Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 31, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald pubthlwd by hm hmwiffn imm 22 main stret georgetown ontario w c iuhn pumlihn how to go in snow thursday january 31st 1943 editorial comment seek unified phoiwrate uhiforrppion rateslo the north end oihattancaorsty it tfiov disaus3ibr by u6ah halton urban boatcl w en our opinion ft wcjuld be gooci ttvnjj for the miliorv acton georgetown area is dosely allied geographically and tsc onomcally and a large numbur of resident woajld benefit by elimination of toll charge tlire is a decided trend al mcreas ng toll bee areas by the bell telephone conv pany georgetossn tor instance now has free jiei 1 al ng to anon lo huttonvhle phone progress rapid progress m telephone serv ce n is bee i i dp i n georgetown only ten years ago local phones wen ericed from a mam street office holr lt 5 io si 00 s lie lot hon ai a js t nnojrd nun led by a veil trained i iff ol mrs ne i tii to i tl telepnones ee i e i resol o i y enuiigh for one lifeline and and snefgrove jrtd victoria- addition of milton and jefw would hs of farther feerfidfrt fo irtdividuali and merchants and wduld be well received by i maprity of phcjne custevtiers rovtpmg tpeaddffd cojt was no inxceaitve t it is within the realms of possibility that georgetown may also be included in a metro toronto area at some future date last week the bell company announced long range plans which will bring slreetwdle mallon and woodbndge into the greater toronto call ng area and toe ihwne right of offi you never knew what uu going to get precip sets travel back 100 years happened litre was no h n of caller tna wis sntn t o lor an hour iht i l ilive d al g today ri tptc t is bu w ii be at nome f you tall a bfl la e pa i ol our phone ierv t no ai i tel t one party hm mg ip change is not a 1 idvim oje who was tall ng localizing buy at home no one will dispute the mechanical perfecrion of rhe machinery wheh now la kes the place ol liunid s in a building con ttructed on the s te ot the old fusion home farmer up wan street when spinning wheels are gong nowhere get a horse thai- but those who remember still m sj he hello g rls who bes has connecting calls ajed as wea her en i re alarms and hock 1 ey stalislk a ii aid no mach ne can tell hat this ds rtlid f i vel may not be what you would expect in a et age it gets h in and h load ol log s that counts herald pnotographer peter jones snapped ih hum is h y weistd a iu district news at a glance i ie onar o govei y itdhome tnesc la local product when they hq n a ptjple r oakville jugar spice by bill smiley j i i fro t o p o iujs i e i e c t n ore jobs will be an i g tun oe ei a iganti p i nber a i e dp it i u a i i li j at pal ty ho mo 1 incrcnants ba e e i bi y i j v en poss ble and stock pi ax pro duitj prcjjej it bn in and sto e seeds packeted by the doni n on 5ced hou socks mflnnfactured in the beai mm 1 kn it ng p d i t n e on only a fe and how many res dents choose rue i georgetown pa i i i 1 he e e hi he gcvi m ent tn i rr isade r e i o t i mplesi and n os u it i jibil f and f a tri lejir an was not h r d 1 i a y he wo j d eenio i ly be out ot bus l es an a trade i i irom another o would then have to he hired th s wo i n ca i he customer would have to pay n i n for ro the serv e rost wnulcf lit ad it i ai allowance for transports on and travel t e look i tak it alt back i all i can daduca is lhat eith didn maan a word of it im ar soma body up thart hit no i lorry i apologlia ill navar iy lanta ol humour or that tha it arjiln at long ai 1 llva truly lord it on my tida i m not i maan that part about low qulto lure which but it will be ing mow a long time before i try getting flippant about tha weather ag this ive oapariancad wai aton churchill ona time france wt wera warn very impcrlanl parton n villi our wing which wai f diwndrkat fighter bom from a field in normandy anaored plfurod torn crummy air commai who would fry to convince that our young juicy f uvea wtro fair oxchanja jwma vaguo crap labeled dom or democracy or ht andlowdna jsoneihtluas we spitted jwlished and curcd on mg dav we were drawn u a holjow square on fhe ft iptloti silk cres iicr exit jlsdi for shirti jatt tie fl ooot8 fot polished shoes b heads tor caps at thv rght an tmrds for fvvhsvtft a joneer in fccoitother lit twrrnr uhcre thej i jwell should tit in a democrtt i a hhir plana hopood tha m lost hadgo 4 buttarflyad into the aquara tha motor waa ut a rrfasawa flgsira relher ion old laallon struggled o tha rear cockpit and itox i tha wing we dldn t no iuttlng cigar to tall ut wh was he grinned ill swaa h oyas twinkled as he lookai i j thtn he lifted hn rifiht arm ia though to make the vmx iritead he made a rude ijr e tfien fjcckfincd thp t r wfelv in he rear w re would he offendn liy their cht ip uniform and lnw pdv could lakt a hint t luy have one wild ctuir antl rin itward the p4ene so help me iseseral offictr m itit nt tha only cheering note warank u the htdlow tidri i f lim hjtl tlii iuik was hlltritriniplerl o ditp into tht in id from ir umtr inlaw who iniif norm mdj hi wennt i n d nur u in imiuo old miu tr da ll iwt ij itld im rto riwi in lit uiir that ii tha old man with the great i i j i t r i tiuil inm tile heart who should have been ilt tin sic tiii ir lately at home in england not i ii i dodging about the airflaldt of france in a tiny unarmed air to top it all tha inspector it craft gave us five minute of cominq to the school this weak tha tamout churchill an p oe th event causes roughly tha nci the kind youll find in the same panic among school lea history books i m afraid mora chert t an announcement that like the kind julius caesar ited printer margaret would ba ar la give his legions roars of da ound for tea on friday would light entwered him cauie among a bs0 of home- jv i tirv lowri i i jhjugh ihe mode of ira i net- ti s going and mats all nsh p i ne neat here fron i lh i i 1 1 burlington rn aln a in iliitutiki mu fin pi mil lull dinl il shell at lli hi n it h 1irks iiiiin it n i j it nuk t t il t it in i ml h stiudilli th pinion it l ti nei rl fur t jiri i i i n point fur tin i i i i ah ill fit lun 1 wirt ii i it tf the ottawa report bimonthly observations by dr harry harley m p cor halton milton a road thai lead from llnht is i lo s mini n hi sin dnvi hi r tnuk up iht ru wire if a hid h poh tin lrinl whtels the rausi ol the ham fin f it rt six uv off he i i win i akek ut son iwo nmund and mr stnimin i nk- u x si ii h i in hurl h nl to he hsclmfa v tliiiini in th lulprd down h a pung m im liri d pulmit i it is nutonsl nil rniilirtiiiif ai musiuf t m into iht mix of im ii u ithai hvtlled the lare lurn k i ilrampltin his hinjbht itself liril 11 vlmlne hors ar 1 a i 11 course if a rounril ap lrl j rived purdinst nff r m ilui mil im i i il h n a o phi old ii is i iv n i s i r ii i iui i hi dm ii i i t hit t i lit a r al s kuki 1 nu of i rs hntiirts are pi il for 1 tull hi use f r ih i riirr m llit town dt i i it remmdt ma of the alarm a l hdl and datpondancy that used to anc slmkint conmhd p- take over al any camp during ln nnr h fruk tha war when it wai laarrsad k rll n l thtl a senior officer would ba slcl n nnf 1 n tt makng an impaction of tha f cil iui m i h hi camp everybody knew perfect p d ly well thai tha old trout would merely lottar around tha camp inspect a guard of honour and head for ihe officers mass to mantam lhat purplish complai ion ha had taken to many yean georgetown herald pdbliihad by home newipapari limited georaeiow onjr c hit ihe s in irldil was alwass he n il be one ol those actiull wanted io i alhkil to in sirs i r ranks intad o nffirers oer their i waltai pudl c bie garfield mccih production s ipef r brampton k s program hililu 1 hs the sisit 1 m r lilt itmklt it iliil i t in i ions anil uliut n ih r tun -pott- i st nt ir hi tsnnnj nl i h i- off ce sufi r terry hirley ai ecn bra i and s eaks or one of ncw et aecouvait rms whoarliialls drew a 11 s almi tha window k ni for dust or one ol adsertiiinj mirier fiends who ictmlh he leslie clark dave hail llui snilur or airmen oob biskcnille ms ei g s hm iskt ilu- ii htm t of ho the house ot commons hat reopontd the two first days of tha session have baen devoted to ih national economic development board this resolution is being debated at pretent it hat been pointed out that of all these boards are part time appointment only with tha excep tion of ihe chairman of tha national economic development board it would appear therefore that thit doetn i appear to be a tariout approach to the curt of economic problem of canada which all r trt pretent tha remainder of the members are part time only this has been called cocktail planning thai it planning at tomtthing tha members of ihe boards do after they are finished their normal work on thursday ird fr i kmieral l rm a i m i t niiu the prime mm hit d ih it e ill sipo j v t imv j id of the fd 1 im j it v for parlnmenl rud until idle fail uod f ijiim rttiis could h t tin rud at we suk uie lis rl 1 i trial i inv prune fiiiul nig tn nlckuard the expt n tt w hi hliin f your mooe and it i ar mnh 11 u 1 noiud in uf we did s j i ii i ai ds in in it piss n inllm d i r nt xp ii hlur s n ml hjs m hi i il jrh m i nlir prai i i mil int jn 1 how rli t xpav i i iilh j i fr iii w h tn a sunn hill r- merry menagerie lax doll irs are ajxiit wist ly by wall ditiwy immtd i ils to nu i i t our jlit rtt dt ii jmiiis 1 hi and our cnarjui corn m tint of uc wou 1 work out ow defense policy fur cana da i pili more in kunim with our stinlkm as a middle pcact ful powir wo rrrsrtt continue hot efforts mr clarkson ihiiisa sam member ol the lanij week s ewipapers 1 if most did a murine wire act with her pun i tnuk hsi i- nth iravi hunt mi it i s 1 2s m echoes from the pages of tha herald february 1953 and 1938 10 years ago g a iei i sa ei sa i p es take i us t t mi m n n u ts el ilia geo go cn isn s is t i n i msyoi amist ong ad liiecejini lee 1 o i i town tifll the sater si pp y m g t n t t i r 1 mil l ami o her illnesses ppvai- vi p e i i ii h the fepoi in uli sqieih any su r f isvo new bifti iesses w ii be open ng sioi lej fir f ins estal shei leo s lectr t bersi e o i s oi ke i ol pori ged t w ii re ope i fikl i shee oeoitjetow i sv ses had an opportunty to n e pi i s v hrsrti the i hushands work a mdustr es nu seek cnarnber ot commerce off c th designaird th s ank beorqetortti industrial week and ihe mapr hid i tr es 0ie ierl the doors fo the workers w ves and n rest tlie qc leral publ c some of he huslands d r t tke too k idly o the mlrus on ty ss ves s c tint r old omuse lhat lliey svork too hard to help sa h ihe supper d shes no longer holds water n many cases 35 yiars ago san- el harr beaut lul mbers of r son was presented w ck by members and e kno ctuir h sunday school lor h s u thful sers- es as ej1 f stpotisiandem for thtflil 27 eoi m marory hi n er read the adlress and m ss mn y watson mihe t pt pleflse c0ntine y00bself to ch0psiicks about 10 30 on sunday n ght th eves boke mio will am ftptsm sh s garage at noivnl and got away w h s7 i cash a couple ol boys pass nq no e ihe qflrng- d n open and not ed mr beam h who d smvereri ihe money had been stolen ch el marshall ol georgetown is invest gat r g a large crowd aiiended ihe dance held last fr day nigh m the arena under the auspices of the georgetown sla lorn club the music for the evening was suooled bv the georqetown high school orchestra under the leader si p i mr paul flarler winning pnes were m ss fin i e uaijijrd and miss peggy majare the host s ei were mrs c h batber mis j a cily mrs r paul and mr f d mcnally

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