car wash coupon wok km wtlhil spotv for 10o you save 13 40 individual cab wah httet 175 harley motors f i utm w t 7251 in bsllineied con- lseuiity cntre tuesday j- vy 21st at 06 p m admission 90c good prises luncfe eavl euchre every afriday in st georges parish iuu pjs good prizes lunch sored by th wa- u sale in uoiud gu office juuory jtth 11 sum d by 3rd goorgvtowti lasdie auxiliary cube and seouts- ballinsied wojnenv wl tuu holdlfl peony kale euchre and daaee in the 1111 m rcbrvtry hth particular uaf mk it a data jwlfet wbchroa at st g0itel an tlcin cueh ivub hu wed nesday jan 22nd front 11 30 to 1 30 asnu lurkry scallop- e botatov jewed nud loosed lnix home made bv r price si 0o sponsored by the daiijjhler of the church cuss tof expoctant pat rnii neit bcrieg bifti vcb flth rla rfitrturt t tuo0 kur furtuef information please rail haltun cuunn health unit mslxjl 131 the an nual meeting georgetown un it c cancer society on tuesday january slat at 800 pjn in wriuleaworth school auditorium slat of officer will be pretested and plane inr the 144 cam paixn dont miu the euchre at steevaraoaro hall saturday ja nuary 18 aponaored by esqus- card wo pm lunch pri admlaaion 80c akmv mavy amd all fohc1 auoclaylou iduiii1 any loureaud titvke per anael vuhln to joii or a la fivmina a branch in want u ulu wa aref ple atiendlolav pay aod auktlhg to u held january 3 fct the realdeftcr of jw hw wuew id mamuimc a ayyt mayor wins wont budget 2500 for allowance the 3000 expense allowan ce which mayor joseph gib bons li rf this year cau sed a spirited diacuasion aioo- day when a hildebrandt elliou motion to set it at the usual figure was tabled cr hlldebrandt explained that u was not hlj intention to cause a controversy i believe the office should be entitled to this and if it u your choice to turn tt hack to the tow it is appreciated be leaid however other may oralry candidates may on the jobwtlb ou psy and thia could he a ernhsrrsument in future he auo pointed out thai hiukild fur some reason at c i buni be replaced during his trrtn of office hi succe m would be uftsbl to bpld wttlumit such motion on the umika lr ikn iower argutd that or powers said he feels s200 u a proper amount for the mayor it shsuld be in the budget if it ian t it sets a dangerous precedent for next years con testants be said u precedent at all red the mayor fitti than i have served without pay in the past cr powers answered that u aosia a man moxvtxtfi be jns yof ant maybe future candid ate cannot ailord w refuse ks- munersuon it you refund your council svlary d you think it wouhj t r iitt i jk w hv th rapacity fur 1w lh waud hhiuild u jn the uu wkrtw wmiu ulu vow hair droopy christells hair sfyling to introdoca- hhuii to you mrr wu r ui your chusthxi ramoui i perm our sptcal kbaa 15 weil known to gtoftgoowns haibcabeful women just th thing to wjt youii haib do back into lovety condition and give your spirit a big lift at the same time call eabty fo ytj 7 l7l1 ychjb apk3intment ik i o o i 1aa kuin sooth ov r gouoma fuwilur prrabm in tur vlxlno hall yrlpkon housi yahmthhop wuttonvilu u4tl0 immahuil lutheran church howud wktocujworth school audttoklum m guicull strkit wiklr urvu 16 3d am wy h v 30 a m j kllkrnkk 1attar cmollcttown a butmcv ymca vwca of fern ski insyttucyiom rour w4k lourw fcvrry saturday turtini jan lbtri 0 0010 50 s m 3 elauca 43 tuinutci each begltinfrt d inurmcdtatri uaximum per cua 10 ptntmi age d yearf and up imtrucur mr vraivcla huim hlms kls oim cmi ts60 fa 4 lta application forma phonr y 17x4113 er 1774314 h4 s political advantage to your kd the mayor if money la so lmneriant to those seeking office why were you tlected by acclamation instead of having others seek the jobr yvhd tueve fclllou m the 12300 in the budget could be used fur cuaungenciee he t k vebel blast ttm huot llto- jbnj as miner chairman would you bud it t f6r an pitpfkdlt ure you lttow yuu wont b peylng uld the tnayur khouldilt otit of your bialn ronaldrrstloaa b to rduc u ra not to look for plarra to i budft whrtber the chrque li lmud f bet tbat cm of tbr fcffrwlft tljuumu ivt hfcrd uupped th tiuyor vou want to put it in thtf budgrf knowing that it wn t he apent uayor ciblotti thm rcttr alj that br wilt accept no tury tlila yrar 1 v never bit coancd opntj mony much to take money tie uid 1 w certainly oppoid to bud krtink for wmuhlng which won t be ipenl it twr n aug geird lltat 1 take th money aad give it o my favourite charity pcrhapa id iwprov my pollliral position by doing thia but i would certainly not he helping the town car plus uneducated teens equal delinquency a recorded vote waa aaked crt fowwt and kltnmeyon aupported the motion to itvc lude tm00 in the budget it waa lott on a 54 vole with deputy reave hunter andcra young smith ind krawu sup porting the mayor in hi aland january fashion clearance atamlm ilaelctngi en weak 6nty jotiuory ii thru onoory sl johnj uniy1d church c6wdwa obl ulnuur tlv t m ula orginlit tnd choir director k uirrluh act rut sunday jan ittk 11 00 ajn morning worth ip 7 00 pm plain talk from the rrophfu al much for olhrra u for ourulvtt 18 wouing kr- tinlarcd shr- tnicro-mtth- i lisojl 7si 5 00 i num 35i i 40 ji i 25 i p 5 00 ijmw ui dtmilo lit iuij is 4 5 80 i all slut nd fopour shdi evelyn sh0ppe 7 main w swh 7741j1 surplus or deficit await 1963 figures whether georgetown wded 10s3 with a aurplu as fore east or a deficit will not be determined until yearend rec ords are completed aometlme in the next month al council meeting last wed nesday mayor gibbons ques tioned suditor warier ii top on payment of the 1w3 county rate which hit- been deferred until january the expenditure hewai as sured w accounted for in the 1063 record but payment waa deferred w the town would not exceed the borrow ing allowance of 70 of tax ri allowed by the municipal act last year the county ratr eatlmated by the town when its hudnet waa atruck waa ac tually fixed at mlm above the estimate wouldn t thli mean a three or four thousand deficit ra ther than the sisoo turplui forecast aaked the mayor i cant comment until final rigures are all in laid mr pot but cr don jowws added that the extra levy waa inclu ded in the lnteiim tlatemant which khows the 1600 eitlm sled aurplui at george kenudy horns 1 urhool alfcociatlon meeting laat wedneadsy night uagut rate iangdon discarding hla prepared text launched into an off the cuff duvcuulon on our delinquent or deficient parent between ten and fifteen thouaand people a year appear in mafciatratt court and be tween five hundred and one thousand in juvenile court ilia great eat concern ia with the juvenile whose problem are uaually traceable to the del tnquent parent according to tht magiatrate youngater being permitted lo marry and bring children into the world when the par ents themselves art children is a main cause of misery h contended this la a rult of children being allowed to date and atay out late when they are far too young 1 m help lu admitted the magistrate there ii no way i can rfui to htirry them he eited aa a further ex ample of lack of parental iu pervlalon unmarried molhen aa young aa fourteen the automobile and the aix teen year old do not mix aaid sir langdon aa he idvocavd at least eighteen li the mini mum age for a driving licena their reflexea may be fine but they have no tense of ree ponsiblllty part of the indifference to mattering an education can he laid at the door of the auto mobile also maintained tht apeaker the lack of education caiuea the next trouble money a big ptrt of the break down of marriage it cau aed by money or more exactly tfte inability to budget he continued example of fam1 lie borrowing from four sour cea at one time were common aa one cause leidj to ano ther th trapped feeling fr quenlly result in alcoholism which la pretty hopeuas ad milled the judge as a possible antidote to some of theae ills usgiitrst langdon explained his fcolu lion regardless of age the youth would be a second els citlsen unul he had mattered trade vocation or profession snd waa in a poltlon to he aif aupportlng until thia time the parent would be reapon sible for hit support if the parent can t then th stale would being s aernnd class cillien he would be deprived of cer tain rights auch u the right to drive or owd a ear or right to marry the right to buv al cohol or the right fe vote upon graduation from what ever form of learning to an independent adult a rltiten thin award would be given titling him to all the privtl eg denied while a dependent in conclusion he suggested the church could win back the reaped and recognition they have loaf by training young people for marriage and child ralaing in thanking the in alec pre sldent merv lovell ttated if that la an example of an off the cuff ipeech i wonder what magiatrate langdon i uld do with fc prepared one on winter apparel for the entire family yh aiokarrowm hirald xuiruty jm tih iw4 page tih i 18 mr ind mr tow troutn nd rhlldrtn patricia tommy and robart 11 lome st triv died by train to winnipeg manltoha where they vltiled for the hnlliuyi with hla moth tt mra tow trotttan sr her mother tin a cobb and cither relatlvea while there their ton robert waa baptized lit snarling united church notice l- au mropkty bhonoino to thi north hauon golf country club k muvatc and ttupassifw 1y ktson othm thanttmms is not pekmitteo tfw pondi pertlcuuhy n larlous huarcta during th wynt nd ejilldren could msir be drowntd i jhsjxseavfxvf ns any rwpomoaltjlyjor paruim uilng hla properfyt v t wwlnlam iporh t of direq0rs uoly cost school association bingo this monday t 00 m admission so this wttk jackpot s999o at thi uviua in notval a knox church ladies plan easter parade iciuui ausluary j the wotn ea a uiuionary socie4y met on wedneaday eiternoon jan 8th the president hn cunpbell filnclllr openml the meeltniz with a poeai and meditation on crtln the ne year the isiu all people that on rurtli do dwell waa aunf tbe mlnulea ftl the decfli ber meeting were read and ap proved and the treuurer uri a k taylor read her yearend fwpoh th date of the beater thank offering wai dlacuued and it ws agreed to have an evenhkg meetlnj on wednea- day april 8th and u invite the nwkmbera of jhe octt u take part piawna 8 and 57 were read by lira paol followed by pra yer by mlia broaiuoot mra taylor gave a brief re- aunte of the educational work on the mill and jfeanai ktelda in india and thia waa followed by ajl intereating aklt with uri coulter mn herder and mn anderaon taking part the offering waa received and dedicated by the president the meeting doted with the hyran jetua shall reign wher- e er the sun and the repealing of the uiipah benediction the ohicert lor 10w are irealdnt itlt campbell sin elalr vice pretldent mra j coulter aecretary mn ullton bird treaaurer uri a e tay lor welcome and welfare un w t sinclair planltt uri paul glad tiding and cvery day subtcrlpuona miu brudfoot and ura k hill toieuto pcooucnont saturday d a n ce party nts the colonials mkents complete tv checkup including mmoval oi chllirelanlng of tuner inald ufery glau and ace of picture tube roaring plcturo tub and all other tuboa with all high ctuallty laat aqulpman introdbctory offer a 4tf and our dkoay brian kent dancing 8 15 phi safuiday january 18rh osance hall eramrfon nonmembim 1 so mambort 1 00 smart dreta on abaolula nacauity announcement tmc tbu5tffisdfrve tsquesing township schoch area no 1 are pleased to announce the official opening pineview public school to be held at the ichool wednesday january 30th 14 at i is p hi and extend to all a cordial invitation lo attend guest speaker hon william c davis q c minlaler ol education t tok txkirr snrvrci in you homi to yoiw tv ladior ucow piaylk rc call 877924 mobile electronic repair service 167 princi chawju drlvl annual meeting of the georgetown unit of the canadian cancer society iwitlaa hild un vrlooltswoth schoot audttomum on tuesday jan 21st at 8 pm whan tha slatf ot orwas will b praaentad and plana dtacuaaad for tha 1m campaign all thoae inlerastad in tha soelotyln gaor0otowttnl wmundlng dlslrktaro urged to attend 1 js 1 a l t jwntjjiia zmmi