Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 7, 1963, p. 3

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high tales published by the students of georgetown high school model parliament session included ghs students -y- gairstlffflf r crctrtentilntt at 830 ihe nippy coolness ofi a6 ii 20 when all were set saturday morning air compel tiewt sergeant anns car- 1 i a il 141 fruhln thn flnlilon lksi nil led our future politicians ofj georgetown highto step brisk ly to waiting car whit were to take tnetn to the parliam entary rally held at the new ktrampton composite school following a pleasatat trip down nedin the uoltjen mace and lollnwed by two page placed it on oie table directlyp front if uie speaker of the lifouse bruce tewis a former jrtudeni of voakwobd colegialej and who is rfow studjirtg we arrived at the registration the university of toronto held office in the school lobbj tothis position and was asswted council briefs reeve john elliott intends to keep a sharp eye on this year s town budget at the feb 23th council meeting he suggested during a discussion on purch ase of new police uniforms that prcies be secured from out of town firms as well as local ones the county gets a better price in uelph said the reeve later reeve blliott suggested that fuel oil purchases for all municipal building be forward ed by tender in other countries following the introduction of amis 3110 objcctlvcs each member constituting the head table parliament recon qf he home vened the afternoon com j menced with a serious de- tcoiiomics koutit bate on the note of a stronger policy against cuba and a me- qm walker mber of blakelock for the opj whw yoo rr lmo our f b wtr i position stated his convictions h economics y sm 2171 with such forcefulness llwt hi freshiv painted uto c jf sud ses tougeounthc aiiernoonc wlth black necled jsnzt ovthwre vanous potnts of order an gold til fktil z jml for the town grader will amount to over 1800 tr bill smith told council the machine is in toronto follow i ing a breakdown last week the previous week council had consulted the oeptofj municipal affairs about possibility of debenturtng a 1982 deficit over a 3 year per iod a letter from the depart ment said that only in extreme situations could such action be taken and urged council to pro vide for it in the 1063 tax rate if at all possible i permission n not lightly granted the letter said and georgetown s position does not seem to warrant it the georgetown herald thursday march 7th 193 page 3 what council did planning board advice sought for businesses georgetown council has ask ed the planning board to stu dy prohibition of commercial type businesses m residential zones an emmerson young motion at the feb 25th council meet ing was endorsed by members thw has been discussed for years and nothing ha been done about it said tr young who fcast week tndica i ted he does not favour xi businesses operating in auch areas 1 presume if one type of business is reviewed au wiu be commented mayor hyd who slated last week that a taxi has as much right to op erate in a home as has a doc tor to have an office concreti gravel building sand road gravel fill and top sou stone work tom haines gln williams tit mms urlesy wisr greatly clantiea one of the grade nuie class- fi unn an b3 he political debate fe a fa tmirm erf- the am which id reached its peak tj nat the girls learn to make hopi sjlw taffi ta lonal party contested thai the and toke cme t amines views of the dominions offer w to do in an torn a ed jm constructive solution to e they use a wnaltw w ould n the cuban problem turrf the national fartv erjiencj they use a tmaltpv pilal heff and a habs drib for sanitary ter blockage was htamed by tfo delta itul rcsidujits robert ipractjcc thev also itavea hal rbradlpv and penni- booth for charged with anil americanism dressing course with dryers basemenl flood damage in and of holding lommuiumict mirrors sinks etc it w a their letters both men enliciz receive our name cards and o the speaker chair to open tiews so anser mil both hkc d sraalt beauty rt he tmb for nul acfing im instruction and then spent the he feting eollowing a brief sldes tha a vole ia as uvr the pupih i o shutvjy when they called remaining moments at a cau introduction by the speaker her tch whether the debate ihunldand wt hair alio to give ner cus meeting for our meeting i excellency mrs kate aitken be madt free without th pre m this spot i enclosed vw of baeba diamonds in order to state more precise the appointed governor gene ie n h spiaker the 4ts 8 wmdowed area m ht parlt rue ly our views in all there were ral was escorted to the hcad an following im depar h e fl ml and thursday nijhk i 13 schools participating thoseof parliament to deliver herl u rules were sus om c granted for the leaion to iht being gordon gra don blake speech from the throne she and n wire al 0n one of hc nomc minor bast ball jroup lock cpcs burlington t l cordiall welcomed the presence kennedy lome park oths ofeach member attending the brampton oakwood george rally and preceded to empha town streetsville and port i size the vital period of admin credit istration in canada s foreign on entering rall headquar policj on her departure the ters we found it to be set up whole of the student body rose fej were nsoked in exact accordance with the in respicl of lhe merimunl boom used by the house of the first question was put 4 40 with txatlh five m commons at parliament house forth by the dominion part milos a to both ll- in ottawa on the desk of eaih and was in concord with the p minister and ii pnl member appearwl a plaquc stat preservation of canadian dem i he opposiium in ing thier school name and pos ocrao and of the dicaung ofi aiinwid to siimm in ll ition if need be lhe sludtnts the latin mentan mind thi luini hie vnws nf h occupying these positions wtre motion was unanimously cir paru 01 a lssll s djsiuss from georgetown high at tint nwl and there ensued a liel lhur tll a m as minister of deftntc stew idobale it shouldered good art from the gmirnmim oris n art saxe from lome park ments b both sides and per ed lhe spt iker brim luu representing ihe opposition mi hips a note of sarcasm was ttl a f s chael taylor from bhkelock fell in manj comments fair in thhilf of th acting as minister of mltrnal esimple miht be one preicn larl lamcnl in conclusion affairs for the dominions wis lid bj dincin which statid i a ssed ihi stulin finn gunnar matthieson from i he course of action held b dv aavill knl suiilv dim blakelock for the opposition tht dominions might somewhat daid chenter from t 1 htn resemble the tiger tats in a n u nedy acting as diputj leilerfoj strengthened in ihi mi i of the opposilion jem tool at 1205 the parliament wis on tin arm il of our i per from brampton aiting ai dismissed for lunih which wis kmiw tint caih meniht r leader of the oppoiition tat sined in the cafuena ntiring p d a di i t o rick dineen from ctnn ait it ilose a npresentalne from ing as the whip for lhe oppo inkslo adlnssed the stud sncct ail iltion richard ironsidt and for ent hodv with an exiellinl u p the dominion party from port spreih on the aid of i nlsl 0 ardmg dtnn dim kitchen lowed to conftr and inter in among tht ir own part throughout several amend miuial ments to the speech from the a throne were put forth bv both 1 a z t m government and opposition but fas our hich includes thi publu librarv board a refngijralor has askeil thai the si 25 land a washer doer combination per capita grant be lonti ear lhe liltir utensils and dry foods are came from j k bi llamv who hpt has siiirpmlerl mrs p w bax t the front of the room are ur as secrctan of thai hoard lwc blackboards with oval col mr cupboards with sliding do ts across thi bottom in fiinl of thi m is the teachers disk with a fllmi cahinit he suit it for storing literature nii hroihures and the records ol i ich pupil in fiont of this in thru table- which are i mil with yellow chairs unil thim there it row of si w n tahi ml stsle 0 an estunali trus dguns elm dim isi ted h t eelarvali for triating the dutch w is minimi tree kpirts lx iri i tron it parlmeni pprosal w is rei thi huhwns drimii wnii yiiiuw cnairs for sulwidv pami nts on cul virts on out inn ind mnn sis which cost si lfloii and for tht wing mach 55 0 pproaih in tht nev ims on thi ixlnme right of ontario st bridfit thi room hnr these are sp 11 shikiswhn we keep our mrst slip to anm xmi fs siwm hoi in these hoxe ipiisini ownihp land nw nn ill our matin s nei lies i mil b smith mom uu tli i id iti mine these miadowmen rowers wis t tk shihfs in a larm assortmenl in with hsmiii of a b i of wimlms if 11 u wjmii the annixatnm ir loo huh to look out of for of this he opined a m tin 1 irr til itiwarttown mrs armstrong speaker womens day of prayer hiikeru si n ue si ition ti ihor to n rmmnn orfci tkn 1 txnrds for the ow posters and in hr posii rs for the conrm aie also iti i r the munii i durinj hi proi ippomted kcs wo mr- stnitl dies mrs a linkr l- mr mel stark 2nd mi hare thn and mrs i ns n won iht jmi f scon mrs slrull alsi w is t ir of tin spun do 1 sindwuhs nit nd sirvrd h the w i iadi injojt d se boards me tconomici is mrs imes 1 m urij teache itepairs and spina pii teaih mm im riav morning h gnteful to thf invees for thei co opi r pupils in grades fi and 7 of iawson stewarltnwn public school a mn for ong with their teacher mr suit itives fiom tht difknni bazinet enocd askalingpar dcnominalions were as follows ty on the credit rner hehind mrs bert hunter baptist the dawson home in glen wil church mrs james sladdor i r st inhnsii hams on tuesdaj feb 26th lnited church mrs trul nll mslronfi angliran chureh j sl n the wnmens world dav of mrs robert lawsnn presh off in ilrt nttn prayer was held on rndav tcrian church march 1st 1963 in st john s church stevvarttown a service of holy commui the key woman mrs fred on conducted by the recti armstrong welcomed the lad ts the mpv i e maxwell mark the old fashmni d ihmrt and the service started promp ed thejjpcning of the i cnten h tlv at 2 pm mrs i f mai s- son of st johns church sundij esinm w s muih well was organl i prayersweic sh wednesday morning fch 1 y 11 wni q taken by mrs herb peid mrs 27th j j mlxttr htctor bird mrs john bird a numher of children from h and mrs bert hunter mr the public school attended the mn m wn ori iri st 1 hobert lawson assisted the lea ciuce and enjoed iheslidej a f c r n 1 der miss janet walker sang following the service sn n tlinrns hushed was the lvening special services in st johns h t v hvmn nd mr f arm- ctarch wll b f rh y trong gave the address mori tuesday fve during ient with than conquerors mrs lohn a series of shdi s in l ottaway sang just tor tnd i cattle breeders had and he leadeth me mis george atkinson and the offering mas received hv mrs rohert mcdonald wire armual meet luesddv mrs james staddon and lhe conveners of the esquesmg ervice closed with ihe bene i fuchre held last situnhy h rug r nl dinilor of diction evening in fsquestng comrnu he entnl onlino ittl at a short business miplingnl hall prizes donated hv breidcrs assonui 1 ik m which followed mrs robert master feeds stcwartl that all hir sp k u n with and rotarians celebrate 58th anniversary iluh week uin in is on com n 1 in kb 23rd rot ir emphisi mini iv service on a world si iti rotarians ire dedicate i to promoting hich pthinl slan iinls in imsme ss and the pro li s- ims hot ir sei ks to pro mote inli rnilmnal understand in ind rotarv fellowships to prrmii studenls lo study in other rountnes have been aw ardid to neirly 1 000 students fr m fil mlions li niln rship in rotiry now ipproxhes the half million mirk with fmt rotiry lubs pnsrnll in existinee rotirv bilu f is in the ideal irtion through elfish notiv a tht ihlto ide of brampton ichehiled as the for lhe prour or liiir h pract 1 lhe firamplon in ihllon will what council did township subdivision seeking town water 1 suppling of town walir ser to the itmi mill ihehv the jt lion utiil is om larui st sniups mil n sti livestock produrtion in ton since lhe rrnjonh ion s caltle are hn el b i of art fin 1 inseminili assnriitinn plivs in ini part in ililloii s luislorl thp meiting w is srln h the forme 1 the prosram work nf the ur in hill milt featund 1 ion pliiim vv 1ii1 111 roiiiar inn 1 mllsnlreel h eonntll al ihi ieh 2lh meetini council moved to discuss this with the morns 4 son firm wlmh purchased lhe propert j sum irs ago the firm would piv all capital costs and would im- bound bj an agne 1 nit nl uhieh could he drawn up this onlv paves ihe wa for distussions stressed water chairman don powers any ijircemimit proposal would h 1 in ih tdtified by council used cars see our excellent selection of verified used cars ov motors ltd 119 gulphst 1774531 opan evtry nlghl mon to fri tl 9 pm saturday 5pm heat your home mrnu of the ass conservationists and counc t d milton champion phoo proposed dam he proposed dam on the a future projrrl nf vallev conservation a 1 will be a rturusion jerl when council miet- committee of march 10th authonl n present all vis which would ont name ken ella jersey director a double function of the town water supplv urunnu tm 1 li i i j 1 provide a new recreation kenneth eila of hornby was appointed a director of 1 vome vears awn 11 ontario jersey club at ts 1 tli annual meeting m london 3 iirps nlannid alon- ontario rtkenlly mr ella represents halton counly donald credit ruer starling al begg of st thomas was elected president angcvjlle rosedale floral flowers for all occasions weddns airanoements corugti sptclifty cut flowers and funeral design 31 albart tit 7195 we wire ftower h thompson hardware plumbing t heating tl 7j971 the perfect pair for any home fiulldihg or rtmodelling dont do a thing til you thesa two new pv panels now at your building supply dealer discover how beautiful your walls can be in rich exotic teak woodgram match them with- new goldentone squaratex of the perleclf wall andceihng combmatioh both panels are genuine all wood pv hardboard profinished to save you time ahd money pv 60ldent0ne squaretex this finelydesigned panel in spangled gold on a porcelain whit background adds life to overhead areas yet is restrained and unobtrusive joints and fastenings are lost in the smart grid pattern no messy overhead painting available in 4 x 4 panels with choice of 12 or 16 bold relief square pattern a faithful reproduction of exotic teak rich in color light in tone modern as this minute each panel is cleanly random grooved to blend joints and conceal fastenings the clear tough finish resists damage and ensures long wear predimshod willi in one swift operation sm s asterdesmned recreation rooms at yeur building supply dealer 6 beautiful theme rooms with floor plans cutting diagrams templates etc 116 idea packed pages each 14 x 11 tha greatest home- idea book ever published 3 00 per copy worth much more h vgh 7m ffipi ju j ikm pf iblevnon ooui pbi ruwmwtf by camaduh rhbt mbmk1 vim italun of pv brand plywoods and hardfamrds its here for you come in today and see this sparkling new book 6 masterdesigned recreation rooms its on display at beaver lumber company limited 11 water street georgetown phone tr 71234 get yours now est book youve seen on rec rooms 4aterydejllgqmpeh sel the marine room the polynesian room the western room the old english room and many many new ideas com in and look 1 thn lovely book on ihe counter at 7 son a i james street georgetown ii church street acton ph 531mo

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