Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 4

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cjgorcjgtown hgrald thursday january 30 1964 editorial comment musk hath charms rvben we lint erriwd in gaxrgetowti quarter century egothe town we noted 6r the xokiunca orf it mvak bsidel church choirs tttare wet ttoo unlng chore society a wring quartette end e sckool muitc ftattlval wticfi um nor- egeroepf to youngilers to develop kc voce ability and e lome scot ftead wes nownj for it quality kut lately tbefe ha been n upuge nd again gorqiowft t coming to the tof in kmtfu mok circle tke own boasts en excellent legion gu club while county tnutic failivali bcftw 100 cumbeaome lo conlrfu hw adools ittli tfreit music end it ti a rr year wikh does nof produce at uit one operetta in addition to the christine enter- feinmenls an orchestra has been formed at the high school young musician in the criueru bind and the girl pipe band rat many public uncttoni late ddmon lo our rootcel cty t local chapter o the sociaiy for the preservation and encouragement ol barber sehop ooartene singing in amek tonight i lra lagoon auditorium yoj vili no only hear rhls local group irt eclkxi but enfoy rite eetf york chapter itnowrt at n of the finest irt canada w handed church dinner last ueek end had rt opportunity to her these local men in action and we can verily that they fc wall woth hearing aside from frfweir music alitt it is a toy to bear e group tinging and regularing por enjoyment as they perform axut hath charms it ryvr beltaf exemplified when witching people tinging for the pure love of it ytie skeqsa it a starling example we advise any mn who likes lo d0 k om thi hippy chorus i recog mzing facts 197 meetings 23000 cost t luhoa cuo rutmill tmtft- is ib o aod um nmllini cot cka l mptn r near nmtfn i fn drki uid trrs ogk t i ht ibaw ttaas wmn ut oaniiax aflcnwob kd inf iportini iavohiag tte 14 nifm of hfci- comty m9iulim t1hr- h fqrnmtttm pbtt uke uwr bowl mw bomr4 bowl r hbiu ud chlwrffv aid sodety to hkk audi ppslntt ropnwautvx al tbax o tlur wr ioombp- 1u kn4 tho toul could bd eo bitter tr their oh u commjuem sod oa counol to couociuor vn pold xi per poeuoc 4xl toconpute cuur iho um tool omi k dmlautrtion rechln ovso ord tnjnritr no tie chore of rocordinj pro- ceeolojy at the tsriooe couoell abd totnouttee gjlulorlofx eu almoet evenly splu betweea clerk admloutralor certield brown and deputy clcrfc tim ahdrew afr browo kat in cw m and air aodrewg venl to m georgetown heralct c terry hy aueea iktkry- neve editor aamsuaa mac dooiles a adtmkmniair 7 un jviulue oageio rk typi attoe caytic xppsrtey joee peotoermphfr uelle cuit dare bob baokarrldo krylea joka mcoetsesa la cna4tet weekly newspepefe aaeociatioo and the oourkp aianftihnei cwjja award news echoes pro tw aee w u turelel 1i4 one 13 new version of the space race there learn to b a lenfk smoont of mufnboijrnbo in world politic thaw dayi parilcuurly in hj refuitl of the u s and britain to recognlitt ked china th queatlon it much in the rww thu weak with irvjloallom tfut ffnes will break the tojldaity of the weilarn powers td uk action on iti own perhaps this will be the starting point in overcoming a problem which thraalans world peaca and which had a corollary in the poit- world wr 1 days whan tha russian communist regime was ignored too long by other pow ers thar was a lima when it might have been senttbu lo blive that chiang kai- shek and his army might one again ralurn from formosa and facaiva th popular sup port necessary from the chinese people to realofe itself to power even the dreamers hava bndond this long since some timea we worvur if she politician ara sitting tight until chiang dont miss picasso no longer a young man departs this world rr jp in anio cotp and without successor pledges can be abandoned for realism j u noi pop to ww or p redeyed book friends but ttva lima somatrmes conwi whan ona must reevaluele decisions whicti at th tima wara ptapr but which hsva bean outdated by avants of insist that because w do not lika its form of govarnmant that w will pretend it does not ax i it lo refute it a test in the united nation where pobls can b discussed and often solved seems to be needless goading a very powerful butt w must rastua that today we are daaltrvg with a whole new ganaration of chinese who might wall be utisfiad with their form of gonrnmant satisfied of not they hava it and thara is mtla chanoa of tha revolution we used to ihmk would take dlaca by hill tmlley fipmt wbii rut off from tour rr will tliik to u tup k able de a rad hi ion it huin when he picki up disxdti nwpapirrs nfkt thinjt you know bit iv wily jwrutirifi public mm niatrb bookt and hnpty tootii pjilr tulwi t at about lo i wis devouring jboak kuurir poiiural tra 1 tfcla waak r l j val and uoxfilmfl wui wildj 8u w tmnlnfj eali le aur kemat ihievthl jnfurttoru i th fie o v al it mr to contmua to turn our back on one helz grants l a tweuat u6 jm 4m ifo or w the worlds most powerful nations tob i cj tajle haarjp 1 ivomi h ra o stlh india- h kbotrt on adhalf volunri a w b nt a i livw ijjy iona lev t hit rj rlrtftwj choice ofi jv4t yt annauiwad ii h spanker y tmma oaut ljin lv by tbe a bllinoui kani ysma wat wanj tiii ol wwufc ij gi wautj wltl caalinj jtwr- k wile and stki aftkrd him whrrr hr uai co uiink 1 fan iklw t4y lt tw a tiaivlrifi uho ir ua turnrd out atite n o t ys cna h war istvr wis hi iced mother ir proudly but on h w4y lo thf i with iittia wha tli othtr pilou play mirkrl i know what ou tikr of to tgrdt or u gtout the think he slavcrrd but i cant uadlcjtwn mfl j pub uil ip j gotu fi jjvk uut wy pr ttlthti mld oh raid ulr i t1 t jj bathlu ara yi al waot hef ul u- u- or ta ul it u raalutu to f yaw recall hriw r wy srm w kulif owil wijxia la csttad msyb th pwy s wli eliay 0 ytajts aoo tha recurring problem of smith and stone traffic pann ing on victoria st popped up at council meeting aton- day for soma hma svs employees have been uaing i both sides of the street for permanent parking aaonday jotin euii plant general manager dibcusxed the pvo lam with council council decided to retrkt parking on one side and establish a two hour laiit on the other cnt control will and in georgetown on march 2nd at mondays council rnaahng fw a full discussion council dacidad not to lak any action on eslablihlng a local rent control board to succeed the provincial govern- mant administration which will nd ih a month coun cil implied the matter may be opened again tatar a tier last weeks heavy snow storm faorgetown waal th teen of lasts for a naw economy- type plow which gordon brigdan hornby inventor e it pacts to market naxt fall the rotorblacu plow is attached to a garden tractor r 35 yas ago a former georgetown boy john t dilly has established a new world record for keeping a model airplane aloft at tha canadian chanorwhip in toronto ha sent hi large singlestick model off the starting line and it ityed airborne for four minutes and 22 seconds l on sunday at holy cross church memorial devotion were held for the late pope phjs xi rav father ucrjode in touching words presiohed on the life of tha ted pontiff a h lp to the hcasad show at the toronto art gallery is recommended the artist b one of me few men who have achieved both recognition and finan cial suoceis in his own lifetime the mag nitude of his business success is reflected in the insurance carried on the exhibit aev- en million dollars and the pictures on view m not by any neans all of his production the exhibit is cleverly arranged to how the various periods of plcesao work from conventional paintings he developed his eublit concept then the surrealist night marish paintings where parts of the human body are reproduced in unrelated positions w found some of tberti clever some urv underslandable mny repulsive with little knowledge of art we lend to edmwe the traditional the old masters the group of 7 in canada yet one cannot veal ufa aaifa wue uvaav tua m pvrw tmryflve yaara aa wyi twesbe waa saylnaj mttleualy if b llvos on the prainfii dd nythno whch ddh l 3 5zltxh sljss lf ux not worth viewing ae reefn u urk carursl in a luhinu vluie be wadi testes in art must be developed ust wtl i lnt blind yx and am atul readiajf in dark corn airs not to mention bright corner on trains planet and ships in bithroomi librariej and restaurants he for bfask fast and afur foinj to bad walking to work or watching television business directory lika thoia in music in literature drama or ih dance too often we raianl deparltmot front in accuilomed pjttarn if all pun lno were to look lika photograprii if all mutk went to be au all novli lo be datac- tlv itorlei ji dancat lo bet fox trau thara would ba litlla vanetytn ufa at tha tanta time wa cannot blindly accept anything naw at being fiut rat evert if it it a plcatto painting great novelist hava written bad books loo great compos ers have turned out some 1rfpe along the way and great artists like picasso have produced paintings which you wouldnt hang in your home if you won sham tn a lucky draw watunu if hes ahy boy he reads about bold men if nee i politician he reads about det i ectlvei ii hes mikint history i ha reads romance if hes in the middle of a love affair he reads war hovels ly she slate i wae ufl i had larrd hireugh the hever atera the yen swift tarus she heralle alaar pap and w prutelnst an she massive kusr leal kvu f c a henry by is i had pahhled xane 6ry and man krahd alarm hb ntasl at the deteetlve slrlas avallahu the aleahallcs and the dru addkt will sink prhy law when ntey runs aut thay will lie enarchearerw steal te fl the peaav the alky will drink thlnst utlan ruhhy juh r put a tin a canned i at ttw a leal el hraad te pat a smamh the depa addict will risers se preatltutun er annad rahbary se ahtaht a flu this is kid stuff a hook chiropractor donald a gay dc appointmrnts made daily call tb 7j401 main st caarpelewrt arda program designed for rural improvements the puah butlon us miy catch bsr tap witb the old traditions of the house of conmuna but dont bet on hi j means of itraamllnlrl parla- snenury procedure are to eocoe la for a food deal of atudy by a special constnons comcnutae in the coming months tfce idea of snapping the andani coov under tha syatent second curred during tha fsmrd pipe line dabsta when the bell rant for 42 minutes starting at 4 46l oclock in the morning otuwa special to the llor mr dubroy who u not enam d w t ored about lo cu l stis s- thara is a isays there are objections v an bmmm rou call i ltronlc system becsuse u u sov prawnt roll u in balstvce ii appear that commons considering push batfon voting tt stsge tlw rtsulurljaets will not 111 otlaera ipecul to lb herald decor of the commons chant iy ia of the first monlha are being tint in total number chiropractor gerald w csrbatt dc open daily by appawttnvant house rails arranged 117 1 iia ualn at narlh rxtt txpht kyi cam eousult o y walktl occuhst prescriptions filled 13 main st s brampton cu 1s47 has gl 1biu llourf 0 ajn 6 pm dally krliliy 0am to 0 pan kvenlnga by apnojntaecnt evanlually have the largest fin anclsl program because of the large sl of many onurlo pro- will not likely rank dark eealstant even more divisions gordon dubroy who possesses t fantastic memory for the na mes of the mo am calls out each meenbere name bt turn and the memoes etanda to rei u tsssors corrtbia yea or nay mr dubroy for the week can call out 00 average of 36 names a minute and or a full bible thought mona roll call on dhrlalona la house vote soot 0 to 10 muv om of the ideas that eruunrob- titea 4 rtqulrod providing abiy ha adranced trben u not a lot of daak-thump- in act former speaker mar- 1 in applause to slow down the eel lambert recently made uch procedure aoggeailoo in a speech at ed- nt lie enylaages aome eee wolob will record indi vidual voua of members aa they flic a switch in their desk such a tnaoblne which works in aome united states lazwa- i tnrea was brought to ottawa a fa yean ago it lovolyed large board with red and white lights to record hoes each member votes the machine will automatically record the totals and deliver a printed co py of the voting dgurea air diefcnbakar- then the prime minister viewed the ap paratus and quickly vetoed say auggestioa of lis use on the erotmd that it looked uka a glgntptllball papcuh which rrl kjgthdagoiir but the real una consuming factor of the dlvulon is not the iahda the short title tor the agricultural rehsbllkstlon and development act will be con unued perhaps with some revl slona beyond use end of the pi lot period of march 1063 arjda director a t dsvld son s young and brilliant pub lic servant brougbt to ottawa from his post as an assistant deputy minister tn the saskat chewan government la still fi red vrlth enthusiasm over the program he reports that to- casm wisywood onlerle land gurveyera 118 mnuntsinvirw ltd s yttlsnela ml w h carr b p wstwoed y 7js68 km yh thm tied b m respeeter ef sot acta 10m the outward condition of people whether black or white rich or poor smart or stupid famous or lowly affecta not one whit the regard with which we are held in goda algbtii aveuwnent hm appro- is the condition of the soul according to gods standards that counts with him ctarle sheppard 999 bingo winner calling of the iojlbulhebwjt wheth rightooui or wicked lnesa of falling in the mensben each tkne a ohvlalon la requir ed when the division bell starts to ling the whips of she government and official oppo- sltton leave use otierntoet te lisind up missing meenbera the bell continues xa ring until both wupsertrr satisfied they have alerted aa many of their supporters aa poasrble in theory an wbkp can keep ie ball rrbiglna uidednlteiy while aeralilng the arrival of a wandering atp on moat vote the bell rings for between 20 and minutes tha record for the aecond tllhe in aa many months the holy cross school association bingo at the riviera hurt week produced ims winner a terra cotla rejicjent char- sabappard was the lucky winner thta time in december mrs glenn for length of time pent await wright ss edwarrt stttcored btsj aba urtral of measben oo i almllar win ved 241 proieete involving leoooooo in federal funds an other 1m projects have been sent to the government forapr proval and 22 federal research prolects are being handled the initial experimental per iod has a m million federal eipendlture celling indications are that most of this will be used up as further provincial applications are proceeded seakatohewsn has 43 approv ed projects totalling 1jm37000 the largest amount approved for any ktrovinca ho date briush cohiinbla has idnetur 210000 quebec p for 1170000 and the aiida director finds his brsnch in a mystery to most canadians he sums up its three main objective aa programs for more efficient use and dev elopment of marginal agricultu ral land the development of in come and employment opportu nltles in rural arestthe devel opment and conservation of water supplies and soli lmprove- tnehl the anda program should not be defended because there la some benefit to maintaining large number of people on the land no matter what their stan dard of living or produdlvlty or that rural poverty is defens- lblebecause it is rural mr davidson says we may be ap proaching the point where about m0000 efficient farms will produce all our aerlcultural needs we dont think that this b necessarily bad but it will he bad if we donh do something about the adjustment problems this implies dax developments limiyed builders el fine hamas prop walter pacholok arf4311 er w41s barragers cleanerishirt launderere y 141tt 18 ualn s 166 guelph all work done en premises robt r hamilton optometrist 118 llountalnvlsw ad s- carretsl bldg vor appointment n 8773971 massage maurice h mellor hm 9 cleaveholrvie or arr4oo or oys home calls by syrsneehvt vartatil h1at klfijiltja m itx- fg- supplementazy electric heat- big units can turn s chilly at- tic into a spare bedroom a ontario lor kjodooov deaplle back porch into a yearround this low ofjtario figure mr- da- uuu or an empty basement in- itidaon eapocu this province wlulto a family recreation room v ii wallacn yhomps 3rd division court clerk commissioner thmm monuments pollock campnill ctslgns on bequest inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phoh1 elljset s3 walar street north 0 alt oiokoitown animal clinic vlaylu dvm b- pootmen mrcvs itk gvelph street clinic bpen 7 pns 0 pm mom wid- prl sat eeinoart 14 dale bennett utimef baines karrwere a gejictter douglas v latom c r batna tbungu 71 m st ceorgetowe george c hewson arrtsiar and gellctw 110 mouhulnvlaw rd g- carreul building caorgetown yb 1 fredcritkaheljon etarrlahn- and ellcher lid mountalnvlew ltd g carrels building caorgetown yft m16 ink waycm licensed auctioneeb prompt service po bat 413 v tr yobd georgetown ayr buslneis uses advertising to maintain and increase itsout lets for goods unless such out lets aro maintained and in creaaedwtho income on which taaea lvrfl i me ibosjersoii qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill si georgetown tb 72444 tvansicklerbjl urrlater aellehar neter t dr williams bldg7 is main sw tb 74otl kaplan ord barrialers ana gellchere snrov kahan us mountalnviow bd ft carretal building otewe ljxetttttlsibh m

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