Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 11, 1963, p. 15

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saturday morning hockey minister among guests at golden wedding party i mr and mrs leorne it les- iif rr 4 rtnfucmii ulej jhralfd ihtir 3ulh iiuldmj an- 1 nil i rsjrs on sjlurdas mir h i slth al lmru mu ttilf an j liiintn l lub iuh a til mural itum fur ihur f inilv ami cl evft of iw orimtul iucii who aitumuitl th ir ishuiuikoo mais jio lhi turn sis t a unih mil hi iiaiuti tnltlrt n ml ill vmm mii1 for the h in iu isim mjuurit lr i t luumdiu n f smlhu iuhii mrs ln i 1hh j vuitliivai lliiih tin- ami kn hurl jli uf h h 4 coiew uwwit dilit hbtl uf liiuimo i h iim j t lriihpti st imiis f m if ilnrif whfv n rfuniu it itu wrtlitm iprt iiuiin ui ml rh jl ihsln j itfitu unmli ttt- nipwrrhu tin- diniur mm vl the nkiv tliils at tin wlilmif wire ijrisuit mr i mr- hirf tirnrtii pi mist mts ihiiym irnrrtm artj ushyis mr sli rl i slit iiift mr mijdimi this is unimiimil tlut it tir u u irs iu umhl ill in ilimim mil ilh in dtttml th thi q1or01town herald thurd april ii 1943 pale 13 junior bowlers taam standing i unit l uouiuhuppm sharks hinhlnitf jitsons high d derek piilintioii electrical club new addition 4h program membership in 411 aitriail tural clubs in halton county has been on a general increase over the past five years 1963 appears to be the biggest vear yet in this respect in lotsov er 185 411 projects were com pitted by 113 numbers in the count these 411 members i were enrolled in ten aeparau clubs of whuh live were 4 hi calf i lube in jarmarj uf 19b2 4 it lairestr tlubwas org anued under ihe direction of tht out ijepl ol unds and fu- 1 resls in hcspeur ihtre wtrei eleven members in this club in 1963 two s i lnbs wire organised with a total enrol nient i 56 numbers a 500 ber lent increase uver 1 1jw2 all plhcrmh llntw tor 1903 yiti h waanlttaparapni lai lam of this year it was announced by chairman john wiilmott thla the following 411 clubs woukt be offered in 1863 411 calf clubs both dairy and beef 4h etetd crop cluba gmn and corn 4h forestry clubs 4h swine club market hog club 4h farm and home electrical club the farm and home elec trical club is a new club which is sponson d by the ontario hydro it is designed for mem bers 16 years of age or ovtr who are interested in the com of m of eleitrual appliances all numbers inter eteil in this club are asked to contau the out dept of ax rkulture mihon phone tr 8- 8701 prior to april 17th indications point to a very busy and interesting 4h prog ram for 1963 new members will have an opportunity lo take part when they attend the org anna lion meeting on april itth religion badge for 5th georgetown guide a first for 5th georgetown guide company on april 2nd tht religion and 1 ife badi was presented to marion bos this presentation usually takes plact at a monthly meeting f the cwi 1 ith ot cr icvcnt ik spin il li u r nud tni pr s nt hi his bucm 11 4 v 11 i nh tudy and usi i lum w k i siihlthat tin t k ii inurse titi a 1 f i 1 iiu iir hir udirinl 1 il imj at tht disu ti i if die i inmlv i fen all over but the bun feed bobby mitchell dspl fie silverware te ee ved sal urday niornincj lor be g udged he mosi valuable placer in satur itiy nomig i ocktv he was also mined top goal e n li leiquc hi aunun league all satuijay i morning hockey i e i up last saturday wilh champ o jhips dec ltd i n h oi t if jri ot a american league little nhl and sen or league high sing lvk billington iaul barlpvv high avrb he fi l rtittiiintuti paul t nderhill v girls tm starfdins mnktrs m onl t i diudiaiis v geo hillbillies 1 gen iros j i hih double inn minlmi sharmi t hit r high single jiml moon jim mintun high average ji niii llirhir 1 jaiul muiiit 1 clearing auction sale farm implement farm took and two 2 motor cert ford tractor mccormack deenng combine farm trailer new at 13fl p rji m he ygricul tural uall milton lair grounds all rural youugjieople between jagei iif 12 ami 21 jrealisthle i to jtiln m 4 11 ww al this date v 1 111 clubs jre bm nutid tin ter tlij ditiifioji ot th jj tension hriih ot te ontario dtnt of anuiltun wuh nf lits in t ldunti ur district wn iht proumt most ailiidl liistrmuon is lariad ulil hv a start or voliinleir 4 11 leaders 4 ii immrnrs reiem irani ihk ui up til ti iii tmlhods as udl niittt ii iht fix ml 1 11 if xuriuiltural a hash in ship during i mills hhilr i club work millou mi geiirkdiiiin rail get pet mauont rice on a new pontlac buick or acedian bffr yqu boy pbte masson motors ltd actop georgetown s inber elc ihe i of ui i ii promt i ilf sim in grim mini ill whuh s mi rttl ami lit n suits t lull slandiiiis are i md tlul tin man marls an dinntwt h farm iipiialors airu ulmral n duslrs iiid su u i lulis to 4 11 mi mlii rs in spuitu i luls ll 4 iv irk mil bi suimii ted nn rndiv deumtxr bill william anthony holluwim ihe mnnl of hit 4 ii i lul ltadu auction sale i farm machinery horses and household effects ii ii t l tin brampton livestock exchange saturday april 20 i i in i n lh kit tli r ihtms is ii li it 1 herb m remhart weather is here your furs and valuable cloth garments today our refrigerated storage vaults are for your protection all you can pack in the box 475 plus regular drv cleaning barragers cleaners i dyers 18 main st s phone tr 72j79 we care for your furs tuesday april 16 urn n i i milk iuiti 1 i mll i nus 4 ii sti ii ti t il i ik t ie ill i i j in 1 ll mini in h i li n iikii mnli llili 1 hj5j ho n in si ltnum f w th i all i hi i li ii 1 ir jinils i liiitn tommy connely f a i don e carter proudly hold ip h ihe tourjl f l k ri j f of si hy norning leag e tla with tl r j r j tr pf i fj qltl ng y o ii s i ie detro t i i i it t 1 of ti t ig go i three straight wins tost trophy to norval limehouse flnk hi u t ui tin i j hi fnh ii ui hnln fresh in i in lirnl hli q i 11 hilstnn m in li l nks 1 llillr 11 in in full finn hn i noi ii i 1 11 in i ill flii 1 in 1 n 1 ia holsli 11 1 in i ill mini liiul sn 2- ii stun ns in lull ii 11 i ml j auction sale lhz nil lii ii l r 11 i ii 1 it n furniture tun f sh nili 17 11 m in estate of the late j i st n u f r 1 i i hi ii r mrs william kirby r m 1 11 n m 9lh lne notli glen will imi v vll klv v 1 rs on nil in lull is til i dm i mt gilull tlhsry mill h lirs i miw fri sli minli hi hi iirn fit sh march b lh i hrs i is in li minli 4 i if ii in ii i i fnsh ni saturday april 13 al 1 30 p m sharp li il i i if i i til i l i m i llh t i dlli 1 hiihu i immi n i 1 ii j it i i i i alt jij litul fur piiiium i mil m l ii i ii mini wu4th 1 wwmi 4 f iu i i rl n l huh r 1 h il k vi rh k slurs lusi in in ft r t ni i lint i 1 hsi i ii ii i ti n in fn n i1mhy t 11 ii m inisuuhlvs i1jd 75 hi a look at the weather march hiqh low april ii h rll ill frank petch auclicnccr telephope tr 7 1864 ui hi is i lull ji m lull n sir i milkim units a unnts m 1km unit sira lipe ti nn milk minlir nail- f ri r m situ in 12 r m hs i sil mill l if rk ihj 1 rl srtli i n i i i i ii liulv i t ai jut mil in wm a gibson aitiontr ah n hlniur lirk dress up for easter takes on a light bright look youll find the largest selections of quality clothing in the entire district right h at silvers men s worsted suits ov 100 iu lo lluoie fom f kunc a i j7- mens sport coats s 24- slacks ovf i 0h pa i nl diess pd fri laour sfkial fit in l si wrjol woihtds i2 tupcotht he ii 1995 no tl ov fj i e vpy ifllet tylp tie ir ove 200 lopcoflls lo choose iro p crd iro i i use our budget account no interest or carrying charges store open thurs april 11th until 9 pm for the first time great canada wide pittsburgh paint sale 322 inttsburfijj a gallon ontjilsllrst duality interiof latex pwjmt pittsburgh wallhide rubberized satin finish regularly875 i in ii 1 1 i 1 i i i 35 a gallon iy i lie hli a qjiart white orlcbilours ajyoufi- pittsburgh paints son ltd jarnri s gotrrt town tr 7 1207 beaver lumber co ltd 1 1 wt i st g o qrtown

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