Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald publish by hum nmnpp limited 2 warn slreet 5 georgetown ontario w ciwn paubhaf thursday november 7lh 1963 editorial comment served georgetown well georgetown n losing one of is belter cdhimunity minded citizen when fred maslerman begin a new position on the west coast lr masternian had the challenging task of serving as board chairman when georgetown lefl the north halton area lo form its own high school district ten years ago and he has continued as a board member during the transformation from an old fashioned antiquated building into the ultra modern academic vocational structure which georgetown boasts today he has been interested not only in the physical aspects of school facilities but m helping to secure the best teachers pos ble and behind the scenes ip has aged aid to deserving students who might otherwise not go on to realize then full capacities as citizens mr masterman has at the same lime devoted his energies to other civic projfccls he has been a member of the credit valley conservation authority also at a time of maor decision and hes played a lead ing rote in his church men like mr masterman are not u common perhaps but ihey are not so com mon that we do riot miss them one knows that no man j mdispensible but some men are harder io replace he is one of these saturday mornings again the arena was a bustling place again saturday morning when the legion kid hockey leagues swung mlo action for the lesson so well established has this become that older residents are well acquainted with how it operates and with the many men who devote a large part of the r spare time winter hours to making it a smooth running organization newer res dents however may not know that their children are welcome to om and that they are assured of proper supervision quiet halloween georgetown had a quiet halloween wh ch is as it shou d be t ie days of vie ous vandalism and me idea tiai anytn ig goes on this oie n gin of tne year are gone forever we hope we snould not like to see the carnival spirt d sappear altogether the costumes the ir ck or treat w ndow soaping and the more mnoce n pranks are perfect y accept able yet a i ne must be drawn and were deitruct on lo continue tne only solul on would be to vr te hallowe en off the books it is i n lar to me college and high school mi at oni ng permits good sportsmansmp an 1 as mu of the element or hockey as a coach the legion branch foots a maor part of the expense the arena board cooper ates as much as possible and coaches ma nagers referees take the r jobs seriously the best way to return the favour is fc parents to make a pomi of attending as ma ny of the games as possible not only does it let your children know that you are inter ested it gives a lift to men who may some times wonder if lhe r hard work apprecia ted by the pa ems of the boys they serve the district at a glance brampton appointment ol a detective intensive combat training and written examinations are being implemented bv brampton pol ice as the result of j recent ontario police om mission survev i orangevilli successful start made on wednesday at the county emergence meas urii organization a head quarters j oranguille i and the fcmo office at ihd purne for those people interested in nbtaininst a rtstricteil radio tile phone operators tt rtifh cate oakville housed nes alone the north venue road ma gtl the bus service the re after a ton tractor has told town council he is ilium to run a mrce on a trial basis his offer follows d petition signed h more thin 100 houst v iu s who hvt nrlh ol tin qui in hi i tuth ilnhwa and dunand bus s to town milton claiming thi large cnr embankment near their ho mes was des dluating their property e i n milton re- iidents protested their ifr 63 assevsmcnt at the milton court of hcmsion hianm in the town hall acton acton council tuwfas men ing jjioo two rcidiiis to d bt law authorising thi jktrrowuii i ol 280 mki for a tin room ad dition to itoii district high school t a special mutiny of the holton kntan club invited uests represent ing organizations ol the tow a and itistrul dull with tin probk n of itnl tons fhanus fur a- worth while loinmiinih project to mark aiuda s 19hicn tmnul mil on mii a voiired dr a stun gestion a nit hospital wandering hen visits first egg to host alterations at no 10 iktr a ihtnct farm hinrittt nuit havr ftl oh ining howie ue o died to km smut pamiul for the brnf i mnimonship of he left ther ing lo hep her down on thi thest rias rcfemns i to a htllc blatk hui that lit r hi kirs her firs in mr t kept with n proper bou ids an ntegra pan ot ilujt i 1 te a go io eceii t nil the qutkly appeal tnere isere a few nc cie i w beyond ti ie boi jnds of i n loceni thursday but mey aci e a a and shou id c3l lie no co n er i in young people ho no k io low with n bo unds it w is a q uicl halo t tn we hope tve wi ii always nave irtrtdge hunter hunter hold y do not explode their that your neighbour it t not t plump hen partridge sugar and spice by bill smle piti ii aw thouldert snildciih j merits support nhimi 1 k i t lo al io keep inging off itughina over thtir ira f c week for a raj mad whirl in l lhe hi town cites many reasons ut iru loinu n i jtn with the a of tin iu 1 miw this hike ruu ldm 0 wanderlust nt 11 why ym ywca link iiuimin shape irmiih u r huirielti craflil el on a iru limb tjmk as i n aw hlk l 1oh i whrlnl ihnw up m 1 hrt 0 tn im and fired lmwi he liirnh- pinmhmu and imtins ontru h i ii in hi i f i in t h ih u mmioinlil wtuli hi i vyiyvh v- lvjlj hl hk dnin minn work it thi all dhiui i 1 iima 1 ii99l pmnd link ur tiul it uklts j llllirnilu inn mlthu in ulmu pj3rw r- t be a 12 unir tlik sqiirrl rml hirk a of i- ru hmoii it wuiil ha itnl i iti linn in a nii a llllll he was cammj bun iitiptiimb i to d vihat a hidden pasmktr hrnr tla has bun il in how things have changvd st j r thuici and slippi i hi h ir p bt i u iinct samuel johnion wrot li iu1 p ttl h rt m diffiunt n liiiti hi couple ol hundred year bo v t r hot pulled into htbtun dun in tin mvt mir n hunting wai the labor of the m iv it itevia driw itun st i inn in ntrms j j lavaget of north america but lrl nix uw hou s dm vu mil not hi dli lo nt the imuitnunt of tht gentle kpli wll thi cutertrl vinhs- tin c imp nji m if men of england or have thty hl n in ulth nirhi nd w r tin tip hui u villi ilo rmtids wl1 wll j iu al hauni i u r tli in p b i to nutl u bible thought k for the wffk hl mmtn as ilioiit rontnlmtr nd hue mil don along iht line ol jpoky hlu rlil inl tli hi nil ttlnl hll n the crimion hunten tnd tin type and it n legion be yt doerl 0 h wor ant 1j1 t 1iri ill 0111011 a hundred thouhd bob and veldom kill anything more not hearer only jamas hud back mln tin ulinn hi nmr ikuuu m tin 1 m bill dangerou than a crock or an 2j im fnf a mi rn d n turn in in t m in si s ph mr r77 their muikel n their hand buddy uit for the sake llu hi r fillnril iru mi- at tin dlbl thryre in tht wamp and of euphony let call them the khl ilull kus firm f valley too swiller their credo might go a thick i of hi l njit nkii 1 i lik hl 1 j- ii 11 ill 0 von can en 1 they h see lomething 1 great in ikillet thui hut one ambition to hunting md kill it wn t thi mail bag cites many reasons why ymywca merits support letter to iht rditoi the fmamnl unipaun of fhc enr and i strut ymywla is almost unshed u far as thi 1 1 in iihr is con cerncd r w ml lo think i erone who ins ntribnled to make it pnsibl f n tin profi ram of thr v to in muntiin ed thi re mu hr ihfsi in fie nrgetnwn wfo hm not conln buted brcausi llie do no know what hi- him aitonip llshed 111 the hit eir evorjlhinj that the boird would like to have doni not hern dnni hul wilh the cooperation nf dediealed l ers a nimbrr of prntrams of various kind are in operation and we helire the interi st wdi d in fi oni low n k w ill will giow mi in th puidmk ol bitweui ricausi the prosiam arehhhhi 11 1 s4h mh mil a- ftir the building of clurailtr dn mtint 111 in it is not cas to asses in a the f iri to support thr v n short time what has bun i this b icomphshed in a few jearsum tlurr hm b 11 peopli inn will ice the results in hf life in t nrjelown ho hau of the commiinil your jjnin c their time simfn nh in now is an investment for the or nidations of iliffuinl i future kinds these people hm hi 1 n i another procrnn tint lo cam ihp work of th itr mip just fttim unilii wa is 1i1 il h xir prosrams ivbn of the senior iti n- u hn h u m n rl know that main people ml nn m 1 s llle rtanl to support the hi h u f caute it sponsors this profiram seintrnl i idirslnp iti tin vet it is only one ol 1 nnm y ul her of programs own wfl rei 1 iu il fir somt we know would like mn thlihim th t sic more t itihle results h 1 ur p from their k1 to lhe l itiiisnti vinliry hh it must he reahied imwnir smilh h h n hl rr mim thai the y is not finl of all tim to k is im a bunding but h n people in fnr imnn s hfvn l an nrsaniiation who are willing ul car wrk rnnp to hive themslies for lhe as vul1 ai ls helterment 11 others n sm when a building can be pro koutmuid in olumn hi ie iport or w ly merry crew so why the ruckul and the iu when we bag a cow or two business directory t lb nf hu an hiii 1 mn ivhnh ln jtll 11 lit hi hbi i 1 1 lunt i there are otheri lor tin why cant we hunter vlv from cir and blat away on sunday each ully regulation mar our imple oyou fun dai give me a emp november day with lithe kif of now and deer run and a 100d 1 in k 1 ii n chiropractor in 1 il donald a cay dc p nrft in ut tin ir ir ill tin 11 mill iu sa call tb 7 3101 3 main si georgetown w h carr p ng l wisiiltintf ihtfisiona riijnner 116 mnunlainiiew rl s triangle 2211 re tr 7 3300 i hi lit ottawa report bimonthly observations by dr harry harley mp for halton hi n th his hit vill sh ot i find mylf uneiy in th company they could be te d the killer they hunter g w corbett dc chiropractor monday wednesday and friday i 1 in i a p in saturday 9 m to noon b77a631 11 ml si ntmin e l buchner o d douur nf optonietrm optometrist ifil iiclph streit ismtl l ir lldr 1 wadnetday eveningt only 7 4s 9 00 p m by appointment tr 7 23s1 scott dak bennett latimer baines barruten 4 solicitor do glas v utlmeh terencef baines triinsle 7 3ib1 23 mill si cenrketowp jhts in pisv gui e 1 pj ural uroiiji 1 and i ii never forget the day i bagged my bigol trophy i in lln iir lhe black bear i wiv oul hunt si kiilnil of mr ing parfridse the bird had me ami iikiss a pretty rattled lumping up be this sjicru s 1 1st hind me with a great whir and carr a we st wood ontario land surveyor lib mm tr ngle ew id s 7 2211 w h car tr 7 3300 r b re f weitwood tr 66164 tllh propdsh rrkat prafjram of he lbnil canadian navy ha- hi en camelled this program houiii hnve tnl s264 1 i ill care about the rest of inula this moltnn certain ppmrcil o be based on srir tism rclernng to qurbci a who handh it in people total inpminl nees- would bnnr the cost to s4i2 million dollars this hip was desij- n0 to prnvtrtr manv fttncionv mch jir de fence irmp i irrin md i mi ing but bu ul so many turn lions were neceshr each was limited to its int nl o hi r ves iris wire mon iffrrtive thtrc for the program as camelled a cjmplite rvins if naial re quiremints is being made in or dor that the nj ill haie the best equipment wi can pro vtde lo larrj out 1 tasks os monday and tuesdty of this ueek another supply motion wn considered another non ronfidenre motion haed on defence policy propond by the loncrvalives and amen ded hi the l redltimrs who ac cording to their mo ion did not s tju nn i hit to u separatism fluoitr be irulltisle aniciidmint was lefeted b thi house of torn mnrrs mpsamc twrtvernhf i nnservative amendtni nl anil tin joernment ajsm survtverl trrat dkai of mine ha been devoled lo the income taxi act which ts- very detailed anil technical of itymfibls i h h he- 1iav1- ln11 1 airness and jusl itfuy neai of these s fjoiernmcn apnlo ex nawman in h id lm 11 i drml wnfi il in ed in n taken nil itny aftrr 1 m cnnsiderali n the soiernmi hi1 the lr mir lade slatemcn in the house of com mons mondaj evening re secur ity and justice security is one of the things that 11 eitcn lal to countrj we have made muih evidence recently in fng land that it i ai impor ant 11 ever thf spxl h1ty must he of two kinds rirsl the govern men must be sure of he ph iral safctv of secret informs lion and secondly tha pi iplc mill will b tarrid out a il the perton in o he informed when v or nliahilih is in i2i a sin ml look or news echoes from he pigoi of the herald 1953 and 1938 barrager s ctenrs shtrt ludrer tr 7 279 iii mini s hio 1 in lph all work don on prtmih for expert eye care consult o t walker oeculisl prirripimn i1ll1l mim si s brampton 11 i 4474 his h u14j hours dam b pm daily hridiy 0am to 0 p m teiiinrr by app hmnl george c hewson barrister and solicitor ho m01111 iii vkw id s k ii ret 1 hlllllltlri tu rjuoun tr 7 321b to years ago geotrjuo 1 rrtclefi iqj1 a close cjli i to h ejus a 1 ght n tht ope 1 ng gnn e of thi 1 inter in schrfiull lecjh brnlhury hie dub p 1 s dcnl iu t ip isprmsc o o sliiticji nf 1 if nn two goals rtn a bliick eye lor it r i ji t woik lockcy nt qol wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk i commiitiontr robt r hamilton optometrist llti himntaimiew llil s k rrtal hhu ror apjuiitih 1 8773971 frederick a helson barrister and solicitor tlfi mount unuiw ltd s k until h11 dins m e manderson qc barrister and bol c tor 61 mill bt cfiotgi town tb 7lnj iwo niciiiheti ol mun i a 1 10 1 nd the r ch ret re from nun il polihcs flt liiil mop lays 1 meet ngi deputy reeve fr k prdh aid cm jim gootllrl loth sad they frit it ry rout i not 1 enough t me lo thi oh gtogetowi will have fl new s in i iwo mo illi- work itirtf huftd ng on nn 7 highway wl ettry ol flip indr pe he il go 1 nmw is nrnirf out ii a spec lal hoard of review inrl idinj information suhmitlcd hi tin perion inohed thf si- irfh f1h kks mill help mike judkminls rnnrern me loyally indrehabiliti in a minnrr whith ill protert nidi miliul rights a- e i as hiltinal ititcrc and icninn tow th fli store s 1 1 r w ii mark the ftrst all 1 ci 1 1 georfie if i y rruce willnm georgetown animal climc v ziviti ovm b footmn mrcvs 101 elph street clinic opin 7 pm 9 pm mon- wed frl sat afternoon u 25 years ago i meet ng ol the halton t hera hlld thurtiay and the following offiu leroy dale pres dent phil ryr 1 s v n rob nsoi nh v re pres lent ii sc rcwy aichbald galbrafh inmu avo at on v s weie plert pres ie l frank fetch ikfssfi allcuonfhh im box 413 tit 7 2hb4 reorcetnem dax developments limited builder of fine home 1rop willir iaiholok 1774311 or 177 9415 monuments pollock a campbell designs on reoufst imped our work in rcenwnoil temrtery phone 1 75w b2 water street north g a l t t van sickler ba barruter solicitor notary fpr vsitlum hldfi 1 36 main s tr 7431 kaplan ord bamtltn nd soticitora sidney kaplan 16 vmiim lirrll n ev ul s builditik s77a956

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