Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 19, 1963, p. 6

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songsters say john wilson tours with soil crop group flower arranging is shown hospital ladies plans or the coming lashion how on sept h were i he main business at the geneial meeting of the georgetown district memorial hospital wo mem auxiliary the meeting was held sept id in the hos pital cafeteria mr robert thompson repnr john wilson norval r r 1 i was hilton i delegate to the annual junior farmers sol achlcvemcnt day at and 11 nd use tour john t y arms with his father spend r mllloii 101 4ncrs wilson m esqueng loan th 4 bm cjui r ship and is active in 411 and hft fcm hols cl hal led that the rashion sho nre- junorrarmerpioiiranmes wm t ahi jrrify guern paratons are comim along the sol lour w held on a h tal ind wfh ind committee u loo september lulh to 13th inch cuhs hed lhpir ma k f tl a vers siuncss mve the program is under mu fln wrd f evening the members the dtrec ton of the tensum j september 11th eachwere ur to m operau m branch ol the ontario depart ih members selling thrr bckes for men of airtru lure and he klon one thr on thi thanks for the harmony and the podium choral directors of the georgetown chapter of the s p e b s q 5 a i barber bhdp quartet singers duncan thompson 2nd from left returns the etobicoke po hum o jom ny cairns chief area counsellor and a member of ihe elobicoke chapter georcieinvu songslers were allowed io keep the loaned podium until they had oi of m- os on the left is don southern the am slant choral director of the etobtoke chapin n i on the right is claude boiling area councilor of the metro chapter etoboke vpon sored georgetown and dropped in over two weeks ago io prepare local gpcn pi tor an impending visit from ihe district governor halton manor j0y 20000 use bazaar proceeds provide c new comforts for manor loih department of thr on 1 t an m 1 the mfrtl w chlirf0 bv uo agricultural collet m the eml0m we mm walter pope the pre ach county in onlario has an h and b ent mrs f blllrvar rfwrmn8 opportunity to send one repre 4 1 uub ln iecietar read the minutes of e j i i ft meetings marked thelne june meeting anrl mr a the tour ncudr uuls hi f ofmeet imaugrnmt read the treasurer mructton at the on aria agri hm b o 4 report cultural lollegf ami visits to thp u c prokra volunteer senses- onven uw land use programs jn hmm h lim ihe direc 1 mr onnje ijewsnn repnr tlon of j a france agncul thal sohmjecr wort io the uiu represents anil j hospital has tarried on well rop projeets heme carried on burnside assistant during thr dimmer months agricultural representative as volunteers are still needed to aisled hv the volunteer lead help in lie shop with the can ers of the halton 411 hm bt visitor iniitiol is well siaf leaders louncil f ir thr prferit omplelinn of the entire mrs rl ihnisn who jiiiijrft mil take place al ihe w an means cmsencr himor dav program of milton hoped that all membus ill 1air sponsored h the halton continue to rolled label hnx asruultoral souetv the 4 ii topi elr for the olrien book ailut vemrnl u shows will 1 charm whith is d current lake pi it eon hnla afleinoon mtme makini projed seplenihir j7lh at the milton mkei fm the eieu rair rounds l w mrs prarie of roi liuhiiled in the show will dale moral she was mt n he lasses of senior heifer cal d hi llr- it ptipe stie is jiiiiiui htilr tahes mrl inleiesimi illus a das ft sttirs faih 4 ii tralion on flout r rtrraiijinj t luh mi mhi r will lompili in most f the fliutrs on used shiwmaruhin and vsill he fi f p pnl ir lionn farms in ontario in addilion to hie snj ontauo agruullnral i iillefie ihis car s deleuaies sisited farms in limolu wil land perth fturon and llalinri toiinties i on riidas sepfunher ulh ihe tour concluded with a i sit to four halton arms hal ion farmers who were hosts for the tour were bntk harris milton rr fi sam hauon slllton r it 5 mm snow ir bolown r ii 2 and rred nurse eoibctown r r 1 ihe pioijain pmuih an opportiimh for miini firmrii thi giorgltown hbrald thuruuy spt 19 h3 patk s mrs pope thanked theipea ker on behalf of all the ladies who had enjoyed her demon slration verv much the meeting was then closed and coffee was erved officers installed by percy merry home school the first meeting of the home and school was held at ihe percy merr school on thuradas night sepl ijftii a good croud wai in attendance to see the new officers instah led b mrs margaret mason president of oaks ill home and school tnuncil- sho also explained the res pnniihiljljes of th home and school the staff was mlro duced b the principal vy s rohiusoh the 1983 84 staff is a fojlows mrs donna han cotk president rerl king iif president second vice dick course mrv edna bait recording secretars mr ruth bousoeld corresponding secre tary norman tlaik treasurer mrs bertha grexton puuit cations mrs ella patterson social convener mrs joan williamson program conven- cr ron featherstone member ship mrs joan mcchesnes childrens reading henrv pea cock jack ljnih and howard owland ts directors mrs ret- t robinson will also be a hel- tper with childrens reading i while adam mav have had his troubles one thing we re sure of he never had n list en to kse talk about all the other men she could have man ned 1 watch cry ttali iplacio z whilb z youwait1 mcnmar jewtllari u main st t 3750 ontario grant for terra cotta park llv pi i ihii llll suh ih iari the of ihe shim oncnfascucs mr stan nght a piominenl led dutding star handstitth gideon of the oakville milton ert quilt to mr and mrs s l tamp was ihe leader of the len as a mark of appmialion church scrvue on sundaj after for ihe manv kindnesses shown noon tiuil 11th and mr to them by mr and mrs mien john reimer was the speaker uncr ihe two sisters came to the churth service on sun the mannr day icrniion iiriisi 18th in the tapahlc hands of mr dalbv whn penletoslal t htirch at oakville mr dalbv s sermon wis as jwavj of rreat comfort to ihe congregation mr dalbv t ser mnn was hacd on 1 of ihe psalm a vere which he para phrased as shall have no need hpnine my shepherd 11 the lord nrvs mens ding io f ikiiro that pool build it yourself llii himoiiiahli hi 1 o ito ul hr lm l of a 1 nm am ii mi fl ar lurls mnihler of i mils and hampion beef dauv and ov ranjuneni- f 1iatip do li- iimouinis ihi pi prrt uloik showman hs honitiric her flowers in val of a provincial eranl 1 uv umtr u uil fealure i utilnii memliirs w ho st 7mhk1 tn thi nilil al immii earh 4 11 gn lla a rirrt f r smite lev onscrvalmn iitlionh tor u hiiiiun ikini lu wrr lrl hospital palienl finlhir dnelcipiihiil of hie i m nic r and luriior in l0 rn lena olla onservatum iea m i lull ihe mitre show i his ira a i nu ml hi le the work nl the u hniilv in lifsr aulom fllf kcinrlrod nunc men puses tin aues of i n m jlu ttlim mm halinn pal is if fsquesiiie ai rl hi n kuamv townships ami i 1 futurity show sale ontario abirdeen anous association western fair grounds london ontario sept 2627 thursday afternoon show bulls 1 heifers thursday evening reception a banquet friday 11 00 am ft sale 20 bulls 6s heifers for information and catalogue wrili mrs dorothy bowdin port elgin ont lule in 1 notion plin in u ml the narli m k- 1 s tie salurdav september 2flth of church allerr the hrisiian ki committee of oak am in chariie nf ervite nu sundav august 21 h mr hat us lliiumk w is ihe speaker at ihe stunt anil he chose verse ifi nf hapler l of et lohn s usptl as his lest some of the most attractive coloured pictuie slides be seen at the mam shnwn bv mr mirjie muhietif quebec hv on iucmuv ughl august 27th mr michie is i cousin nf mr and mrs joseph hnare who are residents nf the manor and mrs lloare inlroilu ced her cousin to ihe residents before the showing of hie pu lures began ihe slules were a aeries that had hcen laken in england scotland ireland and wals during trips made hy mr and mrs michie and their mal daughter in reienl jears the many tni litis of the ma nor will he interested in knnw ing that several ariulrs of vers practical use have alrlady hcen purchased with fundf raised al the second annual bazaar last may ihrse artitles are an rl ectnc rlotk for the sewing room an elerlnc tlnik for thf auditorium an eietlnr tea kel tie for the auditorium kikhm a damask linen lalilc cjnth for the auditorium partus and if i ty new hvmn books fur the chapel i r of it 7 miles ii ills ihe hh ill nev fi nl wn lit lln ntatara i- si iipinr i ihe uihonts p inn i wondeiful main rairv out furlhi r d ve iij nmt f i is it s the first wav wink on ihe na nhih v i a what a man wniill nt lull i rl i nr i t1ni l hf dlhr mil il n i nu ii i nu- anrl paiki k u fi soddini plan ni ai i i i h linn i sius w 1 hi iriirrf with ihe aulli ml numhi r in it ih nhie nf hie i nl bottom 1 1 aft cuttins fuuj j4 atrfoof qlljf rrrltwood in ihe auditorium tin nesdaj aftirnnon aujus ihe meiuhtrs of hit mi ued jrth sirln of lniiimr of the nlh n lllst this farm sled is easy to make and longlasting ii a i- iv 1i i i hirlhrh coiiil old fjshiiiiietl slid afltr 1h pi m mi s mrrr is a khiljou urn zucsts vrn ti ilt 1 to ihr vuurstlf ijuitklv usih t hearl table ilirv win vlr ii exitrisivi iv villi whin baverslnik mr i oi mr pltlid von will haie a v mnorr mis urn mimilhn hat is built in i nnl a i antl mes-i- i kuin i pnnishmm kemp nil il i luirihtrldin hf rtr ini r of 111 i hath h i nf hoi ur x- prev he usual shear slrrnih fu i e -iu- w- british mortgage guaranteed certificates paying 1100 or mor from 1 io s yert a ol u ir m r llo i nd i y r v tqngp a i 11 wdfth1 manv w reasons why good government deserves your support 1 improvement in your living slandan metre and belter goods and serv ices lor jou bcuiusc jour goern ment tiijhiiit aid to enterprise lonlnhuling io unlarios growth 1111 110 new j nbs h 19ft7- vour tuisciv iinc jovlrnment s i ride liusadc huy inuliin aims to trcitc new nimul illiiiing md job fipporliitnlits in tin irtnnilc imprimtd aurnultural rcscurch co ordination nl all rest in it hv ttio onlario apruiillural risiinh in stitute niikc new tcihmqucs and opportunilics availahk adianre road suhsidv pavnirntn onuirio s lnutiiils invmiships tuics and iildjic khil advanll pav- nit nl in assist roadbuilditu provide ltlipllllhllt 5yt hurcs fur gnu mm nil unrk jour jovtrn nit til set vndcsptlit minimum viik si mil irtk in intlml- jiiga wage tlausc in ill publu woiks contracts 3 6 8 10 11 farm miruigtmeat naislance for tarmers a program that helps im prove your business and marketing procedures will be expanded aid for export manufacturers trad ing groups arc formed and a coor dinated effort promotes business means more prosperity for ontario brighter future for your children- partnership of your itnernmeni and industry in the ontario re search i ounddlion is ensuring a solid future kipansinn or vocational schools in 0i2 217 vocational school pro- jccli were completed or under con- struihon medical and dental student aid j our tiovernmcnt gives bursaries of 1000 a year to students who agree to serve in areas in the province whirc theyre needed most vigorous leadership good govern ment lejdi rslup gets things done for the people john kobarly adminis tration ii for dm prime minislcr john rnharu vote progressive conservative in ontario a gift nf mrmev n allrail coloured jiripir i ip ni iji on he ik at of rai 11 liuisl d ihe ii ippi llirlhl i- mplinlv aunft inr refrcihoi r lsinule hh oil i ml a plrlvll i 11 llll l gram iirriirnrt at thi rnil n the afli iiionii s rid ihi ilun mrs da hill utii no hihalf of hrr iritjul ilr mr km i ta hrisinir ml tursclf pn sen ends j hi kussrt ssim i to anrhnr tht npn hi flu ll ii i h n 1 i lu i i i lame as i hal eniploirl in nuiv in r 1 i ii 1 i i u i r i biiililin- nr i 1 mb i w r die silii iu ii i n i ii i hi a ools mnf limlier anl a m t dim 1 i i r shiil ol i r p imn if 1 i r h in in in 1 rolrlwonil uw iii inn r i i ai il i nh drmlin hill smipi expnd it an vill r li i arnold rathbun representative sun life of canada georgerown 12 gower courl all materials for above t available from t beaver lumber 1 1 wair si tr 72334 opan friday fill 9 saturday until noon high inlofotl british mortgage trust leplonf j5 1 7330 i dussell mn ii main si s brampron vote george kerr in halton marrtad 3 children served on board of management of hti church lawyer member law society of upper canada and halton county law attn former viceproaidenf end director chamber of commerce member burlington retarded children t association member burlington town council 4 yean chairman finance committee and business development committee projnelfd agricultural rehabilitation development association legislation your progressiveconservative headquarters in georgetown 16 main street north phone tt 76361

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