Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 22, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by him nraumn united 22 arwn stfml sl goigiown ontario w c hhn pakfalwc page 4 thursday evening august 22nd 1963 editorial comment good record at school ctqtgetgvkn high school can be proud of hi record ihii yr two young men paul biker and rob tjrt fisher averaged owe 86 per ceni to win tht coveted oniano scholarship which will give them a tuyanoal boon ai ihey embark m toljege cateeri arrlong others who tad enviable retprdi was carolyn haljilt who felt uit jhort of ih necevsary 80 per cent but had six hfsis and three ec ondi m the papers she wrote seventy iqven percenl ol papers wnl ten were passed with 42 per tent recev ing honour marks a number of young peo pie will be continuing their education at un iversity teachers college and nursing school we congratulate them and the teach ers who helped them on heir wa at ihe same time we urge those who are entering he higher grades rhose who did not qu te reach their goai and every undergraduate to try een harder tms year donrfomt no 7 o while pressure is being exerted for a better access to highway 401 from town the present state of no 7 hiqmvay at bom east and west approaches to own tpuds to be overlooked without depreca ng tne npofunce of the 401 connec on we imnk no 7 n of at least equal value it serves as a mam truck ing and tour it link w ih guelph bramp ion and toronto and besides ts iommi cial value the deplorabe iiate i to whicn it has degenerated hardly advert sc geor getown as me progressive iomi un we claim to he lo absorb as much knowledge rn their ttjudy course o be determined not o leave high school without the highest diploma they can receive education sits very lightly on a youg person s shoufderi the hpralm alger days when a young man poor byt honest could reaclp the top without formal education have ended today s obi call no only for ability and perseverance hut foi skilled training as well georgetown is fortunate m having school which tan equ p young people for acadsmic busness and vocational careen it is a school second to none n the prov ince no longer can oiie say i usl cant absorb lai or french or science etc etc the bioad scope of courses of fered gives a n che mlo wmcti every md i dual can lit don i be one of those who i jl i iifldn i m i school natay tluogn ipinahcial outlook i brazilian economy suffers inflation i by htnrv timmina whether or not ireiw w p so v carrw on d t1 locoaiiiiei the ttium for he strwij portions b maintained bv both udes h ta the railway indiutn pv ai estimated moo million a iwr lor men that ha no 1 tjllle notice warn taken of r lo perform while tm h la wednesdays plunge ul heptber hand ihe elimidalioji o brazilian triuero nhuh tawth mb laieun renden rd- it currenc drop from 865 to u vlant th union uwll tloax 9kw in us relationship lo thejwuh ihe jotw of it executive i dollar in just one dai ihe ihe imuc will prohabh be im urdiate aaif of the drcl ne taken lo the 11th hour which m nmed irom vn miuiume i the lrikf dale ol uguit mi ts that ihr oernmnt 9 but an aitual strike l un uuje one i the announce- likely mine ihe union lack the im il of an immediate 70 peri favour ol public opinion rcm ten iu ratf lor all mil ser dential opinion and eien ihe jih the other sated thai a opinion of the other union mho 5 i lliou inueru would now be appear likek to mile with their pr hfil prtminiablt lu elinnn man j r k an- the iieiesitv at taking a settlement wil prohaih w olbarrow load l lulls a w- jnadi at lht el d of the tm uhen itioppinx m i itk hut tt fotid pnue lo he raithani lue been ufler e omw for the raiun in in in in a ruiuwas mfutttn di t ol twut 4tl pir i en pec annum zj bile thought lzfvv for the week- v an nih miiidlioiismte ihcre i tha wicked shall b injrntrf li in uf j rtcil of ihv into halt and tlinaliont1h tund hit ttcun n i r 1 1 frl ctod psalm 17 n its are himh inlillraiel h w who ie nesr 0lf pji i ihe- ill lh buile iisl- ar llihiii irrfffi spuialiv jre itii jntuii pljsiii 1h m hiicn lu s a iliulin iinpi to uilririhii tilhlii lu it i hiil mjo l j11u hu 1 n r tnerp are eco i easons of tourse tne ion tin no iieen done o date 1 jh councils these past tew yean nave i ft n aeluged w tti road expense wiin sui t f j hfen aeluged fai g of sunt of i m riu ol costs i n i s rtai the nineteenth hole t ugar 1 and news echoes from the pages of the herald 1953 and 1938 p1c12 by bl smiley lundy jflrrnoon wr took in i schubeil oiiceit frttiiq prml rudolph setkri he nrt di a ihorshmr bft he oulrl 10 years ago f g a m u ni f inn could bt done budgets have l to h m nn loiection i i t of rulturt in wctk md m n i i i i he i md o bare necessnes at mes now rtdy rum my nor v j but surelv net yea in povpiner i of mai rendition of booruh hour gtoilnm tht shot ti oiul 1 liked tin hotel found tie wat pi i n i til physically pioduc ni inigtrtii in the kittheo af inj fathng of mild ilimuta lei walling vainly l tin dv lion punful financially prorlu for whili sh tried abdul b ong an afltrmath ol hollow da kilton keyi before find n prution on lht would opn ou loon no 7 qu d vo rt 1 1 p d tv pos itiif rnri i r ri pa ruar s o p ee ly o s meqrflifi he i a pen nie o d in 1 i is aid tne nor al i promises wed like to sec up a month of pro n ses is nere until september j5lh we will be near ing about medical plans pens on trada development and what have ou here are some of the things v c aou d like iq see pof ticians promise 1 a compulsory pension pl i for ev- y working person portable and lul lently high to ensure that his sen ar yeai will be cared for ai his own exper e rani er than be shared by the publ r 2 tightening of the unemp oyme insurance fund to restore it to ts rrg al intent not a catch all payment for expert ant mothers retiring pensioners and ppopf who ust don i want work 3 amendments to our frmul la to safeguard aga nst cont nuance nl ne yond the law gangsicsm bouq o 1 ihe roach report following ontar n s nnrt probe 4 a medical nsuranr pla a rh would work like other types of nsurance a a safeguard aa nsl rr ppl nq hosp al and doctor b is bu w m a deductible clause whicfi would nae an nrt viri ial pa hti own small b us s a rein o erlii ilicai parly riad a pn osnpt jt w ih tne o crs p o i tloo i evi po hi nd d d oi n nt the hi y now nay english rtvu eilabllihmant d idren at publ dank i parlisansh 6 una i mi stress on acqu r q lowartls then mea latei phdoiopl r 7 allenda e c sn oo s devo d of v it md v dual rel q o s ppl rig then nr taci ties lo s r i t on o jiside regular school ho n fl elens o of free h ql pi rducai on to all iual f ed young people at the same in p i ijliing thp yprtu of aite idaiue hy a diastr reduiiir nl no day hf im a i srnool teeh one m iq before yo i pro isp you carried our own bags up thi i ghts of laiit no lip wi don to tht kitchen and go buckat of ica no h utad tha phone in ilia inhb nn phone bill uted the hill room at iht and of tht hall no ppt the mail bag 25 years ago pif fli n reviews m ntw york reiterate stand lor town garbage pick up n pi n in mir 1 1 i himfd ihi the h riuikh tank fnv nnirrrrii i hlhh jhiiin business directory donald a gay dc tuts tluri k sat tr 7 3401 georgetown chiropractic clinic 3 main sheet soulh lump ts thow did have coupla of amusig ikiti including a j clever parody of tlit queen would loie voles from gambles doitcs reading one of hrr ipeerhes iter nani i na ip on pa ies pppriant ha remainder was labored ii n i and tatultit aboul on mothers school icinnen roma i atnol s nd a bushel of engluh a pensioners tt oe appoarh ig person ahrad of a college i age and peop r t n a it io buy nnw a d however th audiar pioa hi broadmindednai w plaudd wildly while i i wo ild ou qpr p p tt i my s3 so teal glowering true blue royalist carr a westwood cwamo land surveyor trangu 73311 w h carr r f wetwood tr 7 3100 rat tr 66164 w h carr p eng trianqle 7 1311 rat tr 7 3300 barragers enti5hiil launder tr 7 3379 nniiri hi li brnrh 121- nor r line burl winnrrs iinrl lnpr- ers hid a hifi imif hppilv sdil lhnln ierllir heaiing iwehii lat sdlur 1n flran h sfl a tin ria uhen thn irimprtid in lh of hottlp id nrk ililnrl b tonrnamiiil al ihr mini nmlrnl f eiirrrtinni rmnim winninfi evpri grnr ihr ral t rar inweirr um nr ne dm ini rlu hirl nol prmr in hr no fivml plaver- mire ri hir- inn enprneil hht the nm hn annual church parade bintoi and hh- l -the- f one 117 it ill l mughal lldin l m tltn i uiii i m seplnmher ljl m iht inniui ielix the irfiputt jelnin i inwl hn olllpr whn urn thirrl plare ml it irik v h p r iintitir r m the ill hoi mrtr him hu ir lonk l t in i nt mi inh fliiiili 1ji in n mirflirr ui tuhti bptttrc rmrt jmlnmjldhlr irihri hw in i dial thmgi ware a liltla bngh rinr branch warepreenlprt t en th week end when w v itrsnrh menili r and iheii took a flwar to ih slralford u f im im limk arhjnldjr i the fathval ihal peculiar canad f hdnimhle iranspirlaliiin in ian monument toward which m im jju rv- in lh tiuir ftljwa bow with rvrnc haam 14 periin in fill hmr lme with pride and pom i wilh hon tit ihaitcrrd hi ihe ujmn inr ihr tt indignation whan people ll immn ihirl iraicllerl lire i tt ah you canadian got no mod om hud hi all anrl culture al ihf lime if wnliiie in ilrim hi in a nhimni ui aiming 1 he ipm whi jkn then hif u rfl ii fri hri iicimi repinlpff t 1 hi jii i i i- ti n nl i k darts and deals ld l u ill j p u -fm- wallace thompson 3rd dvitioh court clerk commissioner tr 73963 e l buchneb o d iilnr nf iiti niln optometrist wedneiday evening only 7 45 9 00 p m by appointment tr 7 3151 scott il dale bennett latimer barnes brmtn 1 solicitor ihil i s i 1imhi ihiim t y bes ilinilec 7 ufll h mill st porcdi for expert eye cari o t walker kult jikuiipiunt 111 rl u m ii s rumpl m 11 1 in h il 1 ijll lliuiiv ii i m h p in rti ly rnrjn i i m ki 1 in 1irnims in ipimiintmrnt george c hewson georgetown animal clinic v fl f zaviti dvm olman mrcvs mil i h mfn 1 t i mon sal i r p m r wed fri afternoon 1 3 irn f 1 i r 1 i x i pnn cn p rr i- b rerlit oakulh nil rmrrh to i atrt nnfc- ml piithu iirvintrui nd liclp inr lnrl snd 1 hi irarliinn 1 ik lln d rl nd inlbjae hi i- r nl lhii- weak mn 11- thai mlliri null us0n and hu mjmp uf fii 120 and iv i irlh plr l wa- filled hv wellmd rl slamp mil hi iuli lrnph and mil npn i n hi inel b in ill imunml imr h l n mmrnt at wimirlbriruf n sep lember 21 hran p ml hranth the nlhr- ihrr i u i r pljm who mad up ihe lour t- dale in mind and hlp r w leami ere armrri npland ii nf m i pr nd rennld and boh ichol own ded hy ihe ihouahl nf pavins on warrior s day parade kdln wlltl j m ihe fri ulir frillriuing thk lej varnrr i kn rnhhire tram rr ihor ihe lournamrnl lim hall vre- parade al ihe i m- marie lfriiie nnr vr- heari idertt of rtinda branch vi jotj m memirible hv ihe n 10s0 draw dunn tpnrh officer prrtnt of the rgnn r r j wmnfr ken ft ed irophiei in the da- band thai lump throat i tirket seler b r hill tthfio hv ehanged th jii nf ftitival ii now in a handtom ft theafre wa hayed inlh foomi l al hi lop of th thbbietl hoi ll llr telry ihu nd of the allanhc and our graal gormlan boy went off after th thaalr hear ih folk linger at a fa houia and ddn t get back o th room until j 30 a m at ii i ill rni n b r wnlth point ha heard om real jpiik f r i ii n r folk tinging from hit un folk lkiihi uirnikh ihr mh frank petch i ii i sm li m i i inm i ii vn i i ik 7 jum 1 1 u tf rrt i i ii nf lilwimihl uuld atjli m hr i ft m n and avr i i nnl rr protinnal m ted printing of di5tinciion m ii ml m 1 i i ii kill ms i l i nl1 s ummhn u llrim georgetown herald robt rhamilton optomel rr- r ir rut khrd piriiiilinin till maui s rilled i pi m n 1 877 3971 frederick a helson barmter ind solicitor lln mini him i llil s 1 iiiilil lln l m e manderson qc brt r slpf a d so r inr 61 m 1 ii fn qfn m ir 7 21m monuments pollock 1 campbllt iii siias os iii ul f s i in p il i r mrk n iihtmiii1 liimtr phone 671 7sm li h stikt n nh all t van sickler ba liter solicitor notary illr li4iti it lg 15 l in s ih 7 4sti kaplan ord barnitari and sollcllon sidney kaplan and john d ord oc lid mmml nr hh s i iiihl bmlrlrii

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