Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 19, 1963, p. 1

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for fine printing a century ot service at pub- ttham a printer it offftrtd by th herald u orgatown georgetown herald telephone 8772201 hwn to 7imi ta plan a nt ad in h harakt ik avkkast way to auy ar aall authoraad a sacaml clau mail toa offica dapt ottawa conclude checrleider trvom- gaorgatowrt ontario thurtday saptambar 19th 1963 400 par yaari sirajla copy prica taa cm ask plebiscite sunday sports j softball players are j injured in car crash tour illatntthts of a bull tiji a ulchisule ou on bundav iofl in lutrtthmt has been aktnbv the hoard of parks maliakt uicnl in a iellti lo mimiil the board pointed to tin- adu nl u y big lin iumor lntkw thi sea son with the possibility thai i some sftnilit james would v v on ih uhtiliilt lor chl airb mill ere injured whtn thi car in which thes were n ding to a ball was involved in 4 ctllision saturday the girh wv bemj ukcn lo ibc part it ko murden 5b ndltwn irtm whci the mur a iftsb hiiuk ilnnk a 11 jt kerl rik a too at iht h ami charles iit- 401 access prominent in candidates platforms guest soloist jaycees enable voters to hear three aspirants asseltine manager junior b hockey pnhiv 4 id tin miiri a iravilliii ttmlh o v whiui flu iutmh iicji i luilt tliit wall kit cillid lilt- 1 101 thv will ih junior r it iui klidius tiroi edul out of ihurth m injured ftrn jaime m1d011 11 t of t9 dimrdii drac who llllllr tl mil ft nd a he id duration i joipurtd vukic lowrii u of 1w u r lawn trisc who suffered in i lh uijind hau hobc dakne ij illnw w ii 7 hiaw n riti injured i iuiu jrin lttlil i tultr 17 ii iur lliliwu i ii lmimil in nt 1 oilier xl dm mr mii ijuri st john ambulance forming town unit liriurtii ii luu- 1 muni link 1 uhitm iuil ih dai 10 uunloi ktkiruh hi miflr it was an old tune election met ting willi a freewheeling good natured cmwd monday nightt hrn i he three llallon counts hopefuls took part in the jauee sponsored meit your 1nd1d1t nighl medicare govttnimnl cai in ineial portable pension is now law not a- promise and that it is being operated in conjunc tion with existing insurant companies who in turn invest the mono in canada a friend of labour was description of his party brisk bidding for disbanding raiders joan beatty suranie and iidlit of edu citing equal pa tor women cation wre iht thnc inainjand the minimum wage actas planks of the vw lliiiiucrdiiciexamples iartv tjiiiliilah william il a medicare plan without til ins ih told iht rniilib one fore and without urge tax in hiindtid and iwmhfiw piop crtdst s was forecast bj mr primiit thai dspsmcnt ikerr the rosernment will pay tiuild ho einuluul throughout be premium v fur those unable iht- provnut then a tmifurm tc ii lax nil for iibualion ailoptid the onldno trade policy i his m tt m h on id reveal how i iis he en most successful he d claimed joi1fjaiu dont leg- i jje 4jp ht i ishle prospcril aid the wh il thrs roidrl 1u1i ppeaki r thev simpb create a ll llll til til 111 t a look at the weather mil- pi unli mm nl fnll here are the high schools six picks this is the vocal half dewen that will be domg ihir darndest lo keep the h g ool team roolers from tilting on iheir hands in s football season they were chosen oruldy afier a week of iryouts al the school standing are joanne pedverse pal hyde pat mc kmnon and kneeling are ellen biehn ann peterson and in davidson downtown merchants adamant want store hours to stay same in here it ran flourish rdui itumd serurs hi hi lhat 60000 newjobs irlc in hit provin u ear have to he created to ihsurh ihe labour market he tin swiim lusjcnntinuoii but idst year 69- n oofl new johs were created 01 inn am no i smiling hr inoked around the hall and said ive been piif iir iiimir id and told when youre in triiiition n gad norgt lowti don t forget the tlniiriuid ihe fh 1 iiu well jou certainly ihf insiirinic nr a betirr north south art- ir liuncr there iht tors standard hear- nit m promo er wtnl on il is not onh a nl unit un hazard it a disjirace while 1111 iiki primi ayi rcnik the 9th line needs 11 ilmi d nne impniving he felt another i clover leaf was unnecessary fidr a vmkperthe iniprovemenls could mean m id thine simplv increased grants said mulil inrgirn j ti speaker or at least a pa 11 a tor mne job hit x r r i change coming mayor believes tui s the in b mm hi iv hat been tliinid and wc fair a diffinni siiualion if v r uh ham- imn in lu miss foi sears in it imimn the majonly of cnuntil up siiih ihe dnivnlown menh 1 lluiem in opi 11 onh oneiuhi fed ihtie will he nineehdii anls on tin ivm w whv rml 1 it our n go wd the blunl warning hi commenting on nun tin l and priunl the mltihilh en in a innip nl hosiiledmin ttursons slatemint thai in lill i ui timi tin shni town men twills b lavor i- a deimtm thould not b made 0111 in d f hnbir livde mondaj morning after am twenls minutis i birbtr h oddlnlh ue fl in j7 stornn nititnik in ditiuss the iated ihe mculiaiils have repln i the niauu thursday night store opening lucn tbinkine ahout this for s onlon mi hut ihe imrihanls miihiiv anil mars df or 40 in ihe t 11 n mum il nib bi inutnin 1 sncallv opposed lo an thurs s anr ihrnnpiuis l one the si me should apph in ihe dav nirihi opiiiiiig were told time we win op n iwn nnli irn h nt- ll lln lis i s 1 that ounnl would mot with week hut fill il wis in hi usdiidid li opioid u w ii the delris meuhaihs within uint so ill 1 ulril to rlii wcbp al the wish of a mmmim the next fiw ilav in hiar m rchani instiitd ihi in h was iliu shoii rin their views the manr sogers law and ami oiled it wlnn m whin iniiniil ndiunnd lo lid ihal tilt two groups of cedars so oersone would b ihi tommiltie ro mi llul ih mertlidiiu gel 1ojtlnr alo b hminil and we tuiimivnr hiinoiintd 1 lie niutiij witlvthe initialivt mininj from e whi a mmorilv shniilil wilh llilrex men ii mi md the laigir rionp thi down change il tonrludid mi llai siigitei 1 hr inutliiiitv mm town merdunls her bun d m int the pititum tbursd two year term almost voted in by council in ihe pst sou biikired mot if ahmil monday whil mm the among ifined bv a ml of ibirn n rloini retnrl tie show ihree merehanl- how vonling lo ihi mnoi onh 21 lould in coiimdind v did sum the ollurs would not hi iflu led hv h in law s mil i ht of 1 d ihe rim r inn lh il ui dindul hv 1111 at mm tune ounnl n rhuiie but lo airpi lliursdav npemiig m llm one wis in id in sis ihev rtind tin in lm ecrlnh see mayoralty contest x j gibbons again in field ihr- riu- i 1 i ohlm jrhri- tv li iti i j llul hlolill inhli iii if 1j llu 111 bcidiic 11 ihrir ph mil m rjlr nt nuini nn u mil lull m rt i tnwh ir s hl ltr h 1fi ul v l mrs monckton golf null tf i i l hif hl jx ii i 1 ii ml the hlriiil vvf apprflf kr ul 1o thr pmplf i wrf in nt vis im cd n w thitni nni hrr lady of the day in iifiiutnf i 1 rl i dl hj hit urn 1 inr rrl rn umlr ll- rirlii ln w h 11 hute n p m h- lnp i j at nmh luitn inlf a n hnns nwn a lnlr injh n lumis s i if son en u rk njrihr pmnh nn folding pne vtn on hit whv i hours- ikii tin mi h a- hive hn n 1 p i hul i sll lk v iiu i ml on un ilrtilinj lo makt thi- a ri ttlls wtin wmt tn itt juti iff rt rim will tonlr 1 mir di a flight 1 t lw lni mis f i r ell 1t low nit mr- 1 m il i irn hi iullmc miss rg r liki ni i nn muse drive f win s hmk is rm approjihnie mi h kit cnnni li urn ill iiihhin expirid hjn iimlterahh nppid1n he two venr turn lmh the rei i roiirtdl s rm lo wint hku hi h law u f mr v i i n l a ho 2nd low ne mr- nrdldlf s it hi firotime hp indirdnt mmril uf u iii iklo j id pulling h r i irn ihrn ll a linl m i illnrnri jml 1 on jf 1 r cunt- he tnntrnrl l rktl hr ll vi am nt lrnr mrs m dwwr 2nd rid bifttrr 1 n ke a den he mrnpand with ihe initnld r fs 4 w jnd ppr i hnv i ihi i old r ii ndiiii imi f inl m rijrjhr npfftng lit tin end of lf mlth a la urr ul low in mr- t the siar wa tiled hv i nun srli h j hp van m lii nil mr- y smilh a- being latifiitorv tn ep a mavor would be in nnld uiwui uti r- ii the men-hint- n the delrrx have i repealrd monktim i oneei fir ve mm mirket lntre hve ihi velrn tampusnfr mr lam hail jtii2ceinn fo mil mi fiu t f ihbon- n ej i vrl wmnt f thi 1 o r i all with rhf dowifowti mirrfi tfrms a mavnr lie rcinn dai 7i phi u t r- h mmi arts in iq4q t bemme assemer t mr p kesman lor ihe enmmjionrr isl fall he ten n enjovahlr dinnrr uu indcaied that firm ii cominj dered hi resignauon from jnvfd by tht lads member he fimt luded hv stressing ri no itiiiune 1 1 would fi as a representative cenr- in un plan uruii r ihe nli fit town would be just u im- i i mm portanl as burlington and he b t l a fiw smnis ihe would do his utmost to see ii jnrii m intirmier everjthing possible be done for in- mifn hunt and at he benefit of the county t t- who mi gel along coming nut swinging right ii m iimarh he fell from the hegmning owen mul- piiiimei should step lm liberal hopeful stated of puiihle pinskins sav the seandal within the tory lo h trulv portihlr ilhaparty still runs deep enougfi bit mine inn provinte hide lo cause the resignation of the tin bill rain in end his highh respected deputy minis- un mimites he uigid a ler mr cudne who couldnt lo stomach it anj longer i do mtipl of gnvrn i hot think ihe pcoplr of hilton pmpli ind for il sinmarh it any longer ei- i ni ino iher he contended ml ihe remrdofj heading fiom i newspaper hoiernmeni he he qunttd his opponent mr ki rr tm nppon kerr as saving put your fin- i nuird in def gt r amwherc on a map ofthe nuntv and vou will find a pulsion mi tin 1 firi class rond hul tonight htr hbnur legishinn jintls jour present north south in thul in ihe jrterv a disgrace laniluhle is his i ontinuing he challenged he tories have been consid- ii i il uminuiknl eiing the ninlh line project hi nf eduralinn for ihree vrars hut il took on- clniiiul lm the is si months in decide nn thr i ih fill moreiuloir for the campbellville in ihe proimie riee track uilh ihi ureatlv he wem on tn rnvlmon all itihnnil and vma the major north south roads in- on pmrimme rec legrated into ihe provincial juntid it is hoped ss and the ftlb line not di p mils and onh as genrgelowns access to mplnvmi ni he 401 but right to ihe lakeihore similarly the seventh in addi- d thai 1 lie pro imn he proposed the extension of hiuhwav 2i seninfi milton land arlon bejond highway 5 in hr lake lie di nminccd as a vlcinm circle ihe palchwork of prov incial grant for education and called a ompletih new ap pro irh lo financing of eduia- turn nui thi would provide the si me pialilv of education nilit acros- the province at the mnment he contended 1i more money per pupil i- avjilahle in the cities than in rural area and public school hoards gri no less than 60 mnr per pupil than se parate srhrnl boards during the queitinn and an- sw er period w hlch follnwed ihe candidates displaved ome nimble footwork and the audi ence i reads good nilured wit in their heckling while chairman ine fiihhnni display er nil uuiai iplfltnb mihioni racing bi featu at local fall fair one will succeed late stan hall as mpp the three candidates fc t e georgeo rt it hdton t ouny e r r p jjel eajn e 1 monday vfe tl r crt i jd cr vnvist ve will fln giles ndp r oaih k i jin or chamber of commerce m ic i wr oq aoit l beia lue p ogr ihiii will br no nrerl in i 1 to the mnhak raerwav situiiliv od ih as ihi ikilown ran is prnvidinr i i lsi s in harne rirma shiiiild be of inli rest lo railing fan- i ihaml- nf the secretary forthee wil iar s ind with the track in kflh h hi t shape il has ever bei n some good raring is e- pi elcd make it a pinol in tell your i 1 as tlev fr atl rjeliwn fair 1 0 r ght 1r1 f r hsimltv u do roshe by k her and b tur ind coma lyourielf

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