Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1963, p. 3

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come to at georgetown park friday saturday october 4 5 hall exhibits open friday evening 710pm admission 1s livestock exhibit harness races 3 races poultry lawn show oakfield i meoilvdav pildnt bernard midway shows admission to park adults 50 cars 30t students 23c machinery display mrs ken eua lady praiidint grand horse show georqetown citizens band sponsored by esquesing agricultural society r w iawson truiurar mrs o h ironside secretary j b lake retires as editor powassan news ithe georgetown herald thursday sapt 26 19m pace 3 apprenticeship das with the deorfietown herald whtn hi leceived 1 25 for his week s services are recalled bv j b uoct lake writing in ihe powassan news a width pa per which he founded 56 sears ago mr uke who u a broilvr of mrs a h teller tmiry st has been a kingpin of the community serving al various limes as reeve masonic lodc head warden and choir direc tor of the anrliean church and fn innumerable other or ramiations his brother dcor ce now a thornhill resident also went north after an ap prenticeihip in acton lo is tabhsh weekly newspapci at tlmmins terming it ihe ditor s swan song his inst ediiorn in the news read- it is with mixed ulmts ihat the publisher of this pa per announces his ntinment from the business the puhli cation rights of powann news have been sold to andrew maclean limited of cravm hurt the chantrow r to be come effective as of scpiem ber 11 10b3 several factors prompted this decision on the pail of the owner since we were oh liged to cut down on hit no or the publication in may we have felt that we wire letting our readers down but in or der to change this we would have lo revamp our whole set up necessitating the purch ie of a new newspaper picss and other equipment as well is enlarging the premises i his would run into thousands f dollars and we felt that in view of rapidly changing ion dltions in the weekly newspa per field this expenditure wis scarcely warranted anjwav we arc well over ihe normil age for retirement and we would like lo enjoy a period of relaxation entirely away from the tense weekly diadline as soeialcd with ihr publishing buiness which we now find increasingly hard lo take rs penally in a small businr where one s dulies are not con fined to one pariiiular drpit t ment and where there are a hundred and one things to do the fact that the powissin news was established b ihr present owner 58 year ikn and that he has continued to publish it without br ak eur iincc makes this parting the more diffcull for over the years we have built up a wide range of warm friends and ac quaintanccs who have hi in i of tireek j b joe lake loval lit tin old burnt paper ard us publisher wi fn i kwn iliiuit llih mwrinu in our relations hut grilitiil that we wen pnmiltid to enjoy l him for niori linn h ilf a u ntnr we an aim uratiful to our adwrtisirs nd our faithful corn spoiuli ids and patroas in igemral and hope ihat they will u fit lo cuopirute wilh the new tminrs v ho are in a position to furnish llicm with a hijmer and bitter newspapi r it should h notul llial the public ilmn rights of the io wassnn niws nly have hten sold the editor s son denrke l iki will runt huh lo operite ihe plant in iow ismn solmt ing patronage for lommercial printing the new pulilishus will have 3 reprisenlalne rover the io wnsiiin an i l pit sml we ilo i not know h w ihis will be ar ranged tint we are assured unl cvervlhink will hi inuu rt mil and so this i 11 to this erl litors newspaper aitivilns we st utnl is in iippnntui with the deoritdwn llerild in ibflfl dl tin princely sihn of 1 25 per vs hour wnk and was mirrud anil c irn n ll wi pir wik in the o1ki of ihe i adon 1 nr in ss whin lie ilu idid lo i unit north in 1dii7 ue inn nuir rikrclled our decision in srllle in iowissin wi hivi hid a full hfi with a friindlv peoph who tnide ihings plnisinl for inj wifi and famili ind we sintinly hope ih it thi iow is in mm uffiyid ikrr thin in our lot with the in r year- british mortgage trust award goes to young brampton student mr frank jordan native of rngland and educated in ken j ya was announced winner of ihe 51 600 british mortgage 4 trust scholarship hy mr v if winning this sthohrslup ins thdt i tan di finitely go wilh mv studies hire in ian i mr ionian said i he h fa r wrr rtn tri uria rnr jordan sued ssfullj ymmjj men cnferiiik the it id iompleled his rade ii at ihe brampton high school he rcc eived an averaae of bdfl per cent in nine papers highest of ihe app4ierhsfef helirrttnli mortgage award the british morlaaqi xhohr riijp it open to students in sic ondarj schoils in perth hur fln hrej bnire snd prel ronn lies who have compleltd grade 13 with over 70 per rnl in nine papers and who an arc p- ted in i four year honor course al the lnnerailit of toronto queens western ontario or mrmasicr the winner a rtio- len by selection committee eompnsed of mr dre r ol british mortjage jude harold d lang judge of the lount of perth and mr i c urlwier president of thr slrwlford shakespearian lelivl found ation of canada he studied three on his own during the past summer mr jordan worked as a repor tir for the local newspapir in hratnplon his fulure plins lake him to the raculty of social bciemes at mcmaster univers ity this fall where he will pur sue a degree in honours- lcon omics he then honts to 30 in to business specializing in sales and marketing school in kenya wu very different from my experiences here in canada mr jordan said he explained that the school svstem was patterned on the fnglhh boarding sihunl and that the duke of york school where he attended had about 500 students all white mr jor dan is optimistic about improv mi eionomii conditions m km ya and he also dels strongly about an integrand south i belli c in iiunplilc u it ira lion he mhiinu ntcd ihotikh it will lake a i nu dun fur urn lo happen 111 ken 1 lit ftils that the negro in ihe sou thern states is much more ail vamed than the kenjin in announcmi rrank ionian as winnir of the british mori agr lflfi1 scholarship mr rgory also commented on the outstanding tdlibre or all other applicants fur the xbol arnlnp it is 1 pit mr gregory said thai then is not scholarship for eaib of these promising sluduih red cross society welcomes two new members the ngular meiin of ihe georgetown and distrut lteil cross branch wjs held at the home of the treasurer mrs st in walsh on monday seplim bir kith in the atiernnon in absence of the president mrs selhy martin the secre tdry mrs honald ijltle open ed the meeting and welcomed ihree new ladies mrs w j sol omnns and mrs john kufner both of delrex blvil and mrs b lialkind of 24 hurrh si the budget for 10b4 wan ills ciisstd and it will be forwarded to divisional llcidqunrtcrs in toronto mrs ittlc informed ihe uroiip thit tins month all mr the world the lied cnivs cilcbrates its 100 years in tenary and that as a token of ipprmalion of the siippnrl and assistincc jnen lo the hrtnch throughout the jeirs a t h 1 turn was prisented lo the town ot georgetown iteeords at toronto red ross heidquarlers show ih 1 the geirgitown andpislriet itrnuh offienlly was started in hhl sfnioh cihfns al the ymca senior citizens pro gramme meeting it was derid ed thai the branch this yi ir again will look after hie gifts presented to the senior ilizens at the rotary i lub hrislmas dinner and will do shut in vis its in january 1904 homi- nl hs1ng the po local mans father dies in acton i alter an 1 tint ss of nm year iharry ftaikj dn if at his iiuine 196 lastirn am cton on jslplemher 9 he was 8j years ot at he ls survmd bj his wifi nt lilt duiihttrs mrs bertha kiutiiir at homi mrs hi win lloud oiimi dundilk mrs w sihaldimost lilt al ha ney iu mrs k traistnr trudii port blgm a sou bill iidiks ol ioritiwn and si- tirs mrs kssu pi irsun lluf fiilo and mrs ithmhe irmm vancuuvir brothir chirh- and sisters mis i iie liiul oshawa mrs uiriuli imp krim huntsvill md mrs b 1 llorni ttle ii mi linn prnlf ct tsiil him hi iko his hi granrtihildn n mr bul wrkd 1 a teunur with tin pniil ji l u 111 slullxirnt nil al 111 wiml iimtiint u hi was bun in oxlmi hiik i mil in 1hh0 and 1 un htr fitm 1 hlind in hllf hi w mirrinl in sli ilmim in i i 1111i inivid n d n ir 111 linn home helpers have september meeting ihe home helpirs gmup of union presbjtenan church hi id their september meeting in thi home of mrs jack mc mi m m mrs norman i a 111 the prts idint opeiiltl tht imtting and mrs birt bullock read the siriplurc followed by prayer bv mrs george h leslie thir tun memlitrs answired the roll tall mrs william hunter the see- retary read the minutes of th july meeting which was a joint meeting 11 the union vms and the homi helpers the offering u received and thi dediiatory hymn wn sung the study on ii ing hong was given hy mrs itobert dun- eanson hvinn 553 w sunj fullowid bv tht business riiscui- iion in which ihe bazaar wu planned hunch was served by the hoi teas and her assistants mri charles taj lor and mrs bert dixon mi km at lli ku ninl hdini v sli fu v si nclv j spin 1 mi sploiihir 11 is 1 sin llmrni hh bill mildli myitis lis hotrh in nm lins millr u nilhs anil t of sliilhuru manor auxiliary plans halloween party house ready for winter get an hfc householders loan get fix up cash now repaint re roof repair spread the cost sensibly borrow confidently from the company backed by 85 years experience monthly pavmfnl fians tile wt nanct tmlabh tt jnw gioup nit 11 1 t h11 9 41s 5121 mil fll 116 i 0 ih jt9 voice of georgetown fair this is the mdi wliose voice you w ii hear liiio ng lho jgri j m a 11 ill 11 tin the georgeiown fa i grounds srtlurtlay oclobti illi he s wnlnesihv siiltmhir 4th in voice aaountloici popular ms icr of ceremon ei who lias hit auditoritnii i hi mi ml n become the perenn al emcee at tie georgetown far he an phnninj a hillnwi en 1 ir w ii handle the m ke chore aga n from die bandsi d oppo y r lll l rilv a hs household finan site the seating nre legion notes 1 ihe v d ol the qroun togetherness new key to more legion projects it fir ihe oitnbir mm nk f r fiiillir distumon 1 a bus ttuir tor ilu ridtnts in s 1 hi fill ndiir inmnd ilu iiimtilnsidi wis iimiissmi ths w is led lor a lew wnks nil 1 m porli monofltf 46 quiin strati egat talaphona gl 1 167g brampton of ml thi ithu al ihe on m lrin hsi stindiv i id nl 1 i l t a sipknibi r i tin hindi form of hid pltd levil in nisi l 01 u piixily but itiiild bt out 1 isih h m unl li working is to win 1 v i ih linr m ni tins min hi knn r ikjiisi shol- 111 111 1m nib hu hrv muiiliirs would ik wink muling in in lonnulion wilh hi di pi linrnmic in intlili mi m lo hlp ilu ulkh wlm 11k hirowuik 1 ttnodbrid til tin eldirlv liblishmu rins homi 1 iriki tin 1 1 iin i nl ilu t ik 111 iii with 1 hi loiiiiiitninik nf thi i- ill ind th miluntirv wi rk of the uxih irs hi hilis of i in mil in iisikil to 1 mi in ibis v iv wmlliwli l wnrk muiinis hi in id 1 vim monlh n un ior 1111 ssl j t 200 nl ri mnnp op iri ii irlll 1 1 i is tlwvs i i f v 11 n j l mil plimiik i ir is wilh tin re ink i till help orknik sun ilil- njj men of bus ness his pirtnts their two other children srated to cunada a ear bill the returned to kinja tfrstti mr ionian has had a rem kahli miv 1 rueird both schol slieallj din in thi held of sport at itnmpion hlfih stliofil he played senior foot ball and na ano a noise pre fid and nffner in the cadet at ihe duki of york vhool in nairobi he was caplam of the tield hoikiy team kienly mien if d in current events and world problems frtnk jor da was the spark for the ilmnp ton hikh sthool urrent affairs hit and ihr tlnilrd iunt lub as uptain of the i j tram he ld his sihod lo a first pate sijndint o anadi on lbl radio afltr tcliool hur hi is a bit tin mxl one mmiillf i ilitid for sundiy nsmln 24th m oorkdnwn mnnbiis who have not atn nihil n one hmirif before will find i h of inli res and an eniouriid to attend low 11 jifiwiiir hub iinin in i i 1 ink luiisun will pin bdilj rmvi oimhiiii nu 1hlllr frun mm ibnr wiv into ilu die in pi 1 1 uh 1 ind n w d mrs 1 hi irrvrd irt rloe of ilu 1 ihndsomr ii 11 ill i bilil- of having t ttwhf nuts inc ourse slartmfi somelime in october was propped rurlher information will ollow in this div nl- i ml h who liei nni i it vinn il li im win wtirdi irviiij of hi ho rf a milk miss i jih 111111 mis mm nflillm arl si imp d eiihil of a tllln m s 1hr inmructnrs trammffrmir set are now riven by ihi on tano division of the anadian red ltosj sfwietj particulart have been sent out lo all recre ational directors iuuuc rhjvtions he branch attain hope iq have display in the armouries tlml din 3 al the fall tair in oclo ber there being no further busi nesi the meeting was adjourn ed the next meeting has been planned for wednesday octo ber 16th at 2 pm at the home of the public relation i hair man mrs jack nieuwhof where interested person to become active volunteers will he most welcome to attend i aiuis vain v ms flianrh ijll s 1 adu s auxili rv kvr mne d rt thrown k lessons ldl situitliy is 1lu won all the tf n s ifhlv hil h 11 open teiurinmi nt hi id in re in genrretown mm t ill in p it hamilton kitchener 1orl t n dit toronto new humburr branlford ind hnmpkm mil our kls w ih a tot il ol 21 teams in an atmrtivr illi mpl to topple thim nun their lof ly chimpnm pi rrh team apliin ian i inmcr son with leam mats ilila ilu dlfiir jore marklnm and fail tie llotloms colleclid thelnm irnphj wilhmhe doublis tro ph ymih lo lovie markham and iaaw llotloms a ems lirrnn pnw upnt ihclaifnh of ftranch 121 in ali jean larkhurm who ha- been incarcerated in ihr lo uld hi iiturrs inh llm wire ll sm iht in oni li n il how ysrir-thth-lf- frtf i ilu hr slm il our hrinth 121 hurjirs al thmifch nni the he 1 m hiepr vlnep inn slmun thi mse ives to in itoe to 11 onrs nih hi n hv throws ilu in a golden hensioi f ii ihnr efhrn hnhtai mfulnt ilu mxl mini mrlink will hi in hi al fi pm thurs day siptnnlur 2fi as this is hi rirl mielinii in s viral months a kood turn ml should 1m- ixpirlnl ii js op id i k ii individual niimber to mnk thi exprrted a f n t vi vi draw i utkv winnr turn i h tickil seller hud llirkx for the best chinese food in town come to fongs restaurant spaclalinng in chineit food 2s main st s call 8779791 proof just lor tht pnet of tht oil you gel more salislaclion over 20 000 families have air anly s let il id l homt heal service mottkvicb 0i 00fl00 tree luiruce tondit onu rs nntimpiita nok irilueffee mid seiwn check fet inul burner check fret 24 hour no httt emergency service more ssoieivicemen finest m canada juelunrj picked by imper il dywm0tt fc about our lo cost pads insurance and easy teims 6fl new heating equipment call esso home heat service today ron dumper 8774552 imperial oil limited

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