Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 6, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald byh i minifu ilhd 22 main slreat gorqlown onluio w c ibm unw page 4 thuftsoay dcmbb alh im3 editorial comment no particular problem lately there ha lcen much talk about old fstdnts 4 rd new resident and it implication that trieie a et oe mail bag attribute cell it berlin wall between trve older part of georgetown awj til eav tn ujbdiviiton ntii yer i pol tcsl climl hat js hm fomented icue of tvi talk whitri wit quite prevalent in live mdfifie wtn fa pjj expvannon hit sw ton but n ektminilton of tla fad make it appear i ridiculous end uriulified perhap both olfr nd newei re d ant ere somewhat lo mams it i fact that wrven a town grow a rapidly a georgetown hat in lev than a rjg year trie re mut be shift in ph i osophy georgetown w un y fifties wit town of 4 000odd popolat on wtbr everyone thouqh riot tnt soe in lance et leet knew wrvo everyone lie was thi can apply in e town up to five of six thouiand and then trie net phase comet when there ere loo many people for this to continue doe thi mean that georgetown mutt be en unfriendly place far from it bui it does mean that w chase e wil low the wivp if we try to perpetuate ihe tcue ttujr goorcjetown can ittji be one bg family irvere ere uit too many people for iliere ere itilt tome older isidntt wtto look hack with noifelgia on our una 1 1 town day uit like thote wfvo ere van men enijl about ove room country sxfiooh they are ent tied to ttieir dreamt end one can urulervtarui their feelmq but there ere newer resident too wlo becaue they have moved from e city tu a much smaller community are expecting lo 1 rid th v una 1 1 lowrt er whicti we have lot turcver tlveie too we can understand in fkmc that tt the problem if any mhc t arvd trie entwer it tlartlmg vimple many newer retidentt have found it for ttiemtelvet jon e tervice club or a lodge get involved in church activities be tr endly w th your ne ghbourt one can rto more expect to move to georgetown and immed ately be caught up in the itream of local i te than one could in larger placet like gulph or toronto it it a omatic that the larger the community ihe more effort it taket on a newcomer pari to become part or the community sugar and spice by bill smiley maj i kwt bd trojan dove advantages of bigger town certa nly georgetown hat be net med from if growth despite enyth ng wh ch mtght be teid to the contrary one hat only to look around to tee concrete advantage twenry yeart ago the town had an antiquated high tchool bu id ng wtlh m n mal equipment today we have one of the fmeit buildmgt in the province complete with rjymnatiurm cafeteria toence labt and much more e vocational w ng wh 0 will cater to young people whote ab i t et do not run to academic imet we have e twimmmg pool a msdcrn botpital e ymca organisation which can firsts in election thtt yeart municipal elect ont follow d vnew pattern end ettablithed a number ctf firitt it wil the firjt time unce incorporat on h a town in 192 that more than two men entered the mayoralty it was the firtt time a national pol heat party entered a local campaign when the ottawa 1 report lmonthlv oiuivations by d uaiiv hailly m k haiton iomega y look to erect ng tt own build ng in proved water and tewer tervtces georgetown had no tan tary cewer bef ore the war volunteer ambulance terv tee two new tervice clubt an improved pub- i c i brary new churchet nxxiern public tchoolt we coutd go on and on to thow th r gt a b gger town hat which would ne vcr have been pomble in the old dayt remember too that the th ngt one n fjht i ke about a imall town trte i know everyth ng about my ne ghbourt hat itt d advantage too one t private me it much more one t own in thit pretenl town of 10 000 than it wai ten yeart ago the government hat ntroduted a retout on for the organ ation nd maintenance of manpower contultat on terv ce tt t t to form an adv tory counc i on tnduttr al change and manpower adumrr t thr leg tlat on hofed to entourage cooper at on between government lalfour and managen e l ok lit tanrtol le allowed lo borve out of date n the ate o everct a g g n tnpower demand atd at a a brake on the igrowth and econom c progre t it t iron rd tt at ttep mutt le devrloied well m advance ol change to ttiat u r loyr nl n i n ov ng of mduttry be at a m n mum the retolut on patted and wc w ii awa t trio b i it e f to tee how ttte var out prop loteli not available now w ii acton pi th the wivhet ot the retolut on tiniufcht fonard critir m of partially change ha not hern the lr 1 th lhr c v rilm lf4 mm h furvanl lr tt final iloue ol twiimuni a akid it rl turn hr atd rra infi hrlorr roing to thr to appruve tntrnm wjppu v- he m ti nyri li uiuji but senitr the dela la hard to that l nrovii n of mom y f r r 1 n fhe opjumlinn un lrntand ai it wa hr uht tthe govrrrwnrnt to pa cat t mirmtrr prjkiria to forward ortkinalh at urgent al mi rung ran nrvrr twcaue of thr thalidomide af tutla for on month u w- js an ln mr hj f tj hl bern rrempht i pointed out that nine twelfths tial prairie arnierv lnl hecauve of upicion of the monr for the rar hj miht riinmhr eitint aside a of more drugi haing harmful been voted thu w without pern ntair of ibnr whrjl in rffrct howrxrr ihe totrrn romplrte timata ntiew in come rjrh ear to harr in mrnl won t anier our recjurui the house of t ommon all an ion from rrrdit alc of to brine thtr bill lo finahta nop endorted cand date and tuppor ted them w th advert ng and publicity it wat the first t me that car cavalcade loudtpeakcrt and radio addrette had been uted by local candidate to any great ex tent and it wai the brt time in our mem ory that an election wit taddoned by death in a candidate family circle paiiiei agreed to home leadrr grt tojit ii tr to work nut a trm that leguution could tx- ded up tke auttarlty prearam i hal thr government have pjrti pe uhrat lo lihnimii ut t hina tion jav a hnrt wh lr ao ihe o we ttill feel that trm bill trrmirn ha 1 made a pledcr dealing with rry detailed pro to i ikr thr full risk of rrrdit rational problem thould be rt mlef to omniunist china referred to a committee 1 district news at a glance buklingt6n a program of selective en iwement will be undertaken by the nurlmfiton police de partment early in january of hmo the term chief cututab- le kenneth skerret uiri uput tinfi manpower on the lreei wben there u the greatetl de ttund on police facihtiei the uujority of offencei in burl lttkton happen from i pm lo 12 midnight brampton two more u s f trim will locate in nramalcai ind ill trialpark they are the roote wire industrie of canada ltd antlbester canada ltd they are ihe second and third to join bramaleas industrial comp lex within twenty day caledon david hook caledon plum ber was declared heeve ofca iedon saturday when preient reeve and peel county ward en t w glassford withdrew from the race mr clatsford ha been on caledon council for is yean orangeville three men have been lodged in orangevllle jail following a raid sunday afternoon by rcmp and provincial police on asuh near there they seized aeveral thouund dollira worth of illicit liquor and the atlu which haj cap- city of 100 gallon per i da they alto took 14 barrels of main fircuj work started this week on another new industrial build inc in trrgus and it will e pushed to completion ai quirk iv as possible the buildinjf n being erected by hartley bar ton fergus contractor for as tociated mixed reed limited this is their fourth expansion in four years erin last friday night two frin homes were broken into and ransrkeif the thieves apparently lookiny for money ransacked through drawers and cup- board the victims could find nothina missing strcetsville homes on credit height or are in a perilous position if another landslide occurs two weks ago a large section or the cliff plummeted 125 fee dnun into the rrdit itivcr ta king along some large trees cooks vi ll many cooksville resid ents will be living in high vise apartments m the fu ture the cooksville re appraisal clears the way for construction of appro ximately ten times the number of apartment buil ding and mutiple hi dwellings which now it will unfreeu about je3 of the applications ow p ruling yokonto township a roman catholic high school for girls with a stud ent capacity of 300 la beinc planned by the felieian sis tetf on their mlaiiiuuga road property the school will be known ai the holy name of alary high school i a crest msnv people of course frel nuis as nrw drug tuspir t ft i that we thould not tra te at ions are arimnr that ue should water it was pointed out that all iti commumtt hina hou pas the hill immediateh and the government uss not carrs ever the voernment are con refer the whole question of ing out all the clauses umhr tiniunc to trade n nun stra drus lecislatinn to a the art particular in respect ti ne matrnsl urh as food special committee of the to thoie free from ta s of or the rill affecting the distn house of ommon to ei 1000 therefore the owrn tuition of samplrs and new amine thew problems in del ment was not carrtmg out its dms ami the prohibited ail and to brine forward the own legislation schedule h which e w re at necessarv law to protect the the agricultural eitimatai tempting to amend and got canadian people holy jsjmi milton a yrar crop several pieces of farm equipment and a few animals were deitroyed when fire level led thr driving shed and barn of tom ilamshaw of nn 2 milton tlob car ter who was baby itling at thr house jumped into a nearby- pond lo get his clothes wet then the 21 year old dashed into the flames and rescued 40 cattle md a dog tail gating can be fatal al low a car icncth between cars for every 10 miles per hour of speed one of a series its a bylaw i from tojvn record dating back to 1sa5 did you know thai if ju oior brinrjs a plastic pail full of qravel from the tide of the road into the back yard he is contravening a by law passed in i860 making it unlawful moval of sand or gravel of ither material from any street bylaw no 16 tinned by clerk r goddos and reeve j young reads as follows whereas it it necessary and expedient to prevent the re move of sand or gravel or other material from any of the public roads or streets thfh village of georgetown be il enacted by ihe corpor ation that from and after pasting of this bylaw any person or persons removing any sand gravel or other material from any roads or streets in ihe village of geor getown shall be liable to penalty of a turn not exceed ing 5 00 to be collected from the parly or parlies of fending before any justice ol the peace thi mail bag scores ndp stand on local land release late for nov 29th issue 4fi ueon r i dear mr hdiinr it l most unfortunate that thi sears election has disclo sed one more local group who have jumped onto our present bandwagon of political con trovemy oser land release i in a radio address from hratnpton lasti sunday the n presentative of the local ml group presented their slai of candidate for public approval it was clear thai official ml support is being given to the candidate on one bans alone that they are dedicated to wuaing any further releav l of lands lo delrex develop menta ltd in his address mr mill cumpsty said several times that their slates of candidate should have our support he cause we knew that they would refuse to betray the town to veehetd interests delrcx he want on to say that it automa tleally followed that those who refused lo consider releasing more land to delrex were good candidates and honorable men further that anyone who was not prepared to take this stand was not a good candidate and honorable men this of course it nonsenwc to those apparently few peo ple in town who are able la discus the question of land release without having a brain storm we have two noisy groups involved in this matter of land release one being no land re lease to delrex at any price group led by meurs hyde el liotl cordaro martyn and company the other hewg the lela be kind to dclren and give them the land group led by she leader ami spon uorril by the cfcmpany ivlrex i these two croup have bet wren them succeeded in so ihorouahlv eonfuslnj the lwi s with chsracter smears person at animosit and prejudice that the general public- has lit tie opportunity to find out whit is mils imolscd surd mini is not the onl voice in a third troup who are complete tick and tired of the biased claims and counter claims and who would like to see this matter put back into focus and dealt with in a mat ur ant adult fashion in ll 1 rtithusiastirall supported a move to halt un controlled land r least and to reexaminr thi hvlaw struc i lure tt up to protect the pro pies inlrrtsn whin 1 refused to maintain the militant view of thoe who see only hlack i ml white and refused to ded irate mvstlf to getting delrex out of deorgetown i was ac cused of being a traitor to the cause mr cumpsty and hi group appear to have been won over to one side of this question the side vmhirh says no land reloasc thi is fine provid ed the group has thoroughly investigated the problems loo ked into both tidcs ot the question and arrived at a sound logical conclusion on ihe oth er hand if the group is tak ing their aland as many oth ers hive and still are on the bahis of political expediency and anticipated votes then they are to the condemned the hlggekt objection to mr cumpstya contribution apart from further confusing the facts is on one point alone speaking with the voice of the ndp he said in effect that those who agree with us on this question land release are good and honorable men thotic who do not agree with us arc evil and dishonorable thiii is not only a denial of logic it is a dunlnl of the middle word of his party i the sew democratic party many canadians mvrlf in eluded are svmpathetir to much of the propoard irgisla tion and manv of the principal of the mx and would like to see a greater representation in provincial and federal par jliamentf our local group should take closer look at the principals and personalities on the local scene lhe will find some strange bedfellows including aeveral or their la ted candidate to wvttn the nih iv a dirtv wnrd when mr ormpstv canvas ses the school children or the town with a plea to parent to look after their children futurt this is going a bit far iet k keep ihe childrtn out of the murk which aptly descri bes our local political field furthermore it we are so con ccrned over the future of geor getown s children why are we so concerned over those who only want to sell their houses and move out thev will have no stake in the towns foture anywav ilegardlcjm or all this the ra dlo add re w will prolubly get votes for the slate of candid ates because it told the voters what man or them wanted to hear and that is good political practice it is because of my preference for the truth and my limitations as a practicing pol itician that i withdrew as a candidate for mayor r i cass acton preparation ot a municipal by law to govern the closing hours ojf retail businesses in acton was authorized attucs daj s council meeting a de legation of fifteen merchants attended the meeting to dis cuss the by law with council under it the merchants would have the same store hours as georgetown merchants with a monday closing a w h st j wik t w j fcr ur it u case about because of wy new winter outit la tha rl4w ovpartftutit had laa canada a last talduut ag airut lafuuoo kvr slar un tad of world war i i had un w siting for th pir of ba i rloung to ddp urk to a sa siu levcj to that i could buy an overcoat w tfcat t kuwait luj rrc 4u u vr r 4 tvraj ik 4 4mi uiu ilka tatu tl ui- wiu army kaj rfuj te sc wltrn i ram boat frtho ov nuit in ii i bad no overcoat- and my old air force treaeh coat was held together by will poer and a few diwrtt safe tr pm one day it fell apart i literal ly a largr lady who bad been tilting brude me on a urertrar gut up simi wal ke1 away with half my coat dancling from her puri which had caught ironr of lhr rents i uy isajlady rfy caa t irk rauua a wuwi k atj ka wittt kar lata kutataaut iwi mui vtt a ilufur ke j filuj it ut hkaly will wfl tt a five alktar wijue in tl i s4u u7 i baj rwi f small faawily u tkar with ma ttul it n nlct stur sa i wr it taaitlne aa lkh vry day were hall i that one wa swiped at a srw year rvr part it 1 the only time an thing good has happened to mr at onr of thikse affair lurkily a few dav later i met an old fling pal who ha 1 cone a bit a icon ohe and had two ovrrroatv i tot hi weond best for jam it lavtrd for a couplr of yran until we got a pup after th baast kad bean tkarauekly trairvad and kad ruined evary eld uankat in tka kavuse durinf tke prexess i ut klm tlae en my evarceal lust far an nikr until we ra uwdad sn mare kaxuina fr kim apcvarantty nakavdy had uld klm tkat k was ike- reufthly tralnad u last coat ai givrn to me b an unclr it juit look rd like omrhody s uncle ovrrroal and i juit looked like somebody unrle in it tka etkar day sick el uav falrte saedy i ksulad ttewn ska flat ef resistance and klad me t a ssh amparlum it did net kalp much ta dltxesfer tkat tkeae tambe raas knawn as mens vrtatt art abaut 3 1 times as muck tkay ware in i ms hnwrvrr i plunged the work imported latest stle nritlih tailoring the price stag gered me hut the modesty of my down payment rather stag gered the clerk then on some mad whim f picked up a hat an item ive never owned and clapped it on i lkj u mm tuf tw uu m tw hri- tmka t4 tua rw liwramij 7 w fru y w a hlij sscaawlw tk jy tk we ttw mm u s kmt wirb kke kr ki l tuj u vmmmv kii 0kwwlmi s wiate w4uvy j aad tiut kotf i raase to u luadiatf in uls art gallery la tka city oa saturday gsjing at tku uu oalalmf judie lousjy rorkmg a ut us tke kla isirhiajtka taouih thou- gktiully hquinuag cxtttuliy with tke kaad rorkj on one sld 1 figured that wat what btaa of duurtloo would 1m doing while be wsilrd lor his wif yka iilttfca ka tfu ttmt auj ku kw farims it ws via sau w tuj klm f ttfca it he waaw kw ta biw w y4 id a euoe krw yu kua fd pay cask pvluj aut lintal tuuk ttwtauuy tlluwj tkal ke kwaant 7it anj tkat my wile wsa ilutjiaaj twa 1t kkij i was it ill trying to convince i ber that i was intrrestad only in th remarkable tone of the painting when we ran into old john urivrt uadn t teen him since thr days wben lh mob used to arrive at our place with a rave of suds a salami a suitsr and a number of rid iculoui but refreshing idras lira a university profrsuir dow wkat did we talk akautr chj tkwvasr our takue laka- wsrlj ahalrat tka nav kaalt kas wrihant ha u kaa ajulrrls in kit attic ua and we saant a kseay and rali- im rw kaur lunch discusainaj maana allmtnatlna tka iwia krutas wirkaut kalne cruel an mtrrrating day and all because i bought tome new winlrr outrrwrar it lhr first lime my wife ha let mr go to the ctt in the winter for four year georgetown herald tukllskd by ruaae mewsatapera limited georgetown ontario waltar c bukn puhluher cahubj mcauvray production superintendent office staff terry llarley alleen bradley news editor accountant hyde parker advertising manager leslie clark dave llasungi bob tlaskcmlle mylea gilsoa member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario association beware of eshaust fumes in slow moving or halted traffic jams shut off heaters echoes from the paces of the herald 1961 1952 and 1937 1 yeai ago 9 there was a surprisingly small turnout of electors in georgetown monday usually when top offices are at stake voters have n extra impetus to exercise their fran chise but this year only 50 4 of the 5717 registered voters indicated their preference by marking ballots swelled by ib deer taken by a large hunting party in the magnetawan area georgetown and district men took part in hunts which accounted for 81 deer this yer 10 yeats ago 0 georgetowns new clerktreasurer and collector for tax andf water rates is john d kelly one of eight who applied for the ob mr kelly was hired by council on monday ross duncan superintendent of the georgetown division of provincial paper limited for four years has been promo ted to general superintendent he succeeded dr j i hoover manager here since 1948 aw ho becomes mana ger of the thorotd division 25 years ago a centuryold records of the first county council meeting on file el the courthouse reveals that any person who voluntarily leaves employment wasliable lo a all son- fence according to the records the first offense was committed in j 869 a man was found guilty of quitting his job and lockbd up a at the gregory theatre outlaws of the orient starring jack holt artists and models starring jack benny atd t martha rayo love frorti a stranger starring ann hard ing and basil rathbone ing and bsail rathbone a 33

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