Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 24, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald 2 main strtol s gaorgalown ontario w c itthn fuboihex thursday october 24th 1963 editorial comment daelopmiiit plan has difficulties federal and proving al governments are hitting snags in their plans far assist ance to depressed areas politely termed development areas by the politicians tl e new plan allows tax concessio s tor inajstr es locati 19 in certain designated parts of trie p o live w nch tor one reason or ano lief 1 h 1 0 haidj rues o 1 p3pei t is not witlioll mer ai d certainly one nust ag ee that cites like wmdsot con wall i- m 5 are deserving of consideration where 1 ia jiff es dn vn ji the con nun ties depe ided fci th- r ik ej hood have ceased to ex sj vi ttl er this aid snould o ne 1 sucn endur ng tor ti as si us dy of 1 kiustr es howeve is a 1 ghly uebataole po nt o f musi tirst establish whetner it is cconon al y sensible to continue the ex s tence ot a comniun ly en its raw mater ial have d sippearej when it cannot com- certainly one has compassion for men xvho will take beating on their houses and stores but we have not yet achieved a soc iety which guarantees afi investment be it m georgetown or timbuctoo and a man takes h own chances when he invests one complication wn ch perhaps has nor been studied suppose industry a in an average community decides that msiead of renew al ng or adding to a present building will 1 scrap this and move to a development town wnere it can enoy tax concessions wnen it moves it could pusn ill present locale tro the development class present town then entices an indjstry from another and a chain reaction could e id m a large po ton of the dominion el gib for tax assr fence ve ere tneret e 1 ie pos 0 0 pete w im ansporta on osts or wnen industry v ot sen e ti ere for reasons of its own o e co d aig e 1 tunr- mi case that a city 11 1 1 as bee 1 it ere for a few gen agreeing v th the tneov 0 1 ue 1 g aga nst tne fact we 1 ve in a detr oaal c ioni ar d to enoy the be let s ot free entcpr se we rrust put up w th tiei sks a id wmle do erotioi is orth sav ng but ttere is 1 ttle mg all in our powe to see luat every com argum 0 a fva e for a 1 a m c a crea mun ty is as prosperoji as possible we tion like 1 it lake bu t on ura njm and desola e tine a n t jjd e 1 it mult avo d build g tp one a d leuno hoah anotner at re same tune fancy meeting tod here ned for planning t h je v uusir al loca c is of mucn n 01 e t 1 agn tude t n savi g an one c ly d i y en porary a tit c al a a uch as 11 e jeve op ert p a it is 01 e wh h lust be ntrodj ed by a brave s j e r t t in ser flu cratic ste p tie f 1 e to ow v par- ticularl e 1 0 jr 0 n etro fr nge area s 0 t essa y te rest teres of the o 1 101 a nd e pov e tie 1 ie r et 3 oe i ei t e l age a tiger t 1 e ai i e 0 e 1 str e p e fo one sma 1 a ea the trcre peep e co ne which ijes 1 c e f sfry b ngs more people ad int tj ve need a mcli more to nprel e vve plan than tne spotty 0 e dev sed m tne development legisla e 1 ee i a es onomic survey to p ot i 0 leil 10 j sir l ute our popu ation lio nig r ei o areas shou d be to prov e 1 e besi i v ig and how to approach t t c et 1 at g industry and popi a t e c et 01 tne people no o ie can oe i 1 a s 1 a er comn u t es are p e e at e to a e g a s it tares s ong d re 1 a a j a se se or author j 10 head to a is it aip oal surely we can expect i l laa en p irom sugar and spice by bill smiley the ma bao says self criticism makes better citizens 07 sarkent road to the editor this 11 my first letter to the mail baff and 1 believe i can claim another first i think id high time we should stop and cnticiie our stives wc berate council or not facts and th toad rich smells building sidewalks where of rye and turkey and parfum needed but when winter co td women mes only about ten per cent of us keep the snow removed nd alain ike dictnl an from the sidewalks that have adians nobod mui din btcn built eriid remarks about what a of course imckev al our ar beautiful evlninj it was how tiu is an intcrttlins sport and lurkv vi tn 10 lui in urn bmi final ti our mumy pnn dimi paradise or anvlhinn as hut do snv more thin fort ik 11 and s ntinunt il at tint ptr itnt of us get oul to sie the district at a glance oak villi tin l lo tht town of police and bank security of burlngton dcputv reet ficiais were on constant alert gallagher brought to tht at for more than seven hours on lentuin of tht councillors friday night when a downtown ver inu resting point amt bank moved into new premis- halton lountv u tht onlv bank officials would not uunt in the lroviuct thai disclose the amount of cash s pajing bountv on foxc involved in tbe move but it was estimated up to 10 mil lion by one source clarkson foiir mothers who ag reed that there was no- thng for the older girls to do have banded together and done something about it as a result a urge nura ber of clarkson teen gtrxsr are members of a cg1t group tins week and al- readv planning tht ir first project streetsville a storm broke mmretts vtlle last week as horn- owner received their as seument notices f l4 moat of the lands in tht town have bten realised many residents found that their land assessmtnt had quadrupled a tfoup is organizing to oppose the wholesale redf5ement and demand a public hearing acton which should be dom first burlington hire a hjdro manager or bin alter burlington town new piece of equipment council had given a third hjdro commission mrmbrrmii reading and passed 1 by law ac0 discussed the pros ard covering the issuance of hun cons at hcir thuddi mtft ing for the actoni tumldr j adjourned dftt rmirlcd to 1 decision al their ml mtu orangeville the oranicile police chief has an interesting theorv police chit f itr cy sneddon reports that in the toun all during the world plow mi match nerk becaase it was too conm s ted he said tht trafnc moied too slow thr uih town for an act dun what a difference weeks can make in thu country it li no wonder that canadian carry on a deep lingering tongui tied lova atfair with then nl ive land nd llie v hi b uc luoked jii 1 the min mun id i we just siufhd foul uil innk anl wnt limit ktv iss tia i willi in i maybe we all had loo much hun l n i bhu carman william wilfred lint 1 m 0 campbell and archibald lamp mun lr man when we were in school v m ij maybe were uit undemonstra rnd- f t 1 live bui surely there is no ne on silt in n lion on th face of this earth hi in it 11 pi that love its country so much or tin m and tings about il 10 ttle hurt in mil ihr hoc georgetown herald published by home newspaper limited tictirgettiwii ontario walter c behn publiihtr garfield mcgllvray production impenntenilenl inspiration toulil no mort nl of us pi mi know 11 our mi inli rslnp 1 nil il ir n w will ans mi ri nt n s ippls l i i lo gc e meii craft talents bring reward ond ban and we lounijed in shorts and bare feet thirties and th 1 wordleit too laty and content to get up and go in even whan rnk the tun took a deep breath and m went down like a bomb away out at the end ot the watei wbv il 1 up to lie lackfl clark bob barken il id iuti r 1 ir frn prooj nc r tng sa tale of e m and w leal or ins je e with t e 11 t t e f t talents i 0 se and tfc lerra c i ture v li rence pr f wheels as pert c 1 t 1 lo al peope a 10 s jorol s one vas d fjancy el rre al a hngwefid tea e la rei besserr a e a g a i no cl 1 i en d l o ha since 1 ep on o 1 ed i 1 deal set lal d sp ay a j of george 0 1 tea on tl e pa 0 ere oeroeti lo j nany for p a of the n e rcted art ssei r jg rnav g e s r aid c a ctp jc 1 ej trer a ie had their value n local people to ant t om nearby c lies saturday h t f po nt n both alter 1 e r j era ie 1 is t p n e j t n a display the prei dent cl tie ca a han hand rats g id lermej t t e e v c w 1 e 1 seen tnn year h g 1 pra e from a a use fici lion tattes 1 1 u a 1 ir f g s ii as part cu ar g a ly g to p es a 1 past members of i e gro jj eh at es its e ste nee totiepier ijeitots at vorren like mrs m h fv uflrsal wi o carr ed thro g me oca t it an onmurnty has lalei 1 v 1 en f i amessed and developed can be a ptclitamy add 1 on to a town about eight weoke ano we ihii drove out to visit friends at nnbi their cottage it was the lush tine bosom y end ef summer and the to s 1 evening eir was tropical we mtr lowed to cross the bndgt and n tl the uti tl in 1 luns we ar splnl u ilh dsttiil restrain us sonnet to the si vihoil was impt llr ilirkt to thmi 11111 w is atlmittrd u of a roup out and ire the albert lirt porn r m11 lohn ta 11 1 niitr of tht c j id in weekly niw papt rs association and the ontario ahsocijt n cw a award mtr business directory of ottawa report iimonthiy observations by dr harry ha r ley mp kr haiton the ever present ever intent the more flamlxiyant tv pts thil englott peered with patience at n sure was a swell n nht hi f re h gn the black little nver end the we tlth nd the kids and utnt birds chortled and the frogs home krumphed just the other night we went a t 11 1 an let iris back te the time beach for willi i ar i mun ui hum ntil dinner with some friends at i 1 il at l i il 1 i 1 s slu urx 1 their cottage the elr was fair- li 1 v i li urs and tei 11 um rs inok ly curdling the car heater nl oplnstitatul nnil diis ran felt good when we reached ivr sleeping old jjciimt men the little bridge there were ami pi uplr wa ed anil water lap no fishermen but we stopped pi ami 101 1 irs n in d mil hot t look at the late gold sun en iluijs smellei kd the little bleck river and high eway up went ever a wa when we arrived our friends very v el geese a lovely tight about a doien ef them sprawl ed under a vast sighing pine along the beach there win tree drinking chilled sauterne no jinn of lift slrclj water and eating dill pkklet their around green lumped islands children and ours from toddlers silver sand blatk and blue skj to bantam delinquents prowled ounge x boarded up and blank al end squabbled and begged bites faced it was lonely ind bit ik of pickle and demanded one and tieaullfiil last swim and laughed and cried and wet their diapors and both when we came te the col erod their moms tape away down the shore road and taw the yellow lights thin i 1 om r th hi 1 hi it ing it wet e good feeling in iltn 1 n 1 1 li 1 i 1 inoini nl of side there wai a great glowing livstira tl isliinu colour airois fire e warm welcome friendly chiropractor donald a gay dc apn mt 1111 til- m ute call tr 7 3401 3 main st georgetown w h carr f eng consulting irofrv iunal fngincer 110 lnuntaitniew fid s triangle 7 2111 ret tr 74300 g w corbett dc chiropractor monday wednesday and friday d a in to tl i tit saturday 9 am to noon 8774431 i1a mun si is or ih e l buchner od lllorlor of oplrnnplni optometrist 181 uclph strut stiitt car hldk wednesday evenings only 7 45 9 00 p m by appointment tr 7 3251 scott sj carr t west wood ontario l nd surveyor llfi mount imv triangle cvv td s 7 2311 w h carr tr 7 3300 b ret f witt wood tr 46164 the rck in th lloiisaititm bied 11 motion on a fall of ccn muns ha been lciipiedure to help ui fulern farmer ith no n ir iulrti tlli v credlt p maritime ir n 11 rtil in i r ton truslpish p ri i uppy ed thu to read that thla wa be cause the liberal government 1 tontiriued the aame pollcle ji the previoua government aa expected the goernment ur u ii i n the vote a lota in a non h ijil tiz a unll motion to the gov 0 thil tttefmnrmte rf k -p-jj- houae can nsidr ntailed etimic o tovcrnirent pen dine u ech deit ol oovern i the leglalauon aettlng up the mcnt tt ha hi meni really maritime tranaporutlon union il lha lor lo java the oppoi itnisteehlp haa paaaed the ilon on lit dh lubjeel ol oiue of common it will ba their rhie and a the end qfdlicuued in the senate on wed the lo daji can loice no and la liable to receive eonfidmee in the goternmenl rojal auent wedneaday night in resrd lo hue and ca nt heae problema with uia vote lo be taken a lecond par siu t ongahoremana tv in order ot their ill ing in non in montreal the minlater the hmtae of common can of uboiir the hon allan mae more an amendmenl 1 thutehem hi emerged a a nortconfiden e motior thliealm lofhpoken atrong mem nauallv earning to toiea ra her of the cabinet he haa ther thai one tote ai a epar lahon kill urt and quiet dl- ate vote it neceaaary on both plomac during these disputea the non confidence mo or ad as canadian we do not p any amendment preuale being old tn tne am on thla occaeuoo the oppoal ericana hhal e ahould and ahoilld not do thla refer to the etalementa by mr meany pre ldent of the afia io and the b s secretary of 1ahour mr w wlrti tlila la unwarranled news echoes from ih pagea ol th harald 195 j and 13i barragers ctanert shirt launderert tr 7 2279 18 mam s itirl uclph all work done en premise for expert rvi car consult o t walker ocrum prescnptnn tilled 12 main st s brampton cl 1 4474 res gl i 624 j hours bam 6pm daily friday sam to 9 pm bvening by appoitment dale bennett latimer baines barrittert a solicitors dolg1 as lmimrh tutencr b baines lltnnrlt 7 t81 23 mill sl gcoriliiwi george barrister c hewson and solicitor 116 moun ilnitd in im 111 s i lti iu rmi n tr 7 2118 10 years aoo 1 tl yl vhool students look four individual awards at tht 4 ichoul irack meet in tnn yesleiday lileen oates was jenicir girls lhampmn diane hjirnsnn was intermedial wallaci thompson irtj division court robt r hamilton optometrist 1 a mnuntjiuviv ltd s tarn til hlilfi fnr appointmitil 8 3971 frederick a helson barrister and solicitor lift mount uhvkv hit s k irn i il h i i t i m e manderson qc barrister and solo t 61 mil si gtorqtosn for tv s ppk for thr sptakr to i is permission interference in canadian if fain for the legislation to be effective we must haze the active cooperation of the tininn munrwi a tr tjj ahajj x pect cooperatinn with the us when canadian ships manned by members of the untona that writ be taken over dock in ts ports a great deal of trouble could be causer if he tj s ionnti tried to obstruct loading of these ships aa i have mentioned pn lously the post office depl have been investigating t m recjuest mail delivery in many areas of the riding i am plea ed that rancliffe tum and hi girwood and astlegrren luhdtv iiions in oikvilie will receive door totjoor rruil deliverj soon a staff is itailnhle 80 ptr et of tlr hi i ft maj reccptititi g rls cliarripton paul barber won the tom watson trophy ui tlie hbo and hie ghs relay team won the hyman b iver memorial trophy a cafataigolo tve wu o4tiuttyix4t jiiiid ten ihe next month in british guiana jim emmerson toronto felegram reporter left malton airport by plane this morn ing nnronte for finish- guiana he will be tending tlo r cs to ins paper from this trouble spot clerk ft commissi i tr 7 29j geoigelc had a i pulalion i ef i i jpulalion i g ti 9 thu year of aln 200 ir in 1952 33 years ago a i tal rreetiro ol georgetown curlers was held friday w th a largi attendance ihe following officers were appo nteh for the season 193h3 president e v mac corral lsl v ce prfs dent w lorgrave ji d v ce pres uie tl bri ley ser riiry p w cleave treasurer g w mcct ntork ceoroetown animal clinic v zavirt dvm t footman mrcvs 106 deielph street clinic open 7pm 9pm mon wed fri set afternoon 13 pi if pi jy ihf herald to rf ad t nd read ihl mlkald u bjy frank pitch licensed auctionetb po boi 413 tr 7 28s4 firoraeiiwn dax developments limiteo builders of fine hornet prop walter parhololt 1774311 or 177 9415 monuments pollock a campbell dksigns 0ij request inspect our work in greenwood cemelerj phonc 1 7sw 2 water street north c a l t t van sickler ba barrister solicitor no tar dr williams is i tic 3fl main s tr 7ts31 kaplan ord barristers and solicitors sidney kaplan

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