Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 22, 1962, p. 9

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economist for hydro show ytwrd u hydr sho- tinse liia barbara woadill btam efooomikt ob tha oourm hydros bjwaajtv sarvw fcufl will u tha festurad pejr- lotbiar in hydros showtime wbkh will be prewoled ia kwa ivesbylerian church hall id georgetown on wednaaday arfenln november iflih a 00 pja mie will da moni irate jid iputn the mmy features td a variety of electrical ai lianrea several pnui intlu ding lb fuud it mi rvprl will be kivw away during the twohour program hydro showtime demonstration aa unusual ug ehow la which the stars are rao- vra electrical sppuances vtll be held to georgetown an wednesday tvcnlnt no vember 2b t 8 00 pm hydro showtime sponsor ed by georgetown hydro- klectne commiaslon snd on tario hydro will be presen ted on that evening in knox presbyterian church hall georgetown under the sus pire of tha scotch block circle of the womrna as sociation of tha church during te tw4tur show the audience will be treat- id to i cooking and laund arlng demonstration a mo tion picture and a practical hxhdng demonstration they will have ehanca to txam lne major appliancfi die- played by local dealer dur ing the evening al tractive door prtiea consisting of mill electrical appliances will be drawn for at well aa tha food prepared by the kome economist a home economlit of on tarto hydroa llomemakrr service elatf um barbara woodalf will pretlde in tha demonstration kitchen aid ded by a variety of electri cal appliances the will pre pare antire meali on the- gpot she will alo demon strate an electric washer and dryer a ajraduat ef the univer sity of western ontario with bachelor of art difrre in tome economics mm wood all trained aa laboratory technician at the ontario hospital in woodjitock in addition to her ba detrree visa woodall obtained an a tci diploma in musical trinity college umdon for piano studies she is a mem ber of the kappa alpha theu aoronty her practical eiperlencr in- eludes conducting school pro- lrams in a large utility and organizing eooklnjr achooli and appliance promotion the evening program will include a graphic descrip tion of allelectric hiving in lha film meet xlrs swert- aon and a abort film atrip illustrating eleetrle homa beating dasmend t tlleaei ef on tario hydros sales division alaff will aa aa vaster of ceremonies he will intro duce the platform demon stration and explain the ad vantages of electrical living ilr tiuona business car eer has been devoted to tha recreation advertising and sales fields rrior to joining the ataff of ontario hydro twelve years ago he was res ponsible for the organlra- tlon and development of rec reational programs for em ployees of one of canadas largest retail and mail ord er companica ho waa an in fantry officer in the canadi an army and was later transferred to army educa- uoniukcrvlces with- the res ponsibility to implement aca demic hobby and general in formation courses for the troops mr til son la still active in recreational work in hit home town of burling ton where he manages to participate on the executive of minor hockey and hard ball leagues alio to pursue jils hobbles which include reading painting and amateur dramatics ratepayers answer mail bag letter 46 mala stmt n gaorsatowb ool nov itu lfteol tha editor th mail ha tur sir at the tie of dispuaslna tw uni bscs taw ludir we aoti ta word tweu id uw editorial w would like te lalu advaa- tae um atail ag tgral ua wiak of at l burni u luio -n- tt oi what has bai aaptebiaj to tkis aoea poahul lwa feiacd 1606 add tha adwtu of dlrx- ln viw f tha fct that ur bums baa bo a riai- danl of this lwa for eihr years it is indeed that by this uina ha abouid ba in rj j tha facts b must hava ba quit if ur burni has uo a uxpayr fdr tha past elgbt ysan ws sui that begat out his past tax papra apd one fwt will stand out cuar and urv and unlau he is ona of the favoured fw bis taxes should b nearly threa timea as murh as in ur burns atatts quutt a few individuals tried to rment tha town togetbar through the media of a sec ond newspaper carrtu ur rutfulthat stroud pa per was solely a propigan da shaat to brainwash mtr aata wuh is ata4w ifslf al va llhta dutal- ra tha faci that no tatters ara printed in tha laider utitwsa they come in lina with dalraa pv proves this point your letter la tka harald stks for on town de benture there arc many people ilk ourselves nt bajllulans who could point out soma farls in that mis leading statement inthelcs der as residents for many years in business in this town wa bnw that george town was never ihart af 90ed claan watr w well rem amber our slain slrert get ting a good washing down through its fire hydrants st a regular routin but by lofifl our headlines read thus na antra wafer kara mutt sk narlh saurca the socalled facts in lea der states that from 1033 to 1037 debentures for wa ter totalled w7fl bos under the heading debenture for other parts of georgetown i is our contention that these debentures for water were caused by whst hid by this time become our aatelllte town to the eat and should therefore be pla ccd under the heading of debentures for del rex wa note another glaring statement debentures for municipal building also un der the heading debentures for whole town tha facts ara mr burns our munici pal building was quite large enough in 1033 for thr whole town it needed ad ditions because of the sdded strain on lis fanlttirj due to excessive building which meant among other things mora efflca help and equip ment aatra pellce quarters ate yet this item was also placed under thr heading for town as a whole the sum was u200 an average of 552004 people were employed by general mo tors throughout the world in 1061 wanykd roads far ward thru you wi help by voting charlbs- mldebrandt tr y4ovl w notice thai your let ter waa addred to both papers but tt soon kmd its voica to what wa thought waa a personal attack on tb editor of tbo rfttrud and wa can only aurmiaa that this waa ai um butlxatlon ed tha adilor of tha leader which b qtnl id una wiu kit poucy as pr leader nw kaaaav atnstt was dewa to mlliioai dollaxs whila tha rwt oltne town wns tt tniilioa tw lca ts 0aaec cwsihi d wala im w ttw utt wa ww udw ttj omumd wid smi our urur tnay not find p proral with a tvw to cor- katown but um v tmamri- ty will back it 100pfeuu uany tuns hurtss tha put lw years wa hav de cided to strive no ntora la this issue but it bavolvva swutlpu as wll u our li ving snd we feel irapefled to oint oui tba ft urk not only for ourtjvi but fur hundreds of others who are home owners w note queitlon no 8 in leader re report d u a capacity of town sealer sup ply and sewsge trcstment wa uehvv we must be scraping the bottom of the wstir wells right now if tha rust in our water is any la dirstlon of the wster level again it would be a good idra to find out how many of our cltiieru have tha cour age to drlnlc our water tka u is subanlno- can any one imagine where we will get our water supply for an other 1 1b2 more homes and would old ceorgrtown he required to foot this bill sl in tha past georgetown sa lifted their council without too much thought as to whst it would mean in the way of tairs to them today it is alnuut becomes a life and death itrugifle againtr gree dy politicians and subdivid era but the fat are her fir those who have tha ca pability absarb tn and the fight to maintain a stable government is a fight for all caorfraiown not the so- called old part the words united we atand divided we fall was ner more true than for us today ln fortunately for ui this issue involves poll tics but there are princip les invulicd also if we do nothing lt defend ounehrs against tba invadars the aubditldrn then e don i deserve to keep that which we now have think it over in pawing judgrmrnt on our towniptoplc we with ou would bear this in mind thii u not the first subdlv lslon undertaking for mr helop if our mf irmation 11 correct on the other hand we in rnrjietnwn know lit tie of such business deals and consequently we eai 1 fooled by glowing pic turra painted hy del rex ve advie mr burnt to try a few randall taxparrt on further information on how thr firi d tha uttte dictator saysi this treibe should quit council why because thae threa elliott hunter and em mart on plus mr hyda were the stumbling blocks to delrex ambitions to take over our town wr are not t riling anyone how to vote common sense should lead each one to follow his conscience par- get their deer but wrong way tu wy b hm uik tu i hm tow y tm cu uik u4 kw wmii u cmwi rti mmtry u wk ml hwk vm- ku by tk m jua ymk cokctowm hskald tkurtamf hmnjf 21 ims pace s aa hwy tr u- mm hmy ol w tfc yim b h hi ml tkur urtk r uatinj ti 300 w md w ft ml tmmmmmr tw iui 4uuj m my v mma tk em wmrimm ouw mml k bum w dmrt ml kkawiji uui tk muu u u i ir mh t jh tulty iprlt pldjj ujl mim tz muth u uj sillo til ti in cvry 10 utoiilng lo cm lvu7 joori crurtuwo drumming up some brass mcmftlsts op thi gaorgatown cihiani band axiociatkon held trveir annual elect on of officers lait week and placed ttva above foursome in ilia lop office they are andy wndh the vcr president arvdy ritskas lacratary clyde stewart the prcudetit and vern mccumbar treasurer municipality of esquesing nomination meeting a atmtug ml tk munuliul kuiiirt tk yowpikip ml tfcquillhj will u km u kouiiino community hau sttwatnowh on monday november 26th 196 f 7 30 oclock in the evening for the puvpota of futftiitkimhj and dale for tiw office of kftvf wkjfy pllvt and councillops for the year 1963 and two mtniilxn of the school board of towmh p uvool area no i for tha year 1963 1964 k c lindsay iatumlnfl ohu thi mail bag pointed comment by political spokesman 31 hewson creic deorgetown nov 16 1062 the fditnr e4ritn llrrjld ler sir although we mine we havr alreaily sent uu a let ter fur publicathm to the people of georgetown we would like this aniwer to the leaders reernt kdltnri al ptibluhrd plesie we thought a tmikawas a human lcigh pulled by a horse or horses apparent ly dm u nut so if we are to brluve one local scribe he would have ui believe this applui to a ft uiome three some and could not possibly appl to any uf the remain ing memberi in prt lent coun cil who in the same vein could he aptlv described as a quacking quintet one such hai the dilemma of a little man with hit smoke flllrd ee he sees his sllhuiielte projertcd on a utrcrn of lrnmenurnhlc sie lli voirr wvnehrunued lo tn hjilm of a pinhrid in toxicatei him he hear a roar uhrre nthrrs hear onl a ikfiueik tut another hao ineptitude sn creat h dm h nut even smell the unplt axant immj exud inr from the ptilicv he con stantly advocalei he lives at council in intervals hut umiall subitdc again into the humus of his idea ty politics foday is to us dir ty buslnass wa aee intaraa- td enly 1n survival mr mildred tcnson mrs katharine cordaro logy and perhaps an idea will t born a big golden beautiful idea without a tongue nothing to crow about nothing and so we could go on in a like msnner applying si milar sdjectivea to the rem aimng three which would prove nothing to repeat such glowing detcnptlnns they do not wsrranl tb time and effort the ststements made by that local scribe ran le construed at malicious and naunous it is very obvious that the lines of political battle have been drawn tba factions of the vetted inter- esta have disclosed in their utual a smraring manner their willingness to apply an form of tactics to win yet they would have the people of ceorgelown believe they are for a harmonious council all pull together chaps type of relationship llogwaih are wf overly suiplcioui we dnl think to we are not the truiting souls of yes terday the people of geor getown have had enough of me too politicians bound aries created bv breed and per vn al gain magna nt po itlcal mind and general po litical quackery we suggest that thr com tng municipal flections will be the mott important in the hutory of georgeiown the existing conditions in pres ent council which will be a lrgacy to the new council would make a strongminded man recoil with fright we have strong men in coun cil two or three they need the assistance of other strong men and women they ob- vously will havr to be brand nkw candidates may we remind the people of ceorgetou n that it la their civic responsibility to dli gorge thr undetirable car nun rrprrveating local v st ed interest who ennttnur to fred on the taipavirs of the municipality of dcor town or would you ratio r go for another 1 nut a rnl say for a p nod of rh m n or twelve month bob hum is sunt rv our 1 un ic a roup haltoti nm demo cratir inu laymen conduct church service whlu rav kalvin john stan wat awtint vmli ui town i rimrmli ami rv ti on sunday aft rn m n ember 11th two nu titn r- f his st andn s i 1 congregation uhti ii 1 him at rlrn willium david bakar and i t grrrnaway me nlirr i f u official board took tin irriidon ervm in b ti i liams lulled liuuti i i a day your mionuk it a vmlwl of your personal aeliievemenl how nvrrtiablr it would be if m thr event of your daatlt jour tamil were forced to give up that home because thrv rmtm not aftonl to meet tlielnortpjge pavmeaita r ortunatck vott can pruvulr for just such an rvintualitv bv taking out a un life mortgage pro- trrtiiri iohcv nou i wilt 1 i lo ajvr you details and ihrrr will br no obligation on our part clarence kr0ll tr 66854 sun life assurance company of canada business directory w h t t proftillonit engtnetr a ontftrlo land surveyor 110 mountimir hd h grorcrlnw n ont trianclr 7mi rl phone til 7 1 100 donald a gay tutt thurt a stt fo appointment call tr 7j40i ceorcetown chiropractic 3 main strmt south from washing to drytntf from baking to toasting thoros a modern appronch that will noon havo you bonstinr from homo heating to lighting of ideas there are scores x to lighten your work and brighten your chorea bo euro to coo tho cnlightomng and onjoyablo demonstration- premntsd t hydro showtime a lively 2 hour auowoh c electrical ijcrfhfr at knox presbyterian church hall giokomrown wednesday evening nov 28th v at 800 pm hydro showtime is presented by the georgetown hydro electric commission and ontario hydro under the auspices of the scotch block circle of the womens association of the church ceorcctown animal clinic v ivitl dvm b foalman mrcvs 1041 gjrlph sin rl clinic open 7pm i p m mow wed fri sat afternoon 14 frank fitch ijcissin alctionkeii prompt rrtce po box 413 til 7 2a04 goorcelowb dale bennett latimer baines barrltur loluium douglas v lattukr teiience p badjxs trlancio 74311 23 mil sl goortttuwd lever hoskin chartered accountants 103 queen w flrampton glendale 1 50b3 44 victoria st toronto phone em 40131 barragers claanarsihlrt laorvdarart tr 7t179 ib main s 100 guelph all wark elana an premises for expert eyi care consult o t walker orculist prescriptions filled 12 main st s brampton cl i 4474 res gl 14343 hours 0 am 0 pm dally krulay 0am to 0 p m eveninns by appointment george c hewjor barrister irw talicltar 110 mount alnvlew rd 8 carre i al iluildinfl g corse town sulfa 5 tr 73311 printing of distinction letterheads envelopes statements j wedding invitations georgetown herald tk jjj0i robt r hamilton ro oplomftlrlll yci eximined rroscrlptiona filled 60 main sl n for ptmtlntitunt tk 7471 monuments pollock 1 campbbll designs on request itupect our work in gceanwuod cemetery fhonk u175m witer street north oait e l buchner od optonvalritt 181 guelph st scott cor lot wedneidiy evenlngt only by appoinlmant only tr 74081 wallacb thompson 3rd dlvltlen court clerk a commlulotkor tr7maj john d ord qc barrllttr n1 atleller ho xlountalnvlew ltd s cartctal nulldtni georffetown lulle 1 tr 7m frederick a helsop berrlltor end telleller 118 mountilnvlew rd s ctrreul dulldln georfifttown tulle 3 tr 7416 h e manderson qc barrltler and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 i t van sicbler ba barrlilar folulter nolew dr wullimi bldj m main s tr 74s3i

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