Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 2

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of a protect tjc- last area consolidated school opened yesterday tms isthi tcachimo staw of pirwvww school on if- ihlinr o etqoeiing biwen alivyov and hornby which wet officially opened by the mmiitvr o4 eotxalion wilum devil ylledy from wt el principal alex diction mm sjwwy c mfs w g riddallmu weyiw hilton mil jck uwton end mil lolu gillen ioii5 tit- i jcw- -r-i- littl where 00 always get tie more than you expec 6lade roast handing pq a qt laos sons kauiovid k4 rib on hit 69 h outs pfter jonn photo plfttvtew rhjuk schoot l tf lasf of a n4 6f consolldited schools built by tha tsquslng public school board ki modernize the townships education system as- h nw multiroomad jchoolt wera built the singla rftom liitla rid achool hous began fading from the esquesing education pictura pinaviaw opantng meant closing tha doorj at pma- grow and hornby olim williams name preston heaton st alban churchwardens the annual vrslry metllntf of st aifcuni nt htd sunday afternoon in the pariah kill fol- sowiflt the lervif o kvtnung pater norton was tiwlntd veatry clark rev r slubley axpreued appreciation to all bo had worked so diligently in tha work of the church to vr and urt ii preston who v freely of their time look- in the carctaklng for the paat year to mr c crimes lea der of the senior choir and mr it williams organist and leader of the junior coheir to mention but a few tha following officers ware ttacted rectors warden jurb preston jr peoplei war den robert lleiton secretary- treaaurer mn 11 preston sidaaman clerk ii lornman auditor g sargent uy dele gate to synod koland ilainei alternate a beaumont- names added to advisory council petax- norton roland haines dr j uacfarlane hefb vrestorfkave the finan cial report which was very gra tify in fi- the proposed budget for 104 was i disciuied also uni tor xe hall tha meatmg elosed with- pra yer by rev r stubley the ladies served cookies and cof fee heating trouble necessitated moving the school children front the town hall last week at pewaant they are having classes in the basement of the united cisurohj we are pleased 16 report that bert hill is able to bc borne from hoapiul we hope joy haines is feel ing hatter after the mishap with her knewmteiylnrtjkat- bau at high school last week the young people held their teenhop in the parish hill saturday night i marilyn turth spent last j weekend at five oaks the united church training centre at paris gersld moody had a rush call iuto onhal t friday night and bad his appendix removed early saturday morning hope you feel well again gerry to celebrate mrs ken beams birthday saturday night a group of friends spent the ev ening dancing at paradise gar dens guelph they were mr and mrs ken beam her sister hetty stokes and friend rev and maria moody john and betty wagstaffe david dig- gins and friend paul and stella wajtstaffe arthur and dorothy everett happy blfthdify bonnie arid pprogrjitely on robbie burnt day danny wagstaffe is on the student couacll of the high school which planned tha bas ketball game between the re bels d ckky good guys it was a huge- t4hweesrlmmetul ly his mother hit sunt stalls and marie moody were cheer- leaders for the good guys who were the victors i objective of to000 bi the iim ol the unit iji yrar the unit exceedrd their objective he reported educational chairman doug latimer told of the rmphaau of ant i smoking education in grades 6 7 and 8 adultt who are already imoking commented mr latimer will have to make up their own minds but with the youngsters well try to stop the habit he- fore it begins pat president broomhead concluded with a plea for dri vers traniporlation is beco ming a problem he contended with ao many patients having treatment every day for sixteen days it is almost impoaaible to gel driven all the time he urged any commuter wil ling to take a patient into tor onto will be welcomed with op en arms he added th1mail ba decries opponents who reversed po decision 218 delrex blvd 27 january 1064 thvkditor the georgetown herald dear sir today monday january 27 1064 the xwn of georgetown through lis municipal council gaye final approval to a rever lal of a transaction which had it been allowed to stand had given georgetown a town hall today tha former tost office building on mill st which the town had the good fortune to buy for 1800000 waa anltuo private interests thbselltng price 1800000 council by this action dis played a shocking lack nf bu siness sense and it may be in dicated to briefly review hare some of the underlying facts of this move bast tumer the federal government through one of its own agencies made the old post office building available to the town for the considera tion of the low purchase price of 1500000 no cigarettes inbvidence 4f cancer xsroupi meeting vnojl clurettenvu in evllroni treuurer mm lulle a 1 u ii clrk campaign iiigerl6 broomhead who i also paat pruldobli publicity director mn ailrbradly educati on chakqlan doubih jitlmsr womena servlbea at the annual meeting 3at tie oearletottd tnlt of the ba cancer society lait tn wrtifleaworth audi- a 0 moutiye ion ntttfww are mm and womena sdrvlbea- mrs robert wlckl preelderlt oera set the date for the annual campaign aa april 6th to 17th with an jjfcisv3ia ing la too low it 1 and ev eryone seem agreed on this point the belt price ob tainable for the main street building wil 132500 00 but be cause it was the best price ob tainable h is probably all the building is worth and because the former pnt ofttce is in every respect so far superior the acceptance of 3250000 was certainly justified now if u230000 la taven in and 19000 00 to be pant there remains a balance of 1730000 tltsoooo which could be spent on renovations of the former post office which then would give georgetown the nu cleus of a true civic center a bulfdlrti large enough to ser va this community through ye ars of expansion and not a pen ny would come out- of the tax payers money today the town of george town through its municipal council has decided otherwise todav a slim majority of this council has decided to keeps located at th bottom of municipal building that i may mill st adjacent to the hyd ro building and bordering to ihadownlown parking lot the former post office oecuplcian admirable site for a town hall adding to this the fine appear ance of this stately atone struc ture as well aa the roomy in terior which can be taken over or municipal office purposes almost without any alterations it all the offer to purchase could not very well be passed up- i nor waa it the building was bought after aslllrtg the pres ent main st structure opponents to this move have ckarged that the price negoi tlatedfor tht main st build very well have been antiquat ed the day it was built the future will be the judge charles lllldebrandt every pound of tabferite meat is a poond of wing pleasure shorf rib roast 49c crv cutrib rt fc 55c bonls shoulder 55c stewbeep 59c minced beef 43c burns wieners 45c avums tvrm pork imall unlc jauiaol ut49t bwm skasnrock kinciiawe sucio mm avacom it 65 ontv iht mush tastf mst oranges lis do 39 toklda us no 1 gkabf p cftery s 1 bc mlrcious apples hcmtida vlem kihib tomatoes 5 29 fc 25 tfum mf jen m jo j i enj m 1 w kv tlghl so umk quam kraft cream cheese m 1ivi kl york frozen pies e hospitalm raisin pie 4 r 39c 89c 45c onion rolls lalalu cimmxuk fingers kffipiers save at 21 c mcxharolu fc aitsjalos whh or cbl j dc marshmallows 39c swut mux and kutttrmilk extra a total oc wax beans 233e 3400 pillsbury biscuits 2 27c vok is ox wa lucky sttomtt mrs john twlfl i weur bi u40 ih bonus tajhu kawvlve an ixire s00 twnu tape whk ccoakvau hchtshablsh t ox r tldt dctmoint guni alu ckst tooihpasrt ifconomy slu tlv an tkl 400 leut yap with tikldtahiaf tfa bags pig l io cay uouio dtthcienr 13c off 20 as si keiv art kuire 200 bonus tap with uuf bontttf makoakint 34b u ont cookino onions no i cr 3 lb t sucid cooked matats ybwllt ox pig bijtdscyf htoun vioctabus pig- blended juice 2 89 grapefruit juk 2 79 orange juice 2 99 fruit cocktail cake mixes shortening f plentiful publicity pieces aid county fire prevention georgetown fire chief kr- win lewis told members of the helton county kire prev ention bureau thst the socl stion fired 1 s3 000 psper bul lets poaters and other plecea of heatunin their annual war gains fire hsisrus in ibm he said the ocean of fire prevention reminders included 30000 spring clesnup posters 40000 pieces on plsnning es- cspes 1000 poster contest en try forma 50000 reitaurant place mail 20000 chrlatmss tree tags 6500 jlre department emergency number stickers and fire door wsrnlng algna and 500 chrlslmai poatera for chur chra and public buildings he also atated in his report an averafie sltendsnce of 10 men from the five fire de psrtments in hslton county st- tended our meetings giving of their time experience and ef forts to better nhr fire prev ention and safety in llalion county the fire inspection bllti waa poatponed for this year due to the yesrly inspections regularly carried out in the towns concerned h did not halt the efforts through schools stores and open fire halls whan equipment and fire prevention were demonstrated our church parada in rurllnglon waa a huge success a poster drawing contest was held for all grade vive pupils who drew csuses and prevention ef home fires ap- proximately 500 children par ticipated and two winners were chosen for ule county the girl wss brends mitchell of the srsthcena school burlington and the hoy was jeffery kor man of e j james school in osvville on november 28 a banquet was held in- their honor snd esch child received a desk pen set for their personal use and a challenge trophy was presen- ted to representatives of their schools their winning posters will be entered in an all-onta- rlo contest which is sponsor ed by the ontsrlo fire chiefs association our colored slides on fire prevention were shown to oth er fire departments snd local groups we had requests for copies of our place mats and christmas tree tsgs from aa far away as cardington ohio during the year tha bureau purchased a color film a dup licating machine snd more printing supplies were also purchased for the public rela tions officer october was a busy time for grass and bush fires due to the dry weather all dep artments were kept very busy we jisd our coynly warden declare a stale ot emergency oui public relations offic er compiled a eerapbook on the tub oborgbtowm hbkalb thurulay jan m 1w4 page 2 committee views possibilities of army navy air force club lady darts- standing originals 4 pcj- vm cpjntnuunlty furniture h torrs cotta m discount furniture 63 seorgetown police i 88 lnos s2 u door prixe wnnetc medal ist stoddard v t at an exploratory meeting at tha home of john hole on windsor hoad the nucleus of an armynavyalr korea asso ciation was formed sunday af ternoon 1 a alx titab committee con sisting of jack leslie bert porter howard mabee idave hooker john hole and jack hamilton was estsbllhcd to sign enough members tor the association to be chartered there larno conflict with the leglqri stated mr hole or i wouldnt consider beldng- lng he went on to explain there are aswdatloni- all ac- roas canada with most mem- bers being- members of both tha lcgloo aqdthtr association i proclamation goopklratlno with thai many retldintli wbo do- vote their lime to youth i hereby proclaim this m minor hotkey eek in georoetown ft endofiad by town council joseph gibbons mayor- years activities one and a halt times as large as last years this wss entered in the ns tiona fire prevention aasoci- atioica contest but to date w have no report on its success he also kept the press infor med oo the huresus actlvit- lea boughtons free service if good common tenie 1o bring in your diamond rirtg regularly for cleaning end checking you cen beautify yftur diemond with a new letting modrn lettingi from at little et 1950 special iit ir repair for tarvice you automatic watch a walch repair can depend n bring your watch to boughton jewellers 5 main st n rr43ii t cylinder rental agreements charter wilson welding 24 armstronfl ave morglawn business baosl keddenc 8779252 warehouse kr 1- s l liquid industrial gases ltd po box 285 1 wlllowdala ont gas weldlnfl jqulpment and supplies ak weljlnp ecjulpmsmit and atapri r quid cmlfihlc- j hllumm piivrirkfe icj jtgsnsibtwpfflh- t i f tdr m mii v-

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