Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 13, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 uun sbmt s- gwgw ontario w cmbmmu pach thursday december i3ih 1w2 editorial comment about mail bag letters 1 during th fcuclian partad th frtereld wi wall uppltd wtttt mail lug ulieri from idn sor ol tlwn wr itrong in ton ore o two had par ion i almns which n 00 opinion btird on libt and tfwi9 cit wa contftcud tha writ e pulrttrtq why w wr timuttryj pooni of vba lettf in til uui w pmid ih lemers save for h dutbont yhr was torw react nd w rec rvwd s uw phon calls obectirvq to th publication of rh iftlit from people on th otho ltd of th pojttcl laru to each w 4mpjind i w hav occti tonally don in vint that us do not hava to share the jrlaw of lettar wrilars any more than rae dors hava to thara our aditoial vtawi to put it on record again w ra not th arbitrator of opinions of our readers and w walcoma such opinions with tha proviio that thay itaap rhetr words frae of libal and within tha bounds of nood laiia whtl a nawipapar is a private busineis about land release th faalinn e upraised above hava had derfintt baanng on iha harald s editorial ertikxia in th lati half ckuart yean whan land rliw has been to vital a problem m gorotown th harald and its editor hava ban 6utad of bainrj prodel rex by fha ents and ntt dal rax by tha pros and both sides hav accused ut of fancantttng m our ap proach to tha controversy which of thata thr heads ms tha harald and what ts tha heralds pontion n tha midtt of a quest on which hat occupiad a urn porton of town council meetings for yrs and ban a conversation piece for ratepayers our answer 11 qui la timpla i hava triad to keep our haad amidst charges and counterharna which would last tha wisdom of a solomon and we hava triad to let n n man alected by our democratic process combine thair talantt to malta a maiority daemon without attemp ting to super mpos tha opinion of what it after all only one mora man in tha parson and can make lit own rulat it blonnt to joma xtnt to th public too an aditcr w baliova hat no right to bar axpoiiiom of opinion from raadart and aaail lisg tars ara an impclant fjtutjf ha waaltly tstua harald frdtorialt dl waavly w th a variety of subjects mostly local but occas lonally national wa try in hvasa to g va a pat on tha back to an individual 0 organi ration wa fl wothy of mantion wa ax prau conttructiva criticism about iopkl quattiont and tuqq which w as an d to fal would ba for iha batiarnnt ol tha community wa do not as do soma ad tort and toma nawspapart look on oursalves as a crusadar 0 a mould of publ op n on in tha sansa that wa hava omn potent powar to dictata to a commun ty and impreit our viawi on lit raitdantt wa traad a th n lina hara for wa raalna tha powar of the printtcord and ttta lognar ona works at an editor tha mora caraful ha bacomai in axprasting views which might unduly tway raadart of tha harald aditorial wniir following patting of a naw tubdivlt ion control byuw in lata l6l and a tub- 1 taquant agraamant okayad with anothah tubdividar wa advocatad a timilar naw agraamant barwaan tha town and dalraxl davalopmants witn prov tot for panalty j paymant for unfulfillad obligat ont and coniultalion w th ten or government tht year when counc i amended control bylaw we again tuggetted procedure this hat been the only recent r ad 1 tori at comment on land release which tha harald has made if council wn inllu enced by this to consult queen t park be fore ratifying a proposed new agreement than wa must share tha credit or blame for tha answer received perhaps tike most retidentt who try to ba impartial we war a little of all the haadt and if we veer to fencetittmg it ihoujd not be taken at weakneit but at a meant of allowing our selected councillors to decide without the pressures wh eh can ba forced upon tham by tha printed word off er torn maybe ttwy tkw can thai it take 79 eau wortli ol rubber off ltb nay aereck r- ibm to laetail mat ulu in twir car occupy two pr uaa apaeea block bwd laaevay wbaa tbay park driw witk arkin usbbj 01 wata 1140 krm ealud lot ftw uw rwivinrt buaiicbu k daaa cotaboa scum cycusts who rida ta a a bieyck ride twe abreast la trlfu ride tb wtokjj way bd a 6way alrwai tea at yti wba yoa aoond your bra ta m hmm kbbw yoyr ibart to iwy wvat ku46ly tura lata your bui ride a bike witbfeit usbu at tdebt dsttiad eaiaiu ape id nub bfeir trmfflf rfasa ta kjataj uunu stuat wava tbruii trtffl r- fuae ta ata at ulrciiaa biuk ridvi a tulosblle4 and trucki da act oby ubol atbli- tttusnaxtn wroatnii kcrou in croat of car wait lug to move jaywr fctaad aeveraj tool on tbe etreat wblu wliin co slfaaj ctaxt tocroa jj ltttersactioa r tb bas- br aismia rvfuaa to obey dont walk ujbu de fy deatb by wmlkinal oa tk trevclud bortloa ol a kirb- y wbca thri bwaly o tafr rootf on tbe kbflulder wajk fcuuu tba rumba tide ol tba biwy ea- hot be ui at biiht talk to a paliebua bu b s duttl trmllif forget tbat 1 cars brkta uu teltbt ot work tbu urn wbcb cutuoi buttons off a dtaca of clotb lida a tbia roeb utwtea button aad fb- rie aad uxp tbe tbradi witk it ruor echoes two out three doctors agree sugar and spice by bill smiley the th t napr jsnalml ivarvai jkftjal nerves jana ell tba way thrub th muomad meaftett praxadina chrlttmai day district news at a glance mramttom puni are beint made by tba cbiubar o commerce to ius ta annual flower festival in fertuplon beginning next tun mar the object of tha fesil val uy chamber directors wculd be to form the spot light on the many phases of ufa in drampton the propo- aed leauval would run three dsys the festival would pos- tjbly be atyleu after the si gantlc portland oreffon rom nttival chinguacousy an expectant mother reached hospital in time but only after the ear in which she was a passenger wai involved in a rearend collision on a township roid last sunday mrs bronisliw korban was be lng taken to reel uem ori el hospital hy her hus- band when their car wai atruek from behind in the fog people in the other ear received facial i ace r a tlong orangbvills a pick of wolvei is haras lng abeep owners here and lairt weekend their number wai reduead by one john coulter heard a commotion aetalda his farm home want out and turned on his auto lismft and surprised one of the pack standing m eat away hie two dogs a small mongrel and a german shepherd wove almost going wild he return ad to the houia lot hlarlite and dropped tba animal where tt taod ob tba ten of bob btsfhanan two muew away tt abaap ware killed by htm wed we use prevloua week with the unuiual weather and comparative lack of of snow lake belwood is almost completely frozen over with a surface like glass if temperatures stay down at night the lake will be one of the biggest and finest skating rtnka in the country about five milts long by a mile and e half wide rim a coroners jury recommen ded signing and marking of rural intersectons here la it wednesday after hearing evl drnce in a collision which re sulted in the death of mrs jchanne doupagne of lime house mo blame was assessed to the driver of either vehicle acton election fever hit more actnnlans this year than at any time since 1057 fifty four percent of the eligible voters cast their ballots at the polls in 1ft- 57 a3 percent went to the polls georse ttarbeau suc ceeded the retiring mayor john goy by defeating fd w4rd uicdonald poultry population totals half million hilton county bad a laying hen population of over 164 000 in lmi in addition there were another 100000 capons and pullets under 6 months of age added to this isapopul itlon of almost mo 000 chicks under 3 months of age for total populatlonr of mo 000 with 1 monetary value close to one half triilllon dollar this la itaelf ttopreunti a heavy investment on the part of hilton couutyj poultry pro uoer but it is only the bgln nlng nothu like temfart poultry to produce require eflndltlqni of comfort which would surprise tba average person their home must be insulated sometimes to m greater extent tbin their own ers tbe building must be vrn tllstad using power driven fsns in order to maintain a fresh atmosphere at thr ror ret temperature and humidi ty the owner must alw con slder tbe type and strength of construction and method of feeding and cleaning in laying ben operations the added chore of gsthrring clra nlng and packing egg lead to more investment automa tic gsthfrers wishers ami rr frigeration equipment are be coming commonplace on poul try farms tha poultry produ car today has an investmrnt of from four to six dollars per hen ind buildings snd equip ment of complicated nature producers saactallsts llalton county s producers ire ipeeisluti and in an ever changing industry they rely on their producer organisations commercial feed and equip ment suppliers and the ontarn dept of agrculture for ad vice and information tha ont dept of agncul hire through their llalton county office in uklton has plana avillible for building and equipment layout as well as personnel to advise on nr construction remodelling and ventllition dlnf ne racelvino cards it 1 lh ana lima of year wben 1 pay any kaetl ta aid frlandij and relations i dig p be addresses af eld bent pilots in australia india and laulh af rka snd sand tnm cant in if people tried to go at thr which i triple my income the iinif r ip during the rnt of accomplishments of my bids the nr ai they do in the few and my state af hafctth tkey week bejore hrutmat the d tka same tk liars world ytdulrt soon be populate i 1 a race of ildel twitch and hcn the csrd romc lng miniars lrn mental con in i read rirr one ror one itilutmns attuned to an era of thing us thr only way i find guided missiles in the hands of i out that my two brothers are miikulded mortal rouldn t alive where they are and stand thai parr much longer how minj children thry have itt i heard one was in bur- mover mind cnapa war in ope thr other in the ueit in tha home stretch only another dies thru wies send ranis few days af christmas cards cancerts carols and crenber our first card this year waa rlas christmas paaasnts pud a punier it was postmarked dings and partlat christmas belfast ireland and address- trees turkeys and tinsel and we d mr and mrs tmylle 70 can ne back te belnf realistic bay k ontario canada selfish slabs we are tho rest of there aint na such place but tha year it arrived here inside it read to oreta alex end family ror kids the prrchrutmas em kay end david we did wihkdink is juit dsnd there nat knew a saul on either and are letters to he writtrn to s af the treating but it was a clans there are chriilmaji con nice card tha address waa ecru al which to be miracul there se my wife will probably ouil and temporally tramfor send them one nest year and mrnl from small dewla to small ve ii keep exchanglne ler angels there arc glass halls years to he hattcrcd while wr re dec oratinii the tree tucre are pa to balance out my pleasure ckajs rumling mjsteriousl to in thr cards is my homicidal lw rippnl open in draarr anirbalrcl of the erection of the chisel irre this is one time of the jcar when my family sees the for tho elderly tea the heart lit the house in his true people we can do without dluvklls who tailgate et any speed but particular 1 it 00 mph on a highway refuse to signal before they turn signal a turn after the ve started it unve astraddle the white line take up both lanes while waiting a chanrr to turn park thetr delivery trucks in the travelled por tion of the street even though there s an empty parking space at the curb- unload cases of drinks from trucks smack in the middle of traffic turn irft from a right hand lane or right from a left hand lane get cut of their cars on the trsf fie side then glsre daggrrs at you when you sound your horn to let them know ou almost killed thrm edfe their cars gradually into an intersection while awaiting the red to turn green screech their tires an ataktv pfwil rb pt wl ttw rwu 1m1 153 w ws7 1 va8 ago 0 local service stations ere wsq rg a gas war and at writ- trnrj time gat prices bad oippad lo 36 9c par gallon g rage prop eiors surveyed ssd tbai nobody made monay on tha deal but becauta of tba increasa in volume of business nobody lost the soon trt is over iha batiar was tker collective opn on 9 long distance telephone charges batwaen acloo and gaorgatown were al mmated coincid ng with tha intro duction of d al phones in acton as e rtu1t acton and georgetown enchengos ere now local ones and each may ba dialed direct from tha other by bell customers 10 yeats ago aa two rock wood youth died in the bla ng wreckage of a car on s lvercreek hill early sunday morning two mllas wast of hare tha double fatal ty occurred shorlly bafora 3 30 a m a passing motorist saw the car ablea at tit roadside and a call was put in to the fira department a with tentat ve epproval rece ved from f ve municipal 1 t c for a s3s0 000 bu id ng program north mellon high j school d itr ct board heard at the r meet ng thursdey n ght in stewarttown that the mun cipal board has also i g wen the goaheed s gnal or detenlure issues by geor getown acton and m iton to cover the cost of schools i 35 years ago 0 after iwimm ng m nearly every r ver from here to ven- couver knltor hek m an the human seal blew into iha herald off ce ih s morn ng and announced h s inten- t ons o tak ng e d p m the cy waters of the crod t r ver on sunday afternoon al the paper m ii dam k r kor is one of the armen an boys who made h s homa for a number of years in georgetown he 11 g ve 125 to anyone who can stay in tha cy water as long as ha can aa four bond houses tendered for georgetown s issue of su boo debentures carry ng 3 and every one of them quoted above par they were sow for 101 487 wh ch is indeed very grt ty ng it is a great thing to iva m a good town business directory w a c a st rvokularul iftalnear ortterte laavd urvvr 116 mounts in view rd s gaorgatown out ttllsngle 7j111 ras pbona tr- 7moo donald a oay yu- thurs lal for appointment call y 7wot ciorcitowm chiropracyic 3 main strae tauth 6eorotown herald pobllsbaj by rlama naarsssapan umltad gaorgatown ontario e walbw c blahn publisher oahuid mcollvray production superintendent office sub terry liar ley ajlaan bradley news editor accountant w hyde parker advertising manager leslie clark dave i luting bob bukervltla uylei gils on member ol tha canadian weekly newspapers association and tha ontario association christmas season brings excite ment there is the seund af corals ta bring back memories af rich eaod times in the past there are lights ond decorations ta put a solasttof color into tha drab grey ol endless days and there is e little extra warmth end humanity abroad to make people pay soma attention ta the aid talk for a change mul for everybody in the so called prime of life it tems that christmas or 11 least thr couple of weeks before the big day has become an orgy of shopping mailing screaming scrsmbling and worrying that produces little but tension tir edness and tears hsperiilly am ong the women 1iiy isn t if like mast man im about 050 an christmas at tlmas im strongly in favour af tba whole business at others viol antly apposed knowing that it pule ma in dabt every year until about tba following june im pretty balllgaranr about 11 ill around tba first af decem ber i put my foot dawn i state flatly that wa ara oelng to cut dawn an everything cards gifts and especially stuff for tna kids but by the week before christ mis im running around like the rest of the lunatics bribblng acriggly trees snit ching tough turkeys planning impossible parties holding whli pared conversation with tha old girl ind throwing money around like one of tho newly el acted presidents of a new afrl ean state t ona aspect af christmas that i thoroughly eney is tha tan oiorosttowm animal clinic v zavlh ovm ft peatman mrcve 106 gielph street clinic open 7pm 0 pm mon wbd fri tat afternoon 19 colours or hfsrs him rather if ou can hear hlue because 1 insist that the living room be cleared of women and children before i start then it is that thetr come back to me ihflse fine rolling mouth filling sst isfunk eltlc oaths my dad used to use whrn he was down cellar fining the furnace ind thovirht my mother couldn t hear him 15n increase in employment total during november 31a pars ans were placed in employ ment by the national employ ment service en increase af 15 per cent ever tha number placed during tbe same month last year althauoh more ebs were found during the month than a year earlier the number of- parsons registered far work increased aver the and af oc tober u by 137 it la quite normal te record an increase in tk number registered far work at this time af year however it is significant ta note that tba number af pea- pie registered far werfc rem ains lower than tba previous year at ik and of nov 1963 there ware 933 paraens registered far work as com pared wltb 10 jo ana year ago another interesting fectev is that during thalast waak af november 1941 thara ware 331 claims for benaflt filed in tba brimgdan off ice during tha same weak this yer only 151 clilnsiwara filed 1 rlaa of 173 tha brampton employment office sarvaa chlnguacousy celadon all af dufferln coun ty pirt of baqufeslngi township including oocioelowrt iftan lever hoskin charterad accountants 103 queen w brampton gundale 1ms 44 vletorii su toronto phone em 44131 barragers cuiursmrt luwhrm th 7m7 18 main s 1m guelph alt wwk tutw on pmnlui wallaci thompson 3rd dmilfth court curfc a cmmlulnr tr7hu monuments pollock ft cammkll designs on reouest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni uintv wiler 8umt north salt prank pitch licensed aucti0ntei1 prompt servim po b01 413 tr 7jss4 gwrjetown dale bennett latimer baines rrllur siumw douglas v latiues terevcl r bapjkt trihfla 73m1 23 ulll sl cmrfetovn pok ixp1kt iyi car coniult o t walker occulltt nreicrlptioni tiled it uln st s brtmpton gl 1 4474 rn gl 18343 houn sim 6 pm diilj frldej 0 a to p ra evanlnii lj ippolntmint robt r hamilton no optomirrltt eyu estmlned preicrlptloni filled 80 uiin sl n far appalfthwant tr 74971 e l buchner o d oplomalrlit 181 gueiphst scott car lot wadnatday evanlno only by appolntmor only tr 74081 printing op distinction envelotes statements wedding invitations qeoitjetown herald rk ii george c hewson barrumr aiul talultar 118 uountainvlew rd s catretal bulldind georcelown suit i tr 7411 john d ord qc barrlttar and salicttar 118 uountilnvlew rd s carretal bulldind georsetown lulea 1 tr 74ki frederick a helsor barrlttar and sallellar 118 uountainvlew rd b carrolal gulldlng georsatovn sulu 3 tr 74mt m e msndersod qc barrlttar anct solicitor ol mill st gaorgatown tr 72444 t van sickler bjl itarwlfar talkltor notarv dr wuuaul bldlj s8 ualn s tb ttssi r

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