Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 1

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printing j publishing tfw qnfwm herem hm s fliiritiwii tw out rtct m e hu tsltater suncs isssaw eswefmsar vlm lav id georgetowntieriild the home newspaper for geotgefoym and district ads that pa yea can place an ecf in file herelac cuaehud bm br pfcmlna t 7jjci burin ear ilk tw herat b waver r will fual raw rwln yew ftas m feast claws ma4 w xfk dtsal ottawa o onl thwwauy fecwery 6a 1ve4 t4 00 tw yr suqi copy m ta can will have junior group order increased armoury security high school teachers start student aid fund band starts a farm system jim hoott recently elected prei dent of hhe georgetown cititjn band tutor young we ley palmer left and marie woodl in trumpeting both boys ar members of the new unior band formed as a tre n ng grou d tor young nuu lens who will eventually play m the tenor band tle un or program has attracted twenty young pup ij pgh now the senior band is busily instruct ng tla beg nners and practicing for the georgetown centenn al ad the r second ahwnpr in cne compet lion next fall mike baiter is the unor bandmaster the average coiiavrlctttloul no too well linanrid student will le hie one to iwne fit from rw sludrnt aid fund sup- porlfd romplrlrly by the tea chert st the high school the ttudwt aid fund wai fct on a voluntary basis to help the student who tws notgua lily lor icliulirililw or buri at 11 i he admin itruon of he fund u completely at thr diwcrelion of the committee with no restriction u out help rould go to a student who wanted to go to hyeron but didn t quite hive enough to cover h or to a student wan tins to stay in school hut who eouldnt afford the boolu or to slideol who ha won a bursary too iniall to cover ne rrviillfi tills could apply also to someone wanting to go tong who gels what ihmtnetjf college rund chainnih a it is completely wide open ell with only the teachers decid fc security pircutiiu h uviwould jw tuve it rlrr it fortfrlow armoury oti park circumvent tin in avenue have ben steppe up uunlrtal rid has irk following the montr arm ourua theft whkb uhted raid rr a haul of automatic ai d u ml automatic we apt ns tut rd on of hr hi in oitjwa in tmtcry uidoiw anny off cr it it i ol i it rllv known wi i th r tt r rani if vf re rou iiilid u th a h m rut oriii- lit an i ariiy in lur the local jlm jul i to 1m in jntbrn or i q the ihifl of utap j nn i i rrjrdt i li riri it i w n orr vrn i urn- i i i on in rii n 1 u 1 1 1 i ifi rl pi u pt rt c rii i tl 10 un k p riod in ii rn i the ntr i c tint v mcasur at taken on thr i rti r of de fine minitrr hclher duni a iniiur siliuttun lit when a subversive irjihi to git one pocket to other school site money would purchase east end town parkland foaiilbillty of puxcluinfl an nut it would he includeiln there would be little govern 4t tnd park site with fund chool dcttrntun pointed out ment suhvld on the land pur which the public school board cr power- and the town chase mayor gibbons said gilbert sinclair has 94th birthday would requisition from thr town to purchase a property y tylrx develop- j bark purport wu dlacuaa4l at monday a council cling 4 iry the kchool fcar i 11 1 ni ld ft ndiculoui to consider the tile which is an area un building a school in an area released for building with in where no one lives 1nt to build a small school vot so said cr powrrs which would he enlarged later h in the centre of whit will when needed someday lie a populated area if thii goes- through cr hill a building now will serve the smllh pointed out to council urgent road area that the town owns no other uftd suitable for 4 it goes hack uld there are 733 acres i this area and the town is en titled to 3fl 3 for park pur boaasu nineteen acrea have al ould hae the money to pur ithe department of education chase adjacent parkland v only on half the assessed cr kmitwion said in 1 ml value which la about flvx council had wtlnutd coat t at tab point cr bob ynn servicing the school kite would els reminded eounell that the he high and cr hildebrandt discussion was ahead of itself ii slahey with a motion to get an opinion from the ontario planning board as to whether the town might eommll itself to further land release by as signing the site for a school council approved the motion ookas mortal n in d ulin and ammuiiil on usjor katrl u tr ol or gclown laornr st it coitituanding offior i id ltc lieraid that the n ii in nl col ted conover hran p on issued written intruttii to the company cuiunui 1 i i take extra wcurit rut j urreti ibe ceorgetown armoury tli security tighter ing i general major unre aid similir instructions ha ii ne out to more than lftocom tnandlng officer of militia un ita throughout ontario die the 1130 order- originate i trmii army loriaiiijluin wa central command at djkvillr i anna the holts were rfnvovfd major unre said hr rould ft on vpjiiii at i in eorjt- not comment on what extra town armoury and loeki d in a measures are being takrn to vault in thr hank of commor- explained make the georgelown armour ce summer raid proof n 1 p lublc thai weapons col william seamark chief now in store- here neljrun each giis teacher will be of ataff at oavville iaid thcrarhlnf rocket launchrra asked to contribute 10 toes- j new precautions could not be brn and it en vunt will alo tablish the fund diseusaed in detail becaue itbe deactivated montreal here saturday on january 27th an enrol j bullftiv the montreal the game between the number rtntly in tnd pucr in the mm l and flj up c remony w junior canadiens will play an one montreal canadlem far n oma jr stanilmls and re- hrld at st andrews united exhibition game with the geclub and their affiliate had cent 1 trounced the iraeue- church by the 7th and 10th urgetown heavers tn george- been propose two weeks aco leading toronto marlloros gcnriretown brownie packs town saturday night h waaand the get together had been ufh uper stars ai mr the meeting was opened dijclosed yeitrrday ibrewing since then u onderful yvjn t ournoer th prater and a few words georletown beaitri team a phone call from thr nt und ndre ituudrias have had enrolment and flyup for st andrew brownies january 27th enrol manager lied aaseltine in ma real canadiens the king the announcement said district roger firmed it ra 1 i se to municipal act on voting mayor says ready been used for schools fend this is the last good site the balance of park land is hot suitable at all for parks he added wf need a school in ims lul we need a park now he the motion whlah would i continued council has just corrected what a majority ter wed an error in buying thr boat office the 1034 council erred in not designating park land and 1 hope we can do something to correct that now mayor gibbons observed that if the land is sold tn the school board it would nnlv re quisltion the money jack from the town ror the second lime this pa in one nisht year mayor gibbons told eoun i don t think your madi cil monday he would ignore a a pointy at all the mayor t ld motion which he said has no mr powers unless i csn fih 1 few words from rev johnston mill rosemary young brown owl of the 7lh pack wiled iailrley levers lorna maek jud jreait connie copland cherl mclaughlin and darlene adgar with their golden bars mrs m lulls brown owl of the 10th pack enr illert debbie i ti driver and two pjssrn rtewart jacqueline clark nan fh j when a c monroe i hery nnlwrtinn l piunkfd lnt0 lh ditch on with the brown paik i linda gibbons was present ithe west side of the oth une ed with her golden hand and at glen williams wednesday hallnn wings hy mrs hails theh flew jan 20th at about 10 45 fnrtmr to guides where she was rorkitown area rendu re l hy mrs baine cap- lehratnl his 04th hirthdav on of lhf 7th company mm jriday jimun 2i mr hn h j miu p and uura os the car a 1033 chev ap- the manor for fie home walked up to guides parently went inlo a flat spin jind were received by caplain after going over the hump in berry of the flth company the guides ind brownies sang songs around the camp- fire and the guide prayer and maor joe gihhnns rapped browpie prayer closed the mee gilbert slnctsir of cenlenniat manor a ci at ears council rapped at jaycee meet escape injury when car flips at glen the driver was nancy hun ter of br 1 glen williams scout in this rem t uhn uith the mil mrbrn c n- canadiens anil indicatrd thry jill be there permanently very asa tine said th game wusoon gt underway at 7 oclock in i awrlun said theyll staid of the usual hsdsoc orgrtown hockey fans could see the jr canadiens in action and suli maka it home in time to watch moat of the televised admission nin game adult the game to tct a look some of next car material another beacr official said iherr would be nn price hlkr uill siill be 73c for fir ttudent and tlie jr canadiens are cur 2v for children muckarts sixth term as cemetery board chairman george muck art was elected the road at the glen bridge to his siith term as chairman b came to real on its roof fa of the georgetown cemetery ring in the opposite direction board- when the b rd met on authority in the municipal act this mentioned in the munici council last wcdnosday night tinv refreshments were serv cr don powers presented pal act the molion wont gofor approving local ctnlenntil el by the brownie and guidt ver defer vern me icclcbrations instead of plin mothers auxillarj i cst had the car spun off the oth er side of the road it would have gone into the credit rj third reading of a b law for week on the request of anv one councillor it would safeguard rail reading of a by law through council said cr powers it s a courtesy to a coun cillor who might wish to check before voting added cr jim kmmerson i don i think any member would buck any by law which was necessary to sports car rally will help emo on checks a few weeks ago bona told council he would ig nore a motion which would have him present motions in the order he twelve them without a procedural by law the motion is out of order he said celebrations instead of plin mayor gib ning something more lasting speakink at the jaycees meet ing he said he would bow to the council s decision doug ormsby of the north hallon gpp detachment good judgement comes fromhandled the investigation he experience and experience issid the damage to the car come from poor judgement was approximately 350 tuesday january 14th harry savings was named secretary treasurer the other members of the board are miss ruth evans mrs floria nodwel sam mac kenzie kenneth macdonald and dick ucata bfauit and the barbershoppers sports ear drivers and iblt on emergency measures troops rnay seem liktv strange bedfel tows but they ii lie working to get her in and around george town later this month in a combinatlotj sports car rally jmd emo communication exer cine details of scheme are still being sorted over by emo of ficials but this much islnown a hamilton sports car club wjlt be routine cars through here taking advanfteeof the ideal hilly terrain in and ar ound georgetown in a xportsi car rally that will weave thro ugh the country the check points will be manned by em crgericy measures personnel ji bout a docn some of them from he county emo coord lua tor b itacgregor told the herald the exercise will enable the emo communications men to eetfa miliar with some of the new fold radio equipment the or ganlzauoti has just acquired the new radios opera le 6n ei ther 117 volts standard el rtrlcal pullet or a 12 volt car attery q standard nqulp- ment will also he used the exercise rally will lake place feb artft fmo officials met last thurs day to d i scuts the plan and again this week personnel ta king part will he contacted this week a look at the weather january high taw 30th thurs 20 20 31l iri 17 0 february lit sit 15 33 2nd sun 34 10 3rutun 21 1 4th tuet 37 12 january precipitation rain 2 01 anow 8 07 llllili or jan 40 jan 23 low 10 jan 12 alicia p c scott seek centennial tips in visit to dunnville georgetown will set aorjne tipa for the planned centennial celebration thla aumniei councillor bui smith chair man of the town comntllteo old the herald monday that the centennial fact flndlnf com tnittim 1 pluoinc to tlelt freezeups dont plague town this year it appears cinrotown home owners are toini to make it through the winter without the pesky inconvenience of a wholesale freeze up of walir ser ices town foreman alf collins told the herald yesterday just four water alpe frcezeups had been reported- jo the town s works department and it ap pears the total won t fio much hlsher than that he said ja nuary is the worst month and if it soea by without creatine underground chaos think took brlcht for a trouble free wint er i last year the workjjeparl ment received in the neihhj bourhood of 200 phone calls from people who got air from thewater tape inatead of the 1120 they took for granted one weekend laat year the works department phone was jangled 21 times by high n dry residents other years have been almost aa bad collins aald the water stop pages occur when tho frost go es to the depth of the water lines running from the mains to the homes it is rarely that a main will freezeup dunhvlle this week they will view a 4b minute film made of the euceessfu event in that town in 1062 a tried thla oammltiee am air kr an eyrit i tw una is also planned lororgitown parwrshop quartelle sings n sir or an 6yr durlnfl ttiei brw ahop brmony night at tho uoten to hniliiiuhe local hall thuraday jan 30th serenading pretty betty ann ijyre of it r 2 hornby we dave morgan jbaritpna glenn j laacknlght tenor sieatrwr nmefon lead end charlie kelly bj see jtaryypege o locals race on ice win orillia trophies two ceorcctoun drivers di not worrv about lev driving conditions m fact lhe yo out of their wav to find it hill marcormacv and al ingle were amonh the manv drivers who took part in the annual twin iakrs tiophylta ce on ijke slmcoe at orillia tundaxand thei proved more proficient than moid till t picked tip two trophies one for placinr second in tlie heat in the class for louni c cara with 3000 cc council or lea and another for fmithlnir firvt in his ells in tin feature al wm first in his rlsss in the heat fur i irs ihlh engine- under it ml eel and alo firit tin his rlas in ihe feuliue itill droif a lirvair and al a nlle 1 s tie rins i re held ner a ulnduii course- of ilx i h mile and a quarter a inilldozir was used to carve the course throuch the snnw on ton of tho 20 thick ire on the lske tl i driving aurface was chre ice a numher nf other fi or e town people made the trip lo wtteh the events this wasthe second of fnur such race meets held through out the winter hie first v i al kingston tlieext onri win be at hunjssllle and the 4ts at reterborouch bethryork receives allround guide cord miss bells york daughlir of mr and mi j- york itjlrslow ciesc was priscnti i with the all hound nl i january 3hi l si andrew united church mrs p hill division conimlssloner prei ertled betty willi hir hrt claaa badge and iln and tin v aaked airs york district c n najaatoner to present her ii i- ghter with her all round coed betty la first class guldo holdlnl uttle house emblem flrat aid pioneer camper toymaier- thrltt health and hikers badges and therfore qualified for her all round cord l m r i zcz

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