lukingxiovernment first inaugural im new hall isoueslho coumch hd ih irvaugu mting uw to hm rvw municipal hall ncxrh of swwtrhown what rov r d dorcii mniite of union nd norvl priby- imim ourcnrt fd piq of tcriptuf fend ud council in m inugurl prayer elvd tk r cupuly rw whfid lvili rv gog ivtlis nd curk k c tindty bck hw couwiliort fiobt ltwton gog currt and whvr linham icord player stolen in speysldeschool breakin tbuvrt irft a trail of lro- si th ul wft in in kd fcuij and uttered euufua fall- principal carry daw- roomi saturday jin 4 iftirkiiu hu bit leivinj elaa- mmtijf two double guud room door unlock 6d duritijf window and ttiatlntf a record j th furmr break in wlndowi blayr rlcctrir la kmllf ind it th doori had bn ims lour pennies rum xpoytid ahed to gain entrant to each school room all lijcbts in the whool poller have k1j uvir lft on each night m clues from itudcnt who when the culprit leached ii wtlkinjc patt the school the teacher i room and found w no 5 highway en route the door locked he went out t hla home near speyide tide again and using an old the youngster heard the breajruity ipade amaihed the dou- king of glau wejit into the hie glazed bark windowi to school yard and taw a car gain entrance there filing ca drive away from the rear of bineta and dk drawers were th school at a high rite of rifled a record player and apcd electric kettle were taken he- a douhleglaied wintfaw in fore the thief made a hurrid the grade 1 room was imjh- departure d td gain entrance the in 1 jus paur praim trudrrt rifled teachers dfikii ttie principal deik wai al- aspparently in irarch of man to imaihrd and four pennies y u they went from room to taken from the dek of another mam teacher issuing of gun licenses criticized by county judge a society that would allow otvnt pellet in addition th at licence to an inexperienced gun waa provided with a rub- pron without sufficient know- ber pad on the itock which lmdite of th use of cunt wai crij could have earned the recoil tklxtd by hilton county judge vbrn he pointed the gun at the c6fg elliott when be ronvlc- boys led a it year old slewarltoun outh o laiault causing bodily feinti in the shotgun shooting t two boyi on uarcii 53rd i we ttiust all share in the tlatfiie for hit being allowed a bcettf he aaid as h ditmii ad two other charges of woun 4lni with intent and criminal ecllgetw occaaioninn bodily ha auapendetl sentence and ait jail tsim crown attorney peter mcwil- liama told the court he did not think a suspension of sen tent will be j deterrent to other tjit fciritvity of the cam calls for iregiriaomnent he aaid summing up the trial juud elliott told th fcutd anyone who does not bl- itwe that you have had a fair been given the full protection of british justice does not bel ieve in justice and is only pay ing lip service to it the judge recalled he had almost blinded hla own sister so yean ago and he haa never forgotten it to this day i do not think you are a bad boy but i think you are i illly one hope i never see you in uili court atfain he warned the youth w the youth under a rifiw vnd tkat y hive noi probation for two yun t c itittructlon on of the conditlnna of his probation will be that he will talu instruction in the use of gutu from the police detri ment and that be must complete tm eourw in one year he was rderod to turn all uuna in hla fmmaeaiion over to the george- fawn police it iddjuoa he will not be al jawed a gun licence for a con- ibvrabl time or until he can jwove to the courts aatltfic- 4jo he la capable of handling a kuu a you will ba restrlctted to a urfw that will thatou are in your home ly o5o eictr ileht wad yoo will not hanz around poolrooma stressed h judge j you owe n great deal to the society that has seen that you ahava had thfl very beat irett- nent la your trial here and ou pnmt tfy to rpay that society lh judtf fcnaphajlrlng the gravity of the chartfe told the youth the kerdence will hantf hlnvfor all time u apialbu ihrniiah your it two boys have ba for the rest ol their he uoled dismiss charges when car plunges in gully an 18 year old georgetown youth who aurvivedt 133foot plunge down a ateap embank men at the north end of main el hsd a charge of careless driving igttnai hlta dismissed the youlhtoldthe tourt he had missed the eurve si- 390 ttit on nov 17th despite che ckerboard sign and tore over the embaoinwibt rlpplns the 71 wouiids tier judge elliott outlln- j lnjurioi suffered by don- aid fleming 14 ol georgetown j which included grievous injur- leai to the tace ohest arms kod log he said that 78 wound hid resuhod from thebuat ol pu lets t dose range- he noted that the yguth had not been normal student and mu tj f i m oaoaft 2 and 8- oeplnf in mind the aoctia- etfg- mentality mfthtl exper ience du the eccueed intend or pect to enaee grievous bodily mm qaaetionedr the judge ia tbe eerller ooirgei 2zz and be suncuy hikers will traverse bruce trail a guided bike will bring many city people to the geor getown area this sunday conducted by the toronto bruce trail club the mealing place it at the north turn off at the intersection of high way 401 and 10 at 10 am uemhra will bring their own lunch lite hike will pais through some of the moat scenic por tions of the trail overlooking silverrreek valley and the ter ra cutis district north of ge orgetown the club has extended a welcome to anyone interested in walking iknng or mow- shoeing through the area te join them senior subscriber reaches ninety county coomcil john whiilik a man who has beets read ing the herald for something like bo years john wheeler glen williams marked hlsootb birthday last wee mr whee ler says he began reading the herald in isflo and has sub scribed since 18m burlington reeve county warden for 1964 reeve cordon gellaghef of burlingloo auerged xh winoetj team e three man oooteet for the wardenebap of halloa coun ty tuesday wterooon c the tnewfvrej jmeila ef oty nrih he wu decured the winlm od the beoood vote ty couot of hio to five contesting the ooekioo were wt hea werry of oekyllw od eeeve it liwon of acton the vmauoi toe tlrec w w aoewed geilagkef wile aia vuiee and hinlob and merry tied with four vote this put fcege merry ltf the cooet uo- ikmaj peekloo of cseting the tleejrekin vou fo bitoaetf slace tkcardlag to the procedu ral byuw u rev of th muolclpallly wub tiw urgtt aaeemtnrnt in this cw 0k- vllle ciui an atra tta ukk ing vol guluvqucnuy hcw litlon wui rlimliuud aiid on uwi nd vole cilugtur rci- vd the nioe urrlhtf vuitd and urry fiw alo io fcocordance wiui the b4aw the voting la dans in va council by opii dclar tion in his brief tuntflulon aoch warden gailagir baa ed wu tju to ue suii chair mainly on the lmu of ikirhoglotii leaving e warden isat in ltfti before it included nelson and eat klfanhoro ttie nelson sres lal hsd a war den in 1w4 when the late lira pttit hat the office stated the ttfrw wardan in contrast the ares now oakville has had four wardens sine 1062 two ofi them since 10o8 when hurling j ton was txttndad he toalnlal- ed i luve hinton in lui turn i stated categorically it was ac- 1 tons turn since the last war den from acton aarved in i0o4 howrvvr he said without ran tour vno matter who is elec ted will serve them whole heartedly after the elctiori of warden gallagher he followed motion seconded by the other dftated candidal r keeve mr- ry that th election of the warden be unanimous tsat warden carl martin rs eorted the new warden to the chair and helped him with the gown and chlln of office the 14 members of county council subscribed to their de claration of office individually before magistrate k u ijng- don with five of thm making their first appearance the new fe are dr b d young of nutigfrwcya austin ladwith of hilton j bert wood of a ton fank itogers of burling ton and letter whiting of omk ville after an invocation by rev x k umccown of knot lrbyterian church milton council adjournel to strike the commiuees for iherar after two hours diwrutsion they return sd with the ap- polotmenta sfe mwwl hays sale choice pepchb 5 stokely com 6 is i tin will add elwtronics at high school an elktronlc couri will b kdded to uie tfhnlril training curriculum t 0orsrtown 1 dlilrlct ilibh srhool in sep tember plini for the course were ft- milled it i meeting of the advltory vocational commta- alon 1imday niflht an electronic course rooni wu included in the original plana when the technical vinglroom wilt he uiejaa a irterchl was added to the hitch school i anditinu centre on a fcflutl 1ut details of the course were scale and the purpose of the not settled until now avc vint was to help them de- cide what equipment was need- the hiah schools technical lel they have already purchas- wlne may he visited tiy cior ed a cash register for the room retown and district plant manl agers and personnel manacersj trior to the business part of in the future the avc mem the weetinfi a new member brs discussed a tour aftrr thetuatthew todd took the oath subject of the apprenticeship of office his knowledge or system came up the members construction contracting will are anxious to know where the tie drawn on in msnacinc the technics education gratis will hoys vocatloiul traimni ro after thee leave the school course other members of the avc by kill cuts in one sense duplicate brldjze is not aa easy aa rubber brldife vyctureno a jopd contract in rubber bridge you are usually rontenf juu to make ute contract howevar in duplicate hrldfie you must at waya strive for over tricks in order to set a better score than aomeone elae who playa the aasms cardi board number 17 was play south hand la valued at ib pointa which is the minimum lor a jump shift too many bridle ptayera junvp with wea ker hands when a aomple hid is forcing keep your jumps for strong hand oi this nature when south rebidi spades the next round ha show more hearts than apadea since this is revente of the usual order of showing these 2 suit the rest ed 4 times the eontrscts were 7 no trumps down one and 6 no trump 6 hearts 6 cluba all just making here is the hand dealer tsprcitrtreei oirt1iw a j norfnttlliftlnirnilinrvaiiletlbler ind coming to rest in creek in hla demolished car with his faeaduaau still on ud horn blarlnfi constable ronald rankin said the meuied refused to make a statement until he poke to ui father or to a law yer later be aaid he hid trucks pothole which bad made him swerve om the high way taking the stand uie youth aid the ugfata from an oncom ing car nude him ewervtf off tom the poilw this in hla sute- iw tarnl beaplte the opinion olcrown attorney peter hcwiuiams that not much credibility could be given the accuseds story magistrate jamesblack said the court accepted the jtit- ment by the accusedthat he was not familiar with thg hhrh- esaw and thst he had been no- t4mlljattlewtutly blfnded try an on otr ei the curve west herhi s 7 hua as is as hast ca k 10 0 8 7 4 s s 2 s k q 0 8 3 ip7 4 3 2 h 8 03 8 4 9 b1a b 7s c 6 3 uuhi c qua sa 1 10 4 h k q j 10 p- s q a c j -z- buggested bidding north loudi west 1c lau 211 peas 3c pass s3 pua 4i pisa 4nt pus -aa- pass but pass 81 1aas bhallpaae comments on the btddlnj- north hu a good opedlng bid and ahotlld not even conalde a preemptive bid of three duba the hand la loo strong is i hope self etptantfory south doea not know about the alngleton spade and hence aheujd not bldieven lt trlcki should ba won by dvlsrer this would hiyji been a top board since more than 12 tricks are avail able in clubs or no trump the opening lead would pru- bablybeslirb south should win in dummy and play th the spade ace now a spade la u feo a low diamond to the queen and another spade la ruf fed this time however it must be raffed with the see of trumps now the list trump in dump atfords south a reentry to take out trumps south ahoulcljake one spade two wade ruffs five hearts- hand three diamonds and two clubs or a total- of 13 tricks h west opens a diamond the first trick must ba won in dummy in- order that south raty hsve anentrj in diamonds the staggested play works as lonf afng opponent baa asln- gletojrvlpade therp are two ways of mak ing s nolteump against a spade lead can you and either one choicewas 8 speghetti tuu u v u6 apple juice 8 delmte drink smiuii 3 bright tomato juice 7 igajapplesauce y 7 jga choice tomatoes 5 iga beans pork 8 irish or beef stew vk 3 habitant soup vuu8 carnation afiut 7 kraft dinners 8 monch cake mix 6 pints iga liquid dei 2 iga waxed paper 4 shredded wheat 3 peek frean creams 4 iga margarine ci 5 wncinsvwoucou 1g a lamb toln 6 lasvlb front o lamb cottage rolls lb 45 wtxj furm ex lama in 29c 21c sm mllj tvrei c c ruvi4 h ry iv jjc bouak day comatirution ofk raaowtt wilnias ps- a abutllt sausao a at fakutnt auxoona as a fof si ohkjjthavrt taiytotll oranges 3 m bananas s3 bc apples fcr hkfnt pfsfsaty diuuos 25c 5290 stasvali hozin strawberries ica boyal ctxd mo or nipry cheese slices tv 4 iz si extr a a total of 20 in bonus tape uiced sidb bacon ttlrlu stlnjir lb pie cooking onioms ma 1 crija 3 lb bag frozen fish t chips fretarvale 34 ea pkq stcalves4 in b4ius taos crown utand jib sypup eenlslnar monarch flour 7 lb plie tide- diyircint t sis smiv 200 la renus ysee javik li0uid bleach 31 ei bll we lasarv rha ulaht le umii quanlllias isa winkset mis paul okaham baktry kayukts family size save 6c hospitality blueberry pie each 49c save 3c dempsters twisted egg rolls pkg 30c dempsters save 4 chocolate iced cake each 45c food frlua effective jan 15 14 17 ii ou william 1113 where you always get a little more than you expect the avc in a croup visited room that will be used toon or the teachinc of distributive mjuealion part of the girl vo- citional training course thr ire chiirmin va hall 11 j llreckenruliie w ctr donald iwson arthur speijht jam- ei mccifi w j crichton and john mtthira i a message in the interests of safety to all who own a tv aerial boughtons free service its good common sense to bring in your diamond ring regularly for cleaning and checking you can beautify your diamond with a new setting modern jetfings from as little at 1950 specialist in automata watch repair for a watch repair service you can depend on bring your watch to boughton jewellers s main st n 8774313 dale carnegie course 1 for i men and women an improperly infltnlled or duro- rated tv aerial is a aourco of danger to ufa and property particularly in high winds and stormy weather if eiii aerial folia on a hydro line or on service wired entering the hom4 are can reault power- interruptions with their inconvenience to customers over a wide area have alsobeen caused in the dame way we aolicayour help- ing to make tv aerials aafa every where by having yours inspected frora time to time by a qualified television serviceman t thank you in effective speaking self j confidence memory training human relations enthusiasm starting in brampton monday january 20 730pm ssramfton ixml mtampton oraf for l call nj 1ww