Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 1

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printing publishing miirl owfmtm aste dtst u ei baaaaiieaaauak aaaee ma7 aharina ike met la 77e home newspaper for georgetown and district ads that pay yey can pleae ass ad l tha heratfe cl aaaee ew ptmnbjt 74m1 kwtna a aalllaav tfc morale la wiser yeas wui find use mm year want i jecejna claaa juo fmt pwjg pr- 0 oeartje ontario tttureclay january 30rh 194 h00 par yeerj baejla caayy rgricaj tea cenh rgetown mans trimaran wowing them at boat show the- talk ni the mm boat show la tonkato iaan utiusu al craft called a trlinfenn tim builder u a georgetown mfauf jfworskj of u mc ssw creec ft tca pilac wtso pud loateaf wtlb bronlr boat builder gene bucti hack 1 lata suvber to ie birth t um mamt taxiting felling m 1 aloe the cutty sark la october um pir fanned the flrta el canadian trimaraa after eitaixug tha canadian frmocblm to build um boat- tb trimaran u um brtin child of california narjed pvr it duplkatam here beea tmtu ia kdiui idtitiui bat um jawonkibuccs trait 1 canada fiat the boat u so w ik wlds and the tnot htartllng feature u iti three hull the height of lb craft frtiol ktrl to um tip of um tout 1 tucb that tha uppermost point u just lhre feet front scraping um celling in the cnk auto- mouve building where it i cur rently altrerllhg tha oooh and amah of fceafarcr ind land lubber alike if you are think i it of buy ing forget it it told but a sooii a th bflat lihow eloaa um builder will tart toiling up lhlr ale v re to atari on aumbr two and theyll keep it up a long a th demand li thare if a recent ktory from england i any indication it mil ba there far a long llni then a finn with rights l build the trimirjn did half tallllort dolun worth of btuin- m vrltit ftrt exhibition jaworvkit fir1 etutomir wn a toroitd wan dr rich who paid ujbsa 00 tor it after m- ing it in tha empty factory in broou whra tt took ihip lie- t tha name cirui ii it now ijaorls oh tha bow or at leait on of its bow th ftt that tha trimaran u tha hit tr tha boat show u no turn of fata tha ntirprla- in pair planned li that way cr c baric llildcbrandt may have taubluhed a irtcedent uonday when be walkrd out mid way throunb a council tribetlnif i 11 ij action followed a votf i to ak tha uunlcinal board to allow tha town to revert iti plan to um s32so0 in detun- tura money on the present mu nicipal bull din to pure ha ia and renovate tha old pot of fice the vota waa at evpactrdj m in favour in two pravlouii council wulom councillorg had wade their yi wall known on both aidea of tha controversy kartler cr hllrirhrandt had made a lengthy appeal to r tain tha pot offlca for muni cipal purpofi k clalmad tha laaua li a political ona nothing to do with buiinru lama and critiolied mayor glbbona for atatamenta that ranovalioni would cot forty trwi aulur tw ore byla by slowar jawraltl ty thoiuand dollar r w mw9 worui u vlilonad a civic cantre whieh aomwlay could ehcomp- tech grads want help council precedent would keep post office hildebrandt walks out education minister was here whan tfiay ttarfad last fall but ur j had hopaa that her tal ehtad apoua blight keep the firil for thalr own and thati tha way it waa going to be before dr hich aat eyaa on it alayba tha next ona mra jaworakl tnuaad wban ahaapoka o tha herald tuesday a trimaran ilcepi tii lota of room for our family and than aoma tha jaworskia hava two araall boy a jlmmia aga sand dougla 3 thcyva bem genr- ge town era for the paat four and a half year improvement definite possibility improycmattu to no 7libhjdo averything ik onf year vy which could eott tha town itaid road from 3jxm to hoooo tr hunter a dctlnlu toatlbillty thli yr town aojtnr w 1l cirr it halnx ukd to proir lan and eoit aaumaui for tha atrateb froid uapta avnua aaatward far aarly pratenullon o tha twpt of huhwayi tha provtnea pay poc af thacotti and tha drpartmant hii aar- uarkad umoco for thli da- pandant oh how much thej town may daelda to apand thattualn thia uooday at council raava john ejuolt al- o urtfad action an thi john st aubway and tha two railway orarpaaian i raallw thalr lmpakanra cmt wa hava to ttart aoitta- wbar and wa cartaltily cant chairman wm y town wants switch in connecting link caorgctown will aik til county for a rviilon of the oomiktln link through town for which tht county aharra malntananca lionday council volrd toaik that tha county take over uapla av from the main st s corneoto 0b line thia would in uu o the atrctch up main st from thia corner to church st which haajicejl a connecting link for aome yaara passenger to hospital car skids into bus council turns down mayors suggestion laat wek may of gibbon told council he would preaant mouona in any order he with- ad daipita a movi by coun cillora which would raqulre these to ba tabled in the or der received on monday tha mayor tug- gaatad a new proceclura whan a meanbar hai a mo tion duly aaconded ha could rite and read it then hand it to the mayor for formal pr- cntation thia will avoid confusion about ma picking motlona out f pile handed to m the mayor wld ills idea waa favoured by cra hildebrandt and smith who tabled a motion to rescind tha previous weeks idea nut it only led to another disagree ment on procedure i theje had already bean -mo- itwwt preaentad to tha mayor and cm powm argued that presentation of the new moti- flrat was out of ndar aa it contravened tha old motion the mayor ruled that the new motion took precedence but when it was praaanted on ly the mover and seconder sup ported it and council ended in the same position aa a week go with a motion on the books which tha mayor aayi it three local lawyers association officers two georgetown men have baeu lijade offtcrs in tlie hal- ton county 1jtw association at the annual meeting on wednesday january slnd george c hawaon waa alecled ta the vice presidency and terry haines of tha legal firm of dale bennett laumer and balnea waa named aacretary the other officers for 1061 are v w prris oakvilla pra- aidant k v diclt miltoa uaaaurar kiva new directors elected for two year term ara caorga hew ton georgetown a j ni chols milton aldo braida ac ton john ford oakvilla and luchim koaterakl burlington at a reception at the county court house after tha meeting tlie hlaa member entartaiiwd the county court judge george kuiott and magistrate lang don black and ord library service now to hospital patients ktarling next month febru try anyone holding a library card wbt happens to be hot- pluuacd will ba abl to have books exchanged and deliver ed it geor getown and d l trie t memorial hoephal each tueaday after noon at 4 oclock with ael- action of booki so youd better pack your library card when you pack your hospital suit case vises librarian ulia naxer he will iffnore at wejtpn tnaa waa taken to georgetown hoapul with head taijiirie collarbone and bruised let wn tha car be wa riding lis collided with tanflad with boa car waa westbound on gualph sl when it went out of cont rol and alld acrou into tha eatjtbound lane la front of tha bus the bua waa being driv- by ja h gllletp of inirtoettn i lta the iga on gualph slrvec sunday harry vuaer 15 of wmac- donald st weaton ont wax passenger in a ear driven by jacffbua h vlaserof tbaaamo addrcsa according to poljca the vu aer car wu compbrtajy -dam- ollshed when wt broadalda by the bus the impact crumpled aida of the- vehicle ass tha old theatre building next door- and ha termed it mistrust of public fundi to tell tha building for which the town paid j 15060 for slfl- 000 cr don powers another strong supporter of the post office purchase clsimad it may ba unlawful for tha town to tell a building without calling tender- and tha 11000 brof- ktm it win ba mora tha uwctupp ubrariaa wiil be u legal and preumlnary no- vaucit plan eoau ha md ia a brisk debate oifteycoun clllor raktated their aund on tha issue with costs and bull ding alia figuring largely in tha statements mayor glbbona whose re tantlon of the present munlcl pal building waa a main plank ia hi election platform said ha li convinced the majority of i ratepayer agree with him he termed tb main st building adequate for tha town for year to com in view of the decision dont think 1 should alt here any longer tonight said cr hildebrandt after the vole he gathered hla papera together and atalkad from tha room i dont think you should take a defeat like that said tha mayor u he disappeared through the doorway ita the first ume in my experience tv aver seen this happen liter in tha meeting cr towers made an unsucceisful effort todelay signing of an agreement for tha post office sale when he requested the third reading of a bylaw be held a week deputy reeve hunter first slid he would support crlow- ers aa for the past few years has been customary to do advisory bd o query local industry for help hon wruum davis the hon william uivli on tario ulnuter of education wai in enqueuing wedneiday to officially open the 1lneview public school on the 7th line at no s aldaroad tha laat of a aerie of conaolldjted tchoola conitrucled by the ktquriing school hoard ending the era ol the oneroom ichool in the towmhlp see other plcujrel page 2 social personal mra w b van gent ret- urned on monday by air to he home in agravendeel near rotterdam holland after it- tending ha wedding of her sob corneuua van cent on january loth in guelph tha newlymarried couple are liv lng at 4 byron sl georgetown next to heart disease can- car la the most common cause itjjof death of men in canada marjorlejllegular checkups for early da- itecuon bf cancer are essential what hfrpth to a kludent after ba graduates from the technical vocational court at georgetown high kchoolt tha acbool advisory voca tional couuiiualon is concerned so much ae tint they intend to uke step that will greatly in- crtaae tb thn kal- vocational gradi chances of stepping into tenure employment after grad uation monday night the avc scrap ped an original plan to nlar tain representatives of district industry here in favour of ding a form latter and duea- uonnaire to tha plant offices tha feeling was that a brief letter liaung tha court here and qualification students at tain plus an invitation to a a company official to sea the leehuical eourte students at work would wed out the in ter es led employer from live min ority who jurt dont care tha questionnaire would pro vide tha achool advisory board with auch information aa what type of training would district lnduktry prefer included la the local curriculum and tha rep lies would ba an aid in build lng a file on industry nerds such information would guide tha board when adding new course or dropping aome now offered a questionnaire recently v- swered by technical ttudents about ts graduate indicated is of hi wished help from the school board lb securing em ployment the qucjuoa were a v youhtauauedo youhv employmt arranged b would you appraclalaassutarca to ob tain employment c do you in tend to return if you do not graduate to the first one no- one gave a definite yes but 4 indicated tenattve employment wai arranged to the second is botany giants lately wihvd wlp 3 did not and 1 didnt j-pl- to uif third 7 ii they would rtlurn 7 wld they would not return 2 wr uncertain and 2 failed to reply the avc irl utile i to convlncy the ixpt of 1eboor or at leiikl add their weight tu that of other boards in ronvlnr lng iheia uiattechhical-vocatiuii- nal irada abould rhelve an ap- prenticebhjp allowance uf the eourice oilered at georgetown high school only one auto mfcchaniea la considered a cer tified trade by the dept of u- feottrtbd lima lhy look oaa- grad of a 4 year auto nieche ica course a having served two years of bis apprenticeship riiduates of the five year technical training course can take care of themselves school principal j l luiibert told the avc uonday it li uta gra duates pf the 2 and 3 year courses that we should con centrate on helping to place in soma cases the avc ia knocking 1u head agilnst a atone wall the personnel man at ode district industry 1 hik ed ta said h was only interes ted in three types lantbert said the university grade for management the tirade aa potential plant supervis ors and those who didnt make grade 0 for aweapera tha attitude ia the exeeptlen rather than the rule in local in- duslry but selling vocational training grads ta industry ao that they will hava a lever when tailing ktudenta on taking tha technical course la a poser ttiht tuvw thahighaehtwf enrolment is 38 per cent voca tional aad 62 pee- cent acade mic mr lambert predicted a go per cent vocational and 40 per cent academic apllt tiva years hence it will depend on local industry and students and their parents and the avca in fluence custo onawci jjaaaengat in the toronto- teund bua waited twenty mln utea while cat dan martla in tervlawad their driver for tha noceaaary information tha accident occurred at a bout 10 mlnutea to s in tha afternoon damage to the front of bua waa negligible driver injured in rexway dr accident road conditions were blam ed for a rear end couisloji on gualph st in front of holy cross church sunday morning a 1m3 falcon driven by bernle borgsma 3ft archibald st brampton hit tha back of 1061 comet driven by john edward heaunle m prince charlea dr while the latter ear waa stopped in a line of halted traffic the polifte p- ortaald tha cars in trohtwere stopped to let out paaaengora or church the cart were facing weat in the middle of the hill tha accident happened at pill and wu investigated by cat ban martin estimated damage was dm ict the iwgaouuot t2 tha- reaume tatlonwagon thia if any oncounclllor as ked he reversed hla opinion when it was pointed out that the agreement must be algn- ed by january slat tha sate waa lidnrted by the mayor reava elliott deputy reeve hunter and cra young and ftgncla with cr hildebrandt abaent only thavotaa of pow- era smi and kmmoraon were tallied aga tha sale damage totalled ww when cars came together at the reg- way 0rguelph st corner tha driver of one of the cars vred tolton 32 gualph st suffered u back injuiy in the coulalop i tha other driver waa edgar after the tmpketthe wreck ironald francla 4 keataave ad ibm pontlac continued itatollon waa driving eaat ol u course out of control andlouelph st and prancla waa came to reet in tl parklni waafbound and nuking a latt i pop- plpg pa wlndahleldand win- 1 rehearsals starting for rotary s annual show when the rotary show ataru rehearsal can eprinatbr fa be- hlndt wall they started a week ago to mould the chorua into shape ihanvbulding being done by ken harruon and ralph ureal the skits and dancaa are re ceiving the flnlahlng vouchee befdrabelogprcscnlcd lothe aurprlaed calthaywlll be dqubly auipriaed wtsfnthey find out they are about to enter the field of tha national and bol- ahol ballet companlaa with a little terplechore under the direction of june coaling rehearaala are at the legion hall sunday afternoon at 900 perbapa you too can ba a atar in the airil mth and th and may 1st add- 2nd phductloh of ti the title haayet to be de- clad tiia acrlcit writara cannot lagreja two thousand loot in breakin at rivicr thursday night or early fri day morning a breakin at the riviera in sorval netted the thieves over two thousand dnl ur worth of equipment inc luded in the loot were a type- writer calculator stereo- tspe recorder multiplex fm tun er cheque writer postage mc ler ilogcn 01 amplifier lp records snd 300 cigarettes since an earlier breakin du ring august when money was taken no money at all has been kept op the premises so this time the equipment waa taken however the serial num ber of each piece of equipment la recorded and traceable with all repair stores alerted to watch for it an unpleasant surprise a- walu anyone making further attempt at robbery since the building haa now bcrn wired with burglar alarum which au tomatically alert the police when tripped six become citizens in brampton ceremony six total people became can adlan citizen monday at peel s county court house they are christian and mj dalena bouwhulj b6 mouitkii view road maria delia h- r 3 georgetown hruirlcb f idler 42 rayluwn crescent and hendrikui and gerctidine wlllemwn hr 2 norval other georgetown nnhabllaitij have becomc canndlaii cltltoni irjce tha flrit of the year but list of cltlttenship applications at other court were not avail- able seeking greatness tltk and aspirins mrs m leoau 16v prince chariot drive ijnt watering thljrrlamrnoi piece offol- rgo by giving it its regular drink of tea arid etrjlrlna m lecref cjf lt eoormous prop- n n plant le elr fllfinriirlii mt la atlf growing another few montha andthw le ii imaxj r bokknhtt hcfe thojc way to rt tauvfalon fiyijifhi iivairi a look at ihewfather january 1 lliuh bv sndvwed 37 id i3rd thura 48 2ft s4th rrt 43j w- isth sat ih 37 3s idth 18 w nth s3 1 18- 18th 20 high for week 40 low 4 preclp j rain 03 hoar ailcla t a scott m

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