Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 3

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-business- v- peter jotita photo thaw didnt dent rinks popularity ljtgg kooers oels lot help while clean ing rh delrek allocation rink on baytawn lnac otw of the seven outdoor r nkl that hava proven 10 popular thi w nler atsur- lng with the daanng are michael melchett bnan rogers darlene guzak and fred karz eft ww4ts warm ipell meant an enforced relt for the nnk frequenter but freezing itamnpwrelures returned and 10 did the ikateri rtesv leanette peer jacques paquette irried in lowville united church hoiniy larenrlll united church wu l ma of a very pretty wed new w twt i jeannstte tlixshetb peer lb wide of jacques istte of hornby tut bride the daughter of mr and orval peer rr x milt trie groom fi the n ot end aire aurele paquette glen robertson ontann rev kenneth grlffllhl ot at tie double rinf ee- the church waa dec witb standards of white athemuml and esndelsb- tbe orgsnlit mri john rtr sccompsnled mr mervvn he tang the la prayer and o perfect given in marriage by her ether the bride wore a gowi white velvet eaturinl a bell skirt high round kiln and long pointed a watching coronet her fingertip veil andihe white bible adorn with plnv roses she wore slack alsskan diamond neck bee the lift of the room mrs jsmes coulaon cousin toe bride waa matron of miss marilyn lsngton nd of the bride wai brides aid with ulssea gwendolyn ueleh peer listen of the ikrlde u junior brideenuldi laq the attendanta were dres- kiid alike la frosted mint green t street length gowns wltb coop necklines and bell ihan- kd eklrts they tarried erei ti of white chrysanthemums id pink cartiatiom the brld til attendant wore alerting sil lockets tiltts of the bride tale malott friend of the ibooin was best man the ush were donald chlsholm nd of the groom and bruce brother of the bride ha dinner reception and iugbce were held at falrvlew id auditorium lowvllle lvlnt for the bride was fear mother dressed in a gown 1 row ulln brocade with rose black accessories she i corsage of junk awoct and lowville prior to the wedding bride wee entertained 4t showers a linen shower was given by mrs jsmes coulson snd s kitchen shower by the bride grandmother mrs vel ms norria the north trafalgar kuchre club held a party on saturday night at the north trafalgar comrnunity centre with ten tables ot euchre in play mn elmer may and mrs r break were in charge of the evening the prizes were won by mrs gordon miller mrs pred work msn mrs ten fycke jim hamilton pave maskell and preddie workman jr the next party will be on saturday feb 8lh lunch was icrved snd a social hour enjoyed the north trafalgar com riunily club held a euchre party at the percy merry school on thursday night js nuary 23 with 10 tables in play the prliea were won by mrs jsck williamson mrs j llsmillon jsck wlllisnuon snd mrs gordon miller play ing aa a gentleman pourluc ky draws were held with the lucky winners being mrs cor don leslie mrs doris bernsr dlnl alec watson and james parnell lunch was served by the eighth line group the next party will be on thurs day keb 27 the ladies of eden united church met at the home of mrs timer miy on ssturdsy afternoon for a quilting he junior farmers donate 2500 to cancer fund the norval junior farmers raet at the home of the mltas marilyn and diane vrlggles- theiworth for their january meet two ing thee wr w assisting her was the grooms i bother wearing a gown oftur lzlja and black sculptured jde with black accessor ijta and a corsage of pink sweet paaaart loar jonr travelling the bride ifthnaa a beigewool suit with rfiown aceesjorlea and a cots- fl pink roses they triv to points east end are present the girls meeting was in charge of the president al- leen hsrrop who opened the meeting with the institute ode mrs dick addressed the girls snd gave s demonstrstlon quilling allsn llrownrtdne pre sided for the boys meeting at the joint meeting it was pas sed that a donation of s23o0 he sent to the cancer fund a letter of thanks waa read from needy family who were re membered at christmas time vlnil plsni were msde for the banquet which will be held nest month the evening con eluded with the hnldtng of a bske ssle which was quite suc cessful a delicious lunch wss served by the hostess ind social hour enjoyed ttm man ba would keep post office for town municipal use 144 seaway dr georgetown ont- january 17th 1864- to the editor t o h get well wlahra are extended to mrs fred near who la re covering from a recent oper auon in the milton district hospital a ipeedy recovery i wished for mrs clayton may who a patient in the milton dlst rlct hospital mrs craig of vancouver is visiting at the home of mr and mrs w ii craig hornby friends in thli district tx lend get well wishes to percy hall who is in the milton dis trict hospital recovering from heart attack residing at bl mill btraei mnt wllh m mr k dion ontario the brides dress was made batr mother the wedding waa made by mra frank mm of hornby isqoerta wax present from lao hobertsonhamllton to- oto milton hornby burling i oajorgatows teiifc u j s h i mv and mrs ken ella and valerie vlalted on saturday ev- the fden united church u cw held their january meet ing on tuesday night at the home of mrs flmer waite with seven members present and five visitors the preald ent mrs jsck nixon wss in charge of the meeting which opened with the theme song mil prsyer mrs anderson msy resd the- scripture and the devotion which was on smtl ing the aecretaryj reonrt wu given by mrs john ham ilton and mra elmer may read the treasurers report afters short business period mrs k wslte was in charve of vari oui contests mrs bill hill and mrs e walte remained on the vlslling eotnmlttee for 194 and the sewing will constat of mrs george hamilton aa convener mri garnet hamilton ind mrs elmer mav as lulslinti two new members joined mrs h lowden and mrs l doneeater who were welcomed by mrs nlion the meeting closed with priyer a delicious lunch was served by the hostess the nest meeting wpl be at the home of mrs bill hill on tues day feb ib 0m friday night a red sports ear owned by victor john vaughn park of toronto was completely destroyed when it look fire on no 10 side ftoad between the eluhth land sev enth lines south of hornby when firemen arrived ajll that remained of the car wu the frame k much has bo said during iba past taw znonths re the sale earth municipal building and purrhese qf the lonsar post otoca slnee tels matter is of major jacara u reaiduu and us wan el georgetown the fol lowtng submission msy be of latarast awtjcda 108 the town waa gta tint opportunity to pur u poet office at 11 700 roan ctvwa assets disposal corporation and were advised that ihouid an offer la this any sot be received the post office would be sold try tender council cooaldered this pnipos- ttioa hot declined to out an ofles when it wss usrned that the town would be given an opportunity to match hny ten dw received below iii 700 this decision wss buds id anticlps tioo that the purchase could be bosde ajur under wr re ived for a lesser aniount tits post ofnce was sube quentiy advertised for sals by lender shd one bid only la the amount of 915 opo was recclv d before airy ecmmilnierit wi made for purchase council ad vertlsed for tenders to purccv- the muhtetpsl building trust companies banks chain stores sod msny 6lhers were advlsl by letter but utile or no interest was expressed the only olfer relved wes that of wild tor talo in the meantime council en gaged- two qusllflsd heal ha- uu appraisers to submit i letter of oolnlod on the vslue of the municipal building val u1 tuomliud of w4 000 and 17 000 were qualified by re won ot the fact that neither wss a full seal appraisal each apprsiser pointed out that any error la appraised value would be to the high side un der the clroumslsnces they slso pointed out that the build ing wss limited aa to snd use on appraiser advised that a year or two would be required for them to obtain a purchaser with no guarantee that the ap praised vslua would be obia d r i after giving du considera tion to the offer to purchase from wlge together with osiit- nel eetimsts of ssles value and appraised value it was decided inadvisable to retain the mutt lelpal building should the post office b purchased for the fol lowing reasons 1 proceeds from isle of mun lelpal building imsoo could be used to cover purehste of the post office st 15000 leav ing the balance for renovations and legal costs i helming the municipal bldg in hopes of obtaining a belter price at soma future data did not appear faselhl when all financial upectl were considered cost of retaining it for one year waa coated ss fol lows maintenance d dep t260o hast tnsurane 480 taxes reeelvsble if sold 1300 intereat loss en 132 500 100 the municipal bulbilo baro- ly provides adequate space aler the police gentasl ozlsres and engineering psrfcinx slthougl not awtue is limtm to the police vehicles with normal town growth it js quitg obveua that additional office space will be required within the next 5 years the construction of an additional storey if possible eluding intereat to maturity mejr well exceed 025 000 to plac an sso000 valuation the municipal building would be seme as pl a 125000 rquluon ov the bum ui coxa w iotaytown hirald tan tkursaian fa m i 4 hm rejoovatlooa propow4 hatve been drawn up and pt9 cckft esuontcs prepajed fay a qualifleti eafitxil it u autici- pated that uiear rtoovationa could hm carried out wltb tlw fuads aailaibla for thlj purp- om wtuiotit additional wviajin exceaa of 91j00 nther than cat that a profit otyukx wut bejvaluail lai enciaer- int and oumt cotwnlaliineslir a date already cced 91000 and further wjjaj cocta will be in curred by the tows on it be- hatf pte ail wlxu legal costs which bkuft hi ptm by the town if the offer of wljo la acepied in the end the town wuj haw suffered caefa loaa on the taxpayer kuture maiiv unance coau would be normal for any buudinj of thu arv would cot the town lq pa thli bjotdd rovrf due of 0 0o0 awrliitjv of inlaceat tot trplmcvmeat kod jlioutioii charjxtw with the klurnauivti d coitslruciing ft how builcijsv buildinji at kuolbef uxkliou fat coat which wutui tut tlvuu ttrved 9100 00o ridiulve of lttfrt thm diei u ildy th cuuauliual conjuirfttlbai ihouid b gtvfh to the- r- quirvuittilj atkl uijtuiiinj tb propkiwd uu and layout of tb4 1ot offtf would prov id ocd aeumtiatkutioo for th trwo i hdi for a mi ui rii urn of un yeari and ptaily fifteen year with baruifc town irwtli at tba tiid of uii period tb ktructur could b uud for other piirp4ltl luch tut tah hoard of kduution or fcold at a prolil wiwtkk fuh y hea ra ny aumnier cottage into a lodf for aulnc hariunt lee fiah- ing or just plain relaxing rifht through the winter monuxtbe cause ftlectrlc beat will warm up a room in at few teswumrteeit u partixulaxly suited for on tario 4 changeable climate ions would ctt h0000 to 60 000 arv unf ooftdasd sod ibot based on any eiixlameriag pluu w etidst then ha ben comoieot rv th boiirub aioker needing t rvpuceutcnt jutitaiu for madovations wroviow for tfc kutaiutiiul clwl gas tired ixm lu tb roof hat also been metf uunod aa aautw u of raius a profit of gl 000 a in dicated 1 auhrnit tint all thm h ton hpuld be cartful considcrstiofl father dciittiij weiich wiighi co c than duke appear to be politlneily expedient thii titte fe d t powqus ar nd iuhd hck lndlcu tb cvttnplele tvpuarcaicikt including ittkpruveii lnultloa tsn w obj uiucd fur 130u appraxlm- fculy bni half of thu teuouht would bavoi to b fcttttit od the prciit alatticipal lhiildlng ftr ivdvcoratuti which hn utn poupoucd until thli tjtti tb it offlc ifom7ty would provide purkiuk for 13 u 20 cklt pllu policaj vohitlr by th cututruction of an th on tb iulf irdjcnt to thi 1i tiro uuklding a plio il now underway to ilix of thtt pokt offic at gldooo atid purchjlm thaj uutv tekp ikilldui uik at iha nrl ginal m prito ttit juggling of ftguri u inundtkl to indi- attention bird fanciers i wtv hove wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantitieju- w we also have good supplies of ice salt water softener salt baled straw master rabbit pellets and master dog food call us today w bcuvek master feeds stewa dial 8773512 1 14 south of brampton e birthday greetings are wish ed for oage laursen on jan 31 and for nancy patterson and janet hill on fab fhd murray hill on feb 3rd and brantforiltamya demlng on feb 4th 4 a bill marshall travelled by planeio ottsws to visit with friends for the weekend x mr and mrsteonard don cuter left by train on sun day for vancouver woere they will visit with their grandson dt russell 1 tv total a in other words a ssle price of 32 300 plus 14200 or 30700 would be required for breakeven with the initial offer of w2500 similarly a ssle price of 14 000 would be required at the end of twd years council than took advantage of the opportunity to equal the 15 000 bid on the post office ubject to ontario municipal board approval of the purchase and the sale snd transfer of debentures against the uunlcl pal building to the post office building after approval the offer of wlgo wu accepted having considered the his tory of these transactions let us look at some of the sspecls aa related to the municipal building this building wu constructed ever an old water reservoir which u this day la partially full of water basement facilities are not possible un der the clrcumstatkes addition and extensive ran ovations war made to the structure in ism and capltall ted at 43b00 the amount of the debenture issue to cover the coat of additions and ran ovations intereat at 4a to maturity in march 1b70 am ountad to 244so the quoted figure of some 60000 aa being the cost of the municipal building 4s mlileaff log this figure includes all in tereat on debentures from the date of uaua to maturity aome twelve years hence this figure also includes prior construction costs and interest regardless of whether luoh vahi wis in ex istence whan th additions and renovations wera made if one purchases a home for 15000 wltb a alaaahte mortgage oyer twenty yeeanv the total coat in- save during marconi big set sound with tansisto cqnvlhltftct the mont carlo 6 trantlilor with th large speaker and rjreater baffle area giv you maximum volume and minimum ditlorlion moroccoclad caie intel tunlnrj control 0 dynamic sealed pm speaker and automatic volume control enctoted fernloop antenna 0 two external listening jacks list prrce 4 395 automatic record players mantle radios as low as hoovii constuation cleaner compake at 59 95 3995 995 4995 smau appliances all reduced to clear price tagged to clear marconi quality citation console d hand wired chattli 23 low boy model full power traniformer 19 tub and 4 diode functions 9 high gain tuner aa fidelity ton audio system swinrjoul en conuectaire cooling chassis warm walnut finish new arrivals and ixchanots records new just off the hit pared 45 mm top hits 35 4 f 1 stereo records vlueicp to 5 98 n monoorsiereq 198 rogular4 20r 4 so or 4 98 to ciiajtst 2 regular 45 20 5 98 and 6 98 t6 clear at marconi untth admiral sales and service gis television delrex market centre opposite loblaws il il m jb779541 e tti trssa i k mv i jk it3tl

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