Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald fiaualmd by hmm nmnpapm umlhd 22 main slrmt s gaofgttown ontario w c mhk nmuimi page 4 thursday may 2nd 1963 editorial comment promising columnist for several weeks portions of letteri from viet nam by sgl albert carter ve been appearing in that herald if you havervt been feadirtg thejit you re missing a wpnderfyl opportunity to rn abqu life in rhis eastern cooniry 10 uenrty in world new of late the letters were originally wntto bers of the local orange lodge by 1 carter a stalwart member of the lodge il friends thoyght them worthy of reprr ucing for a larger audience and the herald had the good fortune to be asked to publish them each week sgt carter give flirlher glimpses of life 10 grange world far off the tourist paths and so deferent from georgetown that ft weirmv limes as if w were reading fhe script of a fltbon story this weeks instalment we ihfrak sets flew ugh in his descriptions which he interlaces with sly humour when hit army service ends we have no hesitation in saying that the local man could earn hfs living w his pen lawn bowlers welcome you despite georgetown s growth the i lawn bowling club has not grown in roportion to its membership and its a pity for lawn bowling bines recreation at reasonable cost th the same type of good fellowship that rimg seems to engender in the wmler nths the game essentially is curling on the rts for its rules and skills resemble that me in many ways the present members are particularly nxious to welcome newcomers this sea and have extended an invitation to nyone interested to om them for a game two and see how they like it bowls re available for use so it is not necessary buy equipment until you are sure you ike the game newcomers who might wondei where the bowling green is located will find it at rhe corner of edith and william sts ii has en excekenf floodlighting system so you can play during evening or daylight hours friendly tournaments are arranged tti quently with neighbouring clubs and this year a weekly saturday tournament is plan ned for members the ladies have a separate clsb with both clubs getting together lor m xed j 1 eyi on certain evenings the clubhouse incidentally is one of the districts oldest bu id ngs and was one of the or gmal log cab ns occup ed hy the kennedy family the d unci s first settlers it was renovaied a d oved to the p 1 p on parliament hill moving time area group the federal elec tion results and plans fur tne coming provincial election were tjacmwd and plana vrert also laid for county wide membership drive to start ira mediately federal candidate ellis ful itrton thanked all present or their efforts during the cam palgn and had a apecii word oi thanks for organiser bill cumpsty of georgetown for the wonderfully efficient way he carried out the job of cam ulgn manager mr cumpsty represented the georgetown rea at the meeting light refreshments were ser ved by mrs armstrong assis ted by ladies present at the end of the meeting oublph the tint bad bail ttorm of the season hit guelph il uio wednesday night and dropped tutlatonei an inch in diameter it lasted just five minute and l lmostwne of glass at the guelpb reform tory an- army sergeant drilling a batch of recruits saw that ft of them was out of step going to the man ai fie inarched lie hid sarcastically do you know that theyjre all out of step but you j well was the retort you are in charge you tell thf m bible thought for the week olv and il thai i be unto you for with the seme measure that ye mote withal it s bt measured t yew atatit luke 4m the spending of ours for the glory of god and a good of others without se ing selfish returns it the hot investment we can make georgetown herald pukllaheej by home newimmr limited georgetown ontario walter c bthn publisher trflld mcoinray- production superintendent terry harlev allien qradlej news editor accountant hyde parker advertising uanagex hrj william qeggie clerk typist anne currie reporter peter jones photographer letlla clark dave hastings bob baskervllle myles gllsofl member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarle j association news echoes from tht pagaa ol hw harald may ims and 111 sugar and spice by bi smiley ity i ago tip to the bell fin irm with georgelown now gelling free lephone calling to the acton exchange e think the bell firm could go farther nd include acton listings in the next local i rectory recently it was noted that rhe district ice offered a free directory to any local ubscnber who asked for one acion list ngs are contained in the directory which 10 serves guelph and kitchener in the long run we suspect it wcjld cheaper for the firm to reprint the ac- ti pages in the georgetown directory for l time goes on more and more people will take advantage of the ormortun i i p c up th extra pho e book djl aside from tn s e it i o y proper tha when customers pay for a ie v ce they should expect to have the nfor malion al hand wt ii will allow then j use such lerv ce w th a mm num of nco vemence the present lelepnone book com n istings wh ch the average georgetowner would nol use once n a long lime slid burne particular y could well be dropped rom the listings for there is no particular xjmmunicetion belween res dents of that own and ours animal lit wild domestic hi a nuuk tn i it iv i hiis and in between hit bean giving inftul in in muitul lll h ma bid time of it lately rs m 1 out nf in win re hurt hill il i in ik i i hri ami 1- r t of a il in in rohi ik f j ijf ill lit mmni vvr a 1 lr k n m th i thi in ii e ol thf snuwrti dn 1 f r hi wo mi 1 1 1 uir li pis d rn tn ilirl kit 1 1 slu iht mi l knti a mi 1 u a hull di 1 h inn g ln how i ih 1 it hut jit a tn mi h till v 1 1 1 1 avi i tl i nil i 1 i i then tha black iquirreli and mon tl in ill 1 1 the starling got into a donny brook over who wat going to my daughter conned a class have the attic for the summer male into taking tht last pdir the tlarhngt had it latt sum of the last batch of kittens a mtr and the day they left for soon ti they were weaned the the south the squirrels moved little girl picked them up my in the other diy a coupla of wife and 1 tent her off with starlings tanned and arrogant just like all thoto southern tou riiti sailed insolently through wai out the door we did a tn tht eaves into their penthouse umphant fandango in tha hitch nd and opened a bottle of i ilk ah uit hits in the h ln bubbly ihire ua hell to pjv i all hilarity i envlsagae my friend i fishing those wornout holes with hundreds of ether i there il is shrilled dan ij that a where the big ones ire and there ihey were all 728 iucker ofthem ndp poor showing is blamed on newspapers 1 thr drop in voting support fr ihe new democratic purt u hallon on april the 8th tui i rn atlnbulcd to the fans i ral campuitcn waged by the t mnto dailies and some local ttwipaiipr for tahl t iher h kv nmunt iti a prta ri lease this week tif lult n w nnnocnts nft lid itidl mime rj- imn id their le rrardlifts of t teklie appniaih by ihe new si mdia hie fclnik were expressed ii i uniting at ihe home of r at d mr- han armirinigi ii l li in ut ihursda it undid by all llalton ndp local tin years aoq installation of dial telephones in homes offices and stores served by the georgetown exchange will begin about june 22 marking another step forward in preparation for tha conversion of the georgetown telephone system to dial the new dial exchange is scheduled to go into operation in september f john mtleham and ann humphreys stewarttown were senior and intermediate champions and louise ltdue headed the juniors at wngglesworth school field day monday mayor jack armstrong has challenged the mayors of four other helton towns to a contest at the county plowing match this fall writing to helton plowmens associa tion mayor armstrong said that with various mayors in the province taking up this pastime he felt helton should follow suit 25 years ago some res dents are complain ng that georgetown has too many trees a complaint at council meet ng monday was that there are too many irees especially on charles street where limbs shaded the sireet lights and made the street very dark velerans col g o brown sam hurst freddie weaver and thos grieve of georgetown were lucky winners m the draw for s iver spoons at the canadian corps reunion in toronto over me week end tun felei district news at a glance oakvilli the illegal payment of trs el expenses to oakvllle edu itlon trustee hu been cited the towns 1982 audit report he report released for distn utlon last thursday stated included in administration re expenses for trustees tnt el to board ind committee leetlngi in the amount of 783 in our opinion there no authority in the status f this type of payment campbillv1lle public opinion m the village of cairtphellvtlle a mile from the new mo hawk xace track n gen erally favourably disposed to the track hut thereare some divided opinions ap proval in thi vill ipr is mainly bisrrl ir ihi imp lomeni it tus brought and will brlnfi in the futurp streetsvillt thud yrjr in a row r of roroiilntown 0 prrttrnr hooting primes asairuti mem rs of the ldkivnw hunurs nd amjlcrti luh ihty try the viknalf lialleniictio jn thethri vfjdi cifrn etition ihp idktwiw in ve lost out all ihrcr lime cooksvflli the south ieel board of education x perls in all tender- for tht first wuk in mayfnr hie nrv bnard of bducalion building to be erected on the civic centre in fooksville brampton tv stars juliette and oordie may takt pjrt in the ramp ton festival of flower une 26 to july 1 decision in sk the stars wu made at lat andty night meeting of the estiva association oranoiviui while most of ihe coun tryside received only a light blanket of wet mow during winters unwelcome encore last week orange villa took the centre of the storm on the chin heavy mow reached bit md proportions there and by late sfternoon tuesday the ground was covered o a depth of three inches aurora the aurora 7 mercury space capsule the second u manned spacecraft lo orbit the earth will be a special exhibit during auroras centennial week june 30 to july 0 fen tennlal chair man don glass announced isil week the space craft that carried scott cvpcn trr la being loaned by the ii s government irin enrr resident owing hack taxes are going to he dealt with hy council the reeve f h johnston its ted last week that after april 10 icrii anion will he tjkrn and i ix ah of property conducted whiie necesarj rockwood ronnie rotnnion 16 can thank a large tree in rink wood park for saving her life vhen there on wiener roast he tried to jump onto a nur row ledge at ihe top of a limeslone bluff il crumbled and dropped her 50 feel she landed tn the tree friends earned hir two miles to an ambulance thi mail bag points community need for homemaker service norvil ont april 21 1163 the editor dear sir the red rosk organization makes a tremendous contribu lion t aoeiety behind its ma ny activities are dedicated men and women ve owe those de dicaled people our gratitude the red cross in nunc torn klbwd hk u lhod it willi hie killing it mi ii she hddnl ikdii i ih i 4a v lh thi autlioritin h inr she did not loku iiln ibllshrr bolton mi miki mikritss ru li rs e mothir nn able to csrrv on her duliot it the home nr where a mother help mur fci ihr ltdl t on ihi lu a i this inn she piinih in ihi hum my corraspondent in bc rsprovtd ma for not having our cat nautarad wava been into that thoroughly it s a costly buiintsi or na thing thua lady calk havi to have a complete hyitaractomy ilka all modern woman altar every batch of kltttnt wi discuss it plan to have it dons get in volved with getting rid of tha kittens and btfori wa gal ar lound to putting pipar into hos pltal that ftllnt nymphomaniac is in troubla again hum m r tin killons ire gone i prlill von i kci lo hi i veil hul i wort in two ditli r etil peoph lint ihi killrii tin j look w ts a mill vw cllrd piper him uiiltl he j s 1 1 k li ll jinmunl for tin ftrl of aiiu n lunik ntt wa had troubla with tha dog playboy he a a back ward spaniel and no animal can b mora retarded he compar ativtly friendly that it ht s friendly all the tim mora frlan diy whan he a hungry and most friendly when he t soaking wat mil uliniii in tin bedroom tanking al ihe ceiling mo ith 1 1 1 n i via rhetring tor h ilh mdes 1 ihink the siiirnl won ihidiisr one men looking st irl mi umprd o t rursmi oir h- hhulur id ii he huik wilh rtlaltm than cimi tha hardest blow ef all opening day of trout season loomed my wife tta chai piano to a tittle guy from the country has about six he confided to har that he and his brother had been fishing speckled trout before tha tea son they saw lots of big ones nixl ld i drme pfl hi f tnn sure pnmigh there v i a kinim llktl lookim i am urok 1 vdi oil hind with hoiohti har a half dolhr tn i mv kindliest eprr on nhn ijjtiny arnid or ins mtisn hmin he ale hie lur slippe i the inlf in ins pocket and st rrri to show mr hie si u hn ihe hu din- wire all weak t chortled and rub bad my hands when nobody was looking opening day i picked danny up early told his mother id look after him and off we went he told me axcit edly that the big ones were usl balow the dam in a deep hole t did a few little dance itcpj as we swished through the wet grass with tha utmost business directory w h carr p ing consulting professional fug nier 118 mountatnview hd i triangle 7 3311 res tr 7 3300 donald a oay tues thurs k sat for appointment call tr 7 3401 georgetown chiropractic 2 main street south carr a wbstwood ontarle land surveyors 118 mountalnview nd s triangle 7 2311 w h carr b p weitwood tr 7 3300 res tr 6 4144 barragers cleaners shirt launderers tr 7 3579 ia main s lfl guelph all work dona on premises e l buchner od doctor of optometry optomitrtst 181 guelph street scott car bldg i wednesday evening only by appointment tr 74011 dale bennett latimer baines arriilara a sailcltart douglas v latimer terence f baines triangle 7 3381 23 mill sl georgetown wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk t commissioner tr 7 293 prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr- t2a64 georgetown george c hewson barrister and solicitor 118 mountainvlew rd b carretil building georgetown suite s tr 73111 rolton i chief of poiip jim homemaker comes in hy the penlold a chief wilhuil d dn u w minplr nursjnk rare f it- f itwe hta iefct cmurthleimktuivjimwifciiwljca4ual tesigncd last week i hiving l iirr for hie home a rough tunc maintaining the the famil i p iv ir ihe irr i on his lonesome whin vu utorciinj in ihnr ahiln moking a recent arrel hi suf t p ftred a hroken hand end sh s u h n xmn is rspet lally t ma whihr drwmflefff4mnauijuwheijjiiinilicaare er in jail he suffered a hi ik i- hundnds of mile from c i nose when attacked mi is tlmr nldtivt anil hjve ftth on duty 34 hours a 4jm l to until nc gets help i u i li i ill ml rr hhi p h inn uc luil turned l hi 1 v nh 1 it shimi il srji il ll mliml it iille 1 l i f tuhid 1 wilh hirkrn 1 i ljiukuulke milton the proposal from mil ton iarklng authoril for the installation of par king meters downtown and development of off sired parking will be presented to milton council mon day authority chairman c w clarke reported total rnst of the project is expected to exceed 70 000 or whon a new hahv is hrnncht mi ur do llr in a mobile n 1 1 where an increasini iinbcr ol umilns find hum stratford i one cr ihit k nv of wlon lliiiiiniikir s rvici t hdjis im hid immnnilv a p i t i t i hip m our dog is not only too stu pid lo git out of the rain ha ji too dumb lo bury a bone because ha knows perfectly wall he d forget where he put it so i hd no fear of him disturbing the masterpiece but he does ilka to chaia thlni il il j iiu ihe local ifomptnakcr yours sinnrch uojd m fred lawn she sen tmed 1 rn in the wi idum ihi p e looked j though a trm of caalr h i in ixk 111 r t r ihi in hi it m n tu i up t u armpits i aichcd with horror rav ian r orgdiiit am 1 h ur k r harrison -a-r-s-4- m i the hunh w ih a i himj 1 tl i m in ii- n ti p 7 ii p in i luli it id addrf i hn ih i mi inn mm nd i n ah r l in lh audi a- iniuh fir for outi georgetown animal clinic v zavlti dvm b footman mrcvs 108 gelph slrcet clinic open 7 pm d p m mon widtph1 sat afternoon 14 for txpirt kyi cari consult o t waiker occulist prcscriptioni filled 12 main sl s brampton gl 14474 res gl 1 624j hours sam 8pm dally friday 9 am to b pm evening by appointment john d ord qc barrister and sollelter 116 mountainvlew rd s arrelal building georgetown suit 2 tr 769s4 l b o n i s -tflfflrtrnitwi- personalized coiffure far appointment 176651 1 ml del rax biv et weber robt r hamilton rn optomatrlit eye examined prescriptions filled 60 main st n frederick a helsor barrister and lollelttr 116 mountainvlew rd i carretal building flanrgglnwii suite s tr 7330 china foods takaoul or dahvtred open wfd fr1 sat 6pm to 1 2 30 p m phone 177441 monuments pollock a campbill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonb 421 75h 03 water street north g a l t far llhtflandersoiirqrcr barrister and solicitor ol mtll st georgetown tr 7 2464 t van sickler ba barrister sollelter notary dr williams bldg s6 main s tr 74531

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