Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 3, 1963, p. 8

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pride of lhru- counties us planes strafed lornes after falaise break thru wfiaf happens to cash the list is endless no 2 dvfuite platoon lor ind canadian infantrs brigade was ursdnurd bth bob iwt in england and disbanded lb mat 1943 tht platoon was re- orgdmwd 24th beb 1944 reteisd about hie rmus liif whin putung out to olden bursh this platoon contacted tin kiivian lure- on june 4th l45 the unit was disbanded 30th jept 1943 thu it th 7lh in rl f articlm dealing with lh hit ter al tht lorn swt in oc tobtr th pi duhrin hallon militia unit will u prmntd with ill olor by rtprwrtt ttv ot hr maiwty during thaj the yd rut it iront in itals it v 5 ueltnu platoon for world plowing match af mrn s low in toiimidiiil with j r 5th canadian infantrs brigade- conn smyth cokdon farmm 0 and 13 prisatts aniltua oramnd 24th kh 1944 all lormtr mamfcttn 4 lh wnl iund the dutits ol head and distundtd joth mas 194j r instrttd t hnd iho cart- quarter guards the brigade i bitth infantrs brigade round mony and alliad wcial tunc i took purl m tht attack on the lmeiie iutuon iloruc slots tioni sand yowr nama and ad- hitler 1iue on jj ma 1944 ta orunuc 41h rob 1944 ru to chairman invttatrint the reconna vaiu c parts of tht ihi unit unbirkrd at til commitlto lorn scoh platoon upturn u thmian on ours lui k mi 4th juls 1sh4 john si brampton ont 3 sept m cattolicia thi ila and dis mbarked at jiluo beath i toon embarked on u mar en juls 7th mosuis forward with o 1 detente platoon for lst at lehirn for muril tht uiuidi in the acmblj hh canadian lrifanlrx busadi lr brame arriwiv n iomen ma lltass fighting lohowetl was authorized 7th 194i ration area hercnthah ril m hit am arta on u jrtf theptatoontttan inobilued frojn mm on 19th march lhi umt tin pi il on was allaliud to ionic mots personnel at man crowed the ithiut on 7th pril civ i the rink auh in- a dard barraik hamilton uniltrjand was in tht vumits ol thd ttorman intuitu atuik with it b b bum lh a siremthnburgh wlun nws of thi iap hnks ml infantrs on tin out of 1 officer 1 ism 1 ii 4 unlttion nf u rmaii ioru in iru of ma sur unit llu pla tpk t i cpli 37 pmatc- a hollind dtiinurk oil north tun mi un 1 h liinltn- m total of 47 all ranks the plat cm ttnnam s iu til on kllid unihd and imint oon protttdtd oxersta on ma 4th wi ami ilim h mtortm i ariimtl mi 1bi bept 13th arnungal lilirhil ded 11th u 1h5 i ili nhiu thv pi twin to on ehh sipl it r timoii li the third i malim ijil mtn u pm in lhi uiumh t tcr awarded the ulona ubnadc mnu plfon nurili i i in l bkuined tommand on 17th dec authoruui bth bib im i an i rii ih lim on jui mir hh1 the platoon lontmned dlibaiuii d lb max imj it w i lhi pi it mi hi- n i lirird training wit 7th inf bit un reauthontd j4tli bh 1 in piition itim f m r til 10th max 1943 when the pla thi t mir orion x p vt iu n int r mil lv toon was jihim and hc the 3rd anadnn inlj br i i h m pi l personnel dralttd n iv cam ade support iroiip mtu to v t dtuu ii n i oron htuhlaniltr ot tanida i the 1 orni vols the mil p inlmirx liiti s thesexenth infamn bnaip td through tht hitur 1 ih thowul hh bb toil lib round dt fence platoon embar 25thmix in jnh this look i niiri xa llllmlu iwdonjuneithandttadidah part in the ionic vol tom n n l im n 1 ip ore on mike reen beah at iratiu for 11 dv- hi- plt imj l ml m r 1515 hours june bth 194i tin oon undir i apt t it lint n k i on i 1 nid n mil link 7th linadum lnfanln bnytcl htud a p n 1 ihr u 11 jwk i ir as the onh british umt to nma vot a h nu ut ih uuv1 i u n l reaih il objpitue o bh i 10 1lrt s n lhi 1h of june the bde look pirt m wp ptrioil on miuii ldh in tn rt ii noiu- xx ihe heaxx fihtinb at tail and platoon tnilurkd on im i mdd vim m ro in 1 m craved the border into llol imarillc an i rrw 1 n h 1 v u i l ho land on the jim oct imvmm on j4th marth k d ih i v 1 p o i forward xxith the third v i i in throi j u ult d bor1 t n ismliw i pl urtui uion oxer the rhine and into thex ert in tin x ntx ih i inl- k ml ermanx when the rmit te llaiu whtn in x of hit itni s t u itl mi- i l sms iimhd the plhhu was rtt of lhi lrnin m m p d i h dishanded 30th iktobi r wl reuxd mi 4th of m x i h ih i uh lit u o 8 defence planon for unit xi c ill baiulil mi ill in t k id i i i t dunx i the bth canadian tnfmtn hru h im 1 n sot df was nrnmd 7th pnl 1 ftliu illn f i j4 1 b t iw 1941 al standard karnck lla 4 t undun in ntrx it i l rk i vlit t k o milton from lump siot pin was authorm tl b b b 1hi ml 4h lix ml i km onni it j llennun lummmd dimmilml 2llth mix 1041 hx b b t s r m i tni with a t lal slnnlhl 47 4th inlmtn hruult i mn t n r 1 1 1 all ranks the unit prottdd w 4 rniil jvh b b 1hl v i n n oxersia- on lulx 18th xiallih d itnrr i torn ion s t l i 11 rti m fax and frtenoik tlelraimd at the p toon tinbrk i i lit t t hi h iu mdtihol on lilx 31 1141 it em ship ss lihn sm i tl ih hi ux i i ontihid iramink wilh tht 8th 1h4 dis mhrk i hi li s i i 1 k infantrx brigade until disband h jn in k oxr 11 t p n ed 01 h max 1941 it was rcor ns rmunl ixl ii im tim ii t l w s i mi camitd 4 beh 1944 on lime m the arc of hi m i x it n u in h i i hth d dax the plaloon land 7th lulx on uth thin un i n lb n db- ed in brantt mtilin luhl ihrte iimiiiik- irm b 11 1 in u nl r lb l opposil on and moxed inlind bollowin tlos h onth hi is nw r e i the hr 1 was at c arpifltim ol ihe liadiu mfnn t i h iii l iuaseon iu 4th and lookpl tnwd th s s m h w d pari in the hreakthrouri al and look pirt in lhi mi in r i i on i balahe on ufi h n ui 17 lal serxites al dit pp on inl tthl il ll u lim litimi i mud suits mr brte stra s pi on th loth thi n nil n 4ih fed the hdc area hm there was in milmrp on i ih lb aj were no casualties in lhi platlhthdi 11 jdii irti r- r s n oon tho cnitttd the somme the rhine on l r 10 h rl b i 1 j h s im rixtr mar t imhrnn on sipl ir stzur shares south american emlicr tht brnailr lie pin rmrswv vocafon wh iodt by harrif law kuumen are ofltn asked what happens lo the moiiex xou raise the answer to this question j lcs deeper than just figures printed in blatk and white it should be pointed out that the object of the ssocia ion i to promote and drett fellowship anions souns men ut dood cha racier within canada tt the end j that thev mis he improv ed and educated in modern bn mness and prolinional uthics 2 that thi intertsi o pach in the wellart of his cominun its mas be sttmuhlcd 3 that lonstiltitional author ih mav be uphtld 4 that a spirit nf ooptra turn tolt ranct unik rstantin and etiualilx htiween all nol ions and all potplebc ilstered and stmiulalcd and tht units ol thoiuht and purpm ihnuuh out canada ht oliblisht d to wril this jtal thtt tin shll wirrx on seruc work within thtir toin in nulls mm ml wh n ihjf i the georoktown herald thurtday oct 3rd 1h3 page notice of application tha liquor lvctnca att licamma dlitrlct nvimbar 5 tkt notll f that george town golf 4 country club ot the township of bsqueslng tn the taunts of ualtfln will make application al a special meetr m of the liquor license board of ontario lo be held al the c oral room knikht hall 6 sinrord ve hamilton in the tils of hamilton in the tountyli of wennvorth on tuesday the 29th day of october 1963 al the hour of 10 oclock bst in the for noon for the isstfancc tt a clnh iicentc for the sale inll eon ii motion nf liquor with or without meals in an cmah lishment ilassified as a club bor the follow ins premise tioritwn dnlf and ountrx i lub opi rails and will opentc on pn miss at rural kmiti no i ritown onlirin l mj ii i liuds tiiur known as isrt th b st half ol lot lf pirt tht wt hilf of i t 19 and irt ol hit b st milf ol lot lit in tht i mill otitissiim 1 1 iship of bsqutsiu 1 omits i ih inn achibhmisi fur pur i sis f miuii md reci i t ul n hurt and will hue all lb fuilitis nqiiirtd lo quil ft i r lhi tspi ol litime ap hornby i th nb r i harvest home service w baptize five children u n l miss 11 tins i b ri imisti on d h i d ml lhn be sti i urn n i llis di bir 1 m hum 111 hi s 1 i hi llr i mr mrs tt shl s dujur of mr i i mf l ii i i sh hi hi r of mr l i hst ii 1 nl li in us h uht trim i m tip 1 nw br any when tease lire loundul ma 4th the platnon was il 1ir p mmk m i hnded 3hl oil wi if i ism of tin l no fl dilem ih un f r sinthmm f h ipli i 9lh anadun inhnlrs itr n tonk phi on mnmiis ade was aitthonid 7th ir i fill lllii t the hm 1941 and mobilized from inrnell irin 1 h scots p rsonni 1 at stjiul ml ih n wi n 1j in mbi i barraiks hamilton t ndrr it ml ml thr it it mi vtclr harshaw the nlalnnn aimstnmi pn nl d proceeded oxiwas on lull 18 tht miniili s lb i sia halifax on the bmires ol ihu win n id l hi tanada the platoon arnsi d u is thi wis flad at aldershm on kith luls and iri im s n p n eommtncii trunini siih thi id n flth inf rde ii was pirt nl th r w unhr wis 1 orne suits oncentratinn n hmi t m ik isliurs pirk pnl 11th 194 in l r and was ilishanlnl 20th mas oiii irl mt su i 1m3 thi flh infuntri round m or onlinuni defenti plat n florne sroh i tl unpims i was oran ml j4 bcli iw on hh luni 3rd the platoon embark r on hst 17c al souhiampum hunt- missed the rhannfl on ilh landid undt fire and pu shed on inland thf platomi s el up a jjde iuw lac is huh of the in i i ol mr- ii ii 1 t sltll ih ii i h sun m concrete oravel tl rs m kt is building sand s 11 lis m bi wil l s 1 road gbavel 1 m li fill nd top sou ml mi id ii k 1 stone work mi hr nut 1 1 is tllltiw k 1 llu 1 tom haines gltn willimi tr 7 3303 nohvl norval cubs scouts begin fall programs id mr brtine si c ihe hein iolf th llu- util r i n oaupid in a dailj routine of smrd with all standinc to at firl ml ut light the platoon mixed f r ward with lhi bni ol luls ilh in tin nist i thp platoon handlnl a n n pf imr m ll t i skill i ihe dil udiui 11 llil he h i l of lb uuis ad look pari in ih a mil n nm s ll tn li ir n si i iuln in ihtnti tlnliwnc in noxemhr tht li ir s mi nnu 1 i i n headquarters mosd sa ols mrfru wm np ki i im f h r pt i t nm khti a14ouu uuul iu ill ljualuj sen and nimiin i iroll ni m r aisliuu 1 ittndmwb i i s hi s th thi and ujrdinr hea irjinrter- nmri inform ton from i u is lir tin pt uaxink th vkihj 1 m ms anns rom si r i win lure si meson the bnde nnvul lo hp huh ll f llu ivimi l m mb it u an lisiu tltxis in bhrurs ant hnchs the inlrmliirtim nf 1 i i a s r in biulml on sip wbld bore t in hrch hum n itudd ii wh iiw m i t n u i ih n th innunu lhi vkiuits of hilsrr im mil mtirrtirc mlrtix t t ik hil hi r f tn x will si it uilh th piln wj- dlshamld 10th amen wk i i1lbm hsu null 0tlohrr ifi4 wuh th d of loot i 1 t li shl this iln i definit phloon- hi 11 li he took hi r aidum o a i nnlu md siit olhr for srrviic with the 10th uth hrinilinfi lour of holisn i n i imp and 12lh infantr bngailc 4th m itm and the mod rn mx s- ntlmns il i tjixuion were formed from the nf rrarilia with h- ullr mod tin si ut m i r will t h isir iklne vols personnel at stan rrn buildup- ih flikhl rtard barraiks hamilton in thr andes lh r aufiusl 1941 ander tommand bulmi inras thr of lieuh s harler f uisjopen air markls ih pl and k diik inotohrr lhe and thi rr quainl iilun nil li prlirulnu did ill ah y is oiii d thtir hr ad fdiil up lo a mot ni x ll i mil in put up with llir hut were broken up when ih ml dmli nal prn ih d d u inithr dnr 4i a irfanirs dismn tcmn r i t arm- r trunk iplh rl d nd d mmn rmaurcd in lanuarj i14j id m- ituddeu f i h r kn i i imunr 1 th m for dependable sales and service ply hit iii doixi iiiom i r w iii i ij i l j mi i n llu ii it i ill come to maveal motor sales limited main st north tr 73611 to the voters of halton county thank you for your support and confidence george kerr attention farmers we have usi recently ordered ieveral carloads of dominion beet pulp ipan rtnd witli molassesi for otobei and november del very check our prces and rder now or substanl al savings on beet pup ether picked up al the cd or del vered off tlie tar fall application of fertilizer nov is he t me lo apply fend zer on your hay and pasture i elds we are agents for c 1 l a i agrico bra idi of fertilizer and both of these companies arc eciu n ped to bu k sprt i i fcr i rr try al least one held th fall and see ihe i fterence it i akts soil analysis for fertilizer ti 4 nt t ol yt i o nave so i samples taken for next spr ng t i in t pug i l jas io l iosv how much fertl zer you sould ue and ni a 1 1 you r i h i us ki ojv anyt me w tl in tne next s eeks a id we w ii htixe olk i si pit s akes free of charge master feeds stewarttown quality integrity iii georgetown service dial 877 3512 easy to buy simple to cash good to keep you can ijttnadasovinirrrbomfs- for cash or on instalments buy them on the payroll savings plan at work or at banks authorized investment dealers stockbrokers hust or loan companies they come in denominations of 550 100 s500 1 000 and 5000 up to a limit of 10 000 par person they fit every pocket bookl voir castrrcanadirirvtrtgs bonds anytime at their full face valuo plus earned interest when ready money is requirod all you have to do is complete the redemption form on the bond and present it to your bank you will receive your money immediately canada savings bonds are better than cashl y ge mter estwvcanadasauiofls bonds on november 1st each year 4 for each of tho first 2 years 5 for each of the next 6 years and 5h for each of the remaining 4 years giving an average return of 5 03 a year when held to maturity in 12 years with accumulated interest every 100 bond will bo worth 161 00 canada sayings bonds63

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