Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 9, 1963, p. 6

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request council provide 12acre recreation park thi oborgbtown herald thursday may 1963 the acquisition of land or parks should be a town respon aibiliity wu the consensus of opinion expressed at wednes days meeting io discuss a park tor the east end of town the opinion was summed up in a resolution endorsed una rlmously it read we the ge orgetown parks and retreat i 01 committee request that council take immediate action oi their motion passed in btuary that they initiate dis cussion ilh delrex develop ment ltd tor vncant und in vard 3 leading to the acquir ijif of land suitable pr special features for ballinafad anniversary sunday marked the 86th an to find the memey for school iniversary of ballinalad united iitfj church the gues speaker fur r mcneilly representing the morning service was rev the delrex recreation com keilh woollard of burkley nuttee felt once the town had studios in toronto mr wool acquired the land and the lard preached a ver inspi people had something tangible ring sermon on his truth is to see thev would gladly 1 mirchng on which pointed work on it and equip it he out cod is working through aso promised any equipment current social events the mu oi temporary sites would b sic lor the morning was under urned over by the delrex rethe able direction of guest or creation comtnlltee ganisl mr george dt hleer you have to have someol st georges anglican jung to show the rpcope ag- lturflh in georgetown reed bill watson during the ymca campajrn we were 1i piottitmii imi iie our ldiiuk uxliv ini liae to be provnlrsi lv bid lusumikr to- hhiritw m ik surt ou h40 eiutiji il utmitaint colt representative clarence kroll 8766854 sun um assuianci company op canada peter jones pjiolo selling refrigerators to eskimoes there are three products that junior door to door salesmen find need a minimum of set ig two are boy scout apples and the herald and the third is girl guide cookies to mark girl guide week the traditional cookies went on sale on the week end just to see if her salesmanship is of the refrigerators to eskimos calibre linda howat 32 henry st above makes sykes bakery shop her first port of call and gets a counter offer from mrs sykes ninth of a series letters from a trouble spot letters from georgetown soldier in viet nam limehouse stands fifth in class royal roads college connlulations to cadet pe ti r llj nn who has passed with honours fifth in a class about seventy hn second vtar at roval roads collide victoria itl presently he is ici jo ini a colli fie sponsored tour of several west coast stales nicipally owned park and a programme in george ken that it be also resolved that uedy school and there wasn t council take such action with ist no the people are siispi in the next four weeks anrj ciou he concluded that approximately twelve tc- rev of land be considered in addition tti the deciding of a name for the committee len lewis was wected chair man roy ballenline as vice sing praises was the off ia i fertorv anthem pliasantlj led to believe there would belsung by the choir the well known voices of mr and mrs i- j shurtu ami daughter anne added greatlv to theser of praise with a lovely rendition if blcsed redeem hen he rcceivid a postingifor my civilian clothes and had to the far last a member of to borrow one from a fellow that tht canadian militarj un del was only as half as big around v mes wchcll gisby egatmn albert carter be as i was 1 nearly was cut in rf d d tb putlini his observation on pap half bv the time 1 left this oakville on tuts er and sending them home to time i forgot the handle for m ttu the officers and mimbirs of the razor if anj of sou have eur lov il orange lodge 245 of thouiht of irving to shave with n s r vahch he is l member the a razor bla le and the two razor mr j lodte found the accounts so headptates between your finders wn tt absorbing thai thiv submitted don t ls a broken bottle hi 1 i vntlian councillor c lildebrann stated ho was not in favour of cr a private group undertaking at thf evening service mr no matter how well intention george 1- lliott and choir from et trinity united church acton in eply to suggestion hvuerv ably lid the congngatmn chairman and len burns as l burns that parketles might m the service of praise thev secretary be more useful than a big iso sang three anthems which despite a plea by councillor rk councillor w smith ex jwcre much enjoyed w smith who acted as chair plained that both th kinsmen mr r timing preached the man until the election of of and the delrex recreation as sermon his- topic was ihidi ficcrs for a public campaign st nation have plans for park meiimuns of ihe nurd which rather than parks from taxa cllts peter jonts added imphasized the church as a lion monev the gathering ov there is no reason why the house of pnver lor all ptopli erruled him mr smith ad school grounds cannot be fix ttm- eervicc uie ilallinafad niitted he felt they were right pri and used also choir entertained their guests but thought the process would represented at the meeting r actdn in the basement i slower through taxation uere the minor baseball as the church rcfnshmnts peter jones pointed out socialion figure skating club wirp served friends from that the land scheduled for lugger and soccer and the churchill and meivili vnhctl park land had gone for school delrex ricreation cornmitlee churches alone with minv stes however if it hadgoncthe next mitting will be held u ests and nlalives vvirewd for parks as it should he mam june 5th in wngjlesworth au coined at these servicis tamed the town would ijave d torium tgit enlovrd pnt luck supper at their mitt ng on m ndiv nitlht mr and mrs kt n ri her of port arthur visit rl for a ioup le of davs ncentlv with thi r parents mr and mrs r hnrtill and mr and mrs n itidhr kennedy fun fair complete sellout them to the llenld and part will be easier on jou mmrh toronto salurdiv of of the first utter appears htl on rm return from vientnne tn rorn a low as artitle no 8 of a newl notiud that the aentrj box in f jjnt in thi uimwitvwo nun- huh the groin mr vrillnm 1 1 vhr formerh nf c brother of mrs llin urns front of our villa was gone jwas assured tht it hid bi on sundi morning i as thire whin the parn cime r waktned bj the sound of clang to the airport to meet me the l n s ing and banping from the road i sentry box ha i not been seen i n on roing out there 1 saw a pro cession paisms male up of sol diers oflhe royal army in front was a lad curung what appca red to be a sort of flower vase covered with orange marilds behind him was an officer and since and milhtr has the in jl tie fat fellow who was mind f 2 i ing in it the last time anyone nf r j saw it we are now trying t 1 g ph figure out the little fat hi h mr mrs bl i low was still in tht sultry box mmuis lasr wee nn j and stolen along with it or if i cmnns was one then came one fellow heating discovering that the box ws mr w hv on a bass drum with hu fists and not wanting to do fve guems at a haby and another banging a set of ten years in the coals he just 0 mft f i f cymbals toother next came f the jungle l h four men earning a sort of 0 tt y in which this c1 t mmms at burlinmnn ine atrctihir on which were clumps i differs from othirs over hire wer w in honour of h- v of orange marigolds rrom the w lack of dow i do not mrs j v centre of the stretcher there know i the people of hanu p nn jutted four si ltd pynmid or have eaten thun or if they white paper from which pieces have slaughtered them to sae iw w i mn i of wre protruded on the wire food cats are rather scarce and h momonal hall on fttd bits of paper of various colours there will be one less if 1 can i with writing on them were ske c within kicking range of wered that yowling monster that the a w i grmip catered for behind the stretcher party cook keeps in the kitchen tre turkev dimnr a the an syas a mb of about 40 soldiers iimevpr there are chckensrnnl meetmg of hdlea bow sort of slouching along leverywhcre somcumts i think img kague m i imoh use me the proclshon camf to that i am living in a poultry l a a gro ip of natie huts and hal y ted out of one of the huts this is all for this letter came a young lad about 18 orj pray tint you all will have a 19 the officer saluted him l happy and prosperous new and the vise carrier presented jear we then officers and vase fralermlly sours an overwhelming success was the general comment re garding the george kennedy school fun fair siturday af ternoon a line up bifore the doors opened and a tolil sell out by three thiry bicked up the comments there were movies ft r the vming fry nit hv mr cor hett and refreshments for boln vi ung and old hindlid h the hume and schonl assncnthn piesidenl mr m imtll anil mr j diiukla still under nale manakmi nt was the 1 ish pond tackled hy mr ii helherington and the auilion sile undirlaktn by mr h daley iot a quarter sou could huv a mystcrlms pirc i at the p reel post they had bei n milled bv fnens and nlati ves of the gride 4 and 5 pan nn postmen f r the diy were mrs j dalzitl and mrs mrneillv with nirkels and dim s clutched in their binds the children inndt rl the hll ren s shopping centre and rhaned out the comic ho k tovs and children s jewelbrj mrs j russell mrs f spin rola and mrs b ogilvie stood up bravely under the on sli ught at thr sewing table m imecca for all there afternoon tea was served by the grade h girls under the direction of histtsses mrs smith mr r halhnline mrs ii ioncll mrs l mhihill and mrs ianlhni a larfe pirt of the nrjani z hon of the whole huntair wls il ne hi mrs vt u ilson winner of the di 11 cikeba led by mrs j mu amhl n was mrs k gilding and win mr nf tht d ii cblhis was tlnrvl ann mclaughlin juiljes in hit bicjde dr c oratink conttst mr and mrs m irum n mrs john oil id and mrs r rnnch chos family home for 40th anniversary mr and mrs willinjjon wilson 21 1 nnn strut hid ireir fimilv hr mt to celehnit tlt ir 4tith wid linj ann wr sirs wild tht m april 25th i ri st nt fi r the h ippv occi sun wire miss hrist in mt htnzir tonmti mr and mrs hm wilson 1 itrirm iindi nd lovce r f milton mr nd mrs hwood wihb lynn ki ren and dish punswick mr and mrs mack wilsn mhn judy lamie and jeffrey alton a novice g her was plaving it his friimls mil in trji f rt tee he to k h s si inci live a wild iuj iml missed cimplitt is 0 h he sii 1 to hi oppti rent ii s a go rl thing i f un i ml tirlv in the lime l his en irse is it eit tw in lx s wn th n the one i us u lly play on georgetown public schools kindergarten enrolment children who will be 5 years old on or before december 31st 1963 will attend kindergarten parents please complete the registration form below and forward to the prncipal of the school in tht district in which you reside this form should be completed and forwarded not later than may 24th parents completing this form will be advised of registration commencing may 27lh parents should have your child s birth certificate available on registration day houie no st eel please print this information bragg mrs w nn mr thire wire shout forty rresent mr j r benton has relur red home nfler a few rbysof is in geirgitown district carrier an 1 members of the party shook hands with the larl aibkrtf rtrr mt moml hospital and then stirted to shake hand the mal b with each other the young fellow the officer vase car ncr the stretcher party d s wattling some oi the soldiers went into 3 the hut some of the soldiers qop desuov took off and a few rcmainell outside with the drummer and rlvdto prodenv tht cjmbil dinger who proc eexled to render a noisy compomr editor silion i hope you shill grant me back at the canadian com ch0uih rpacp ln our paptrto pound i tried to find out what t pirenls who this was all about and was piirchascd ar n for told by vanous people that it j tha w1 of lh visited mr and mrs was a funeral parti returning jro arp fning a hrrp nu mmim nn smid with the ashes of a diad sold nhpr a mr ani ler to his next of kin that it h um mrtn bre hi ing brok was a present from his buddits i the birth of his messrs a w benton and c denny attended the annual ernvention of the assess ng officers of ontinn in the king fdw ird lintel in toronto this werk cnngraluhtinns to mr and mrs w norlon who celt i brated their fifly sevt nth wed t ng anniversary on may 2nd and mrs i eighller and simmons on sunday afftl mrs srhnli hive m a motor trip to brit h olumhia where they vis- westrope ann mrs c fill dibranrlt supervised in the home mule goodies section mrs i mel iiighlm mrs r duhirn mrs i- ts hnrne and mrs m allnn wat cbed the cakes cookies and pes disnppeir wilhin an hour at the rinrly c unter mrs ii nnon mrs martino mr h algnr and mrs stanell saw a simihr disappeiring act at the kennedy kmintry store mrs g price and mrs s martin lacked nnly a cracker brrel to make it authentic when fiet got tired and mothers atirnce wora thin ithe kindergarten room was the to a soldier on the birth of hisl hy xsiderable timr frst son that vvas a present j air nhcs have kn zlc to a new y married sollier from an1 r vmg ntticer with in hla h m antl ir h t jhy he bck hme er thincs all of whiih boiled fvt his t down to the fact that they did a costs frnm m1 accountant degree not know either f 20f mc an mitpr l i t these ehargts are chirged ac tor j3ck hftipson amst lreel light maintenance vr ani1 nj jimpsnn whirh comes hack to lhecusl f 0 mclnlyre tomcr fres hud as their g pricps in vifntiavr were hi en uh to begin with but when the hiah spen r i ved uptrtpt uttit mv hw yanks who prsclically male ust nd hy no mranvlfi sponsihlc for j ft mprihants iniii millmniir air run responsible lor mr william re ishtve left hut have the nn h usp mp bcmb w cerlit mrs timp zrz r jz2 andhprecmon ff your lat pair didn i if ektrvtl mt ami william regan nf port timpson and the iprisinl cnn 250 for inspection and have ferrmrny in hamll he chinked when broken n s hnval ct nnaught holel n irthrprvrr uumsmes ind new jtrri mr timpon was pres he groinds that llrriil1 thr f c1s fril r with a diploma ajw n he pnvrn successfiillv completing a five am makinc a refin i to rourse in he society of or usin j iriimrial and col account nd now has ihe degree oriental went up with the panics grim t chan im if xlirjrti forced the prices ip acain the grounds thit somebody will h thing and whe oh brother np every lime i ho mint pi c arrm r i forget somethng the frt n c m time i went to vientiane mr lln w ul hr n k w got my rolls of filns for nn 1 camera i went to sa n i ni v i septemlwr on duly an h 1 1 s got u ule ajqof a uiutr belt ti w lucuum aujyi mse meters ntherwie anv ror later p rton caiikht dest riving hyd i bii sorre r th tn i fullevl ex arnold rathbun representanvt sun life of canada georgetown 12 govm court social and personal mr and mrs vic smith of tiicsi n arizona are visiting with htr sister mil hrother in 1 w mr and mr- gnrfuldmc ihraj h futlph street mrs hd mill 7 cuelph st lias just returnt d home after spmrling a wuk with hi r rliuhii r and son in hw mr rnd mrs clare llcilh in st a frrlh mr and mrs c 1 hibhrrl ps kint strut i isl win i osts at a surprise p irly for their son bandy on the occa smn of his sixlunth hirthihy thirty two young people and six adults enjoyed the happy iiffalr which was held in the dclepx banquet hall attention farmers dont be zigging when you should be zagging master feeds stewarttown have what you need 9 a complete line of matter feeds 0 grain bagged or bulk ground or whole grinding rolling and mixing molasses mixing seed cleaning treating seed grain grass a clover seeds a seed corn t farm fertilizer 9 lawn and garden fertilizer 9 animal poultry health products 9 poultry and livestock equipment 0 feed contracts bulk delivery service 9 pick up and delivery service 9 miscellaneous feeding supplies a purity and monarch flour plymouth baler and binder twine froit farm fence and fence supplies weed killers insecticides and fungicides lawn and garden seadl 9 dog food your one stop farm supply centre our prices are competitive master feeds stewarttown 111 georgetown dial b77 35i2 did x2j1 i i js rsi nowtestdriye the rugged compact tractor with the famous name renault da yon ink im kaowltdli mid tflnm ntcnurr lot tht good lob with im big fav ind secure futuht wrnh wh wort it y bt rttdr for prdwoiions wilb ui nip ol i shin horn i slinsf count beokktplif tipuvrnlnl urerthtna otftt mtm mnt sacraurljl snorl stnrwrllln accountn tan nt nttm loo tl ntvtr lot sid lo lairnl liann mori a mori slut it home in r spin timt il fou cwit pjc lot thr in nd ii iltp to succtss wr ti t ifttphonc now theyre hnteffw wot id fomooi ramnv tratton thai brirm to conorlti n nw itrimlnttl uf luidaftkoooniy and patfonnaikt handy for utility ofa fogged sta mina for the big jobt ptn low opraang cosfi malntonanc eot fowln prlc touu tavlridnvf efl yo imvsw havo bfore standard tqvfpmanl fncludo hwhw spd frontmisi d lock f4v pto dvoncdl tfcreo point hydraulic system head and toil light horn hour meter toot on feeder- diverting valve deluxe teat and many other features special rt ta own eonto1 tov- dwnenibatians armnad tst your convanuni tractor ftmr bwt the waur toow ditl or wtr ytt th olr tooud dltl modal yowll be dkal anioiad at lh dal wi offec dufnbufed by tbuck i tbactob touipment ummid ccxjksviue oniarq local authorized renault dealer bill garner motors r r 4 rodtcod ontario

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