Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald fvuiilwa ky hmm ntwhxptn umte 22 main strml s geofgelown ontario page 4 thursday stptemmr 26th 1963 editorial comment examining the cause a newspaper columnist in vancouver lecenlty came out with thu gem if your wife wants to learn lo drive dont stand in her way another writer musing on the difficulty of interpreting the signals of wt men drivers has saxf that if a woman has her hand prodding out the car window he may be knocking the ashes off tier ci garette she may be testing the outside temperature she may be going to make a right hand turn or a lefthand turn or she nay just have put her hand out for the fun of it all it should be added that if a male dri ver has his hand out the window he is pro bably waving at a woman the truth of the matter is that women are if anything bet ter drivers than men and it would be quite incorrectio blame our rising toll of highway accidents on what we once called strangely enough the weaker sex this was a misnomer to say the least what then causes all the accidents the answer comes in one short word people safety engineers traffic officers and those charged with the sad duty of trying to pick up the pieces will tell you thai in spite of safety campaigns safety what children need sometimes you will hear a person say about a child who has been misbehaving whal that kid needs is a real good tan rung there may be a good deal of truth in the observation bui it should be noted that inis prescription is too simple and falls far short of perfection the background of the child its exper iences in the home the capacity of the par- ants to bring up a chid and the educabil- vry of the child itself are all factors which being unknown to the casual observer should deter her or h m from the making of hasty udgments there are many things which children need and not the least of them is a balanced diet keeping in mind that this balanced diet must nourish spirit minclafid money nutritionists tell us that for good health the child should eat certain basic foods in cluding 1 leafy and green vegetables 2 butter or margarine 3 bread flour and cereolt a citrus fruits cabbage and tomatoes 5 potatoes and other fruits and veg etables 6 milk cheese and ice cream 7 meat fish poultry eggs and leg umes you will note that the base foods re quired are listed above in seven categories signs the grim record carded in our news papers the laws and codes and regulation that are written and rewritten when the human element enters the situation any thing can happen in othe wofiis people cause accident people fot the most part mate situ ahons safe or unsafe attitudes make situ atiom safe or unsafe anger discourtesy indifference the cocksuredness of coiueit lack of consideration for others all make for accidents and the reverse is true also for humility courtesy integrity consider a tion and respect for ttie rights and live of others all tend lo make situat ons sjte or safer it is one of the ironies of kie tint very often innocent people liv ng up to the rules of the road and trying lo cj se their fellow travellers the consideration they have a right to expe t tiemseea u i collide head on with somq immature i i t driving with a few drinks under his be cutting a corner or roaring oit r lie crest of a hill on the wrong s dt of the road ii people would make a hab i of salts ii that is called for is a litie ouite to 1 derai on and respett for the i jh s of oth ers in other words ine go jul ru e new books at library adult nonfiction i junto tooks first iturys axims the arabian igbb wtlliainveuu j how art and music speak to us spencer rain rivets and resersors aucher 1s battles that changed the world siherburji one txiv inciter mexico keirt and vatruk the three little ygs vstnrk collected poems 19341w2 thomi ufe oi nutola machiaselh obods s bos malot rvai a it it tipjktaihh mason blue ldntirn eolelte lost tribes wfi sunken continents aiichopje racuiutra ptsl cntfses ranaome dolphins atpers book uf orjiuns rada digging cor history ban nobuth s url mdlut panrho rant pindi poo ion wtutetail montgomery the war of the worlds quells conan dojle stones conan dosie fight iripci tale piper ttsiih of wiuhcralt wetted verj youiw mother oouse the phriosoph ol tw bed sals dnd hden heraldic disijn allcotk john sinyr suiyuit mount tashion through the cinlunes srtnikiika iwriliuh stntur painters ihorak jwmi of mar huultn unluis sunt ut of ihe sri i llamilliia t kt i i- it kiuimas ih v u alue lihlon liietruh 1 itllc men malt 1 ittle women ahott the olt of tnpptt creek bulk the christmas book bhton the i unu prince muloclf tlllaik rt nils sih ihi astle of dsemurc inn lihs from shakivpeart thi mjnil uf dsentirt hlmon thi mountain of duiilure the question now ar ei u h feed a tii irj s j j and a 1 t lj- 1 linger education d rector ot 1 e nio assoc at on for menta hta n an ri t question and ne iuoii n et is nvni bi needs for the tli ji proper an i i n 1 development he 1 ua ijl i ji ij o 1 1 love 2 acceptance 3 security a prole on 5 inckpentknce 6 fa th 7 gu dance and co trol althougi listed last g in e ct control are by no means hit lea t 3 ant all of the ingredients be ng mvo vi in complex and endless intera t 311 all of the base needs must le nit 1 the ch id is to grow up sp 1 tu il 1 t 1 ly and physically so ji h for mtn t 1 child whose i fe has been nrti i 1 love of his parents goes out n 1 u w an emotionally mature stil 1 n i pci able to contribute someth ng to ll pwim of society g ve h m too i tile lovp 1 he goes through life full of do jl is a fears give h m too rjiucb to it e r 1 1 over protection and ins gro ih s 1 t c ed and he w hers on tht v ie raising a fam ly is a 1 9 unj n and seeing thai tiey gel a ha diki i rl 1 1 an important farlo spice by bill smiley georgetown herald published by horn nawtpapen limited jeurseumn onlirto wilier c biehn puncher garftald mcgilvray prodiuliun suptnnltndent lh i ami i lot rah 1 11 vu zulmd 111 olmir iui iinm iml uf thi suular world urlmih t it itoml uhl tilt lioiltl of womu dukson hi 1 or it m rl isfl liid lift 1 ml duuurn t iliouij uinalt miailim aoult fiction i ht md mm 1 who u thi kner of h 1 llluon of admi tun hi jlm win w i- 1 11 tniiinuii hri i hi mint of hom wi lht muds- s i c he i neii in thi f hm01 i the ship of xdicniure lilvton the vallti of iltnture hu low nil the word around you si is tin 1 imiii si 1 iamtiert iht hi art of tin orchestra ram i what qualities do young peo r you ar kind ontldrit pie wtnt m ji father yood ba thoughtful loving gnroui kurpiiied and then again you rich or wall groomed might not i found out the i other by when 1 asked about it hoilol dads do 5011 ml 35 nenaijeis to list the traits h 1 n whelhtr jou wear tin winch ilicy considered would iuiiis uhilhir mill arc lililus maki uu inc ideal father tnous amhitious inlillijuu 11 i linu doii it pun urn 1 tint 104 are not koo i liuikuii lerr llarliy nun rdiliir ailcili flradkj aicuuutatit thi hi at of th drum surplui ilavs that smi cilbrrt storir- of british histurj w ilktr sarafirid the hiraffe oji in ouwe dm i dc ilmnhoff itil sirifim s 1 mki hind tin iriullirs si ibhs di lininhoff luisiuid of dili ah liiimltcr tmkip kirn ihi dutor and mam uuitu flrr the sun fi t down unhnt i niiun r adtiliitnu minajtr mis ilium in t h odi h nk i 1 ln km l tpnu k i 1 k h urn sport 1 um ml jullir of tin full of fun su rtlu nunin anil flm 1 1 li 1 1 don i give it another thought si trni those teenagers are uu like 1 nf sh ui dreamen wed like our nkrd children to be ideal pollle 1 mill 1 obedient clever hendtomo uilmtto quiet thoughtrul kind decent thrifty and to on aj i wrote down their tug goitions ducking them one by w hi ti actipt our kills one dijiiiivl my own characteri u as thil arc and a mod tits the hearty smile with li w hii iftfr all w mli wlikh i had begun to write the t i idial anmhint list tumcj into a sick simper financial outtook 1 1 lut latk diw hailing i nh lliskrillr m s 1 1 s libun lohu malum ls lh wi id w 1 11 in m s l im mfmliir nf tin milnn wukly nmpipirs associtiliun ami the ontario association ik 1 11 fir 1 umi mm obl if li 1 1 1 i nine 111 lit i ptuuiu tun ubb in i or linur liujulra ii mi it lln hiptui t s wish munarj mmils for sdr- munan miru lius in iuoslma 1 uuurtn arnold rathbun represcntalive sun life of canada georgetown 12 gower court business directory i llin 111 russia has nothing to jl sell that we want thi mail bag feels shorter store hours in georgetown should be maintained 51 ikvwin lr icnrhimn mr fdilnr thr rcrtnl controversy ocr thursrh nirht cloiinfi or open ing which cir is dmilpd unon can be rejjardul is i politic il ptt tall or should 1 sa fnol ball i this so calkd hot potato leaves us cold to say lilt least it would appear that some inem bers of council havr nude thi proverbial m mniain of a molt hill for nnic reason it has taken local mirchanls nproximali 1 id eara lo if feel an 1 arly 1 losing h that appeared to he working salisfactorilj until reicntly and which might he torn up til carded or badlj bent at thr whim of a few we jiiume that we are all hung under a ilimicntu form of virnrfirnl ami if nt an thin iho dcmnintic rule of majont muni appl i on the same side of die ltd gcr there are stviral numhtri on present council wlm hclonj m the trade union movement ho 1 think urc duty hnund as union members to support thi islnrler work wcik uliuh has taken biwral decadti to brin a bunt tlu cknril uiid salts sinlf of these slors irr as en litkd lo a 40 hour weik as hit 1 man nn the faclorj ai innfj as jtbrir aafies are in a anonl i in the members of dtorfit low n council i say tins is a irystal cleat isut show the pinple of trior thi ii f mik a and they depending on whose siilo the treacherous youiij dtvils feel like throwing their weight would answer he s nal 10 bad mom there must he lots worse fathers than dad or she s right dad you re not much of a father i llu ilkt i r 1 or ji in 1 1 mi li should rui 111 hi 1 1 m ijnril u t 11 ii hi 1 bible thought for the week the statutes of the lord arc right rtoicinfi ihe h tho commandment of the lord is pure enlightening the ves psalm 19 8 i in- is no th i d wnrd v m mi t t hut itn hnlisi im ii 1 ln wf ti si proi 11 f r oir ilus sk ihni li 1 ed n s f just as i reached ihe bollom point in my dlsitlu 110h i run ember that wo ware distuning not me or any or dinars boob but the ideal fa 350 here earn over spirt says bureau of statistics flttirwa tjwhfi h th uflnwlieijamji and- ifl uonu ald aurji lannn of all hud some universiii n mi 11 a 1 inn rs m cioritown in but there were also i rni lflll was sj j7j for mm and and 8 women who had undi r 2 110 for uonien the domtn years of elementary schoniin ion hurcaii of statistics reports of the total lubnr fnrn -i- in lis latest suruy of lahour men and 221 womtu win marku artjs takui from infor gle and another 25 men u t mation tnmpiud durint ihe women were either widowi 1 1 10c1 census divorced brsiries hi 11 total v- ie earners in deor people who were wage cirner getown nuinhend 24ji men tht lahor force also nmsisk and 902 svomm ihire were of 272 aelfemployed per 1 118 men and 200 women whoiand 22 unpaid family worker earned u s th n si 000 a year eighteen members of the i find 143 mi 11 jn i h women who lor fnrre were 15 year of a earni i ovrr wi 000 a year and another 85 were ifi and 1 tin oi rciiwn labir force years while al ihi nthrr rn ttttalhd 02l and of this num f he ag fccalc 2fl mi r ml 1 her ll mm and 19 women women were 70 yean of age 1 had t ufmrmiy dctrie vabilctoier lj jjj hf harley takes up french language mr llirj ii 1 ml f ii ilt id ndin ls ti urn 1 1 1 or ri i ti th i al ihi ihtui ul l 11 1 by henry timmlnt tli tsi who are hopeful en uuji 10 anluipate a wukntrtr of uiulian trade horizons fol lowing ihe win at dial with tin l ominiinism ire in fnr a dtsip p iinimi nt while there is nn duulil tint the sue of tlu onlir w us smh as to put uu smuts in m 1 xi tlh nt bargaining pos ition with i lu icarson govun mini ihe fad rtmiins lint liny wire apparenlh awfullj mxioils to sign the deil in hurry apirt from this interesting dimn for fast bin dt lis ihi soviils are iirdin inly in ud fur lliur nlnllts to lie up a insln nur with trade arnmrnli as ll hue done with hranl in dimsia and india the list linu in f nl that lhe made a mirilile wheit purrhisi frtnn undi 1 trade mjreeinrnl wts mini with ureal fanfare he ur 1 11 llu oriiiniinislf and our tfoscnimuil the pan be of lana rinn punhasf in order ihat ih iinbilanrp nf thnr irtdi with us ht reduced frnin 5 i to 1 if ihe agreement thit our crnniinl titned with the i is was rrr taken scnoiuh on our pirl it would h- indied a surpnsi nr the fart is ihil donald a gay dc tues thurs a sal fur appomtmint c ill tr 7 3401 georgetown chiropractic clinic 2 main street south w h carr p en utisiiltinj inifisjiotui nu 111 1 r 111 l1ur1l111111w rd s trlngl 71111 ret tr 7 3300 g w corbett dc chiropractor monday wednesday and friday 0 a in tu it m saturday 9 a m to 12 noon b776631 11a mu si mlhiii i l buchner od idoilnr nf ijptimiilrj optometrist uu imlph mrnt ts olt l ir llldt wednesday evenings only 7 45 9 00 pm by appointmant tr 7 2is1 scott 1 dale bennett latimer baines barrister a solicitor dol gl as v latimr i tciuace f baines trianfilo 71181 23 mill sl ceorgetown carr westwood ontario land surveyor 1b miiunlmiwiw ltd s triangli 7 2311 w h cirr b f westwood tr 7 3300 re tr 66164 barragers cleaners shirt laundorers tr 7 327 ill main s kid mlph ah work don on promise for expert eye cari consult o t walker outilisl prescriptions lilhd 12 main st s brampton i 474 itcs 1 lfi24i hours 0 a 111 d p in daily hiihj 0 a m in ft pm runinjis ht appointment george c hewson barrister and solicitor lit mountains 11 w fid s kaneta buihmsi cienrgdiiwn tr 7 3311 printing of distinction st ati h- ms ii- ri mm mjs jnm oils uhisi lnira1his georgetown herald ii in ii lr iinj1ian wi n ii husiii s and the only i our 1 1 1 10s irient could add subslann 1 tll lo tin ajmnunt fane sviiuui 1 he- lliroiikh ioiriio ami out t 7iiiwr j had been a disappointing child laty student a frightened fi j r jhlcr ndot a happy prisoner of war a slapdash weekly editor i munisl empire ihat could tit ot columnist by sheer accident and 1 school teachar because there was a shortage of tame wallace thompson clerk a commissioner tr 7 3963 robt r hamilton o optometrist fjls i iniiiied rrisiriplions tilled nil main st n opin h11k tmipl m m iv ml 11 nl 177 3971 i tlms and proliahly mnn impnr trinl tin ri ih absolutily nolb ing prnduiid in iht ml re turn munisl empire ihat could tit 0 dn mti real lo canailian indus irj noi lo mention the canad jii consiimtr tsidence fir thai is supported b ihe quality i im up mnr supplnd h ihe siistits r i th il in 1 heir part of iheae bargains 1 ah 111 i had 1 in tn that are left to rusl 1ji 111 these iinuuiw asana harbour and the o t tin ji irs lia ijnintpnjpd tractors suit lo lh monuments of imf georgetown animal clinic v zaviti dvm b footman mrcvs 100 ci i ph si nil clinic optn 7pm 0 pm mon wed ffll set afterneon 13 dm hid 01 11 1 i hjii r up fellow boobs reatty mtltir whilh it my thai should he itarv 1 irvinder to canadians ihat 1 unt as sse enjo our fre in 1 rjirise ssa of life wi hm i ntid for fear of lh futufi prank pitch licensed alctlonu po box 413 til 7 2864 leirkclnwn frederick a helson barrister and solicitor llf mountiirukvs rd s it iittill itinhlmut dax dtvflopmfmts builders ot fine hor monuments pollock ft campbell designs on rfuufbt inspict our work in reenooil ccmrlery phone 631 7s 62 ft itir strrrt drth g a lt me mandersonqc banister and solic tor 61 mill st georgetown tifartsidderrlu barrister solicitor notar dr williams bldg t 38 main s to 74511 kaplan ord barristers and solicitors sidney kaplan and john d ord qc lift mi ml 1 11s iii s hinttil ituliu i7749s6

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