Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 14, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald piibllshwi by hmm nfp tfailm 22 main strml gwngtown ontario w c 1uhn pumtatw thursday ftbruary 14 1963 editorial comment municipal income tax municipal government functions have changed radially in the past two decade but the basts- ot taxation has tagged far be- iiind j originally land owvoersfup wa- fair jy sound baifs for acquiring the necessary la revnjje for municipal functions such ai fire protection and road maintenance suoh functions were elementary and amounted to little from one taxpayer s pocketbook when a public education system was adopted it was the first maor cost imposa ed on pioperly owner and white senior government has stepped into this field with subsidies it still accounts for a large por tion of he local tax dollar as ontario s standard of living increa sed town residents asked and were gran ted more and more services by their muni cipal councils road maintenance advanced from elementary dirt roads which needed only gradmgnow and then for horsedrawn traffic to today s hard surfacing better pol ice and fire protection was provided sewer and waterworks systems were moderniz ed payment for councillors and associated boards became the rule towns began pro viding such services as municipal arenas and swimming pools long way from brotherhood increasing pressures are noted on the ontario government to increase grants to roman catholic separate schools we have not changed our opinion ex pressed editorially last fall and in fact the more we read about the current demand for equal grants to such schools the more we th nk the time has come to end the pro blem once and for all wth a complete break which would have only public schools rece ve public tax money we will not argue the point that rom an catholics should not be entitled to have their own privately financed schools the same as anyather rel qious group though we are personally opposed to this religious division too but we w ii strongly argue that no public money should be used for this pur pose and if it is any religious group should be extended the same privilege picture a s tuation in which this might happen and it becomii somewhat ridicul ous conce vably georgetown might end more should belong we sat in on a jaycee meeting last week sat in we say because by jay cee standards we are over the hill in mem bership qual dcations and young at heart doesn count m th i junior chamber group which uses the calendar as its yardstick what surprised us was that as of last vveek only twenty of the under 40 group have affiliated n th an organization which to us combines the best features of service club work with a self improvement plan for young men basicaly the juno r chamber of com merce is most nterested m the latter edit05s should gitflrd k ootdflung by hews events today we find municipalities particu larly m growing areas like ours saddled with heavy ptqpefly taxes despite fonly generous provihciaf and federal subsidies and unlessthe tax basis a changed bjeie iv no substantial relief m tfgfil in future wbaf could replace it it conws 10 fnind that perhaps some ser- tous thought should be given fo using the same revenue basis as senior governments use the income tax if a town spends so many dollars a year the money must come from some i where and it seems to ui that income is as fair a basis as any on which to assess pay ments for these costs it does not follow that the land owner is the moneyed man in a community to the contrary many of or senior alliens are numbered among those who own their pro parties acquired from a lifetime of saving and the yearly taxes are often crippling to people who have scrimped and saved for years to pay for their houses a municipal income tax would be fairly easy to administer government machinery is already set up to impose and collect such tax and it could well be remitted m this way and rebated later to municipals es sugar and spice by bill smile some days you just cunt win game warden speaks his piece up with a multiplicity of elementary schools with each church promoting its own educa tional system educational standards would suffer and more important community life would lake a backward step it is vitally important we bel eve for our youngsters to freely associate w th young people of all creeds imposing adult controlled barriers to such associations by school division is one step in segregating youngsters by rel g on in a smaller but gust as important way i wo have seen the local boy scout and girl guide organization gradually become too closely allied w th church denommal ons i if th s keeps on we may someday see religion used as a a tenon for service clubs too if religion is to divide us m local edu cation and in boys and girls clubs we seem to be a long way from that internal lonal brotherhood for which humans are supposedly stnv ng today where race and colour are added elements with which to contend h radio tars and tracking duwn jiid c ill hint poai tiers tmwttiou- had inlined from a uir for all funm i of illtvil hunting and fislmik i it ij tut hurt has lit u t ime i inkn jackllghting illegal 1 1 uklijii ui li i inijf of dur lv ii hin in imijii u hot mil v ill l tmt hhmmm maul ki ill til llltmllil 111 i dm vv i it iflm 1 tin hunter ti 1- iwo ms iii till iikhl tvmi ir i iti f iti niiri hrl w li i in ilu t it mjii in i jiklikur i in i vjl fr jiklillnmi md in 1 til v v u mi i i hi ii nf m i t hut st ii fine ii htlt n lountv lor urn off uu in nt ii light hill jm1 uii in vimuin fun l 51111 hunlh muimrdh ruunitli for some reason valentine day brings out the wot in me the idea ol havinj a epeml day for expressions of love appeals to me but not in the middle of a canadian february at this time af year i cenj hardly stand myaajh l ajtne my lf ny nelhbeur wit nd vkrtaw oth popk im svpitowd ta tov kthna thta in flttnd fmrtutnjrau will uuia iht minify ntlramantli j ton of th feilovftris notbina ctisconcera a irwr an quite as much the- sug- ijeilion that she isnotthe un gerstothebone tpe of iorlr er she claim to be and thati a big statthuenl because an awul lot of things disconcert a woman troubu it moit mtn iwallow thtt legend thay come from wrk with thlr tails dragaing and brly havt their coati off whan th reci tal starts thay react in varl au ways to tha avalanche that iowa from mum en everything iht did from th tlm iht pot out ol bod thli morning j one of the must widely usedi methods of retaining unit is to paste an interested look on miur fait go right on eallng mnr dinner mid emit a reper tone of small sounds indicil i mi uuruhilnv approval and sjmj uli dinnniidiuid b pojipinfi the eis if jour mouthl in full uagitmg jour head from time lo time and shrugging uur ahuuhitrs at the oppor i tnnei niotneiil i hii gel you lliruiigh ihe inul then she sd3 li do j on never talk pun uir ml ii kid hp jirhlihht m nit ik- it nf l hi ii during him- iwants open season on deer hilton i mi t rler huntiiik kohit it i for instance the club is usl conclud ing a public speak ng course club meet igs are conducted m rotation lo allow ev ery member the chance lo preside and use his speaking tram ng in a praciical way i r m d i i tin at the meeting we attended there was hem iskmi fir i a talk and discuss on on parliamentary pro cedure and an announcement was made a- i n mi i tin that a course m bus ness lettfr wnlinq is 1h w l ui ill ill till iii i the next instructional aid to members 1 there must be dozens of other young an in struii lm men in the district who would like to prof t 1 l from the facilities which the jaycees offer j fruit trae we advise you to look into what the club vu ri has to offer jlh f s k may infect cattle id tin n r in i ill uu is ilnuir ina led tlirtl the ii i hllt r if it mid il lonilid dr riu si ni t 11 ii heavy tints in other cuuntus most dtar north h i mil iii hilled herds of dll ui 1 siss a lothar way of countering the vivid account ol tha way tha got at tho ironing right af tar iha mada tha bdl is to ty oh put a sock in it who the hell carol how long it took you to wax tha floor but thli method ii not racom mended union your wife it paralyiad from th waltt down and up i die more nubile and intel h it approach ii one i have iim lipid and vhkh i am too puhlii ijnriled lit keip lo m s it it is tn n4d uunien ma tiin- 1iiticullj every one n th in ilu se davs contains an in li iiiut how to hold our hs ll 1 for ommpli thli week i found i lr a couple ol dandlai ont reads nn1 stop boring your hutbandl juit create the magaiine at the article put lomt finger s l0 printi on it and underline a l nl few pregnant phratet then i leave the open magaiine in to ma pltce where she li likely to tee it tuch at tha bihr or in tide the rafrlgerater plmlilil nks if u mil mih l i i i u ilii 1 wrj l find i ftw murder m i in vhkh husbands haej dwav mill their ues or munei in which man has lierstik and axed hn tn fjinih el into the habit arinik t hi m aloud lo vour inviii h and with relish iriniiiiit up aspirin lab ami dripiinfi them into is nf milk just as she en die nmiii i i hi 1 1 1 lh 1 district news at a glance i cornim jury i nl th i ol ihji tn k thi li ininn of united rnwcry hour linal soft drink i dtid distillery vyorkcn of america laid the pirkitlnr will continue until ihe snack bar ilopi lelling coke brampton plans of a four mi mbir u in i i pass forged check- in the ana wen brought t an abrupt eno early monday morning ol wtk a raid al brampton i nwertown motel town and vnihip police walked in on id their cottage vuth a col in lion of urikli s n pn nenliiik lifi in peel nun tv pmni irs rernrds book uiokinc ml- and rlnthet will he dtsphnvi d in the nelfituntim iomai oranoivilli niiridhiise i hi ml hni dl ujtu no old neighbourt li s tn tu hi t noil ditr nniin1 i u nl ih i t i in k und nrli n d 2 iiiilr he l lllll ujl 10 ivlll itivilv wis dllll when tho ttarti talking ab out working lo hard fli her with a piercing tiara and aik toftly are you really unhap py with your life darllngt thlt method ii practically gua renraetf to give her tomething alte to think about beildei what tha told the milkman whan he thortchanged her ii all ry well for women to talk about how hard they work what a state their nerves are in from the continual pres sure of kids kidi klav but 1 for one am not intereated and dont believe a won of it third ol all id rather uu ab out me if tlf u tuch a rvnat t drw tr why r thay fvaistl t gurrudt oh iknaw th anawar hi thla h t it boh 1 certainty dldnt aiact it h b llkrfhlt yw ud hi talk m iwibwt vrythln nw yovl imif tit thr with yur not in th urar other p4ta hutr band talk w them of court they do and io would we wouldn t we hans ii our wivei would only shut upi dont expect her to admit it but todayi woman ii th la fair mechanic hat a 111 that would make her grandmother turn grn with envy some body elie does her baking a machine doei her waahlnf th milk and groceries era l le ered unlatt th llvti in th city where tha latter amenity ai been dlipemad with sh idoeint hav to pump water or chop kindling er thval inow i or ihoot indlani or drive a team or birth bablat r prt erv irult i i she has so many time lav ing device she hasm l time to i look after them ill and with i radio television and telephone the doesnt have to suffer the i worst plague of her grandmoth er loneliness i or does the i on top of tha mechanical aids that have removed the drudgery from her life tha hat a hus band who might think that womans place li in the home hut wouldnt dart lay it come on kwi confess that you never t had it so good or do you iupp valentine dy and even if it s only old bill smiley 1 love you th1 mail bao says pork barrel days are passing 14 charles st georgetown the editor georgetown herald main street dear sir it wat interesting to read mr heat a comments on dr harley s naivete since to an ordinary observer mr best alio seems overly naive in the last election mr best s appeal was based squarely en the pork barrel and ud- g ng from his latest rem- srki his political philosophy does not seem lo have ad- vanred al all since then the pork barrel appeal it not ai potent as it was vo- lm are more sophisticated than the used lo he but the esienlal condition for pork harre success is confidence thai the candidate concern- eri will be on ihe government side or ihe house it is e- vnnd mr bests power to r nfiendi r such confidence about himself and at a ser ious practical politician not k en to nalvele he should look for some more solid platform than the pork bar rel he has stood on in the piit yours truly john bellamy killed in 1 it khlpf 1 vvhih sirv wa at oran villi sir ib07 in hems torn dnv in the rtdvs ol he sir locomotive the roiindhm hi jl k li i i in r i- i il u 1 atcid ihi four as they were if two pioersi of making out forer mhrr herjui vice port credit who would bin fnmhi cmi for mih- fi pre ftf rettent- mwuburoh members of the llilblnirgh sllkilnu oil r si d wild arrived hi i urid thi hodtc oakville ilti i wnena rufinlng canada lid wlllap f the dense pgr in courl f mth to ln c amoualinn opcnidl to tw eh i p y on strike r ora ola wor kers arc pickhirik a small oakville grtll the b m deadly fumes snack bar which according to thm is ht only store in oakville still telling coca cnla i he chairman of local 3 j mi drink wor ll new f rdorj shop and buildup jal j the opininc ol th ad arising from the rf of huildin dimaxd months of three workmen at the refinery pi the slhnflo hutldinr nvemher 8th one of ihe htusrs an auditorium confir died men was trom hornby encr room stnk kilrhen two of the mm died whiletrv drgmn8 loom and ire hall u in rescue the third froi farmer complaif r i rltrt it 4 hvmj past hunli r li 1 ml 11 1 ih i 1 1 a- li linn ih tin lunj ci di rn is up to i nlu inidl ii georgetown herald published by homt newtpapan limited orielown niitno walter c biihn echoes from the pages of th harald february 1953 and 1931 10 years ago i w o muener bell telephone manager for this area said trifll 65 phones were added in town last year bring ing the toial number in service to 1715 i f rt ami second readings were given to a by law chang ing ihe name of factory st to park ave the bylaw v ii now qo bufore the county udge for approval co a is 1 1 i grfild mcgilvray ed partial plans tor a new fire hall mon day di prepared by architect w hall of brampton the bowim whlt-irontisl-of- iruaebaygaraga n and aparimeni i tioo r d 25 000 a cost estimate was between belfountain ihmirhl from tin jo tacio safely lesui ihrnl the peel historical so- lt to outdntanie 0uimjni u ciety mondav flamed a sum v i oul hlulf or our imikii th mer museum when the cre r drivers try to oullin luri of the international dit valley authority lent itliem hirl idiloi 25 years aoo fnoh pnes poatoes 10 lbs 13c grapelruit 5 for 25c tti i i e 6 a head cmd cheese 2 lbs 25c shortening 2 ii lr v rce 7 lbs for ik pork shoulder lb 15c riuiih sitmk roasts 2tc lb butler 35c lb side bacon 29f lb col tee 2c lb apples i9c basket salmon 12c ii ifqf 10 ll 51c carrots 6 ql basket 15c o ft vp gcoige davis says thai the paper mill road from r qnl up o hip credit river has been taken over as a j iy rood and will be completely rebuilt thli sum- i

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