Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 11

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ats c to ga pftval mission film 4s shown t norva unite annual ptr jones photo can credit take it away niaoa1ul pails unt tum only tpot wfr hw wmlri k tnd mow ii bdcing up somo fe dmi on th credit rivr and lributri f beginning 1o accumulaltt hut own fwnunition tot ttv ipnrvj floodi tnit particular po1o wat tjlen near humon lvvllw tti u tuition i muctt it tm at it owr mim movt and stewwtkywn wofe attendance increase at rfirst baptist annual aa upwifd trend in sunday school fctundjiw weetu of wtu ktbdy group mrbiai of two women groupa and plana to buy an electronic organ for tba court b wr th main poinli of busineu at the kint bpuat cburchi annual mwtini and i olattion of church officers lut w4nday th buimeii of the church vajt dumiueti after a tuppw i avrwl by the tadlei of the church and a devotional per tod au rvporti vter encouraging ik toitaktwthlp aa well u um tweuuu of resuur sunday scfcool attendance to iuik had full and aiv year a uon tfa fcfuntoon bible study croup conducted by the pastor bv uoyd whan hu been r- cohrlnar mm ip ritual help through ttudy nd prayer and um sunahlne club joined with tha wouent society to form i to rgu bat ion a brief hlatory of the eleven yar old sunshine club wi proparex by it i flrtcpretidenl i ml norma thompaon and in caudod in the annual report ttwj tucblon to purchau the new electronic organ waa the ttor item on th agenda the inatrument will be inalall od of fcoon ai the neceuary ar- raftjetttanu can he made following la the utt of or fleer for 104 beacona e carter w town nd d uvlhflitone w win field o whltmee a robaon and j kttuaerwn leaeoneua ur corbett lira k buttrey ur u whan lira en tiimnpaon uiu nor- ana thoatpaotr tnuteei d hancock g porter emery thompaon j afenotertod jack thompaon plnabo board ken uccoah at carter a ftobaon e ellison boy buttrey treasurer ken henoch financial secretary roy buttrey clerk uri don livlfliatone aulatant clerk aln goorg creig organist lira w townend oholr leader douglas peck sunday school uperlfttendent john kwimer on i usbera roy bultrey ken uocosh dott livingstone ai baboon don ltanoeok john stopper emery thompaon joafc thompaon goorgo grelg jim euiaon glenn buttroy al lan whan jack pierce john jaw envelop stewards ken uc coah geortftf grelg ur ham uton mrf jean hancock lira wo thompaon- graham por ter y townend alias norma thompaon e ellljon atlw mar ion whan kilts janle eouner- on benevolent fundi ur tb fpook ur e carter r o mr i bra tbooopapii air j stoopejtj mr hayes alias norma tborop- mot hrkr mcneil mrs j evans hf jin whan mrs w smith lit- flower committee the now i ladles group alualc commitiee president of the choir mrs buttrey or- guttst mr townend choirl t laaflor mr p peck and mrs v helenobbpt mrs jaanhaavl oek ur jo col district commissioner visih guides brownies th loci fcuodittoii far gultut nd browiiuj taut it the hauw of llr jk lljiy en tuetdty evening jifi m wul llv pmldaat un o crtor in th duir th utola- tu at the vnin wr un for the enrolmnt4tid fly up to he held in ih weriiyterun citurdt on wednesdty rvenlnjl juiuiry imh ind lor the ia ly nlcht whub 1 blnf plui ned for vebmiry 11 lu un gordon urwm vu pruhud wiui her wirrent it dlttrlet cohtmluloner she wu recently appointed wilnrt commiulon er for the loeil zroupi of nor- vil glen wulunu ud terr cotu un w youmim was appointed badge secreury rol lowing the nretinf a lovely lunch wal aerved by the hoatete and a aoclal time enjoyed pinegtove farm forum met at ik home of mr and un tom ucgee on uonday evenlnl january 20th topic for dla- cuuion waa hlrvtit or the uiml which waa followed by a game of euchre and lunch aerved by mra uae alexan der and the hoaleai sft douglaa browo of the lord sualhcona horae guarda of calgary alberta vltjud hll horn and relatlwi theu paat two weeknda while uung a courae at oamp borden mr and mra o carter held a fan ily dinner while doug waa home on sunday jn 10 wltb mr and xra grdon caaaley and mr and mrl gordon browne and little daughter aa gueata a yery tucceuful eudire and aocial evening waa held in the old wnegrove school by the rinegrov hall committee on saturday evening january m 17 table were filled with win nn being mn douglai li- mond and muu f jackaon of norval mr cheauf early of norval and mr charlea brown of huttonvule it waa announ ced that another ef taem popu ur euchna will be held in the old achool on saturday evening february 8th ken in and a pltchera and len number of tvfii kettle were ato- a new little blbv xh i arrived on draper st born id ur and mr charlea bright a little lifter for kwnberley anne congratutatlona blakop witklnaon aaiilunt buhop of niagara who wu a blahop la india for a nuiaber of year will apeak on tha aiv gllcan world muelon rally bald recently on sunday fee 16 at 10 a m at a combined aerv- ice of st paula church nor vel and st- ajban a church clefl wimiama in the cled wllllaui church au anglicau of the dutrict are cordially la- vlted to attend the epecial aer- vice to hear tlithop wilkintona meaaage the women of st paul a an glican church are buiv making plana for a sunday him sup per to be held in the panab hall on march 15th and alu for a mother a day bazaar to be held in tbe tarlih hall mi saturday may oth pakmntw nerval united chorea held ittarir jaiioal co oa ttmredey evening uamttt b a gooej bomber of ot and i aat to boontlrej aupper fiabd enjgvahl a aedal time which aa followed bya bbja oa mle- tmrk la hepal abown k key l rroel ev vnel p tke 11 for carrying out the chorea- tbi 41 auggeatloa lof tte chukk t aba er in 1m4 djawakp troea tbe vudon aaeel said reeeatly end all 11 peiou met wltb the aort- vel el ihm congregation num one wee nvore room- tor he luaoir school and ion ectlvitiec tw chriauaa tducbod conv aod w aod report their oodlog to the congro- a aaother auggoatioo iaa that the church have a nonuaatiag committee u pi tor the eloctjooe orilcora for the varloue church noaltio auch aa atewarda treeaurer etc but hot te u chtoe the seaeieo tldr were te be elected aa uaual a t necnlnatlog ceomltue wua appoin te cooalai of the ablalater the clerk ef heeaieu the chairman of the kowerde the church treeaurer and the nreeldenu of the ucw groupe mr earl wlleoa waa appola tod aa aeeretary and readlaat year kelautae the verloua church report were given the heaaloo report ebowed that there were 14 bablee bkptlaed one martiage performed alx adulta were revived into full communion and aeven were re celved by trenafer and three member died during img col a noble mr kdltb swll her and mlae florence broom the chrtatlan eduction co mmittee reported that they bad helped to organise end prom ota the meeeengere for child ten with mra nancy kill aa leader a lilaeion program tor children ml with leader aire boh may and an interme diate miaatou program for teen agon u14 with mra ada en nun u loader alea tbe junior choir with leader mra ejleon laldlaw mra jeen may mra truth lyon and mr eua jdlaw a healthy financial balance waa abown in the church tree eurer report tbe sunday school tha ucw and the choir report and good don alien wu made to the lllaalon ary and maintenance fund the sunday school tupport a child theooah the leva the children fund and unit two of the ucw aupport a creek glrl the sunday school don tedllbooo the ucw vnsuo and the board of steward tssm to the church building fund the ucw alao forward d c13 00 for ulaalonery pr- jecta the meeting waa cloeedwith prayer by rev u freel and aecond congregational meet ing will be bald in a few week to deal with the report from the nominating commit tee and from tha christian kd ueatlon committee mr and mr bill bwlea have recently moved into the new apartment that mr and mr murray lalfd have made in tbe aouth part of their lovely old i mra ewle wa the forl virginia barber and they moved here from georgetown anil congratulation tomr mra h moyer on lie arrival ol new grandjn michael pet- rick bom to mr and mra a reinbardt nf brentford a lit tle brother for mary david anoj mark polio are nowkeeplnar watchful eye on the old pine- grove school after it wu dia- cqvered that aomeone had bro should i buy that new machine by 1 a r with the ollpbda ihow com ing up bhla month many of you llalton farmer will be conald enng buying new machinery many people uk themaelvea can 1 afford la buy new mach inery you ahould aak yourself how nvuch will ray return pet acre be if 1 buy new machin ery here ere a few point to conalder 1 the beat aire for any farm machine is the one that givea you the greatest re turn over the coat of buying operating and maintaining not the aire that may appear to give- minimum total coat or maximum total return x the capacity of a machin doea not increaae in direct pro portion to ita alxe in aome caa ea you would gain more by etreamllnlnv your preaent me- thoda than by almply getting a bigger machine 3 tlmellneu can often he a deciding factor an buying a big ger machine eapeclaly with equipment uaed eeeeohelly auoh u fe combine or planter if lie machine 1 too big your coat per acre 1 too high if it i too email you often pey hea vily for tlmajtd particularly crop lou you alao have other choice to buying new machine that are worth conaiderlng you can hire rent cooperatively own leaae or buy a uaed machine rental ayatemi for inatenee are gaining in popularity for uaa- 01htjiiiafhlne mlngiulhoi thi mail baft ther method arao beconung pop ular you pay for the unit in equal payment and at the end of t number of year you take over owncrahvp there 1 often an income tax advantage to thil yatecn u you charge the lea money a expenditure oh year- there are two wayeyou can better equip yourself to make utef maohlnecy declalon one hopes council will up municipal salaries georgitown ontario 11 byron street january 11 a 1m4 dear ur editor now that the prevloua coun cils immature giveaway prog ram hu been curtailed or has it here la now lime te con alder the plight of our undei paid municipal employee that they are underpaid i understating the fact and it la good ta know that our ma yor joseph gibbon ha come out plainly and ataled that his program will no longer permit thl condition to eiiat the town hu had to hire high paid help at tha rale of 120000 per week to bring the town record and bualnaa up te date and thl can i aaerl bed ta the fact that we only get what we pay for if the wage paid employee la mere pitiable pittance we may be aura te attract only transient- help and even reel efficient employee will main only until hetlar paid job are- available in industry or elsewhere thl give our town bed name and bad pub licity it i to be hoped that coun cil will give consideration to just claim u though they were being employed in the position whether in the off ice on the work alaff or on our police- or other depart menta your truly ed a peter 1 keep maohlnrj record ao you can tell bow nation your pro- tent machine return jrou per ncre tlab other li to attend the faun management courae offer ed at the ontario department of jvjjriculture- office milton ht march there will be further an- nouncomenta on the court co ming up hortly instal ucw i wcutive at ballinafad service the january meeting o the united church women wa oo tateeday afteroooo wish both l l meeting of the yesr the wor- ahip service we conducted by mm k mceaery and mrs f j jhortul mra- d ssnlth the new pnee- idnl presided stxi after ik lumjal bualnos discueaion the lade aew a- film strip on leper colon awf tbe many new medical helps to eope with thil disease it we decided by the group to boc again apon a bmurgaaahofd suppe mt ouad the 17tn of march the benediction brought to mct ing to e cloee and linxb wei erved at the suoday morning crv lo id the church the following eaenitlve of the ucw we 10 stalled by mr fleming the student minister presided mrs d smith past president mr f j shortlu lad vlo prvsl dent mr t cibeon secretary a j mcenery treasurer mr b hwlndleburst corrrs- poding secretary ur nell sen evening unit laadr mr a lawr afternoon unit lea der ur c ucenery homby mart prwident halton beef producers jtudt snow hornby waa l etd prulcuut of tbe llalton tutf vtaduettt aautflatiod wednraday jan z3 the mh tui was beld at the kiunjuon branefa office ontario dtftart ucbt of ajrkulture uilton retbfttmntatjvea of the virioua tyjuwi of bef production i hilton atundd lit inatiu jaues snow aa director of ttw ontario bf producer a u ioclatlc aad jamoa uckav haavcrury of th llalton aaoci atlod outlaid th work car rud en durintf 10d ti lv un prove irwot aaoclatlon prof ram waa found d tarly in llvo to auist bf troducra throu ghout tht province j alien krancia agrlcultur al rpauuv for halton outlined aotna of the chantfta blng uad4 in bf production la hlj nuarka h atraaafd the uav of crop production in ubluhlttjf auccaaful bet o- pvration a film th story of uat in canada waa abown through th eourtuy of swlfta tba film ucd tbe atep hwuary ih prodnclnif high quality ral produeta for tha conaiimcr offlmh lvtd for 1064 wr rvaldant jamfa snow vicpraldent john wlllmott se traa jawei uekay dir ctor- allan uclaan laonard coulaon daw ton smith an1 rrahk hall olin williams glen church will use partnership lan oa wo jan lbhi th maberrarihe tjnh6 cburcfej met la um kvuowatilp room torj tbeir aaoual napetiox jtarv l frecj showed m txa xm nepal wfcero axiaudbsirltsa tant teacfi chrutianity beru4i ita acainat tbe lw loeaaaoaf your relicioa of to influeoacc another to chance hi tbe eburcb efveod a octu- ary in katmaoder wbec u people worship regularly tbe mwioo im bot eliawad to tetveb relifion bu it cimw db ttte cal v ktxtcukuru aod edocat mnr aaxmnpor abowod ail departambts w bad qaitt a auccewfal year ladaav tt a note coneeniif tbe boil- ding program paid off by sept suta and 94s0 received aince for le re an locrceued budget auoca- tioo for 1964 waa accepted steward dick appleyard ejcil benun too kitcbic bert benton ted brown aod ljoyd mceoery were reappointed u were reiirtnf maragera s kirk patnek and pet leueroa uauurer a w b and auditor ur kirk pa trick and k t ijnduv otbef ttuiwi era include ted browa uoyd uclocry t h price aad joe ham tbec f vlaaei ioaal work hi tb naioe of jv sua cbrwt tbf bwuidcn merung fvliuw ei al wtuckf aira c barlb ac ed aa iecretery and uai yara buoutc of um anmial maxrtintf w9i read jlcv weel preset ted lb cldera report lt lo tbanked ajt wm iw of tbcir time and foru in the work of tbe cbuixb ih sjiiy school sulf cjruir choir lekdm fend or nt jcw and to mr w schetik wjio prep are tin cxitimilujuotl vruu the auditor report wu gw tb by w hchtnk john mc cwwan the mumioiury it main unanc rrrt ur c barth th sundtty af4iol report the buiulng kuad report by w mc ctfwan the yirmrt kullei tit tbe hick by ur w ucowad cboir rpirt by ui j hunter tb ucw by un vrd feigu- by all these rporta wrr grat ifying ad thowrd a good deal arcotiiphahed during ih paat year qfllcfra elecud ww fid era w ucowan luib han cock n kalker ititt dinon john hunter the lkadtd of suwarda coili hum aa they are with the add i lion oi lmil wagilaff ljivel ope wewrj ura j wagktaffe auditor w tchenk j ur cowan u m twaaurcr hon uchwan 11 ljhd ura w ucjowan the uabera added the hatniei of hon ucgowan atl danny wagitaffe rv freel explained lh partncrhip plan ind it waa recommended by the miward that the church lake part in this campaign in tbe monthi nf uay and june it waa announ eed that the anniversary eel braliona will lake place the first sunday in uay ura j hunter waa appointed choir leader for another year ai waa ura 11 inglta and ur g cooper aa organists after a general diacuaaion on various it enu of bun new thwe was a motion of adjournment iuv freal closed the meeting with prayer w v u young ae moderator t h 1ru joe ha u a hioo a c ptiunoa a w tientoa k e umwy utd lrk ei- j mr uougbley vaa voted uu tot aervkea aa organut lh4 appleyard joe ktoi aod uri uodaay were appiuoted to w rang tb ccnlgregationj pie- nit- a vote of thpka wtu un dcred uf young and after he pronouncd lw lwirdithon til hour wtl enuyed limkhcsutl annual meeting held by limehouse presbyterians the annual xuercsational merlin of ltmehoijse ivesby terian church was held in the church the evenlne ot jan 21 with rev k n vounj as the chairman and mra j lloush ley ai crtary rev vounfi opened the mr-c- brampton glass co owis y6u m complete home and commercial glazing aluminum sash m cuttom made mirrors for enquiries phone 4515061 ltd collect so oooetje st n swentvk why wait why delay that necessary work when help nplentilul now why be bciihered with delay when you can obtain experienced help in am iredei now trroru1entyioillkllld trdimen available foe all type of work in your home bunnets or on the farm if you require the tervlcet of an plumber electrician carpenter bricklayer cement worker tinsmith painter plasterer contact your local r national employment office union street gl 11240 tta erito hrenn atttscripturetml t ter ltnoaae u home fauowin aarferr io goelph gcjleral hao ljha oa monday of last maeu too buodcll faaallr oo the ar nirel of e botpj dot at george town early tburtaey paoe11 ftv itam- w are vlul that mr wal toe whs met et the f mra mills jan 10 ten lklinj mr james noble read scripture mrs rouflztey led ua prayer aad mr a w betp too opened tlie susdy partner la s au aaaiatod te dialofoe by un kurkpetririr mr rouxbjey teatword queetloo wa answered in a vcrao ef scripture tbe h re torvsaf remetj afterwards w wrlcooe utj and mr caronan meltoy aod two tittle suns to the vtflaie iron ieor- xetown tbey ere living tsf the bouse troau wbico the ttama rbljy istoved mr and mr scooyrnan nf mrlvlmlsie uichlman ifraf use veeeaod wttb mr and mr nune vaa- shop and save at silvers one wf otstarto mswm wuy rjeekinsj ssoeea lavf mtom 10 00 to 3o do on lamfa winter coats many r goirvg at hlfprrc and uti st hlesiaf vttees qiovo 10 s20 il5 savf htom is 00 to 1s 00 on iadiis winter dresses s thi thftn groups 5- 10 s5 halttiici 1a11 on ski jackets by itlrwa ttid foklon iali on ail wool skirts by lou larry jp 400 vluei up lo 12 95 now save w to is 00 on mwi flht ouaiity suits our entire stock of ell wool worttedt and flannel now onale froltl sjj 59- savc up to 20 06 on mens mnc quatltv topcoats of coats including lomtf 10- 05 our entire itock of coal including aomef of canada finest brands now on sale savf up to 1000 on suburban coats iaminated car coats and wlrjdukakiu now on sale from car coats and windbmakili 00 save up to 15 00 on oiris winter coats 50 our entire winter slock now on tale many coat reducod a much a sav up to 00 on ouus dresses our intiri wntf itock 118 to 1q0tt now on sau i r bk78atstvvana

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