Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 5, 1963, p. 5

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pride of thref counties 1930 reorganization was origin of lome scots this is the filth of a tan of articles dealing with the hi tory of the lome scott in 0 tobr the peel duffenn hal to militia unit will be preterite with its colors by repreienl live of her masty during the world plowing match at mao conn smythfts caledon farms all former member ol tht unit are invited to attend he cere mony and allied social twne horn send your name and ad- rew to chairman inwilationr committee lorn swti 49 john st brampton on thi peel regiment tlrl the peel and dufferin regiment 1 9111934 afur ihe trtat war tin 3blh teel rtinunl wis rtorgaiuad hj eneral orcltr no 18 of 1921 as the 1etl 1trtinkit lit ad quarters and tvv u companies were totaled in torontu hm hltlc prufinss was nnde low ards bin id mi up an cftiutn the mllar hitler ui described regimtnl so thai tn 1122 a fur ds hoars lit ad resting upon ther reorganization loik pluct a hrraldu wreath all companies were nloeittd during ihe tarlv nintienthn in ihe cauntv and officer per tics despite ihe lack of ade tunnel were to he residents of quale raining allowances iral the counlv b lineral ordtruink was tarried out annuallv no 61 of 192j the dcsutialinndt lotal headqiiarlirs with short of the regiment was aunncutl peruuls under canvas either al lo the peel and duffenn hem long branth or niagara on the men htadquarurs and l akc these tamps wire made norval lompanv were located at brain possible bv the eonpcration ofl plon b lompanv at port irtd all ranks who turnul ihi ir pavi it c lompanv al inijuumrt and to rmimemjl rund in order mlssioil motlbcrs d compam at orantville to difray epuves 11 is inter fcarh in 1j3 the retimenl isiing to note that in 1933 llu plflfl hutch ok requested anil rticiutl ptrmis rejmenl attended cam son from sir robert ptel in list kijara un the lake ov pirt of his crest as a uimmen strong rrmsporlation tal rule iianii the lion and tht steamship tirnckvilr which shutll llu tan bailee tiear idotked at oakville whirr tht enin iml with the adoption vl the ord i ornc in the regimental tie ilia race the duke ol irgvl was approached for per ulvum lo use a campbell tar in the puke being without an ieir also retained the titk marquis of lome consent vas readilv granted and ilia race ihe duke migjieaterf that he rtjjimeni me his personal irtan the orifinan campbell if argyll ana also his crtst the boars head his lartan was the oljynal tarlan of tne clan tud his crest the most ancient ihe cap bailee i described follows at the base a scroll in in bed the lorne rifles scot tishi immediatclv above the thistles symbolic of a scottish it crimen i resting on these the bugle as used hi- rifle rtgim ents i ihe centre of the in side tune of the bugle a maplt j 1u ma leaf ijrhiiii the whole surl d mountid bv the boars llad j hl lh rtstinj upon a htraldic wreath idays on their cabin cruiser al j keswick paul spent a few days visit 1 tng with mr and mrs ldward ttiatvher of guelph congratulations to norman rendley and son paul on winn ling a first and a third on their two enlnes of a doe and lit iter of new zealand white rib i bats at the canadian national exhibition peel and duffenn regiment hegimenlal sergeant major w congratulations to mr and i- palmer wo 1 was selected mr art meadows nancy to represent the lorne scots in i ttshburn of caledonia on the the canadian contingent at the birth of a baby boy richard coronation of his majestv kingarthur on sunday august 23 deorge vi in 1939 ihe regim first grandchild for mr and cnt was concentrated in toron mrs- stanley fishbum in on the occasion of the visit penrice family attends and children left behind the georgetown herald tand step into the darkened thursday sept 5 ims room where once the sun- pacifc 3 imht hmed often 1 see- that reckless driven ond thought in many cases you be forced to think feel more like crying 1 kulcqcfo wonx convcnfloh nd iqok upon the vacant chairl the human race is where daddy used to sit igood for a laugh but mr and mrs sam pennee and son douglas 36 princess njmuaui- annt dr have returned from f everyone their vacation this year theyl travelled to chicago illinois 1 who dm to attend the 36th convention ltl 1 h z wouw of the north american minx p association which was held t ff m aaii keep ln nuh lnow mtw the sheraton hotel v- w car dependinj on hscare th asaouatlon l eomposed tl and make a vow and pledge ol peopte who wet born onl f hmel lo never lake a ihe kle ol man or are ol ma ehaneeb man deseent ii u inlerestin ltbe d p the real ravde lor svm l tv ammnrp hi nii nr nii r takes i he i a little i lo note that ihe first such ty an more to 1 ciety was formed 112 years if everyone could ago in cleveland ohio the the bed of 1 their majesties king george tongratulations tp aearotdichlc0 group was celebrating friend vi and queen lfliabeth thedavid sharpe son of mr and ts wth anniversary there areiand hear he doit or sav laud bcidc ome ciom branches all across canada and hope belore the final end the stales nd se him thire unconwious pennc is president of never knowing what look the toronto society and also baee 1 orne scots had the honour of mrs fred sharpe who won ihe lining part of the rol route gold medal for singing in the 1 university avenue 9 jears and under claj com petitions for bpys al the can- alllantes ajan salanal exhibition 2nd vide president of the nathe law aud as the alliances ireadj m dtd a pupil ol jojce mc m a- a most interesting prog effeel wilh the lancashire fto lew ram had been planned tnclud braie uers and the roval ulster rif n f m leshadprovenatisfactorj per air andr llarold sme he river and tike w afforded l coul sson was soughl lo continue spent a cetuple of weeks on aa magntftceht view of the skv these affiliations this was giv er enjoyable trip in north unr pinner at the famous en effect ts u net al order no to sudhur parn sound mngsholm smorgasbord fol i9ja as follows s a cou of dv a performance of car the kin has a- usitinn with their cuugh im h the puppet grand op that l marion mr and mrs doug wai another highlight the alliance bitwteii thi for wake and dim of rose the ladies auxilian held r peel and dufftnn reiin mont on tin wn home their rmeting and an afternoon us of traffn p ri stkin em with such iuld midden iy ad ance ineiican telephone ttlegraph t ompanj mjjmow sa s so let stien list haie dculoned a camera whuh takis 500 000000 photos report ainera it might bo possible to aiiure a photo ktaphic record ol a politician l thi wife dodging an bsiie special this week egg rolls 3 for 45c eat here ok take out fongs restaurant 31 main si s call 8779791 cnt ami the 1ini iers and between lairne rifles isiottis inn r ixsil former r and iht n roval lkler rifles be lonlin 1it ued to the lirne siob ip11i duffinn and hallon regiminti biai non permanent ilie militia and mi canada effettue 91h ma uu8 holidaj non il prtslnti v ms nut al tht mrtlure on enm tta and mrs penrue was tlci 1 built r spun h- ihrd tti 2nd ice presiduit the h dida at his ului at jirs here also looked after borough and lni mjoicd a mit to the top of the irudentnl usuran j tans nephiw of mr ituildin a tour through the joe murraj pint his lcaji irihune newspaptr amping 111 the north p and a isit in the mu ra area uilh his sister june seum if stienie and industn and famil mr and mrs bud hi fore leaunj fin home the rn and thret bos of north polices wen guisl- of mr lia oarl in august mrs norman lueas of air and mrs aron and bus i a rhu travelled home mitid with mr and mrs mur muhijan arross thr mack tai for scwra dais last wtrk ic bridge suill ste marie hlioi uke sudbun and north miss norma murra aitnidul camping in state and pro uiiiiner school in innniln for parks the month of lul and spent wuk u a colt nbarked 11th htobir 1 914 for thi ipnsiduil mm t mel 1113 the ri nnental tn offimlh diinhul a- bu denulion timpani uri1 iiul f lime lh luimnit was mr llrh collind ilnrid with 3 bn to parade tor the distrnt tiiplun ants hitwiin the pas a shut tomnuiidmgs insptc th hem hh a s hi nn in n hli in lhur 111 w dress the motto i ro ris rt huts t irtan inws and tluiirn the tollir twdi adipltd was shi all rinks wire pi nit the siroll an iihli complimented in auki of ml li rs shi jm al hiinisille aa llj 1 the affiuo children public sthool attend vacation arthur 1 irk assist bible school 1 the mm 1 lh i aler a rtaimenlal bulon authonfd luinj the rikimui tal trest mptrimpiwd on a brass button dunni the eir 1921 the pt i and duffinn rijimonl huame allied with the i ancashire rus ilurs one of the most famous units of the british rnu per mission was also received to wear the white facing of tht 1 ancashire fusiliers h the in tht 1 1 rt tins appear offn stud book mr nils rubins 1 the lorne scots peel duffenn and hallo regiment in l9jh a general reo ion of all militia units in was carrud out this mr pi n 1 1 nd ho tss in string lunih mimheis th nmimtid bunt clein usi d ilollnik the hale and sm ill jars of j i and jclliis fi r th h nil 1 1 jn latums in llu nit unit 11 n be hi id r mr and mrs don miirrat f iinih h iu injom d ihur in d us 11 thi ir cottage on a in land in 1 ak timrikjmi n rilurnid home on the hnlulu the si mlrm anil st nil or the bim lo si irt lds tliilv ualiii libit tiiik to stboil sihool kept nnrli 00 east i 1 nd ounsers will oicupitd m td hurk mil on jiff dunni ihe two wuk it was m mil hi frnnd muhdl nill semon llolb thunhis wirei mjiud iwo weks at a tottagt used with ihildren fif and six il wasaga iitath in auiiis vears old melting in st n idn w s and those ste u ed 1 decrease in the numht of infantry regiments and mirease in the number of otht the colours umls parl uarl on the 191h of oilnhir 1925 and machine un and wis u the re w is cnmentratldisofar as possible to be effetti in brampton and paraded to mutual arrangements hi rosalea park lo reteie from twein units taking into to if mi 1 tht albert hunt of sepliinlu mr and mrs n rn in 1- 1 nd tilli mr ui and book district girls 1 on tiny talent show dnrilliv 11ne and kan n 11 mil 12 eir old daushltrs of mr and mrs lam s o rourke 1 imt house will apptar on the i m tiltnl time frnm i hm nel 11 ihmiltm on similn itieh 1 si pauls jtu e peel reument chaptir 1m deration thi fact that the coun rip tn port t trlmn and mil rial ordir daughters nf the lies of ml duffenn and hal hear iirk th enjnved hsh empire their kings colour lion would make a un compact ui and txn flth onn si pi mh 1 hr girls are holh and i skldnn is i nd duf kendlu iorne bonn r h 1 their kings colour lion would mak foliowmg the dedication of iherejimenlal area and th colour by the rtgimental chap friendly nvalrj had a lain the regent of the ordt r med between the peil formally presented the nlour fenn rtmment and the tn the regiment the funds forrif a mutual agreement was oas wuin the purchase of the rejinunlalinon arrived at this was gnn uncle and n colour were provided in the effeit hy entral order no hfl tom irndl ear 1924 h tht conntv coun f 1915 hj which the im 1 an i tornnln an 1 of peel llowner it was not rous firmi lives in their hands and fimilv of thai of mam unt a fniple nl md nioloi s until lfkfo lhat the final dc was approved an the rrtiiment was gnnled its battle hnnours on the 22nd of ma ib 10 the regiment pindtd to it park brampton to rerem olor from lis hxccllenc duffenn rt lorne rifles were dishandtdl and the iorne scnls peel duf i firm and hallon rejjimenli was authonztd as of lth dcninbir lea ifklti on amilamilion the ni w ilsrt fimenl protttded at once lo theireoianize and it was not erj the closinj prura nine h i prtsented rridn evtnina in si pauls haplisl hurih llin ihi reginners primarj and lun nir lassis ang some of the minjs hes had learned aud h tt r estorltd their pirents 1 the biistment whtre samples o handtraft and other work wen displmed j jirniikh the toorlrs of hit mhn orjttown dun stun s m pie i eaf dun and tastmistir bakeries milk and tookiis win supplied to ihe children durjn iht morning many pirents l u mured to drive children 1 mil from the sihool while rtiort linn 31 members and tetnakirs served as teaihers and hclpir i mr lohn ritsstll minister of si paul and rei kelvin lohn slon minister of st ndrew s expressed their thank and ap prtiialion tt all who helped it the srhonl and to all wh al tended ihe rinsing exrnisn this car is loaded ti 1 the doiimc volkvwagen and lit go i everything 0 luxurious car should have except a high price tag there are ah trays from and bock self pakmg wmdvhield wipers wind shield wo hen automolic coorteiy lights patsenger armrcl and door pockets it hoi in healer vents fully adjust able butkel veott plraled wpholiteryj and a vinyl headlining on me ceiting and enough chrome trim to make it look eleganl come in for a teit drive well ap pro ie your trade in while you drive ouri we if how you how to nt m the lop of lunury without flollenmg your pock el book nishl honourable viscount llnnj before the new organs ni 1 ir rt it lion was fiinhinmng smooth in ula ii n urn lie oenenl of the prtsrnie of a i of 1 ti ns during thise eirs was earned nut annii tal hridqiiarters and bruidi or riimenti tamps manv of tin brampton was selected as keg i 1 imental lit adquarters rompan les were lot 1 ted al port n j training lit oakville icorgunwn and illy al in irangeville annual camps al al short niagara were well attended and wuk end training at the various oinp nmns anv iu ddqiiirti rs was ihorou ii ihb voibrs lists act part iii notice of revision of voters lists for the town of georgetown electoral dlttncl of hilton c v motors georgetown 1b9 gueiph street were held al riimintal ex penc cspotidllv diirinu ihe de pressions rrs nf 102 ii 1 when piildii funds wire nol availible thse truing p 1 lods and nthi r ri omental aiti vilies wire made possihlr ti ihe spli nilid siipp irt from the peel ind duffenn counlv oun md it 1 badges and dress i is hi bv with the disbandmenl of ihe itel nd duffenn region nl a the uirne rifles istotlishi il iry ohlai ap who si jnt 1 a ktim dill i to till 1 lunds it is noted i war im j the juth rar f arvll and sir robert mad sub i in incorporate ihnr crisis bulges of the newlj lor ols hi jimenl pi r mis un w ii reidilj g vtn and 1 lo thb malton rifles t70 riti ir niihik allotntnl for the badges ami di it riminl h lei ri il ict d approved are as follows to pi r 1 100 all r nks for pirod of piuale the bad r ihe peel nls four divs jn dufffnn riimenl tht tap bade dtsirmnd a follows r or while metal issn 1 the lorne rifles if rum a heraldii wnalh 1 scottish 19311936 dtrnilon rimpan gorged with i a rllr charged wilh three he i ill wuii tin t it ur thi int holding tietwten the paw rniitniil w n r nii 1 i rf hutlle helow a scroll in diner- ordirno hh id i2d as lrl it ft fous hr he ha i n ii fit hiitjlui hole flanked h sprajs of m- htadquirtir and o 1 rompan p and thistle hlosst m were loraud 111 mrttown n with the imper wilh the oihtr 1 nnpanu s at riv4n an rrsung upon a scroll mil inn fjakulk and hnrlm i thfl lnrne vil- the voltrs i isl nnllinu milmhvi heilnral disiri nd furllir vising off irt r at iht 1 1 111 pi rsnn qualified lo vole tivt assemblj and ihusr ret llv t itrnd in i he tn to attend al the timts 1 purpise of hnmi in 11 i ht iisid t ihe sui1 dull i erlv nu utrilor pur ml lo of ihe revision if tin ins for thr town of georgetown in of hallon i ike nolur thi mllnik- will be held hv thr nd phu hiriiniflr set forth hereunder menlii rollttl upon ihe vol iiplamls whuh hivi ill in ird at this 1 nu niriior usis win lie in irti al inesp sun phi its must hi filestl with ihe u rk to the ite or more september 13th 1963 votjks i ists fnr all polln e subd been prop d upon mir sing olfurr m of i 1 h i hi alii iltrl dufftnn and halton reg ante was j imlaiil tuiwun im the mllar hartie wis tin hal it it 11 s an thi itov 1 pi r the badge ol thr i i ter rifle i ike oilier mil lia rne rifles scottish in til mills hit ii 11 11 hfles miflr vrr for w hite metal a hoars el nirtl nn llu nrtil prd ruling upon an mi il if trnniiu all iwanrps 1i1 heraldic wrejth the shoulder nn thist vtars mil n addi badge is in he in white meml ton 1 1 i it shifluif of p r thi word iouni- ahmr son ill lare utrrs strouslvl siots m 12 inch plain weaken d thr n 1 merit jn the lelkrs the bull n i late nmteen iwentits 1 u hrass shotting lion rm cidid to reniw the srittishpanl uirud with a collar thir ronnut n ridlhl 1 m 1 ffcfj 1 h with three beunl hotdm m ird r tn limilal retntilii itwcu ihe paws a shullli and revive intt re i it ihe rig ihe drrs lo be as for scottish mtnt fltr a pi ri h of ne rewed regiments the tartan tauons the halton r ties vier be ihe ordman t ampbell rrlr ijrutrd as ihe 1 rnt h i fl fff t mrral eird r in 1917 l r as n of his i no 1 j4 of lfiv1 md eft em amie in th vot111s 1 ists inr all polln e sulidiunn ol 1ic intui of enrmown w ii in open for publu inspirlmn at he riff to of the f if rk of the town of eorklown in the municipal lull dltlil between we fiolir nf nine oclnrk am and fue nrlfirk pm ilst on and after tuesday september ird ifllt siltlnf s will hr held for the registration anil ren m district nf the town nf eoretow al 21 mill strert rtgittrition and reviling officer douglai v latimer clerk lo reviling officer joy g laird offir nf revising of fiu r anel link it mill si eirilou hill ics il- sliiind 2 00 p m in 4 00 p m dsi sept ii 196 1 1 1 p in in 9 10 pm 1 dm 1 sept 11 iftfll 1000 a m 11 1200 noon dstt sept h ifwi jjajjqijlalilui 2 i george e elliott f- let linn hoard for the o the election act section j7i appointment of clerk to the election board to all whom it may concern lh 1 lo give notice that miss marion pnwley of the limn of oakville in the ountv of hallon was hj rcsdulinn n ihe the hfttioir roan nf ihe omit of halton on the 20h dav nf xiikust hhfl appointed t lerk of ihe said board correspond entr should be addre eel t 1 the said tlerk at the l nurl hoiim mi inn ontario and ihe telephone rails to milton r1r mil cilensinn 41 dated miltor august 211 1k3 george e elliott te1t dance reopens sunday afternoon septrstlr- 251a featuring the bluenotes admission 50c riviera at the norval nt

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