Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 3, 1963, p. 13

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kerr to meet davis the corporation of the town of georgetown on esquesing bd move bylaw no 639 er a two and a hall hour in the corridors of itne- cool weather waj a real a d- w to duthomze the acquisltloll 01 land and the improving of land where of boon on saturc hi who had booths at the lurdiv to the local vehicles may be parked hkkts pursuant lo section j 77 buwition 67 of the eiinjj tier gut by her sifter t twelve lhrij ihe board mrs evebn slner sincere now tllerekork thf mlmhlai flhncu or tiik ime out of cmkuttv and an thank was emended to all jy foowrokatlo ok lilt- 10wn or worunown enacts lunced thet wrre willing 1o dorothy and she invited everv v lew school the the old waterloo scho na church were told rndat by esquesing milton kail fwr the retard school board that ihet were cd childrens school of horn- standing pat on their eirlierb also did a rushing business decision that the children taken irwm hpewde school to a unen shower was held on milton height mil stay at mil saturday night at the north ton heights trafalgar community centre muniupal itrso 19m bylaws mat bt passed b o with the delegation protes m honor of miss dorothy for the purpose of acquiring land establishing lading out and ting the mute was the n course a bridetobe friends imorming land wrhere tehules mat be parked elected lll irorge err and neighbours extended their i i step ttoold he a visit o the j lovely ant useful gifts tne hicto mi w thereon at an estimated capital cost of minister of huuction ua bjideto-be- was assisted vn pone hundred and iwentt thousand i12000oooi dollars i eiing her gifts by her sister came nounced thet wrre willing to dorothy and she invited every make nnh two changes rirsl one to viut with her anther 1 that the lantis at shown m sihedule attaihul hereto the bus will arjue at mhtun future husband captain jamesiwhtch said sthdue a inrms pact of tin tit law be hfuirei heightv onlt fiflien minutes wallace who ill he living at he corporation of the town of lienrgclottu to be ied before school starts instead oqttawa after their marrianeon for hp purphse of parking tehides uupum the prctious f nd 12 femes and contests 1hj umls he atllllmi m1 will leate school direcllt fwere cnovcrf bt all lunch he town hrvmeer ter hours rnslnri of fourtlur wa served ht those incharge it secondlt an attempt will of the evening mrs h math 3 n mas or unil llul b aiiihurm il in tnttr iniu be made to phce the four gr fv mrs valbo mrs saliba n or punhje of rtie ml lands on hi hilf of hie 8 pupils in mrntrttmn ra sr and mrs baxter corporation subject u ihe approtjl of hi- imimi to he ther than irate them at the declared ht resolution ungraded milton heights scho supper guests with mr and 4 that the said lands in laid ool and iiiniiri in aittin mrs harrt lotuten on sundat ante with the distrdmn of and iimli r lln mioirtisin of the this is nut sal isf actors to rtenlrig were mr and mrs engineer of the i uiintat on toil lhit tin mid rnjini i r do us was the lomment of llor john wallace and mr and ll l i i h- md piiifuitinn ind fur don fisher one of the parents n miller nisn sch mftination as niit benuesit fur ihe rn ikini of thf he intimated that considerati conlait or the omii on was bcisq s to remot i ekie bloor of lalton 5 that ihe work l ing the children from school for a few das with mr minenntendeiue ami in anoirltim with the ilneilion altogether tom beer ihe high an mrs arthur plant and at orders of such bntutmr ichool teacher let his child tr t the milton v milton heights for a week the thenck northeasterly along the said northwest limit of said lot 13 to the north angle of said lot ij tiiknlk southeasterly jioor the northeast limn il vnd 11 13 to the east angle of said lot 13 being dlso ihe south angle of lot 34 as shewn on said registered clan number 37 thence northeasterly along the southeast limit of said ljt 34 to its point of inlersrttion with the southwest hunt of water street in the said town of ceorgclown thence north westtrlt along hit said south ttisl limit of water strict lo the north angle of lul ib as ihuun on said reglslcred plan number 37 thence north easterlt airust water strni in point in the northeast limit of water mreel sud pmiit being the muitlr angle of lands formeilt owiud b llarlet kat limited and now owned ht mrs william mtnally ol the said town of ctorgetonn thenle noitheasinlt along the miiiiiijm limit f the said lands and its produujpii north esurlt to inursut tin westerly bank of silver creok flowing ihrouxh lh said 1owo of enrgetown tuente noilhcrlt aloni hit said westtrlt 1 creek followini iu various toursfs lo ihe iwmt pon of lh said westtrlt hjnk with the afoievai of tuelph sired in the aitl luttn of torgeun rik t iiikm v wisierlt trn to iht point n itong tin nlh limit 1 lutlph schedule c s1 llul shall i of the uiltl he took him mil said mr fi we hate hun kicked ihout long enouili finph iiml llotd usher now we are go ma hiyhi r mac sprowl hoard mem her u t it in knmtn he a- opposerl to tin illusion 6 that tract fur inlo wit mator and ink h lonslrmlion of ihe w niie piron or pe mi rk to in l i mil it ule iml t itiioraliui mil niml land shall hi s itnl of iadi paikl lo hit ipolnd in lh iis of tin ikirkin llakih kt tin i id k m lall k l untiliin llniiu niwspajiirs i til llirlaiul ihiris ban u ii i mil lint 1 hi ihrnm i llumunsoii li hnll sm h75ihi sll fmo0 ihikiimi hlh till 4 100 k 4 miooo 7 mik 7 17 i l ii us in the board fes or son of 1 nassakit v ill aicepl irid to tht ontario municipl botrd f 190163 i viar old child mu toil to attend in the matter of 7 tint ihi iosi of dii wili the ios it on m hunts n tin ill fined i lituluu mi mil in sil schidule h lomis hie ikiilion of hi inl of i in i mil i nnimi will s ht in llllllllll f mill- in- hi til hi mhhh m slhuiil lilhltllni t ihiudii lmlmiim 411111 i ivs oo ii mou 7 17t hi 7 hi iii i7ilmlll 1711111 u22 imi i jjloii 1 uiikidl uhhmk l pml 111 in alk one thioiuh li en rraih he not hid p ston 377 of hjtl mles tht municipal att rso 1960 mrs l s don j i lo mill 1 tun mi i ium ph itoninl i itnlunl i it il klllllhl ikii hiiinl i i il i li hnl i i 1 ihe hjisin hus hornby presentation ron plant and bride friends anil neighbor of a recent hnde and groom mr and mrs honald jhnl gather ed at ihe north trafalgar com touniu kntrr on thurdav nilit to rtitnd ihcir good i fhet tut lire was rnjujert for iht firsl pait nf ihe cuning with the pries koing to mrs herrt ji pon and ka ison or ctnn hnlluwiiik t irds ihe lunch was util ht mi el mcr mat and hip pance fkr lutuh the tnung couple wit pn si tiled with a lotelt gold siu arm chair hv pat hippanrr and hill mar shall the addriss whs nadht puil mi who also weliomed intri into ihr minmunilt ron expressid h unci re thanks to all fur ihe lot fit rift and intmri ett rvone lo tiil i hem il their home stiphuis hurth w met oi niht at the hnme i amjlitan i ruesdat if mrs i- lhers prr sutton i of thf ontino mun i tint to iclpal boird act rso i960 mil llu t c 3741 ml i si i tie mult p in the muter or in dian impi i application bt the orp f u oration of the tottn of airt georgetown for approtal of completion the acquisition and imprn hl vement of certain lands 1 h for of f street parking and of ihe borrowing o the sum of s12ooo0 beink the estimated cost thereof re patahle oter a lerm of lif teen tears and for appr tal of if propused lit law lh b3 9 being a ht law prm j j idina for recnterinh ihr mpttiai pn capital cost nf acquinne and impnnind the iaih ommh- lanris ht a special rale im hmn i as liowii posed upon commerual properlt within ihe area defined in the ht law in iiiim k the ratio that ihe pmpor lional assessment nt rach parcel hears to the total proporlinnal isessmint applied to the cosi nf ihr undertaking appointment for hearing hrr 71 i i the nmlhti tih i- till iii f i minn in 1 in poralt aik iui s it ii 1 it phone 1 liil iht ioi ol tn 11111 sit in of iht or 1 in uli nli tin nisi ol hit s nil wor pmlllllll 11 nil h ill o it 111 ml of ill hi u 1lju 1 lh f w it- mrs 1 dm nln n kilinl 1 i at it thud li 1 in l miii hinltiir driu- 1 tllnltip 111 ml l i ink 1 riiimps mrs moinlht schedule b t in llu nt ii s v hi i 1 in a ili limit s loll i iu 1 i ht i m 1 il tank ol i l null in imp ml 1 1 llll 1 it 1 n il pun of int r iii nulli 1 nl 1 rn siri i i mm i 11 in ati ill 1 s lltll w 1 1 1 stri 1 ii- il- 1 il iu llk 1 hoi m ii iiiiu ot mim str il so h 1 iciil lit 1111 s llll si 1 v h t th 1 i 1 irk 1 till lint ii w 1 1 mi of 1 m mm i im nil in 1 i mi nl in mi n sit il nor h t iindiin lii n hit ah iii in slip siiuih u t i t llu 1 id r- mi m i ihl mill iniilii foi ol ne memhersprc thinlt sniiih wi sli ilt ahm ting opened wlhj thf ontr10 ml nictim i said i ol 5 in llu wtirh in thiak soutlk islerlt ilnni we her senl the mci a htmn and pratir the prei hoahd hereby appomb mnn dent mrs frank wdlir was da the 21st dai of october in chirie of ihr business part iftfta a ihe hour of 1110 t ol ihe meting whu h included 0 clock in ihe foreonn local discussion nn church raen lme al lhp council chamhi them f south dnrs tht rnimilrt of the las pr ln the town nf eorn me ting w lart mr it id hi the whir for tht 1 interest ihr i imn nf 1 supporting r r op the apphcition in a till nl 1 id lo in schedule vatn work proposed lit law and al rteo at toi itat of seplemtn m lik held at v on sundu nl horn ontario inul hum on i a hslnng trip i0it on adinrj seen i schedule a mil nl h sn nunilirr j7 in tin then 1- south i il 1 il pi gll 1 spiakrr as iii ii lies who wa ihi sipirmten in mlssi ns in wes f r it is mm asor nle if the rnrd of i ime if tin 1 ntiod hi rrh ami t on of of main he of mill til sm i r i r m f ihe h inh i hnir ind ihe f- d rn cjiartfii- at tin frd to th portgolng appolntmint for hiaring ihfm t ol i is 1 2 ihe north eim sir street north wrsl slreit according in rryis i- lereil plan 17 iols 4 and kafi i i and part of lots 11 mil 56 on ihe south side of 1 rack street acrnrdinc lore eistered plan d2 and pari nr ik i ki r i m nf lhbiiirahaimaf xalt- iniilii fi oltu 10 mill si jitirium jii t on si nili ri s 1 1l 17 m ii st jj iii 1 jj1ik1 si nil rs 1 til ht mill si iirilhhi r inn ii sli inhi ra- ltd 11 mill s 1 1 1 171 111 mllhmwic itlaltl il mill st l hlllmh rmiinn sir lttilmnl 1 il milt st 1 i ihi ijhk1 s 1 r inn stmint 1 u mill si j ill ini jiij no mis 1 i llink r fin st h j iii h jtidl 1 itulfldl mill si 1 4ikhh i 4i no i ii iimtt 7 mill si iiniimk i 1111 hi l h mil 11 i mill si 1 minim j linn nn i h tint t 1 mm si l tuiinii l iiniim i hi in nt il m 11 st l i nn l 2j no i r mu km 17 mil st 1 nun nn j oixi mi fiorm mink mi 1 si r unii nn s oik 11 i r i- mm k nl i mill m 1 t 1 kl nirinn h i mil luii 111 si 1 iiiuiiii 4 iiiiinn simlir h i 1 llll st r nn in nn rlluf spi ulil tj u ih r si 41110 2 no in li u 1 min i ii l t 1 t s j jllhi 1 tjmkl 11 it i si in ttit no tfiihim hirlfs dikrvsn 4 1 ft it r si mui no i ii ji mi 11 u tr si mr on ii nn lontlnwi llwln 11 itl st 1 l do rr nn u in lpli 1 iw ih l whip ihnil mtk lid jh inelph 10 j s ml himi liit iil rs 14 in 1h ll 4n iii h h oikhh n- r no s i mo km h him s st l l7mi 4 lilhl s 1 mnkiiiie 8 1 in si 1 1 114 i no 11 it4 t 111 s i mnkcnie toil s 0111 nil hhhmvl wm a 1 irullc m m 1 1 u trt ul i li ik 4 nj on aiuisl lliiitiiir anil utin mihafft 11 ilk st i ion no t iiiiioo total proportion ait 1686499 00 ifi anrf if in nnrrsion 1 tllhnlt- n nf the township of fqms intirsct ins now in ihe mnn of nilh eorfjrtown rrhttrtiipiomas 2 lots ft ifl and 19 anrf part i of lh ml f lols 1 n md ft mi ihe lih school lliri another collision at j- zit lf iml ifwr huh srhoof is northeast sid of m tin si lllhll smlh imjum mtti on hidatnf mih east nf mill si anird 1 ot 41 mil 1i ternoon s pi 27 iv 0 maid mfl re plan 17 she- s or mr and mrs loe shta amtintr tin guests alt n n p of lot 4 4 4fi dins n ins pnnt and and 47 on ihe south wrt sdi lirmrtnl mr- iiorpf ht of mam street ttcordms i mhr ouih w i mdtoi his kntidmrpther mrs registered plan 27 niimler 27 m shi ford his e aunl mr and mrs trlhur ilanl anip4t i1 v and pn of i i 4fl m sl mr and mrs 1 m hamilum in acenrdms lo regiktercd tnialion was ht hrt i i 27 and slort ml ssislant tnnri thlnll north 111 v itrtin 01 minor wa the uy 5 p nf i 3 lot fi to 1s pom l vahrtirlorian itn hugh v according to rrjislerrd iiani strict soulh tn mallon t sh ph ij registrar nd part nf the eat half imversitt of st michael s col i in concession f lege after the graduation rre of the township of fsques jj wh h nitt monies t arden party follow mc now m the said town umhcr 17 er in the garlrn of deorficlown lhl aj 7fwfl o plan nn n miullitast linil of miii ulh llu soul h it limil id wo ol orgtown nnriheist limit ol main slret it nf lot 11 is shown on ltegl nnrlhcnl idr nf main slret i l huti h si and arel ii i ink rulr if hum 11a si rovi ed wliil r- r irtknitli r was mk r a lift i in ii off mount un u oniii lliur nu i rinkiutlr was northl id and u rgsnia s mllilinnno wli n ihet hit a steep htl mikr- ihe inlrreilmn blind t ohsi ltin llollin mima led lh danutr at s1000ii lo harris floral arrangements for every occasion dignt cut floweri wadding bouquttt 10 mam st n tr 73511 thunday oct 3rd 1m3 thi gtorgfetown herald patie 13 now on sale we recommend the new issue of canada savings bonds o all who have savings available for investment features ol thcc bonds are interest ffl lo 1965 5 to 197 1 thtre- afler 5jio matuntv ovember 1 1975 averse yield o matunty5 w denomlnmlona 5i 100 5mhj j mum and js000 jth j10000 maxitnupi per name kslatea t p to the 10000 limit may be eistcced i the natnen ot h states or irustecs or adunnitrators ol i stares jsh return bonds man- be cashed any time at late value plus earned interest place our order uuh ui by later or telephone mood iuiidy company limited m king srew wru toronto i telephone 1624t having a storage problem cah fs moving storage 774106 for free estimate duil free and pallelliied sloraqe in sprinkler syslem warehouse packing shipping crating beauty professional care 5y economy shhr john boughton offers you n f rtf lean nq and checking serv ce o o damondi 1 is fi an w 11 yeas i cpfl c if mid i ne rnodeei etu pnieni in back boughton jewellers 5 main n 677431 diamond claaned and checked uperi watch repairs jroof jsf for ihe pact ol he oil yon gel mori sal 5laclidn 0cr 20 000 urn lie have ilieartt i n ilonie kent service more service over 700 000 tree tuinjce i end lio ic rrh more valut ee mid seison check free tnm ho free 74 imw no hell emergency sernre more hosmicrmen finjlifiiiruii trlimc n uli ihd eh more isv ihnul our low cntt pmti i w lermj on new healint eouipnidit call esso home heat service today ron dumper 8774552 imperial oil limited

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