Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1964, p. 9

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vw topsopand good-time- charlie hat a eieldday r 4 love these cold snaps ttooi worry about eall in ecold being an numir his lu ppoape eat brloagine ta a ex mifhbouf of hrld photofr- pr isur jobm t kwtra bm u m raadld uacrt wkd me uur mi thle u tximiaatlll uttl hcqucnc hurorom nobodys looking slurrrp theyll never know waterloo parents gain point return pupils to speyside ilkciom wot the battle of waterloo was ey merry school georgetown on the bua for lwlh morning won again last wedndayi public schools or holy lruu and night transportation night when the rodents ofljf brief stay il imiiloe heights the nfl the heard daelded ta re- ls old waterloo icoool tr member of the board minillquil spprevsl from the co tloo- finally won thlr flu unier expreaaed shock i arlment of rducllon for xnonasi ion battle to have this thru people are paying three roomed addition to glen tlseia children relumed lotaxee in the township hut un wllliame lchool rather than apeyslde school from milton ding their children oul loth tw roi addition for ii hool they have to be pretty which thay had received tan suceumb in to loving armaot day burns dinner friday lures haggis lovers dt m matt mrs wm patterson was thombury native fred wood of hair llirhlgsn and harry wood hulllu i ckokcitowm hgatd ontidering the fart hit he wry for poetic training bid departed thii earth by that was born into poverty tender age of 37 this hobble burns lid curved himself quit ulch in posterity a nowi day bird mutt hit the four score tad ten mark and then ur william patterson 70 whow ton clifford pat uvea on norval farm died on ji nuary 17th it 1eel memorial hospital uimplon 11 former cora wood ihe waa born in ttiornbury lo cfllbjila ulfa it is it generally auumed nere lowing their marriage s5 yearn jloiruiouci tiic l thurify jt sj pagk 0 vhe vii a member of il vary hftut church ijrsmp ton and her pat r kev wlute condurtrd the funrral service on january 17th at the mrkil lop tuneral home lntrrmrnt was a stock broker with hath was tn hramplin ceimtery ini o hay mrt hi be teavea hi wife and thr hill hobby and marry ai mr and had lived iu i mra patterwoii ca- tiuw tai ianl d brothers and ilitert liii toromo inioroitner jownkideiit bwnird umtml indurc a father hurnen wsi a far l o ii in 10s0 rorge j n vav 48 whi we hter our hero and hi brother 1 redeeawd by her huaban i juife n he firmer 1- sther ilnll ullbert alio entered thit field l lvei three children hf of eoriftowu dn d at he pat of noral ur tors lit i hal tor nto on ja lawijlbl thii yean rquinf uhooljdiiiatiifled be atated talfve approval earlltir avuxl with thiw hew mamb- it i vary unfortunate but th three rmi will eoruiit r tbu year did what laat on boy quit over this claim of two rooma and a playroom yri board had refuted to do d lloyd kiher add h of approvimalely rltitroom myittf the triiwvrtatioii p rob- now out of athool eobiputely uie to that in case of tut um was toa jreat and th ar th motion fitully pjud sity it ran w uied ai urh comotodation at speyaid tl wndinf the- aevtn children bark a prmrlpal office and ator raidy overcrowded to spytid sckol with the age room will alto t in th haever thia year a board children using tw tchool bus addition oly k to plac seven child in th morn in and i tui at the approval for th thre ran rtbr than the origlnauight if permitaion was re jroon addition it btewarttown tawatmn who were tranafer rd 4a uiltoti height smi ai tv ivftteeii went to per celved by the hoard la dothiaatlu it audi and will lowvr since th bimting irud through if water transport a lion bai brt foundld avalubl- be rar u prov of endeavour arming in thot daya not bemg what it is to iir eh of topper cliff and nuary 22nd the boyi never made it j y lv 1attenon of tor mr sovak llmn m lo niter mn ijja hui ptl tlllcf lu t heart at aobritly bfor ven th poeta above the bott m atep itarva onto wants county commissions fonjuolice assessment v tr carl uariln told a gathering at th north halt oaj urban board lut wrk that ofow conaidrallon should b givaa to forming county wid punnln and akmument eom muaibna fend also to conaidt tw fprnution of s ha it oil pol ic0 commiaaiou addroamlng lb group who rtprint th council of g- orgcytown uiltoti and acton ihaf mcv nld that tht matter kaa ben discuimd in county council fettd has mtt with th aperbva bf tvra councltlon wuld thtt fontuuob of i county wid aaitrint com nlsatkth would najil ttw conner ta nich s wor fair jajt ibueument than how la th cuoh ddd that the prrsj at tjounty aucuar j k no tr doc not carry th auth orltr bce4itry to cirry thl ebafl to a successful eotwlu law 11a fcuggmted tht coun cillor give thought to the for tnatum of a cotamlaalon whicb ta tdro will b auuidizd by ui prtmnc 64v kuwripu th fvvvi old th members thtfcorhrideratlon glto b glv- a ti the formation tf a coun ty polic eotomlulon ilmllir to eaa it prewnt run by lha toun ty oi reel h noted that other services ucq- wrlfart and publie muh ar run on a county i wlda basis ilri laid auch com j nun schme wre th reason that north lulton urban board wsorrid he aald it is impoj- atbl for individual muniekiaj 1ui to hiwil these wrvicei on cfieia own vbi was the inaugural m- tlftaiof th urban board and a dwln acton coujiclllor was l4d to aerve a ehalrman forihe coming year the poi- luoa of chairman waa occupied by councillor jim gmmron georgetown last year evu chlr remmbr him lion was their cioicjl toward th tnd of january hour being th tiu that tnwscotv poverty was rsrhntible fi mn th world over hand to th not too widely knoun factl ge4hr to partake f haggia that hums waa mamrd twice it baa bn luurdid that burns both times to the tame girl a did lomtthihg important about ur armour n t twing able then and u a mattar f fact t ttomach s m poverty he did ii was bora young tviricken poet for a ion in law hobrt first saw th light of had the first maruage canrel day on january is 178 his led a neat trick and it was nam at that time wont qu at until our port had romed he bu u waa burn an quid on a book of dittiei jthst the old man let ithhert have hia bonni jean for keeps rjcl2hi4u taronlo and brothers red tack on new years sam taith v uneral service toitk place on thursday at juth kholont snakofiup with interment m mount sinai memorial lark slnva was at his home 113 up olenayr road lets play bridge during tha ovanln aovcral apsja wore dlacuwtd ineludln adillbo by emmeraon uut tin county abould conaldor a alitme to control the nrle of todtutrlal land in the vuhoua munklpajltlea he told the mambora uut omtgetowit hi a apeclil prob- lottt with it land to tha eait ot the town and one man own loaftba bulk of it bo aald if tha county or the raunjclpallhea ownod their own liod price could be kept down milton councilor norm fearce anted uut the idea bore merit vijuu get no raument from the problea waa the flnancln of luth aohona ha utd mr luuimttoa uada by uilton toll citor kaa bkk waa that doban- tura be rmlaod to cover tha coat or propaaed land ind tha debenturea offerod m alralght trade i don t know whether queen a park would ara with it thouxh he aald lad lr councillor erie johniton of acton aald hil municipality hai problem with only about 30 acret of land available to the town which they hope to ex proprlate in the future later the aubject of what role tha average cittien playa in selling their municlpalltlea to inlereited industrial apecul atort wn dlicuiied kcnmerion aald if the public ware mbne aware of the srea service they do their towni by twoatlng them to outilde in tereats jnora emphasii would be giveb ihla idea i think every town hai aom thing to offer he aald kv fry town should hive e broch ure made us etfarlng its aaaati to outalde intereata he suggested the hroeburea should contain facta about lha akllla available in the varioua towns this could be done by clsaalfylng information from the votera hat on trodea and occupatlona he observed retired inspector sluice now with trust company lome skuce a former public school inspector here who rec ently retired from the ettuca tlon field has entered upon a totally new career ilia appointment aa special repreaenutlve of the hilton it feel- triuat and saving com pany has been announced hy o p manning president of the company ii skuce will be attached to the inns halloa county offices he has a background of 4t yean in the field of edu cation tor u years ha wat a uicher and inspector in north ern ontario in 10u he was ap pointed public school inspector for hilton county and while holding this office layed important part in modernising the school ayatem here he left thl position to become super- by feill teete rallur ef tuejarer ta count hla trlcka and nuka an appro priate plans haa lad ta many contract being let i have mentioned before that declarer should make a plan before he plays one eerd from duitiniy jatk x dumand return ii won snd another club led now south u assured one club trick if wait leada a diamond orig inally south niuit win and lead t club to trick two if hilt wini and returna a diamond south lioard no 2 from last weeks veins and draws trump ending action at the acton rride club up again in hie hand now would aeem to be a board where declarer did not plan far eo nugh ahead it was plaed twice at four hearts both down one anil once at three no trump making three club is set up before dummy s lait brart is used probably wests best lead is a trump this doesn t give away toe much and although south can set up a club trick feel that lust the reverse before hia diamonda are attack should have been true thrceed he will have to develop spa no trump should have been set hut four hearta should make here ire the hands dealer hast notlh south vulnerable north km ii q 10 0 s r i c q r 2 last jjk i41 ii j 8 2 c k t 4 d 10 8 west uj ii 7 s c a 10 0 1 o q j 6 5 2 seulh sip 10 3 11a km a kb1 5 3 the bidding east leulh- wast north pass 1 h taas 3 d tin 4 ii ail piss north s hand is a maximum for a simple raise of partner a hearta when south ahowa lit tie extra bv bidding the second suit north can jump to game a three no trump blddoea seem reasonable too i am still try lng to figure out how north made three no trump especlsl ly since the kiat players told ma that she lad the d 10 however i wuh to talk about the four heart contract when declarer seel dummy be should count oh four trump trloka in bend and one ruff in dummy for five there ire two dlm- aneh and if lucky two spades therefore one more trick is required a utile thought would show that it must come from the club suit if the opponents lead clubs one trick will come naturally tun true aeheme former trafalgar publie school area board aa a- result of hla work in this part- of the county mr skuce hss a wide circle of ac ini romlouilntincei in the georgetown e t robbie a star rose fast for leas than a year after bis first peema were published be was hilled aa caledonia and cale donia a bard by the host worehlpful grand master of the free masons of scotland a larga outfit the nova which was run had only ten years left in his life in which to ahlne these years were apent as an emp loyee of the excise department and a poet he breathed bis list on july 21 17m in spltr of in over tondnesa for hluh land dew he was a hard wor ker a devoted father and a great poet friday januarv tl is the date set sside fir local devot eea to partake of the haggn at the legion an event spon sored jointly by the lome scots and hranrh 120 ladiis auxiuaiiy a aone dart tournament to he held at georgetown will launch the ladlea aporllng ac tivltiea this season rcbruarv des himself he could play for smmetrtcsl distribution since west has the club ace maybe halt has the apada ace since this la so four besrts makes again when you need a trick in a i la the date and 12 noon lite auit go after it before your high cirda in your tide tulta are played this way you will remain in control of tha hand 1st prise gloria coatea glenn llanka tie for 2nd and 3rd art noma mrs r noil well bill coatrs l don it they lead apades this will as sure you two apide tricks win the second one and take out trumps be sure jo end upv in souths hind lead a ctubwi if west playa low play- the district commissioner visits guides brownies despite the very cold weath er on january j2th is cuba and leadera from a pack the 5th georgetown cub pack it tended a toboggan party it the north hilton golf club after a very enjoyable outing the cubs were trested to hot choc olate at a loesl restsurant mr k ledllanc mr j smylhe and mr j mandarino the three leaders of the oth georgetown cub psck attended a weekend training course for the lesders of the green aerei region in ttrimpton receritly on wednesday jan 22nd alit eubi from tl pick of the sitrceorjitown cubs were inl vested it holy croal church mrs j good attela end mr i r coulter bigheera lnveated frank puller bobhy bell war ren chard james ven hoek elan robert lilly and kritn bodln into use cub peek after the inveitlturet a iur- prlse waa in alore for mr j r colter who waa sent on a tree sure hunt the prise ktfhe end being a birthday eake the ev- enlngjended with rereshmenta being served and th boys elng- tngsaaongs around the eempflre lime an evening of euchre end rrlhhagr will lie held at erin legion on wednesday febru ary 12 commencing at 8pm rowlers will have their chance to perform at port cre dlt on february 22 rnr ladlea wishing to tske part in these activities a list haa been posted on the bulle tin board v imperials yours truly erred in ihst there were several omihhtnnt in last week s list or imperials executive the omitted were vicepresident john cuthhert dingo chairman- alrx tajlor and standard rearers art dis son and jim meekisnn 50m draw lucky winner pie dillon ticket seller p d persistent coughing or hoarse neas may be caused by execs slve smoking they msy slsn be due to cancer in its early itlgel vitlgue is often one of the first symptoms of cancer see your family doctor if youaui- far from chronic fatigue harris horal arkanolmlntt for ivuv occaiion deaigna- cut flowers weddlnf bouejueti 10 main it ktk7mm madetomeasure suit sale ends saturday february 8th don t mni ih opportunity of hav ng a made to meature iu t of tn material of your choice at 20 off henrys clothing 15 main tl n 17 3541 everything goes bare wall clearance chesterfields bedroom suites end tabus kitchen suites every item most be sold hurry hurry wholesale prices were closing business and must vacate for new tenants georgetown discount furniture 6 ckoss street across from fire hall free lubrication on afoca1t with bralc adjustment and lining check for the regular price of s150 stonehouse sales ltd 51 ouelph street s 8772247 8772291 i gj ileusaais m l- tl tv

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