ffler brides thvrway jwk 1v 14 face 1 would control withdrawal of water from credit river id fa fred heuoa llitilo sandra scon becomes mrs donald duffy me and mas donald jouph duffy iiqr the remitter follow ng the r marriage in si john l united church gorgalown lilt month the bride it tiw former sandra scott daughter of mr and aars arthur scoit 103 maple ave w georgetown and the groom u th ton of mr and mrs wilford duffy weuon we h certainly eotae a long way since th start of the credit valley ooaenraboa au thority aearty 10 yean ago chairman hoy k mcmillan said at the annual kneeling of the authority held here rec ently a great challenge is before u and only by cooperalun can we tnect at east a part of thi chalieoxr he continued have fe great deal mpt la do that we tney ev bur iv people of the water shed aj well aa fuuirtf twr- atim lhat the kialuraj keaour ec of our vllrjrvtlt by wt developed lor their in bout the work of th cvca member w the historical b cords advisory board worked las cooperation with the peel county historical society in setting up the belfountain mu seum more than 00000 people at tended the conacrvatiua are at terra cotta and beifuoui during the put eumzner sc cording u the parks and hec rutiup advisory bovd there wr ovr ufct apvueabons or imimnin- leoo held by the ufcuardj l ter onita and 44 paawd the teju curduried by the red 0nj atthepve scot time work is beinf car la hii annual report to the ried uut at terra cotta to ex iembctjf the authority mr uod ts tamping srea and mcmulajs outlined the work completed during the ar he quiring t7i fccne at tsledort 110 ar at meidowvsle and 40 acre lit the- ofauge- eitie muna area the lwjon lake property will be vta tor cunservstlori purpoae and th other two lesed hick ih hole ur in part to the bne uuild a csmprr the it of aki implement ahed u being built in the service axe ind an fed dilhmal tractor hfcj beert pur rbaied of use where nreded srvrrl bhang in the ad minuuatlori procedure have prove it vry bftrficul through 1u3 the liulrwiau contltm rt uut of the admlnutra or lis in butane in the future without knowledge of appxov aj of the authority it pointed out lhat the proposed dams might prove useless if removal ti water were penall- ud without this approval j a carr chairmao of the reforestation and wildlife ad visory board reported bo a moctlog held earrtn dcnv brr tb board recommendrt that millet and sort bum he ptanled as wilsufa food and that projtram fit uinpinf and pruninx be carried out lrl forest cotiservvtuia ares one m the xouhb juti wet in caledoo township with the owhrr coosept sius wlii be posted uu pilvate property statin tksl us were plant ed by the cvca t l wafiie of the hur re hauifera outlined their work to the hoard and aaird if ih authority oud ptovid fcreai to b uett to driiun trau the f uiidametiuls of eon tarvatlou it was sukrtud that tbrre iiiitbt be aouie prl haltoh manor manhattans orchestra provide musical program and dancing a very informal and pleas t u duatan the new recto nt eve runff of dance musiciof grace anglican church in wu rijoyed by the residents uilton who conducted fan lint on friday night december 27 regular church service on that whett mr kalph uriel of cc day dr duatan has succeed orfhown brouchl hi very ta ed nev d a powell at rec w unted dance band the man tor of the paruh hstunij to the uanor to play pro gram the four lnstrum on sunday night ec 15th inu in the band the accord about 40 ehomlrn who are on the drum tb guitar and members of the a y c of si th aaphooe riw hyjrh aojillcan church ralph uriel george howe ijln burlington came to thr ma cs and ii hunter respective- nor to sing caroli ibirthvifej ly the musician looked vry isldehu- tlie ay c is a jouth amart in their white jackets orkanlrstion and the choristers and black trousers were teenagers rrow lla opening number love letter in the hand j the iweet sound ot thr to the closing refrain auldisinsing of young girls was i lang syne the program was ard in the auditorium on tum heartily enjoyed popular num jday night december 17 when bera such as whibpenng ce la group of 20 cgi t girl and fxplorer who are associated with nassagaweya preabrnan church came to the man r in present a christmas vesper service the residents annual chrlit mas party around the christ mas tree in the auditorium was held on wednesday dec lflth and proved ja always to be a completely delightful affair it was held under thr auipicea of the haltnn manor auxiliary mrs s allen an nounced the program apd mrs walter bftl assisted b a number of auxiliary ladira wai the refreshment convener mr s allen the superin tendent extended a welcome to all present and expressed hi thanks to the auxiliary ladles and the members of the staff for their work in decor aling the minor arranging- this party and alt the other actl vitiea in which they have lent assistance he described the wonderful cooperation that he had had from the residents the auxiliary and the staff throughout 1083 and spoke of the new building the cons true tlon of which would start in the nevayer in closing he called for a hearty round of applause for the auxiliary ladle and all the other who had helped arnhthprty a brief program included carol singing and four lovely solos mrs haiel smith presented two oil painting of landscap- ei that she bene if had painted to the minor as a chris tmai gift and waa thanked for theto by mr allen a very pleasant part of the program came tiexl acting on behalf of the resident miss bella richardson presented a gift to mr a syke the su pervulng nurse and matron and mrs m korbaa presented glfu to mr artd mr allen my allen received a fitted suitcase mr allen a fit 1 dressing case arid mrs syres a water set of pitcher and six glasses all these recipients expressed their warm appreel a tlon of these gifts mr for- hffa and miff mehardsonhad acted a at btfnlueelo pur chase the gifts this very enjoyable christ mas party ended with a very cilia and when the red lied robin as well a walties of the gay nineties were prrten ted mr and mrs allen dan cecj to the music of after ih rail and mrs l rrjer who in spite of her blindness u a fine waltier danced with mr allen to the munc of a bicycle rullt for two mr rowe of the orchestra and mr rowe danced to the tune of 1 m confessing a lively polka til uchtensteiner pol ka featured thetlrum play ed by mr rowe during refreshments tea coffee and christmas cake the musician received many invi tation to come again oon as did mrs ursot and mrs howe who were alio visitors i crisp tunny weather on rjw turday afternoon dec hth provided a perfect atmosphere for n event that la always ea gerly anticipated by the reald nit a of halton ufcw theev ent was the annual bu ride provided by the knlghta of col umbds of oakville followed by combined christmas and birthday party conducted by the catholic women league ef milton during the ride the reald ent gang ballads and old aong after the bu ride the bus returned to holy rosary chdortirmi 1 lo the resident wore served very attractive and delicious refreshments sandwiches pick les tarts christmas cake birthday cake and tea and cof i fae candy cigar and cigar 1 ettes were also provided tbajuuof december birth days was read but only one resident jud been able to at tend this bourne was mrs maryshel santa clsus played by mss i ter martin calms assisted by fc anpamui siniord proceed ed to present christmas gifts to all the ladles received bo xa of handkerchiefs and cor sages and the men received handkerchiefs mraf a cum mlng gave a very gracious lftspeech of thinks for this won i derful afternoon after which m the residents returned to the manor byjh on sunday afternoon dec ith the residents had the ewure of meeting rev dr u attractive and dflinous refresh ments served iy the auxiliary ladie two rent featunni prog rams of ucr d music brought home to ihr hrartt of resid ents thr irue significance of christmas durinr the week im mediatrly prccrtlinj december 55th the first rrnl was a program b the llrainpton corps of i lie salvation army and the second was a church service conducted by hev i i rahain minister of st paul a t nitrd hurrh milton the second event sp ken of above was a musical church service arranged by itcv j i graham for sunday afternoon dwettiher 22mrn the chapel capacity crowd hears curtola at dance party ilrampt ns salur lay dance party got off to a real swing ing start last wrrk wlrn a ca pacity crowd turned out to hrar ibihhv curtola at the rramptnn orange hall barked by the martrlla bob by sang hi popular hits in chiduik llltrhhlker i cr r ortune teller three bows over indian her and move over thu week its the colonials at thejrty which draws ma ny ceorgetown young people saturday dance party is sponsored hv tul bro produc tmns and features a weekly supervised dance slanted to the teen crowd ntlug municipalities with lit tlon is now being carrlrd rt v protrties where th rsji to rmsin with th autkirity from the trrra cotta ofluv k rould aulst the owner the budifrt for the authorllknd wtlh the progratna con w1 fort nianauriiient a ty for ltmcj wu including uhipuled for the autbortly tromhutt voluiilrpwj to con grants iilmooo based on a over the rteut 15 years it is tact thfw owrurs and report per capita levy of 0 eenti leasenllsl that all admlnutra urk to the authority the lime levy which has been t ion sliould be through one of j id effect for the last four fire yeani ah pore stu wij mx muilun ukike fivoujr of the credit valley c terva ably of the nrw ftld officer tloh authority ar linancedjs b white who joined the from this levy credit valley conservation au mr mcmlt an said that the thority in september frow the committee authored to pres timber branch of the depart eot the w million vlood con ment of ljiids and rorets irol and water coruervationmr white was former nltwr f v plan was moat gratified wlthfoivster in si in cm county the reception given to it atlhl draft regulations to control municipal level and again l fill and construction lit the n th provincial level of govern ver valleva of the vatershi a luent tlie plan la at present were pitied by the authority 1th the federal government at this meeting these regula awaiting clarification on a ft wtion wvre made under the points and the committee h i conservation author it le art pes that these will be cleared and hav been submitted to the up soon so work can go ahead various provincial departments on the flood control dams at for approval ong the credit uiv and its the field offirer reported trtbutanea the contour mapping of the during 1063 the authority watershed from forks of cre auusidiied 18 farm ponds in dit to ijke ontario has wen the watershed and planted completed by hunting rvey 231 s00 tree blh on private corp ltd and it was now p 7l7 of january 1w14 and conservation lands a m to the authority to decide who following lands and prem del of tha watershed was en would mark the floodlines onj lf parl d o 23 hibted at the m reals vi ii thasa maps this wis refrrrrd 2 lownship of h quesing more particularly des rribed in the mortgage regis tered in the registry office for the county of halton a number 107000 for koquesing the property will be offfrred for sale subject to a notice of judicial sale of palty lot 11 cow 3 to ww hip of esqufeilwo in yhg suphemi coulty or owtahio frank v deamudu ltutff and mabio casattlh t al defertdend- pursusnt to tir judgment and final order for sale made in this cause there wilt be of fered for sale by public sue tion in one parcel uilb the ap probation of the undersigned master by j a v lliolt auc uonrrr at the premises in the township of hwiuesing at the hour of 10 30 a m on monday gongdons january dollar sale on au kxnwoat woes ioots am uwros continues pay only one dollar for a second 4air ydo py hie prtf of tiirflw priced p l06l atuj ona no tv tfw tmrm kt 0 pac v9i yct ij 25 off tlvs au othek mchxwdli pi tuixttti wkuk ail saus final no 6uund5 no rcturns congdon s shoes trade fair u orld plowing to the hood control and pot i match anil the r rin rail fair hihon advisory board for us thu model along with other recommendations also refer exhibits and pictures of hist red to thia hoard was the con orica spots in the area ere cern felt by the authority a ated a conslderahle amount of hout the water being with interest and many enquiries a drawn from the credit river halton plowmen gather hear talk of south seas wimh cryilu replaced while vouwaiyi mcnutur jwiurt hi mj in si s heat your home hm wmdm way witts frjatoral garf aartd smarts chinook go furnoc 1u wtlwfbl fec wllb lh awl to all c chlal wljl glw ve mbuadval kal i ut imml tow nmlabtewulw ywvi we aver 1w ouneos hw mki u sm stfvotkwaofjk llt iimiiiwi siss h thompson hardware numbino heating v tilj3971 u halton plowmen ascociation held its annual eirculive meet inz t hornby united church isst week at which more than 50 mem iters attended tie dinner and witnessed the installation of this year 1 officers a h crelghton special rep resentative for agriculture to the canadian pacific railway addressed the members and ho showed slides of a recent viit by 30 ontario farmers to the south seas crelghton said his visit was primarily a goodwill tour but during the trip a member of the group w j hinsdale secretary of canadian sheep breeders association spoke to several new zealand and au trallan farmers in an effort to encourage them to pace their supplies ofmamh and mutton lo canada to coincide with domes tic iamb saics crelghton said new zealand sheep number 4a 000 000 with the austarhan yield 15boo0 000 with canada jagging t 2 500 000 he said this imbal ance causes groat hardship am ong canadian sheepbreeders yep hlohllaht he aaitl the group was cord lally met in new zealand and this be considered the highlight of the trip which took the parly to manilla hawaii lions kong and japan he said can ads and canadian farmer are held in high eateam in the an conditional sale in favour of i j bera 1 landing corporation limited covering a water soft ener on which there is owing the sum or 433 50 and serve bid flied by the luteal j t 1 11 1 msster at milton the purch tpodes cregmon held the on- inion that trips of thi nature are of incalculable value to trade with thr countries down dor solicitor on the day of site 10rof the- purchase mo ney and shall pay the balance un t 1 st h purchase money into liter it the meeting j a fo intrreaytvltntn kraikia ontario agncultur at department rrpresenta tive for halton county instal led the officers to the pow man s association named as president was ind may with j l cunning ham 1st vice president george swann second vice president clebert mcdowell honorary president and stanley may part president directors for ksquetirm town ship are lifford wriggles- worth roy currie john wilson itill speck and associate dlrec tor keith uslie for oakville directors j cameron marsh all frank hall thomas how den john marchment with as- sneiafe director william hay tier for burlington named were roy f benton brock harris rrwin gunby kd seg worth and associate director gordon thompson for nassa cowry namj were s f nie sr robert hufreh tloss gordon lloyd sjokes and asso ciate director jack turner your local merchant keep the economic wheels of your community turning throughout the year see their advertising in this newspaper 21 maim st s 877w31 home need fixingup do it now- wuh an hfc houmholdra loiui u into ctioa it nowl snvuje u hrtlrt ptr are lowr ioe kuwry to ciaw llw cx burow cnnfkdmlly frotii lllc gi up 10 12500 ia do ui wk mkovilf even rrjlie vorooul funulure 40j t yr veiuenljy smllrcow ask aachtt cmiut ix i oh loam at low chou katu mncimlv ravhoflt haki tons hvi mil h 73 ai r 41 4ii rjihl hol 44 is ulii t4 ihmetti i h i i h m housshmd m j ju rwaa iusk ssatafafton 30 days after th date of sale adjustment to be made a of date of closing the purchaser shall taarch the title at his own expense in all other res pecti the conditions of sale art the stsnding conditions of sale of the court a modified by the condition of sale set tied by the undrr signed qjx the premises is laid to be erected a five roomed on storey solid brick detached single family dwelling about four to su yean old with a four piece hathrohm plywood underlay floors atone fireplace kitchen cupboards laundry tub oil furnace and full base ment there is also a two car garage of solid brick which is incomplete needing doors and shingling there i also the foundstion of and preliminary structure of a second dwelling also of brick construction but without a roof installed further particulars and con dition of sale may h had from dale bennett iatimer tt raine solicitors 23 mill street georgetown datfd at milton this cth day of december 1003 george e elliott local uaiter at uilton 1m maurice h mel i or rm 9 c1eaveholm drtvtf georgetown registered masseur massage heat lamp for appointment phone 8774090 or 8779075 house calls by arrangement ttadto eouirrcd roa fast lwcicnt uhvice or night call 8772251 scotts towing service the difference between 1u personal loan c a inaui bank o m v1 il 1 v a newaralycmr famluf n jjgumene law stoat rate lify apphapeesforyourhiomegeltauitetr insured jar your protection conetm- 1ou need nowwitha personal loan teal repayments see your helpful ibubdiso froth the canadian imperial bank of co t manager today ovfrl260lmmcheqtqdffrv6you iii- 5 u t -r- x- t