teens live again tulbros dance party gets stomp of approval i harrowing experience for local bank teller porsetown woman mrs catherine haves 24 who works as a teller in a branch of the canadian imperial bank of commerce in toronto had rather irregular withdrawal slip thrust at her last week mrs haves was at her wic ket at the bank at the corner of eglinton west and ilengar den ve when a man entered the bank scribbled a message on the back of a deposit slip and pushed it acrosi thecoun ler the message said do not scream or harm 1 mean bu siness mrs llacs reponricd to the threat with 1 500 in looe bills whiih he droppcvintoan inside poiket the well dreed man who wore a neat blue suit anttoar tied an dutomafic in his brief case carelull used ii palm aid avoided leawiir his finger pbinlsi otr the bink door when hr humpul into loear0th mi chnel l tmh dn in rushed out iolue are unable i claiii f pdlm pniilt and thenhire ratniul true iht man it he has a n cord i he burf mm- anil gun were later dismtnd ludrtin in a flmwi heel on rniblc itojil llnspeuor rlhnr w ilmrr said the run a ihnlihrc reuihrr had a broken spring and wjs emptj thurulay spttnur it 1n3thi oiotgbtown herald tw hundred and fifty teenagers cant be wrong that s how many wiggled mio the arena rose room friday night lo gfeel the revival of a friday night dance lor town arid district teens the new dance pary which boasts top name recording itars s lhe brain child of tul bro productions partners bill tullett and scotly brown above one of the partners bill tullett awards spot dance prizes to heather clarke ot george town and jeff agnew below are iwo other reasons the young crowd hocked hem lr luch great numbers the singing of the charmames of cincinnati backed up bf the fabuloui lucernes this week the attraction is the checkmates the mail bag pipers offer services for charity projects j 12 park amnue deorgelown onl si pi i m h lniit hen mr minor tin hi hill of the nrkclun girls iipc iljiid i would like lo thank ou and our malt for the mam wonderful artic les and piilures vu havrpnn led about mir url- uruir no iclta hoss mm h p har apprecialiri this also our thank sr out in lucr ihde ami the pi oplc o dcorgdohn fur ihur hilp and support tlnv pisl mir which has null i in n u 1 1 li lit lui hi ip from ir umilclnl describes establishment of institute in north the hornby women i inst i lute held their september mee i ting at lhe home of mrs john mccarron on wcdncscla af ternoon sept 11 the meeting was opened by lhe pnstdenl i mrs stan may the roll call what one piece of legislalion would you like in see ir i ir or changed was answered h 9 members and 1 vimlon mrs gordon robinson ihei citizenship onvener gave the motto don i just cntitw do something about il mjss gla dys rcalherslone was jjuest jfieaker for lhe af in noon in place of mrs lohn hill who was un ible to hu ml sho spoke on her hip lo tlie vu kon and lhe win wet tcr ntories sin was atcumpanird by the iublir iballh nur- mrs himi they left b ja luur on au gust 5th and landed at tort smith where lhc were trying tn set up an institutes the mctints win held in the halls f ihc aniluanuild ind catholic hurt h they at so visited other towns inhere institutes hid hi r n formed huch place- as rial suve uu v hurt hroufihl lo ihis count rj a letter was read from their ad opted child in hong kong the meeting closed with the singing of the queen lunch was served by mr w mclher son mn lew sampson and mrs met arron the ucw o hden lniled lhurch was held in iupmi ty night sepl 10 at the home of mrs garni t hamilton with 11 members attending mrs j lordingley presided for the meeting whith opened wiihlhr usual hynn mil priyir lhe minutis ol the lasl met i infi wrre read hj thr sicntarv mrs john himillon mrs john nixon was in eh iriji of the devotional period som ni w i chairs for lhe church hall wi n disuissid and mrs j- rank ih was asked lo order two samp les to have on display at lhe nexl meeting they decided to jhold an auction sale at the october muting a turkiydin ni r was diseiissid also mil will be held on wednesday nighloilidur i1n mrs 1- mall and mrs i al th our lown the have bei n mi sir wi hase pi nuu d a re union of all e members lo be hed this saturdas s pt 21t lln is to cdebidte be baiids2lsl annnersarv since we ire of ten requesting help fmrn 1 hr people of our mn e in turn umild like 1n offer our sirvuis fne of c h irje as mu sieiaas nr ciinissirs to hi ip anj i hinl ihle oifiiiiahn raise mnnes for a worthj ran se i el ii kinw a ek in art vanie if possible and wlllhe only i m happy to help pin vided we hue nn oiber rnir niilineiils the sime chv trnr an inform dinn re ib eon ihci in llainis 8771112 or peter jones iluiln virmnia walker a77 2411 thanking von afi tin f r all homi of mrs craig rmct wilh our help i remain b memben attending mrs ma lei chisholm presided for thr meeting which ope ned with uuma w ilkrr lhe guild prayer j resident the minutes of the listmer ting were read b the seere tary mrs velma ula the members were rii ii the ed to hear a donalion of si 111 u was rerevid hy he guim to kerr fulfilled pronwe put towards the rost of h the vtslrj a new floor coining will purchased and ruphonls ins sv m itth l llalled mrs im hippmce is sf 7ri eleded as nmunir fir the mr hb lilake georjrlwn and milinn r r r n mrnisulle hr k honth mreitssille nil iwo wrdchng nciphons 1pn diiiimut win ditusfd nnd mi i hilton t ounti lihual nc diewhniuk oflrd hi oiiuie mv l r mr hi ike vmrs fruit mna says local supporter thi foi 1 hr of i nli bodlh li w a dilk n rr nil se m die lt s liiotli f ijn line urook tin n be in id al die lark winiiroic md irllu should i il uho an fori ftae here ed whal had he n gbj ha ol du i he minim i ni if ii in cmort lb him hi bi tw nut la i mlinlii m lit how mini of iln al llu homi of mi 1 ual strosilii s mlh mi lace uilh a sin ill crowd allin na ding lhe muling npc nc d with si pnyer it was duidid to liolrl in asun dimctnslnl on n no vember a diner which u is c plannid pinion iv wis ritnl ri led clue lc bu i sc hi ihili a hc hlr of head b mnl ul hi i h iifmlppolrr m in ini can plate around lhe ind in lhe eounlrimdc n m idel mr illihi ihi ht ns oik so die ph in el in the propnc tries nf i po icrs to puieler on tther of pi an i mplish ting or the anniversdry sir ice mrs r hall was chosen ihc convener for lhe tur n innnk nhen ihei were key dinner wilh mrs l m iv water bound lhc bigdn an mrs it ijieak mrs i mamil fftftitulc m lia liirjjtojlanilmi j lunlinuu a ihanked the just s corn offe ml nnk uelphsl so 1 highw s enjiuil i i a and mm si s ibal hue been cul off lhe posts torn and i mis ttonilel llnkr nlm and ihrown in llir ruiiswuk ire m ilin efm i vol on iipn illosi and mrs i hh allv hlir rascnlk drum mr en lift r md mr i i h wd t7t- slo for in rw gordon robinson gave a talk the next muting will he on canadian madi goods and the home of mrs elmer may helping canadian trade she on tuesday night oil tin aim showed pxlures of lhe lunch was served by lhe ho flags of different countne less and i social visit enjoyed an irlitle on mrs i vnburner v who is rwio hairman of the si stephens anglican vimtrrt ul week wlh lrand the bxecutne lounti of wo church guild met on tuesday tommy howden and fa men and of an indian itudentmght september 10 al the mi mr rs r i t nf i te o was 3 reisrmall i of relrainnu f om us li pules and one ilia s haie irupiloiish sarivecmim jane parker raisin pie 39 largt 14oipi ntg pnc aach 4te save 10s dr ballard champisn bt chick lvr flivour ktfl 2 tin aave t dog food 4 53 aps peaches tot hic tin 37c save 11 case of 34 tins 800 save mc henley choice quality can ot h tna 7ik ave s4 rl 33c save u fruit cocktail 2 59 r01i brand coloured rg tnca 4 lit ko savi h margarine 4 89 betty crocker r9 mm pkg no ave 17 pie crust mix 3 1 00 aip handes only metts pwxlmei fnm federally hsfletted potkine houses canadas finest quality red brand steer beef beef roasts rib roast shoulder roast ideal pot roa1t round bi c lb short or cross cut 53 lb 43 macaroni and cheese loaf rz 23 blade steaks 59 centre cut loin pork chops 69 choice quality chicken giblets 29 choice quality bonelesb beef tongues 49 choice quality sliced skinless beef liver 39 allgood smoked sliced rindless side bacon 67c your door buys more af ap thy it with freflh fruit or ice cream jane parker large angel cake tech reg pnc kh m save 14 4c off drill r0 pric 2 tim 61b save an extra h ajax cleanser 2 49 si rrl luthut lchrry limon l m oranijt prmppl rdl litrry or btrawliarry raq pnca 3 pkgi sbe saves jelly powders 3 32 lane a macaroni or rtfl pr ca pkfl 4lo save 4 spaghetti ass vaweiiis 7 ib po 3 c gallmo rb pr t n 12bave vegetable oil 169 ganha sol ti fancy wk la mril rag pnca i n 41c save tuna fish 35 ijold rlandarasocin salmon raisin bread sptct rag pnc loaf 77c save tti 16o loavai 49 save tt 43 ap food stores vote new democratic for halton gillies william