Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 14

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coming events m tridai i sl george- pariah uahi ils sale tjelrex drug store saturday feb lit 1j0 p jn sponsored by ttb george town cub scout auxiliary meesaa w ha m cna aa tanadar fwhevaay lit etfcll sla- l cunningham scores three as ojftaiders whomp cheltenham sua stats a tit ill lutheran church howuo wiuolswoami kmoot auorrtmuljp mcusxpu stsuost wskl lotkas lj j a30 hilar pcaunitt- a paktyt we have the fipullj fur 130 prrwmlt 111 our oew viklnc mall telephone rtooti tamatkrlwof hlttonvlu hikele akjymavv and alk pokck asioiayioel kstouikl any lnlrtfd c service per eontel wishing to lata or es sil ttl lormlng brsncb in the local tree pleaa attend meeting to be held sumoay he- sd 1 i tin reeldcne el jack lkillk meutlelwke cuei wl e7-4-t- kklogi itsstkuyton fok kkslhnikt announced by georgetown ymywca 4wi4k course commencing tuesday feeuery 1 srh 110 t 10 m u km td00 cill v ohie n7lo- or ti 2s05 or eppluatlen torm xnchre thursday fab la st paul pariah ilell nor at pa prise end reirenk- aeals- sponeored by st nich olas guild adeaisatea 90c pieaaa ieajtw lk fc birthday ewkre par ly snared march k par licttlare teler ticket avaltbt lroaaasjer admiaaioa 90c organ recital by frcclcr ick ceohege thursday fab 13th al pea nerval fran brtertarr ckurrk adult 70c riant wt tvkeb eaatflans lb ioor claaaea tor expectant par u- nat aeries begin feb nth cwi regjalratsee la sz0o for further lalernye on picas ratr halloa county lleltb unit rrtmatl lio toe- beaver koxby club i holding a jumpln january lkno at the tllvler norval friday jao slat tor ticket ru mark llcirro otiulj lra lrwti bttsorr or handy meekcnil m nrt th sfebiqia barker shopper invite you to a wot derful iprfinci aa rvenln of tkr tlneat four part harmo ny unklng featuring canada brat from tb kaat york ckap- tcr lalou auditoriuu tkura january hi lla rlux lm har cftl w k thou halloa brarirb pretldcot tau adtau uu1 health aaaoc tburaday reb ttb 1 pan ctmurga kanedy llaw and school award ainltln fllru sbyneaa ul kava a full bouaa of lnterealed parenla yu ywca cakd twn a club danca to ii so b saturday rbruary 1 in wriuloaworib auditorium ad tuuaion o5c y tnarabera ftor na y inemoera appropriau drru wklu ahlrl and tl alu ate by shadow promoliooa ceor kennedy hnm li school aaaocjluon social kv- eninr at th school saturday february bth tram cardi al 1 p u dancing at p aa ra- ahlod show at ihlennualoa refreahlnanu and door prllca admiaaioa 1 1 par peraon annual meeting or dejtribes polite esquesinfl agricultural duliej aj society in xtlwakttowm community hall wednesday feb 5 111 jet iliction of officiki fimamcial kirmttt luktcm anyone lateteattd in alflliat in with the society u walconm joes taxi mr 1 mr jaeaea kaaem tr 79286 radio caipatchad fully lnaurad y daya a waak fvaa pbana ir ucclbbon ilolal m jahrl al caormotoeea sl johns i omttkd cmukcm caorgetowa onl kinlitcr llav urt m flaeabag e orfanlit ihd cborr director k k harrlun ajlct rut sunday fib 1 11 00 tm uornlnx worahlp 7 00 pa plain talk al much for otnart aj for ooraalvaa commissioner ueubtr af th brelharhood al akucin churchman al sl ceorta t heard aoma tirat habd information aa china whaa lt col k m bouraaof dale bouaa ipoka al a dinner met lot ual tburaday col bourn bald th poat of coaaaalaaiouajr at police in bhamhal prior la world war 2 jua talk u informal and after reviewing tha hlatary of th city an of brlulna aarly treaty porta ha f iv many la- cldanu which happened dur ag hla lend of office col bourn a graduate af sandhurat deacribed shanghai la thoa day ai a united na tion la mlaulura it waaan international community floo ded with rafugeea during auc- caadlng reballiona enlarulnmanl al tha maal- inn waa provided by th local chapter of tha rpebxqsa tha alutfcra war introduced by steamer kmmeruin who v a brief hlrlory af th organis alisn founded in tulm in 1h4 dav morgan waa choir direc tor tor tha avening in tha alcctian af officer ted gorth wu named preaid ant and thomaa eaaon vlce- prealdent other ottlcera are walter niehn aecretary treaa- urar and director bill chap lin oliver mill al boulatrldge bill collier cordon spenc and jack armatrong a door prise a hymn and prayer book waa won by wal tar biehn jack armatrong waa dinner chairman and thomaa kaaon thankad the ladlea of tha w a who catered for tb dinner the officer will ha imtal led whan tha bac hold jajnv rimnirrghin juat fwtluiua uf e playad kubat bat hill turned out to be ike protmcae raider aa g uiga kamaacrad cbaltn- bam rurvcatera u2 kara sun day afteraaaad la a w0aa lav leraaadlate gaoae k cunalaxfkani mnaad the tirat period bat mad up lor kia absence la doubkvauick time by acoria a pabr o goala to the aacond period and his 3rd with 49 aonda tell is the hla linemale aad brother iloaa cunningham almoat mat eked him with two and bud veref and wayne tkompaqs alael aeored twice the valance cane from courga oraaby and paul- ward balder alartrd alow but picked up atcaoa aa the game railed on at the ld ol the tirat period in wkarb kaidera had a wide territorial margin they had uat a jo lead to akow lot it imbu ikd tkay nttutirr advaata baior it waa over ge outplayed and out- arored tha cnelu 41 in the laat frame both cheltenham goala came iron ike aame mas dtaa alae kenzie with kelp from glen jaadge on both a crowd of about 200 wat ched the sunday afternoon threahln it waa balder- third wtafa aa many game aad ike bth of the aeaann oraagevllle currently lead tke league but tour dab ge- orglowa ktilton acton and fergus are bunched oo their beela ildexa will make i rusk for kke peak this week d with games againav lin on ber friday and tha league leader la 0rnjnll monday bight impromptu speeches on businesswomen program member participation was the tbema of the regular toon thly dinner meeting of the bus ne and rwceoal wo- n s club when they met at the mrcllboa hotel ou won day evening mlu jran mack enu preidel prelded dur log tha bualneu portioo of the meeting whan reports were heard from tb various chair men- two hew members mrs mar garet csroer and mrs pllia- betu sualth were introduced to tha members and preaented with tblr club pins and con ttltutiona invitations were read from tb wtndeor club to their annual international night and sunday brunch from tb toronto council of club to their annual bridge in th royal york and from th north toronto club to their international night it i expected that soma members will attend asch of these sf fslrs a lettar was read front mrs lyn hughes hglonsi adviser asklhi th club if they would care to donat a sura of mo ney into a memorial fund to missionary kindergarten in kenya la memory of the hus band of lb provincial presld ent mrs margaret aakdown who dlad at tb new year this waa a protect that both mr and mrs- aahdowa werakaen ly interested la and tha clubs id ontario felt that something tangible ilk th memorial fund would b more in keeping than tb sanding of flowers the club voted to send fifteen dollars tha club si whole discus aad various ways and means of new forms of fund ralslnf and soma ideas earn out of this andwlll b researched by th way and mesh commit lea mr jean ruhdl report ad that plans had been una lied for the career preview program speaker will be pre sent at the high school on wednesday february tlth for the girl students from bellte lephona who will speak on auch interesting career at assist ant lo tngineers t cafladl an broadcaallng corporation canadian mothercraft simp sons on interior design anil dr zavlti from the george town animal clinic the meeting was turned ov er to tha program chairman who bad previously given each member a number vor tha program a corresponding number was drawn and the member holding that parlicu lar number was given a choice of several subjects on which to give an impromptu speech for approslmately two minutes to begin with there wu a na tural hesitancy on the apeak ers part but through tha 4s minutes of speaking by various members everyone was surprts ed at tha thoughts and tslents ravealed and of the delivery it was an inlerettincknd most valuable experiment and it is hoped that in future members the program chairman rep orted that it is hoped to have s speaker from the ullton school for tb deaf at the rcbruary meeting sod urs klhrl brant monture at the march meting when it is hop ed it will b poaalblc to sr range an intrrrlub meeting ijiiijll iiis alia out aad ma juke of the lac tsaaraa wooid ha the arhtkeiat basaatlt of a 10 pet yon- cord alneera on this aav eoeuteiy tsnfawnlarieal tbsara- dajt apologies your leader vcsrlbu gpof a kbd if you believed what i yoa last week and welched jf cxt jrou know tb acore the boy with the taalr csaaltty loo will be eo feb aad lotk ttaat- means we have lo wajc lonx r but aaxs we aea vm twice hold onto groover ceua alu be a blast haas has sold 1 j0 ra copies v end all bleats ayack to tint bofj- i see ke hug baa changed band fbe word- la out that a certain 3f sucked a well knows b0 em told to wars uljhe tiry that b certain tsack trrd eat e tor breakiaat a hots ul jenny a a stick now last wtd 1m still ucaon g my wounds man what a ewtoxtng blast we had friday night kicked it off with big clash between the elj els and the ood cuys tha good guys wod but it was hotly con- teated and th bbcls weot an other try after the game we had a re cord bop my only com plelot is that rhe lights wcr turned on halfway through the last dance 1 believe it is customary even aj far beck a last year to uave t ugh u down low saturday was a amash with another y dance these dan re ar appeertng more often and are really starting id move all id all tb weekend was surreal i bop ou all ad loyed it for all e hea- tnenda when j wish her the beat of hark well miss you focal point that aveay tag etoeaa raua aaaaok aeauas but it aura sounds neat in this bcre anaoa i aril altp you use scratch about -ta- latest chacs the beatles have four a abaf on the kit psuna at ossee it that 1 want to lined yastr laeady tma ssigkt be e good time in tell you net tk top 10 are my tea favourite aoent hsssfl oo all the cfcerta i can geisay keevde en- 1 have aiarla a new feature a saarficatn ao if you oould bks me to over lion your dedacatloo just drop see a line curly tv mala j n cesirgetowu uhtvvcl i uoll over beeshoven h4 love you i want to hold your i land sulflin bird 0 hey utile cobra t out of umlt 1 big towd boy b lou loul ii theee 1 v held it agsia 10 twist and shout top up bu mania dj of the week bob bice cacl my favourite 44 leemood ave dedlcau i of the week louis lout to bill and joan well to th strains of black widow i uave you with this thought workout thi page 14 f tha avc win lraaatdkkv discuss driver training course af high school breaktaat meeting following at i tendance at th b aw church i- b service raext sunday 1 o annual hospital meeting thf annual mectino of ttu ookolfowr bisttlct hospital association will b hold on thursday march i2fk wrigglesworth school auditorium the putrllc is wolcorno but only holders of paidup rrvomborshlp for waa are eligible lo rola of to aland for office anmbal ajabcahjp tickets al 100 arv available af that off lot of the administrator from 9 a to 5 pm mondly rkrotigh friday tinlrf ttva s deadline on rbritery 1 lrh 1964 t ivan5 chairman board ofdlrectora welcome- service hlghl new george wil farnl- liea wars od mr kkthsrln cordsros calling list recaotly when a welcome waa extended on behalf of a group of busl nesse which included the he rald mr and mrs keanefh milne have moved trord lon don to so sargent ltd ii it pharmaelat with young a pharmacy on main st and they have four children danise susan 8 marie 4 and gerard i months al 17 rsrk ave mr and urs alei mitchell have tnov ed from brampton into the hous vscatad when dr and mrs 0 m brewster moved to guelph he is a supervisor at brampton training school and she is a jiurse in georgetown bespits urn stranger to the dial rict where she hss been a re sident of norval or many years miss prairie msgulr hag moved into town and is living n sn apsrtmant in mrsblske leslies home at 40 msrkst st mr and mrs j a snyder and children kim 4 jlcquel ine 2 and mark ft months are at 54 norton crescent he works for amcriesn motor in brampton also tram landaei are mr and mrs j white bobby s colleen 3 and jimmy 2 who are living at 4 kelts ha si employed with dellayiuand aircraft at downsvlew many newfoundlsnders have come from bell island to new homes in georgetown mr end mrs stan keough 87 ray lawn crese kre among them their son jsck lives with them and mr keough is emp loyed in bramplon with c 1 u georgetown high school will hsv s driver training roura th fsll if and it t a big if i th advisory vocations cormn ualon which advlae tb georgetown high school board on th operation of th technl tl taction of th school is sharpening 1u pencil id u tt tempt to figure exactly what the addition of tha eoura would coat th board they dont hav to do any figuring to realise tha benefit at auetl move thtt they know but financing tha instruction is tha stumbling block most avc members expressed euthusism about tha driver td ucatlou schema monday night alter watching a dept el tran sport film an the subject and listening to depl official d edwards before and after in abowhtg then their dustionlng brought out th tnags cost pupils enrolling will be t spec- led to pay an enrolment fee in th neighbourhood ot ms cars dual controls text books film and other training aids will be supplied by a car manufacturer and th depl of traiuporl and a government grant will further reduce expense but the board will stiu b fseed with paying out something like 000 per court most of it in la struetibrt salaries instruction personnel the depl of transport will provide all exflctisc paid twoweek summer courses for teacher who wsnt to letch driver trsln ing but tha avc doesnl ex pact teacbers will b breaking tha door down to apply the court is an extra currlcular activity and th teaching staff is already burdened with drams vorir sports and dosans of oth er alter school project si well ss work preparation and exam marking taking on driver training would mean giving up another five hour weekly and even though the extra pay is attrte- tiv to la spar time soma ol th court would even mean sacrificing some weekend lime mr and mrs jsmel mae key 151 tuylawn cresc ar back from bellas ireland with children lorn 8 and alsn he is hlso employed with da ilavllland new paste of st pauls baptist churck llev william baxter and his wife have come from hamilton lo live at 277 weber drive ha is aa honor ary ufa member ot tha cana dlan legion some of th expenee left to th board could b erased if servlc club took up lb torch and mad it on ol their prej acta a litis mor could be sluninaled if gareg operators expressed 0wptvsl by do nating 6t mating tohcesaions oa gss and oil for th instruc tion csr or teen provide houa- inj th avc u willing and ax perls to shoulder torn coat tf th cost is added but bet a ii- gur at clos thousand dollar mark a their tint rough calculation produced finding volunteer or volun teer to kandl th lnstructiod doesut appear quite aa hope less si if tha aelectlod were 1 mlted la tha hie school staff kdwarda pointed out that pub lic school teachers and police ollcert are also employed by some high schools for th af tertchoel hour course edwards tecwuntned a tlaal of 40 to m- ii said th stud enls would receive hour of eleeeroom instruction 18 of in- car observing wwu another student drives tad 8 hours of behind th wheal training aa well u knowing ear la- rector installs officers 01 church lady group rev j e mcmulkia lnatal lad th officers of tha daugh ter of tha church at a spe cial ceremony preceding their january 20th meeting in st george memorial parlour mr larry maughan head the executive for 1094 with mr gordon spenoe 1st vie pras mr hob roberts 2nd vire- pres mrs stan finlay treas urer and mrs william mcnal ly secretary oa february 8th th daugh tare will glv a dinner lathe junior choir clrla mrs mf nally and coconveaer mr wllbert bradley eompleted plans for tha january month ly buffet luncheon mrs spenc and mr char lea ball served sandwiches snd tarts with a cup of tea after the elos of tb meeting this mon m moiy ctoss school association bingo 10 00 hu rc each pami jackpot 500oo at trll kjviwa in novau adm soc flies toengland when father dies mrs don parker so shelley street bas returned from a trip to england she flow to sunderland fol rjwtng news i of toe- sudden dealt of her father david law aon opereted a general atore there beside his daughter here mr urvraon leaves his wife a aon david jr of sun derland and two granochudren f keep physlotlly tit general too- hctltkju orest weap- b agalnat all diseases whether they are mlnori ailmenui ofge- riout cat- 1 cancer 1964 licetrtt plates should be obtained soon1 why not drop in and purchase your 4 plates and renew your drivertllrrbttywr earliest conwerr ience youll not only bebelpinfj yourself by hot fiavlng lo wall but will hevllrnlnafa ejesl minute rush t for your convenience the dept office will be open jx days week mondays to fridays 9 lo 12 and 1 lo 5 saturdays until 4 op dim ta ctiasvgaaahtalng math ottka tstatoct ivabi an ly dept of transport office ji main st s eotjtl quality shoe department mid winter sale of name brand overshoes skates curling boots and other winter footwear savings from 20 1o 50 it fays to shof to- quality at suvfjrt you fay lks fott kxjtwsak of rmjaatantssd ouauty ul winter weanser makln ye4tr hair droopy perm call early for y a 7 at your appointment ik o o i christells hair styling jl 14a mam soulh over r gougeon furnilure theel why he lei akarrrt er dueas treet yew ta crteistfu famous ot kw x o rso t tso our special perm is well known to georgetown s hmrcvrefulwomen just the thing to put your hair o back into lovely condition and give your spirit a big lift at the same time call early for your always there with ready cash for bill consolidatlo or any good reason 5022 to 5000s miaoaha finance company limited 40 bcanohae trolei coeat to coaet 1 m a dafoi- manefaer 9 main street north 873o93o tijlbko productions saturday dance party presents thelnvictas to a0oto your hfiaslrre our deejay stu sinclair dancing i i pm sarurdey tbraary 1st otanoi hau mampton nonmsmbera 150 member 100 smart dresden absoluta necessity l a- ju i j li i r i i

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