Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 main slrtat s goigown ontario w ci thursday august lit 1943 editorial comment vacation over in theory n edilor ihould return irorn vacation full of vp and vim idta by ih baneful f complele digei of national and international aham and wordi t lowing to fast be can hardly gear hn typewriter lo lite pace if such is soj tr editor doesn i de- jervt the name for jt hai never happened pejhapi ve- are a crealureol routine for our beii work seems to coma when we are at the daily grind without evert a day oft this year old age and a number of contributing factors combined lo give us quiel two weeks at the ieacti and unless we were to digest the daily con lents of the globe mail tor our readers we received no inspirational bits of wis dom lo pass on for posterity main items of conversation ai a beach iem to be a how long are you staying mothers mean a lot actually we planned these two weeks this year because our mother who lived in a nearby town was a ling and we used the time to jhp down lo see hei as often as possible mother had lived a full and useful life her good t mes had well outnum bered the bad she had almost reached the fine age of 85 for a year she had been m what is called failing health there was nothing loo specifically wrong fcul bit by bii it became more noieworthy when she reme nbered lometh ng for more than a day or iwo than when she forgo each t me we v sited she seemed 10 be a hltle weaker physically thougti she was able 10 be up arid about until the day before her death we spent that day with her she would s 1 up n bed for a m n ute or iwo hui mosoy usi slepi sne and lb the weather this year the laller had moce than us ihare we endured two days of the coldest weather this side of christmas for a start a couple of m be i tweens dnd iwo 61 the niest dayi one could ever dream about pethsps hats par tor the course we had a weekly stopping tup to the neighbouring lown cut up a b of firewood mslalled one verandah screen and read two books or to be honest one and a halt we can recommend my name is morgan borrowed from ihe town lib rary as an excellent book whifn will un doubtedly become a movie with someone like kirk douglas in the starring role we can equally recommend ihe ttri half of hawaii but if you mend to read n on vacation you will have 10 be one of the luckier mdiv duals who gei at leasi three weeks lia in a letters from a trouble spot utton fna m in vwt nam when he mwtd a pwunlndu line 01 the mosi am the far eat member all h buptaaa wa timed t ibe uwdun mutury un w- ls w o l french have a team etiuoo albert carter bean whtetagtou t putbnc his zzx w buddm nock lol 2tt tt lodie the tuhatued then o the herddl hf id part oj a letter appears be- the wme low as article no twentyone j b j the bayon v pen and iv u perhaps the most remarkable et all the temple on the lop are 4 hone lawer each con talninc four likenesses of kins jyavajrman vij to itand im top ot this temple and have a- lotts dead ttr3 tann ai v011 from all detections i anee- gi vs vow a sort ol eerie eehnft ii thtftk he iuil have given k lv ol uur modern dictator who liktd to ereu monuments to ihnnwelves a lesson in perm anenci bible thought for the week had a disl ke of hosp dls she had only had one small ill less 1 all her lie and when the decision was made thai night we were thankful thafshe never realized where she was go ng we arrived al the hosp tal laie trie next atteroon just as it happened sue sighed llutiered her ha idi and passed m to ihat final sleep one would not waul 1 any other way who could be mote blessed lha 1 the per son who goes to sleep w hi little of hie suffering and hie sedatives wh ch oo otien accompany 11 s las long journey ihe teais we shed that day were no for mother bui lor ou self like most mothers she was the lam ly bulwark clear ng house tor tam y news mee 1 g place tor brottien a id s he s re each phase of our g ovir i k lown o our b rtl we sliall n ii 1 et discoveries of the deep wants town support what a dlmtrtnca a gtnr o i or to has wrought in tht watar njnnin onta layout art of summar colt iont lugging aging about 30 yaar ago it brutally heavi 0 wat a gypiy tort ol eiltlanca back braaking bttatt on tha idaa that ptopla i ihould onioy lilt today it it a hn cvil ombinatlon ol ttalut taaking h inv 11 1u1- narva wracking and organliadt i in 1 1 1 01 horror ilka mott at tht othr ne acalt of tocialy in lha sm the carvings in the outer giuents record ibe battles of the kij the life of the- cowl and the peaantrjii and ihus- trate rehewuj leseods and th jes soft ol jht- carvlfajs would itand up to ttvthijnx tl t we could do todav one thing l 15 certain the do rftt wals itke fhey ufd ta uurinsthc- religious strile m 4he thirteenth ctnturv the place became a buddht tern pie rait the hindu gods then the hindu religion had a emp- orar comeback au revoir buddha buddhism made omeback and ihmirbed hindu religion out vihnii buddha again it must have thy pranca li fullnau been rather profitable lo be niif y t thy right hand there the ttatue caning business in ar plaaiurai for avarmora those davs iptalm 1 11 1 the whole area mi abandon rd in 11 when arffeped of jw hard to hud thevr ihe wpitern provmcs tav das nd pple are ac thai revolt the capital vva eltceplmg all kinds mihslitul to be too exposed to foreign es tainted pleasure jm m invasion tambodu ceased to an exonr ll is init ol hit be a world power ind has ne worw ln he for forty hour week j l wat ihe ihtng is ihuallj w asl tn he licaiilifiil ll impres t vulh lls gr lie mnrf n toiiiuirmipiionl ttlln lh t b ilirlnn ot clin lhe 8 lhl o millnn iml tikvil int wor1 lliat rnut have one it the umnuhwas llu ll an lhe fibtns ii t iw ih kinttrucl h for esiept or modem restoration and re p4irv there n ml 1 speik id ceimiit in the whole plaie kjih rmk i mled into plate ind htld hurt in pro- ure ud 10 1l 1 mid ihmnttla 1 inuiitlti for unit d georgetown herald publnhed by homo nainspapan limited jeorgelnwn ontario walter c biehn puhlhtr lioin ihe uls aloi garflald mtgilvi production jsupcrmt terrv llarlrv ilrer r news rrlilor ndent ilecn bridle crountant dple taikfr n moii willi 1 ii p mi in town guest book georgetoi has olten been vis ted ture we il 1 v for loild h 11 1 hit inn ecod st oull be iur i ln what ara lha kidt doing on by dist ngo shed persons in our t me e tan recall two prime ministers a governor general and several provincial and federal cabinet mm sers there have been dislmgu shed repfeienla kepi at the r u l ia we suggest ihai ai hie office and person v s t our tov 10 v s 1 ihat oflce short record of the 0 on a g ne 9 casio e ol tns esi book be kept can you imigino on ol theia l i voung married couplai lha iwh ndmli i ihould be asked uhly on the baar commarciali 1 e book ar d a 9ng w hldren place away off nowhare with be included lmp and his would be as ou back and no tuparmarka do e over tlicthr 50 mlet that glonoui firit day at the cottaga they ra titling around wh nlng bacauta there t no tv and nothing to do and what it mummy doing sha hat twitched on har eleclnc ttova flopped tome froien dinntrt in ha oven and 11 titling with ttves of social and service clubs top rank mg businessmen mun c pal officials from thnlt how valu a display hi his ble a drink looking at lha lake with borad ditdain no tlivcrt to lako oul no vagalablit to pre other countr es and a few people who pasl century or me pi a ieri 196t low t n m 1 in 1 c 1 mi para no drinking witer id have made their mark n the iheair eel celebrahon nik ll mimmrr willin l evi falch sha t unhappy world we can t 1 ave lo tn s one hot we nnc v v su nlit n ji 1 v while tier v s ts are perpetuated m the pages of the herald n vord and pt ran start now to if for ihe days iq cj p s h 1 of hsiory r ll il hill ni t hilrlrrn ho inulrl w ltih n hi mill if tn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l hits ihr injmn rii1111 and w link ii lh 11 i in 1 1 i til 10 ngkni n ihom ngkor mcan trtal and ihom mean imvn njkur lhum elands lmli 1 rliriuon anil lv traijmertl ol what 1 nlul iiiinii tiai bfn lr l p rhl h loiintil temple thai onie stood in thi j to immil m tentre ol ihe cilv is now a quarter mile ultmih the nue i 1 in rmill wall and mnal vellhekmlo teter lours pholi raphi r lh oin n s len miles irmint vid t i m l rnilltr and newer iroihuiin luliriinn the i itimir nl huting from llflo 12jui arc j rs 11 uave llaslingi iresid nt some prell inter siinjj rem enh bavkcnille mueigilion orri punl lohn ltleint nts 111 eh some i uon local flri mr w m01 he drnianri iia lommenlrd w- reilnale member ot the lanadian lour position tn makr pietrnla wieli stwspipen r tinn whenever and where rer association and ihe ontario lrsir awocialion on the lighter side when leaders gleefully poml oui ihe obvious errors appearing in newspapers they very seldom stop lo consider the thou sands of letters wh ch are correclly printed it is very easy lor a i notype operator lo set a letter incorrectly and even easier for a proof reader to mis a seemingly obvious error the resuli ol missing usi one tncor red letter is often amus ng some mes em barrassmg recently n a wedei g wrie up jit slated ihe broo n was atlended by lis brother here arc a lev other typographical errors calculated lo amuse for sale young dressed bird ah toluely clean and ready for the rooster business directory w h carr p int ingle mill tr 7 3300 donald a gay tut thun 1 sal lor appointment tall tr 7 3l georgetown chiropractic 3 main street south sale ahogai beai lathed govi nyth ng very fo j ol u khtr appalling lot f and ytt tummer collaging 1 larly wti within memory a tlmple almett plonter anitanca with lit own vary tpeclal plaaturat h clp ltt deep delighlt hi tubtla li leilh oyi it wat a wondarlul gold n two montht each year in tht llvai of many youngitart a p ertls time lhay itill remember with tavaga regret for what they h hm becoma tail twic gatt murr 1 to t and had baltei not out carr j westwood ontario land sumyon ho mn tri ll 1111v ngle t ltd s 73211 w h ca tr 7 3300 r b rat f yaitwood tr a 4164 clothing of ihe basemei even ng due t one pappf births until ohe their piirp as before ly be seen 01 tlujr ida- ing around and having your tell a big mmt her call re vaalt that the 11 bored thai tht kidt ara giving har a bad lima that lha teptic lank ttn t work l ing and ihat torn people ara going to drop over on satur day nighf and ba lura fo bring lolta hkktr we postpom em werk i dl ifiincis i district news at a glance 1 rl rin kctlir q wimlile hn the lb in ihrm barragers anart shirt i rid a ran tr 7 2379 111 1111 s m10 itiieljih rk dona on pramltaa all e i iuchner o d luorlor n llplomclrvi optometrist ifll iiiilpli ml pel is10ii ur bld 1 wadnaiday tvtnlngt only 7 9mpm by appolntmant tr 7 2331 icetta dale bennett latimer baines barrittan a solicitor doigi s v i ammrh tkhknct baines lllnngle 7 ilri 21 mill sl rcorgplown ihe 1 111 o piiint ended lie liiiil dpiitf o i ik kit irh hiippir laktni l al the l oakvilli ill millipti dollar the mm lohjo im h sot rtt irom hi wf red shield thanks and children and tpant lh ii r c wnlnoa quietly and happily at hcfaio t0r blippoft wallaci thompson 3rd dlvuton covrt clark i commmloner tr 7 3961 for ixpirt iyi car consult o t waiker occnlist prrrnption hvd 12 mam st s brampton til 14474 rei gl 18341 hotin dam 8pm duljt friday 9am lo 9 pm eveninii bj ippotntment htiuhhi a inr n a plant for linn rlolu unulkn gin ihrirll innt plan firm oak 11- intid mri build than ihe i ram n a 13 w siniar or an mrrua i rodinu i id oranoevillf nciiipm- and their ptts will hi irin workmen were h red ian week in the change building nf ommunitj trlephom n tift riw imiu w ded lo lh- itrliitir farh uni il hand new lelephone burlington aid f r llennpij la1 ucck inlormed ihr limn lire and police commit i rr that he had received com plunt from reidmt of one strert conrrrninn the operation of an ambulanre irrvice in iheir neighbour ming ninidrrtd the bowling wn or pottartng oaknliemlf ll rn h ratpbarry buihtt around with the li ihr herald frin i njiim p ad planl grata widow null in and whal n rlinnia don i worrv and ihrrefme georgetown animal clinic v zavlti dvm s footman mrcvs mi ilph street liriif inn 1 p r mon wed d p m fr1 moh rloiii ir na kpt hu happv i ikiii 1 armv in mipporl robtr hamilton 0 optomatrtaf fyei rumined preicriplioni filled do mam st onrn lail hrepl mn poml men i george c hewson barntttr and solicitor mfl miiiinlrtimiitt urt s laiirlil ruidinri tinrbrlnn tr 7 3j1i frederick a helson barrliter and solicitor 116 mountains u kd s arreial hinlilinr teiirbuiiwn tr7 330t m e manderson qc barmier and solic tor 61 m ii m georqeiown ir 7 2j64 toronto township an nlmoii homile in onhi inwnhip niuntil iirnid a dial ar to r f llf rt i llipfii m m 1011 il the itv of mi- isdua hrn in prcieillrd a mo mn lat rrk ailing on he curxil to spplv in ihe tnlano mnninpal hoard in liiiriftr ihr lownliip lo a int hi riav od inn ihr unpatr iilftjspiilrfl in il mlplul i nowadayi my hear achat for cotlagt partnti the day thay arrive dad charge around like a bull moot hooking up the rr ur mlem blowinq futti tn tha hydro lyitem trying fo ndind vrrv uiod vtr 1 our s mpieh i iii ir ampaign lir printing of distinction slatkmrms i lnmlllrals iwhlhw mddim invitations georgetown herald monuments pollock 1 campbell designs on request inspect our work in reenwoort lemrlery phone 431 7s 2 water street north hit tvrvskklerrbu barntttr solicitor notary pr wlllia 3fl main s 19 flldgl hi 7 4131 prank pitch hlknhrn au uomtb prompt sirvire po b 413

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