Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 5

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rthmfersveterans wuf jones pboio maybee heads new exservicemens club howa10 mavui w tnod liin of nu ognalion o amy hu ai foc vtslertni which took ihipf suocuy l th how of john hot 33 wind 10 rod a branch of tr amy navy air fot auociilkyi irwa tvgnt kiton will hv iikmn kvcuiv mhyb front uff tt utd bncu vcretiry tr4turr davxj hook suvjing ekcthiv tnemuii johi hou ajbwt poll jck luinilton nd jck lil ia4h0a0vi the ontaio municipal board in the watte ok section 14 0 lb muaidpal art us o 1m0 ui in the mattct ok u p- ata by tb corporvtion f um town of gwirsatowo lor ftftjmxtfion to tb town oiprt f um tdvftbipf fa um cotty 0 rultoa tutd jwtkumrly dcriwd in jbw mx4 q kppuuot cxrporauan ajvmtfthvtr ro hea3ung tide ontario kunlciral foajtf tmrvby ippintj wa- um 1mb itiy of kcb- 1b64 at um how touirty o clock lri lb for- at um council chmb- n tb town of coorr for um bhrtj of applicative i th corpruaii f um iw11 gmfll far kniwutjoii to tb town bf j prt 0 th twruilt klwju it m dcribd la srhcduu a htlacbw bntd li ill pemmiu lntrrld lrt support of tvt ln bppoaitlort to nucb kpplicaliot tbu fend lkr fcluod batcd kl yoronto thin 6th museum curator describes h of building tmi exmtorroww hualo tverseby jaet 10 1h4 pace s day of january kerrs column m f f uroktt to csofccnowm fom ouh ws fa by oloct kill f akm wiwi tin the liral or thru columns will i school bosrds will provide deal mainly with ihe speech l booka rereiv from ik thk read 1 thc 1o m possible penlng of th trovlnrlll htl uuturt on jinuiry lmh the aulkrilus uri wehllhu of u pch dl of with kduemloa trid jjifrky pit in hilton county u the baaurtd ind libour bwvt to npindi iht ijit of in uciuon the nfw dipt i tnjry into um dpl ol iji of uniwnlty affun rcosnui i ttu ruaami uiniir uut uwi dmtnntritiv function m wh wilt include th ml um ivpt ol tducition hi contrvtion aufhori t 1 r t xponded to sued n nttnl ilbmntb it prrunt pirt of tin ltt li rulrnl to bt fvpirtmml of lttj nd for i u nttdt of ihout sooolddit mu tb ontirlo wtfr rri- iaul fudnt who enter thli t ourcn cnnlilwn will alio uk of cdemic life tlfhircpah to the ulnuter of the the our erejt njtionil beriufe of d water itkrw bwa4 oiw uev department lucenlly the twfl conerv lion authorltiei in lullon the the three present asrlcul twelve mile creek and the turml collejfei located at guhph siiteen uu creak were amal ui become a part of the tw kttiated and the new llalton unlvnity of guelph and will regional coniervatlon author be aopported from government ty waa aet up retroactive to foadav proviiioo will be mada jan lit 1064 thti move wai lot aj arti collefle to be j made not only to eliminate du known aa welllmton colleie u part of thli new univenlty aua in education the poll a of providing tent hooka wl 7w i mnrl coal to the atudent ul apply lo arijei t and 10 beliulin in septemur ol thla nar the problewi of diitrl butlan and aupply will be ellm plication in admlnlatration but alao to pool common plana and problem in the intereit of con aervalion and recreation lo our county thla chanje encoura ed by the province together with ibe new provincial depl will aaalat in the unplemenla lion of water conaervalion pro- lamud from theae sradea aincejecta deaicned and to eoruerve supply teachers stand by ready for school duties county agriculture the governntelil will aik the county agricultural commllteea to become the bana of commit teei embracing acrtcultural or einizationa and other inlereited roupa within the county to act in an adviiory capacity to the water reiourcea coraniu- aion and the agricultural re- habllltjtlon and development directorate water pollution land and wa ter conaervalion and the clear ins up of our creek bed and watrrwiedi ahould receive more attention under ihla new prov incial program aa 1 indicated during the provincial election campacn amendment to the junior far mera eaubluhmenl loana ael will be made lo ralae the man mum loan permitted from 130 000 00 to 40 000 00 in order lo provide more adequate credit opportumliea for junior farm era and to asital in further atrenxlhemnj the family farm in my neat column i will deal with certain other impor tanl aipecta or ihe speech from the throne particularly in ihe flelda of i abour and moulin ai they affect llalton school ttachera harrauedby fjiff lllneaaea know where lo go for replaeemrnta there la 1 a group of front line aervlcea in town willing and able to fill the breach and it needa only a phone call to aummnn then they are tha aupply teach ere bf georgetown the edu eatlonal atand ina who put aa- tele houiehold chorea to take chargeof teaching ahortauea there waa a time when the underatudiea were regarded aa kecondclaaa eltlaena of teach log but thing have changed modem educational aland erdai demand hlithly profeaalon al method of inatruellon and the part time teacher of thli new era meuurea up toeie atandarda there are- 17 aupply leach era in georgetown aind they all have two thing in common experience and a dealre to i help out when the needarlaei the public achool board inclu des 11 on it hat of reaervea ihe high achool 4 and holy croaa z what part do they play lit keeping the education al wheeta rolling in george town one public achool official aid through the yeanthere jukie alwaya been a group of tneae people who hlv tried to tie all they can jn a dlfflcult actuation a regular teacher la uaually aiked to help by aupplylngj orktrolmlsht beruaed llo bridge the difficult period and it la a rare occaalon that a supply teacher la hotcohver nt with the particularsubject ey are asked to teach jbmliwlroyjetomoat n demand when atrfetllai iuneaa alxlkea tha regular teaching ataff hut lllneaai haa been light thu paat year ao the aupply teachera have aeen lea of the inaide of ge orgetown claairoonu than uiu there ii no central dlrecllon ol the teaching pool each prln clpal haa a llil ol namea and if he found hlmaelf abort of a teacher a ouick- telephone call will fill the breach though aome ol the aupply teachari have prelerencea aa to which grade they would like to teach all are capable of handling an level one public achool apokeaman aald all are former teachera and more than qualified to till in in emergenciea the aland by teacher can find that the reward meaaurea up to the inconvlence of a hur rled daih to a achool when the principal beckona a public school aupply tea chcr receivea a baaic wage of 16 so a day ror the high achool aupply teacher it la 23 to 34 so a day depending on experience and qualifications x holy croaa relief teacher geta 12 dally to date thla year the public achool board haa paid an av crake of 800 monthly in wa gea for aupply work anil the emergency corpa haa oeen worth every cent of il black ghosts in retirement haunting georgetown ard the noble iron bone of a re cently paat ere the steam lo comotive refuses to roll over and play dead in recent weeks three of the black ghoats have rolled thro georgetowns cn yard all en- route from stratford to tororr teor montreal but noaerimder their owitpower the emigration started tn dec ember when engine mo s21b moved into georgetown yard after extensive repair work at stratford u will remali in alar- age in toronto until may when the ateamtrajn fan trlpa atari no moo which once power edvuie boytl tour waa towed through georgetown monday january 6th it ha been apld 8200 entered the georgetown yard on the same route aa 6400 stratford to montreal no 6167 which plised thru geqrgelown list fall haa also been aold privately according to the cn fan trips are supposed to start in the spring ualngsenjine no 821b but the time route or otber engines that will be re turned to service have yet to be announced this engine is in operating condition and will be used for bout the next tell years all others with the exception- of no olst are badly rusted and will never run again plans for 6167 are not- final the owner may undertake a re- crop production trends outlined by profeiior improved farm management practices waa the theme of ibe 104 annual meeting of the llaltod soil and crop improve ment association jaa mckay prealdenl of the esaodation was teisirmsii of the nlmting beld al the masonic hall mil ton on thursday jan loth j a rvswls agricultural supretentativ outlined the work of the association during 1863 and commented on ihe 4 ii field wop club howard henry soils crops fieldman wilb the ontario de partment of agriculture pres ented a report on demonstration projects carried out aa a co-or- dmaled program of the crop improvement associations in thla sone john wilson llallon a dele- gste to the ontsrio soils and land use tour presented aa il lustrated commentary on laat year a tour the land u tour visits tsrtns throughout ootsrio and gives one member from each county an opportun ity to aee management practices in operation guest apeaker for the pro gram waa prof tom lane soil science depl ontario agricultu ral college guelph prof lane presented some of the trends in crop production that are taking place on ontario farma he outlined the import ance of fertiliser use sccordlng lo soil test in order to obtain maximum profit per acre the meeting concluded with a panel discussion on prob- lema in corn growing in hel ton the psnel wss moderstad by j a kranels and panel members were allen mclean jaa snow and john wlhnolt who have been growing corn in llalton other members of ihe panel included pro tom lin and llowwd henry a farm safety qui- waa pre sents by the llallon farm safe ty couneit avinnera of thla contest were allen llarrop raph cunningham and hugh uealy door priie wlnnera were joe wlllmott clarence ford jr don mattbewa and sam harrop officers elected for 1064 were as follows psat president jss mckay georgetown r it s prealdert hugh deaty miltpn h1u vice president russell hurren campbellville has secretary treaaurer j allen francis milton director- oskvllla hugh besty mil ton r r 4 johnston neelands hornby 111 clarence ford jr milton r r 4 john will molt r r 1 eaquealng r c alexander lim jaa mckay r r 3 fred nurse tt r 2 all georgetown sam harrop milton r r 8 burlington fred bell bur lington r r 1 harold middle- brook milton r rj tom fos- ater caupbelvlue bbs naisigewayi husaell hur renvuoyd stokes both a r 2 campbellville ross gordon r tt 2 acton district calvin alt- ken r b s acton i 1bo4 h vlckera saceury n 8143sl the tvile jyufuil lusre ichebulh a and pari for a steam locomot ive today are ai rare as bens teeth to thrallway historical soculbulldlng program or he may nol ety in montreal and was eiltrebuudlng would involve a lot of- time and mnnny and anarch- lufor badly needed put jlng flnwday conctin ojtava mjiiqino iand oadoiavu rtu and top toa ctonf work tom haines tt tat rmw tt n all and slnguijtr jhl certain parcel or tract of land and premise altuate lying and ulng la the township of fcu quesitig la the county of hal ton and vsrovlnce of ontario and being fomposed of part of the east half al lots 2d and 21 in concession t in the uid township containing by ad measurement 433 acre be tha aims more or leu snd which said parcel of lsnd la more particularly described as fol iowa commencing at the south angle of tha east hslf of slid lot 20 thknck northwesterly al eag tba centre line of ssid con eision 0 being also part of tha northeast boundary of the municipal corporation of the town of georgetown to a atone monument therein mar king the north angla of the west half of said lot 20 and llao marking an angla in the aald boundary ef the munlclp- sl cerporsilou of the town of cetrgetown thknck north easterly al ong the una of a fence 1m feet more or leas to the point of intersection of tha line of the aald fence wllh the aoutb erly limit of a given road shown a guelph street on re gistered plan number 10 of the village of gun williams and filed in the regiatry of flee for the slid county of hilton- thence easterly along the aald southerly limit of guelph street and ita production oast rrly to a point in ike aalurly limit of park street west aa shown on aald registered plan number 10 thence southerly along the aald eaaterly limit of park street weat 47 feet more or leu to a point therein in the una of a fence running east erly thence elauely along ike line of aald fence 1h feet more or leu to tha point of intersection of the line of the said fence with the line ef fence running soulhessterly and marking the existing south weat limit ol lots ii to 16 in block e is shown on said registered llsn number 10 thence southeasterly al on the aald aoutb weat limit of laid lots 1 to 16 aa fen ced 1m feet more at leu lo the eoulb angle of uld lot 16 thence northeasterly si ong tha south eaat limit of uld lot 16 132 feetjnor or leu to the east angle of uld lot 16 thence southeaaltrly al ong tha aoulh west limit ofi glen street aa shown on uld registered plan number 10 lo its point of intersection with the west limit of alexander street aa shown on uld reg lstered plan number 10 thence southeasterly ac- rou alexander street to the north angle of park lot 1 in block 0 as ahown on uld reglatered plan number 10 thence southeasterly al ong the northeast limit of uld park lot i 268 feet more or less to the east angle of aald park lot 1 being also the weat angle registered plan num ber 726 for aald village ol glen williams and filed in the regiatry office or ihe said county of halton thence- southeaaierly ong the aoutbweat limit of aald registered plan number 728 833 feet more or jeej to the south angle f uld reglatered plan number 726 thence southwesterly al ong the aouttveaat limit of the eaat half of said lot 20 being alao the north weat boundary of the municipal corporation of hthe town of georgetown to the point of mraj the afternoon of january let thiiry ladles four visitors and seven children met at the at- txsctive boau of mrs cordon wmifieid for the wocoeos institute hulorvcal reseercb meeting the president mrs j bird opeoed with the ede and ereeo oecvelafy iirsbdir exsadet read the mloetee of the dexeenber meeting sod cal led the knii which was abrwer ed by bring an ileaef history about your farm or a picture of the buildings for the tweeds- kneu lluclary book lots of saureatlog lnjoms titxt sod ptctuves eer brought mrs w turd end mrs c b duk reported pa ihe food snd elothlng that bad been sent to the two needy families at ctuutmss a lelue- of qunks wss klso lsd from the sick children a hospital in toronto for the donation et christinas sent them ah sgnvd the same two les dm set for the ill club si uit yr two isdiea sirs w cleave and mrs cfccil wilson were ap pointed lo attend the senior training school in milton feb 27 and 2 foe oarts snd hrlng beck utformatloa ttwee ladles are to help serve coffee at the opening of 1lne view kchoul on january 2vth 100 waa voted to georgetown ilosfmtsj and mrs frd nurse snd mr resnesa thotnpeon ate to find out whst is tnoat need ed all were in favour that the w i compete in a competitive exhibit of georgetown fair a committer of utree members appoint to plan a spring euchre programme convener urs vem picket uien called on ma jor ii j newman wso gave some intereatlng highllghta of tha historical research of llalton county museum ii was first atirted in the court house in mulon that now have 14 membera on the board it la situated on tan and a half acrea of land and to date they have five tbouaand items on hand and he claims they will have a museum everyone can be proud of urs millon bird gave the motto a good deed is a better memorial than a alone mr cecil wilson gave current ev enls and the flower committee report mrs j m wickson thin- ked the apeiker for his talk on the museum mrs bob cun nlngham thanked the hoateu and any others who had tsksn part and all aang tha queen a aoctal hour followed imso jwmi- thaft wlucjawartaawneavnrlljv to- stilety cubic art but- er to tlfbtin their fixvtrbu won huntinjj by dniiijj no know what your ballet will whikm u u1j llvu iulfb if balm bittinjj to um njjht um rev kletht tdkouldba moved to uw mfl tho rmv ijjbt u eilwars movdd in um iirmtloa id whicb the ihot should to 5 v guaranteed investment certificate at british mortgage j100 ob more 1 to 5 years apptlovh tob tbu5t funds intemst begins the day you invest inveit now lo earn thti iiiqji intereit just mail your clieque or come lo km oliice we will handle all details since 1877 on irlday evening jan 17 large crowd of frlenda and nelgbboura gathered in stew- arltown hall lo honour a recent bride and groom mr and mrs bob ruddell and present them with s cocoa brown dsvenport for which both thsnjied every one luchre wsi plsyed snd ihe winner were mrs frsneli thompson snd t j brown ridge british mortgage trust company telephone 4s1 7330 a j russeu msnaoer 1 1 main st o4 brampton notice to creditors in thi itat of the late jsntea mulhalland qeceassd all persona having claims ag ainat ihe ealate of james mul holland late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton carpenter who died on or about the 17th day of of nov ember ad ltws are hereby notified to aend in to the un derslgned executors of tha aald estate on or before the 10th day of ebruary 1064 full par oculars of their clalml after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the clalma of which the ex ecutors shall then have notice datkd at georgetown on tarlo the 13th day of january ad 1064 mary ethel mulholland fjlubeth llewson and rou thompson executors by their solicitor m e manderson 61 mill street georgetown ont 28 btadro ttsullted toi fast stfictoft szkvici day or night call 8772251 sc0tts towing service how youp driving iqp u ii rous 47 reel to brlnej yooc tar to o aeoa when youre ircreej heto bl 20 tolles on hoof as dry concrete overacje reocmoei time included how morry feel would ii ink on elare lew i 70 feetl 3osfl 32ofl t c ssjsiuv lesl ly mat aewu jmi tta ftitnl prois it eeboet aisjm 0ieuuo el ol huipjouv cia coopcrutox inbursuioej aasawxslattlcmt cia ijiat ccwiporntona life ixiaujremoe aavoolntlora vm royl bank mrviom to lulp yon iminpi ywmo9 to kaep ijvtltborroiri ud othef expense down too button nmnt open k row iavinoi account for kb- ptylflat ft rpyil hmonau cubquino ac count cash for ft car or ton other heavy xpeaatt a royal naurt loam for m rovalbank georgetown branchi wm f utu rrror l r jr

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