d sar gant reeva dr c martin and heave g leille raipectlvely from the architect j u mar tin the keyi ware preiented to the contractor isr r zorgc then to the lyincipal mrs jeffarca then to mr g s ad duon president of the north llalton auoclatlon for retar dm children other well known periom in attendance wrre dr ii llarley llalton ll mr brian llollid ay vice prraldent of the ont au n for retarded children i hill kirk ciecutue director of the oarc mr u u mcneil ymat mail bao school secretary is in editorial disagreement impecior of pubhcacboou for haitod and wtrntwurth and judge gaorga uuott on e tor pur la tha cr wwh m kmh lnptw ha chiua kamajike w1u- ltt0 ts i y evalpwj i kaa iw uua l a m4m konjalaw rthr thut a tvv iu kolwin- ytha ukeaj cialafa el uvr claaatahc a h emanfua bhham fcj a iauii ev utlwuua r- ykia which ckalrthah uui4 hry aa awliwlvfcl al a ekllc achaai wuj alw kaa a kaiwtuii kaaa tha wlhl ytuw wall a eune u tha earner j tha fwe f a clack tat u ilia w tha flaae apartnjbat like the apartrnrntllke kitchen where tha children team tliu pi cookrry combined with grooming room romp ete with bathtub and drettinit tanlr cun tribute to ihe non inititutional atmoiphrre suddenly no pomera atwe the bathtub bring a ier up abort for here are luteal how to takr a hath with 15 inatruc lion and how to ahampoo your hair with 11 instructions th combined humour and tad nen provoked b these sirns bring home the realization tht this cost building la lnhalnte 1 by retirdrd chtldrrn while the vlaltlng offlnali were pleaaert with the design and appearance ot th luilitn the members of the north hal ton ass n and auiliar fur ur tarried children wrrr drllgli ted llert was the fruition of all their aiming tlir hake i fi tha rafmrs the unci tick eta the campaigns all bee 1 me wurthwhlte with the upmng of the achool george town onlurlo kovambar 64h 1062 dear sir u ah great inttrst i rcd th editorial comment in your unje ot novamber 1st partic uurly about tha aolution wturb you augat for tba ae pa rate ichoo queatlon your solution no doubt hsa the merit of being very aimple but i am air id that this 11 about the only good quality 1 in able to find 1 you slit that you would welcome a goveroment reaol ute enough to put iti foot down jnce and fur all- on thia whole sepirav school matter and make the public achuol symtm thr unly one entltlid io tz money hut how would you be amt- to take away the right of tin ontario hoiiuii c ihollr their denominational utilic school as foniulutk nilly gujr antied in the british sorth america art a tilm which v as a condition fir omaiio joining ttie confederation ltovinnslly ttn light wit guaranteed by the rnnni in schools act of ibm and thr iepiratr srhools art of lh3 ou may welcome a g vtn ment which aiiriply d a ilh comtltutionsl rights dst ing backing a hundred rrs nd more but i doubt whether this would be so slmplr lea are fulidlad it 1j tha ob- uiation of tha governuadt to finance it wbather it is or jew or irotataot for ihndu or roman catholic 3 im glad you would bend to the idea that if a church wished to fcitabuth its own schools ihli should b allow 4 prodding certain itandarda of fduction were uphf id how ever j cannot uaxlerwand where l r goyernintnt eoud find th ri to wlthold iu subaidy from a acboul which measurea up to these standards simply u cause tbia uhool li also ba scd on rtligloua principles 1 don t think i cm tee your logic when you would require these tchoola to be fully aub- s dtied by the churches par ei ts concerned sincerely your i kd ualison choose debafen to represent ihuhoo rj vfram kaaallal at 1lm waa that archie oid you know an estimated iv mx mm ors have tour 1 the cm of canada south imant pasenver car asemhl linn it haa in thr pavt eight uin a l king tour would taki ij to complete to visitors travrl by motnrlred train sunshine hool is offically opened 2 irrsonilly uu cannot r cept the idea that our scho 1 stem should be bdtrd on any 1 religioua concept this of course is ynur right although i doubt uhrthir such a ii1em la poimblc i hut thirr are many oilier ptoplt who p fmjiull cannot crept hi him that the eriu cation of their childnn of uhlrh the chool is a nec 1 ur and m o important part it net nurd on religious pnn clpli tht do not uant an a rthkioui or paian irhool ai d i is thi ir dnnocratic nkht which ht to be nptcitd by a demcratic gjermnent smre u will agne thjt it l the rikht of tht parrnis in ihe first pljie and not ot thr i goti rninent to deride in the nattir of education for thur childnn nnthrr you nor the gorrnmi nt has io force a s tern of education ant a school iystrm on children which the parenti do nut want this of courte does not mun that the gnvi rnment can i not srt up atandirda of trach ing and programs of initruc lion which havr to be met by any school hut as long as tractor accident critical injuries a five yaer eld llmheute district rsiditt was rushad to oaafatown kaapltsl in critical ccmdttlen tuaaday after kalne rvn ever by kls lathers trader word preta martin kaa aa at mr and mra cornelius casey au has improved sightly mia injuria or internal tnd the nature and seriousness of them are still undetermined he la undar constant ekter vatlen and feslt are atlll be ing made no banea are bee- ban mr bos a standard pro duct omployao ond pari- time farmer said ha waa plowing ot the back of his 4th line farm whan his small ton slipped from tha run ning board tha back who passed over him bafer mr boa could step the tractor mr bos carried tha bey about 0 halt mil te th farmhouse and than rushed him to hospital in his car th accident happened shortly oltr 1 oclock did you know m re than 400000 cars and trucks har bern built at the hukr awe mli plant of gtnrral wot ore o canada in oshawa the heltnoi junior farm re aiaodauoi have eelected ta public uau to rvpreeeal the commit is further tadapatliaeajs this pgrm wmm put bt at tall hlp protrmai fcpanaaew by tha ontario junior trfiiv aaulll in fsihlif speeliiex earb county aalaeta eau evie- igate to cottiwt u ptauae bpeaking cotapatiuoaj held el tha time w the 4saaj coe fere nee la january aswiiya wiuon of the norvaj cha wa selected aa halloas toc pub lic speaker liiaa wllaoa eut lined tn her eddra the vaitia of mowing match ihiif up lo tha roapetiueei tar bubv lie apeaklnj was joe lav u the uilton club la ku ai djeaa he outlined the naa d iw a realistic apprub to eactai segregation in addition ta a prepared ad dreu earb runteatant waa re quired to glva an ispratu speech on an assigned tapir llalton a debating taaaa la the intercounty caaptltlea was selected froa tha couaty lirbating coaipetbaa- yvu year kay uarthall end liars on hunter of the palermo club inj aducnne nurse and allen hruwimdg of the korval club uill make up the county teasm the lubjectof tha county rirbjtei end ihe first round in ihr provincial cumpetltioo u resolved that the county council ayatera of government is satisfactory judges lor the llalton coun ty public h pea king and deja ling torn petition were judge i k rlliott j k wbltelock and agricultural represenlat ive j a prancia in announcing the awards thr judges com p lime n i ad tha drbaleri and speakers on the if search they had given ta the subject udy darts bucouot imattally iimlulr 19 caoitiut indialno 1 r cktjuull it i c pout jill u sua yvkm 0 twt ctt hid bttcw wat uri g suddut ist wwkly drw mil ilkiuta slumin t kadv fo tui bugv davs ahcao with a ncw ksmakknt how ss t i a i ol tatfnb0av ttlat e yvttutioay only ruur 1730 permanent forojy 850 children s permanent kcuab tiaea forckjy 650 cll fo your apfio ntmen todiy ttmn rsmanbat high styumo haiicummo mfcuum iw t call t77tel1 pierre mauty cultut rurwrly louol kaum noiton and mn gor mltchol dauroomt in th iuw sunthin school on lnipt the pupils handiwork in one of the tha 7th line dart ladies take tourney honours a goeroatewn ladla dart team reached the fin als a georgetown doubloa kim copped th champion ship and two other local to dy targateers had high indi vidual scores at the ladlos dart tournament in kitch ener llghteen teams from all ever the aeuthern part of the province ton las tad the hen- aura in kitcheners army navy air perce club community furniture beet discount furniture la tha semifinal but lest the big ene te brantferd bluaa in the doublaa competition it waa mrs jim smmerten and mr roy rudlger suiting all the cempetltlbn end the high team scare waa reglsterad by mra i rubery of the goer getewn originals with 134 high point acerer in the ten cents e throw competi tion was mra m west and as if georgetown hadnt alraedy made a clean up mr harry botlerntwea the lucky draw good foods llll1iuibn freii kttra the very bast in tewnl rial italian fizza eat hene or take out pram 30c per serving business mens lunch onerous semnga from 7v scrm 1130 2 ooen from 4 jo a m the cottage inn craci t idna lucas 3i mjik ft 17 mil gay smart sitcw fashions i at the evelyn shoppe downtown olomctown hl k77iui times oitu- housecoats and dusters suai 8 to 14 498 chiidmns cozy warm pyjamas gbtts coats wjolt fur teiae suet 4 to 14 ycert 1395 to 2195 boys car coats suet 4 to 6k 895 to 1350 s 198 298 girls fiannhette pyjamas 8 269 boys and girls 2 p4rf sno suits 1195 13 this 4 thi senior room of tha iww retardetj children school which wai open to the public on the weekend the mirror by tha ilower it actually a oneway window from the principal oldw come i sound hear 5s h the 1963 clmrtone viscount model s25j s25j n katurrno latest design in builtin em stheo circuits to receive em stereo broadcasts clairtone has added builtin fm multiplen no adapter needed silent ltitening built in socket and switch- on on control panel for stereo earphones electronic balance indicator one yoar warranty on parts emi aluminum cone 11 spaelcers garrard automatic 4 ipeed record changer with diamond stylus available in two finishes oiled walnut and mahogany 3995 m if tide sales and s e r w i c e easyterms specializino in stereo high mdeutv t teuvtsion uvwsutahse trr3405 k

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