Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1963, p. 1

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for fine printing a century t service t pu i then a printer ta hr4 hy the hrm to qtjwattown nd dhtrkt georgetown herald telephone 8772201 mim t 74ni ta rtan nt ad la mo tonm qukkmi y to buy r mil ally vt hlctonuy 1 awhwrod t ucond cuu ud fad ohin 0pl ottawa in production oonritawn onurig ttunwky sptomb mill 1m1 400 par yan slngw copy prki taa cantt term movies sport on december ballot cvca oidnt okay changel mayor surprised by letter should be buill first since it would store as much as the other our dams put together and at a million dollars less cost we are pajing the lar gest share claimed the mayor the reeve corrected him say ing lieorfietown is the third lar gest contributor but the mayor replied that georgetown pays the largest share where the dams will be constructed the maor and an members of council will attend the next meeting of the authority a misunderstanding between the credit valley conservation authority and the mayor was disclosed monday night when mayor 11 de repealed that the requested change in priority from sith lo fourth place fori the construction of the geiirgt i town dam was not approved by the credit vallev authority as he had told council a few weeks ago t a meeting of the auihor ih on thursda alex maclar en georgetown s rcprescntat said this mas a fabrication according to the mayor 1 was n taken abick adn itted the ma itterq kfitums 0 since mr laren had n m uiur u the 1 1 oronto university change to the chairman and then returned it to me before mr ola berg 1 a son nl i mailed il to the dipt of mu mr and mrs filing berg lime nmpal afftirs house who has been working 11 would appear now that for the universilv of toronto sutestion did nil have the for ihe past lour yeais as a siing of the authority as a programmer on the computers whole which would he necei has returned to ihe university befort the pcpl would to lake a furlhir eai slud consider il in nnthctnatics he is a urid the niflmr rultrattd his hi u itc georgetown high lief ihit the silvercreek dam school heads centennial voters will be quizzed three part plebiscite i a three part qui programme will be presented to each voter in the municipal elections in addition to the choice of can didates the electors wll be as ked their opinion on three questions are jou in favour of commercialized sunday sport are you in favour df sunday mo ing pictures con cerls lectures etc and are you in favour of a iwo vear term for councillors reeves and major in presenting the first mu hon coun smith pointed out that the board of parks man agement had asked that the question be placed on the bal lot their main consideration had been for the junior b hockey club but coun smith felt many more activities would be included coun en merson thought that the present sun da operation of the swimming pool was illegal and thus could be legalized in submitting the seiond question coun smith said he hoped that bv having sunuay movies legalized a theatre- could be enticed into town the little theatre and the ho tarj show might also be af ficted while individual opinion on ihe minis of a two year term win split opnion was unani mous that the plebiscite should be held dick l1cata dick i icata 0 wtslejan st was appoint- d chairman of the group to investigate facts and figures for the planned ecle bralion that will mark george lowns 100th hirthdav nixt vear at a mint mulmj ju h 1st wnk did has hfinlin tamely att lor thi celtbralion twentyfirst birthday is celebrated by girls band pttir juni eagle signals gets green light j j hudson and h w cowan produc lion manager and genera netown s newest industry the eagle signal d u sion of e w 81 ss co 5 tr iholn excandidate henley predicts georgetown municipal party r of gear led hold threer sect 01 iraff c s gnal which s rnanufa lured here the f it sh prnen fro i the georgelown plant a quantily of signal heads wenl oul last week lo ihe c y of hamilton recorded vote passes 63 unauthorized signs lo go lc the cnnirnvirsiil question of feel iu are mating a hdintu j lyis atin created a ship on thun and rihnt i furore at lounul mondav nikhl opposed lo ihi it could ovtr the ohjichnns ol coun worked oul tiiffi renlh at iw sinilh approval was denied ihe majot iohcrl hial klite or a sikn in his own nnnnir f uu alrcadv inmilbd coun lim st itcmuil l nun dm cmin vnunt- pqnilid out that pr tod 1 misiiorj wis not asked asthrio a 1 hyhw dunands and fi it il was sikns time rouruil look a slind on td in the ilir mkn nuestion hi further rpl unrd llil only one sikn hi initial the hiiildin wa- permissible and hnherl had two onr a il 11 the buildi and one hmkini both coiib mnmcrsnn a fuv ff it llnl h rnherftrnd ihlion been in town long enough to j know permission sh uld have the hem outfit m iynr lljd led tlnl council in the past oil hri lid u v i n t on deration to j j banking sikn which in his the 1 hinl imktd one week to go meeting yl fk mm tnen georgetown fair all out program planned 08 for fire prevention week uituni nieiratmn nf nn car hits tree burns vrnti n uctk in inula p px saves glen men by swieping chaiits were coo liking vigorous exception to and caviliouilj he challi iijki lainul in a thrlt point prut port uins of the criticism ma he dtnud thai tounul had nmme proposul lo council on or hvdt defendid his unure split into fictions and uaitn momla rikht hv lohn a hen in office saing fvtry dol e tnal ih hid in fad st od id a past lanilidate for coun lar spurt ihis tar was spent firm 1 ma imps nl wisli heulmng the sitmllonl he propoul that onl the we went into i don i think onhdiriiinn of the props mi r should recuvc remuner any council in the past has sals was promised and the let alum and that the amount be spent the lax dollar as wisely ter filed limned to 1500 per in addition he foresaw the i meetings cut lo one a month with rommlllcts submitting a written brief at least one week beforr- ihe council meetli v lul the iffvr ytith these ecor ire in nil t uiuiuuc ml mr henley e and indumi ret r tint a lull lime busino isvhm ri he h mans ate wul ahe id for the horse races promse to m j x lu rornnown big annual eient a l and there will 1 wltllttll t the rall ar on priday j jhow of umpingand wl ound admtnbtration and rn stunlay of nnt week octo nirs i vmr shrmmk nl tl pl hr sp hv lhc lltr 4h ind 5th number ol tiling booths i limit and hjrtr opieclid n pn a nlalives khibilors will bring ihiirwh he on the uminids aswell he prulictetl the forming of ixliiluls to the hill on i- n day as displas ol new cars and tm tr- rylimn municipal art morning and jmtwnjl will in i plrmcntb nil a fivi in ten ear prn uti at one o rlork i is hipcd th n niinr upon which would he lhat ihe early frosts will nol nc dr nduhtis would be expecttd spoil ihe flower and veeinhlel a uie anrt p lo decltrr tlmr sland show but no doubt exhibitors ihe track and eorgetown ti in conilusion hr claimed will try to save llieir exhibits lizens liand will provide music that ai millers now stand schools exhibits will be rtceiv ithrouthout the afternoon cry minn afler the first of ihe ed thursday at 4 pro ln ln uiia ii i 1 j a n a t looks ke a no eir nutuil splim into fact a large midwav has again ons and all hut is really ach been contracted for wilh al k tfll icv id is a public airing of number of rides and o imes forl sn c mc nlt points of vilw opin i n el i mam s1 1i yie idiumid thi iffiieiit mnte no pi r i i ked n ih thiimd lhat id lonf n thmi ih sun of winch thrv e y u art miking he inn rs sh uld is thi apnrov bur n count ll pn number ol rides and g imes fort sn c young and old onr fiicmls denrfie d meet thi plai siipplemi nl h r n ib li si chin h po t idt hull mm kill i whi in pruvintidl piiicd hit ti rrisfn pf the dil lihtmnt maj tin hus of to s turn satindayi i d the fuimmif nr v wi re slum id niple of hu ll thr if jfl ihe i did if thi tin v houlil come concluded coun optn hull in nii insjir li ii in vie how i ik distnliiillnfj over uiriooi i of rctuirtnl plamndts anil o liar liunlun ind sihodfln thr mm k n stli drills nre henift mimbinid o driver md john mtdowaii j5 mphi ml fire pn v nil m nol pasi iu r ouldn t hi moved onl durink i- in invenlion btcauie of stispuud broken wfck but ihriikhont thojear lmru an internal injuries according lo rrwin liwis of police said fttcliardson who drnrgetnwn chuman of the happened to be driving ihrmtkh i in prevenlmn hunan huwn orl 3n aslnmtnt saw ihe tath eir ihe halt in ruieiii sehrnk av a loosrord rilaxie pun r- d pitr rootisi f dpiroxnna1ev 11 feci all rartr hvr- student on tilt off fu iph st opposite wind fhuitr hre irrvenlion in the or hoad tr sh into a irec and home hie h iv ind ttrl win biir1 into flames ilr ihis fall itlc will y m sibool florl- their ttiiiiityiintirr kill thi bla r it sin h frit i i 1 had llti i- i a hi- hun ai i thr men wen m ivrd frnm the car by lr r martin and ntslird lo jrfirloan hospital schink wa ircatid or lacera linib tn tin riirptind and rhlit and md an for a brokm jaw hu an up w h ut paradi will hr hr id sunda t rrv- h ofnal morning septrmfier 2b wheni hmi d heurirpd rrprrrntatnn of all halton as ptinld oul that brigade- will kjher al burling r uld inrlude tons no 1 fire hall and m irch ind broker i no mtkiiiwar i i l- kl pl ai i eir iclown h pili i h rirnithl and ransferred lo ton mtn on mon lav morn t ib v li i aid elrtionto west i iatru imud hurch w j llcc 1 that it ti j chanerd to mm for the ii am ervin enk wa- driving west on nn 1 t n- will he giv free plac mals guelph hen the accident oc thr to mrr i ihe admin bianng fin prevention mes icurred marks howid the car iritor of ihe zoning b law sages and ovtr 200 001 other travelled alonj the shoulder or hi i nni doing his job it pircia ol literature are expec 1 74 feet before ramming ihe li old he brought to his a ten ted lo be given in hallon re tree ii bounced back 3 ion i rinded ihe reeve sident through the local fire si llarlev lwe who marie hit tins frit all the sign- departments thr investigalion placed the orir n it g thp hv law in idamage lo the car al s4 oop it hr 1- ibcri sign should the idealim crrdils sound was owned bv credit valley hi to ihe administra blep in a good conscience the bottling work- nr attrrtton some thai ron realist law it to a good mat the police report p1ares ravrrtf an a gre ittct i lrc time of accident al 3 20 pm to ihe kirl of the pipes the cilorguown iris i ijil hind celebrated their iwcnlv first birthday on salurdaj nikht at ihe stewarttown hall the fifty ex inemht rs of the hand and guests were greeted b the familiar music when they approached the hall then ihe head table gucsls were pi pert in sealed at the head table were joy haines correspond ing secretary of the band ross norton flame robinson trea surer marg hlllier drum ma jor pipe major allan munn president virginia walker toastmaster jim jones maor hide mary patterson one of the founders of the dirk band bert marehment one of the or ulnal drum instructors lol held the other founder of the hand rarl marehment another early drum instructor manon walker recording secretary in her welcoming remarks marg hlllier reminded the group that the fulure of the band la with ihe junior mem hers and thanked the newh formed mothers ainilhrv of the band who catered and ser ved the dinner i elaine robinson chairman of the re union committee pud tribute lo mary fitter ison and lol rtid ihe founding i spirits of the band in her re pll mrs patterson toastidmic magloughten the hands guid ing hand for many ears uesl speaker mayor hde gave a brief history of the hand since us inceplion in 16 42 the first shipmcn ofpipes ordered was lost al sea during the war the mavor recalled tlnl he was a member of the dcorgetown men s pipe band in 1035 from which most of the instructors for ihe hand came i following tbrp banquet the bind placd a nw numbirs 1 then the maor cilled ot somi of the ex members some of whom hadn t kuched ihe pi pes in fifteen eirs rut dm ring the glengirnis the trud and succeeded in the opinion of those present an impromptu hikhhiitl hinfi and sword dante was done b inw i n him and slur lc wright two of the ordinal members of the band in the tradition of the land of the kill the companv join ed hands and formed ionic fnr the singing of uld i ank sne while mom of theinimes hane hern chingi d h n irrt age the following is the 1 i m h 104 hand alice 1 nl igan f r magloughlen mu icummins mar appbvard bcllv i awr bertha shelb nr ne muriel hiwnn grace br cr man jut e hlllier marjnnc uchenk ine send sh rlev dave wood two more smith and sront cmploees hive reached tht twenty five year mark al tha liorkiluwn plant dave woirl 11 lollege st and h h rerstnni 21 temple rd u iiecoim number of ihe aniiii and m ne iu irkrl enturv club a the annu i nnc hrida si pit other 27th john aqg will show oils and watcrtolours rrom septemhir j8lh i uc hhtr 14lh 106j dallcryhni e sol 4 t harii strrel ha n shibttim of oils md wti r minus b john a lei a wrighf tratutrte tvrrt mar jone harlow and james val entine john kfi i no stranser ii hus di irut lor several ve i he md hi wif helm e operalr d thr lminir 1 n i leira t otta ihiv cxbihii md set b i jfrtr its rmrrrms then eoi l reated enai a look at the weather rlii i rj hr br i record journal photo north country mayors get together ihe second three inter town visits between halton t three northern centres was held tn the county town last wednesday night on hand as guests of ftaillon council and mem bers wives were the mayor members ol council and wives from acton and george town the men toured industrial end residential sues end then returned lo the town hall for b discussion of mutual problems the wives were taken on a tour of the on tarto school for the deaf on highway 25 seen here are mayor 5yd ch ids of m iton mayor l a duby of acton and mayor ern hyde of georgetown lbth wed 19th thun 20tb fn 2lsl sal 311 22nd sun 21 rd mon 24th tues i preclp 24 high for week 78 low 28 allen f l scott htm akk w ts h ifn in 1 s he mended an art couri t nirthirn vocational srhrml i r ronl i ind wnrked after h t a tommercnl arti t fori i he taukhl drawing d p tirik in t ourtcna r snmf time and directed an a t irourve a the ontario wr- college m vihiths for intra me had oneman bow n vancouver ohiwa and toron to and was commissioned la t spring to paint the great mur i it the valhalla inn toron lo

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