Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 11

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j georgetown and district high school newspaper high tales c l dickinson 1 a 1 pmj ma suit advisor uiwatt iaxi wkx mchif ntso tomitj boya sports editor loian tvorr giru spoti editor terms draw law ridiculous irf maiden speech on friday eqitorial political education important as abcs tha pvmot ualtwrrtj over vtaimliajf the vat to pfttte wwa lb irt of sljblr ad twenty bm h raised the qtuoi bf whether or bot lb rtwnwwri bf lkli u group ire qualified vt ktowrf if uku out of a 4rt would appear to be no tvy do but uo the average he vimmixb of a working know u4f b our political iytej wag 4o tw iw topu b4weeti twenty and ibirty karly kttd fifty tin en age ii it iaw toiatuir of pult ileal kbtw ledge of cwtir not yet under our pefnl ayiteui a rollege kitident of political science any tooi bavt the ruhl to vole while a person whose edura lioi hfci not gcwie beyind grade lbt dorl uaby klh school sludrnti a bsv much better undentan ding of hi lion j 1 and internal loiui politic i thin their par nil no matter of what age the geral public seems to know tlltl about and car even lr about hitioiil polities it u wllktm7n fart that if a i imlitlclih ran conv litre ills con lituata that when in office he will ui one way or mother wake thru fininrially richer b will be ucltd uutrkd of worrying about kg iftuiu only we tltould ktrt t worry abuut v how ledge huilti kl writ 11 lib arhooli offer courwi la almol everything lbl will guvrrn our future t pur poll ural rripotuibihtiei are cum phtltly tgnorw ufldr fru p brdt durational iytti la the protection of our de morrsry and ngbl to self gov em ed tit hoi import t b to be- drill wllb while we are till lu the uarnlng btage otoly a m fcbui of our population even bow are going 10 college vl it l lefl to tint stage liv our education tor ua to pick up any concept or political reihuei thr mas se remain ualtiilructad deiplle lh fact that ihry are th onti who will decide the future now ii th time to rid oor wlety of th people who vot i thnr great grsndfathera did for that and no othr reawn of the peopu who vote braui una candidal ia liindionter than the other and of thr jvo pl who don t rare and don t vote io thil not by lomr exam or ether dubtoui method hut by educating the people in pot itira juit at they are educated in reading writing 1 melic the dominion party tb ifcmilaioa riy kliodl fur a fi angl prpett tu fcdt hoi led mpajatc pruju bottm wjuubu itatcl t we a our oppu4ionj wi he u to give mwr puti to lb prvlcll gttvepleiiu wc khall be tvo liue hri uri itp fehv toubt4 th reulllrtg lji of muly would fu jl itical eui if we a to arb lfv say worthwhile goal we tnutt act ai on country mak itig the wit uie of our diver ilfled rmurte only w ratal trophe could retull if v wr to divide thil worthwhile goil thil unifies court ahould he proiproui canada a free can i ada iut a our oppoulion wi i hal too county j icmrt calld for taorw control f by iniiniapil counali oi acubol 1 board upeclatiy capiul bud gu in bu maiden apch in i uw ootarto ltialatuj krtday whu education coat h total narly 40 pf cent o the loui rwuu of a knuoicipatity be uid yet town tountillor and tb bvparttnrat of du corge- ftlon have utile eobtrol 0 mpp corfand privileged to apak for the irat time in th ajuembly lhaukiitg the po4 i iuiua lounty fur their aupport and pledging to tepreient them all to the best of bu ability hay chru uclntyr susan mac- donald iun uitcoell uarj lw karen shortiu betty york uaureen wyatl gall wudi alarilya baxih bin robert wy thb giorgvtowel htralol 1 thireeiy rt iah 1944 fagei1 tt mr bcnnetfl t kleuher and muc caroh junior ttru gajiiv began bur- log tba first eixht niuulc ac ton bed oulmorvd the butud team but by balf time oif r town hd overtaken thpir op- ponenll our junkui kept the final tcore above wai 37 is miu triidilr i hard at mentioned rangers guides spend weekend at doe lake georgetown participates in un model parliment xreert taue a joint debate between the acton and georgetown model rerllrtbtary and debating so- tmlei wai held tuetday night jaa 21 the debate at which jin axe i lent thowing wai put ott eoenmenced the activities trfckli will centre around the coining model rarliimnt thii model parliament u or j gknbed by the united nstioni attwlation in canada and will be attended by the ii2h schooll in the- hilton and peel dn iricu tpecul gucili thil year will be twenty quebec high school mudenu so far moat of the activity id georgetown high school hai ben behind the ace net mr walker and mrt tucker the epooiorlag tixheri got tht kail rolling when we came back la school it at tht ihfct mwting nancy hunter waa chowvoif elec toral olficer and tn aln of lettlort wai decided on thb iyalatn li rather unuluaj end ttaj i parked little com kneht r end eon in the acbooh kieh of the two partlei thti year will elect a liat of tan fatembera the minimum num br gorgftown can ieml then vote will be rait for the pirty hot the candidate rich party will chooie candidate in prop- oihlon to the number of votea titt for each pirty for exim pit if a party obtain itxty percent of the total votea cut tt wil be entitled to aiz out of the ten candidate from the hchool eacfcv- pirty will ap point 1u own candidate it it hoped that thil tytlcm will guarantee belter representation nd will remove personality contefcu the member of the society re doing their beit to bring bonour to georgetown high school bv winning the trophy but the thing that will give u the moit pointi will be the per cnt of the atudent body that te lel make tbii a good bowl and hive 100 per cent of the taudent body vote tereit of our itudenl hai alow ly declined thu year it hai dropped to an all time low r v en the luppoied rip roaring pep rally held in early fall wai i failure due to a lark of ipir it the cheerleader both jun ior and senior are better than ever thu year but even they could not induce vigor into the llfelraji crowd attendance at tit football gime wn a prime example ot this out of nearly a thousand students imi than two hundred loyally watched the gimei after being excused from school to see the event presently the haikethall sea son it in full rwing spirit nev ertheleu low si ever fjveo when a player makes a miraculous ahot the crowd can summon only a weak applause the spectator of other high schools such as acton and mil ton go nearwild with tnthuil asm nut at gils nnt a cheer or whutle ii heard perhaps it ii the fashion to remain umf feted not only sports affaire but other activities ahow truj signs of indifference there are only about twenty five active radeti i and school cluha such ai the drama photography lstr de- bitng and even student coun ell ahow a lick of reiponie these were nrgsniied for you the students thev are a source to widen your intereiti thry giva you a chince to support your school perhaps there ire evident reiwni for the apparent lick of school ipiril some students blame it on thr amount of homework the teacheri or the group distinctions in our school where the gride ninei and eightv percenters couldn t lower themselves to associate with the lesa lucky other hi dents hume it on the itse of our school and how it is lm possible xo know everyone and unit for one causa your school the high school yein are uid to be the best years of our live therefore be aur that you enjay them by building roach alternated th lowrt blayie k lhil mea li ew would gaid aonw ttprtnc and lh slimald future ttuae on tb tide lm bd aenlmcup of fcu chant- u watch their team kh plf nutm avd ee the ibpkc d lw yer peried would buk hjut bxuu later tbe w tbe depatuivent should be in poeiilos u give mure dlrec lion fetid roperauun to the boards a fid that tuany ubool area should fje c6llftolidtrd iparucularly in llalloii couiu wutantial mirgm ahad wrrvlw called for a vocs the remainder of tbe game jtmsl ind ufhnicl wfcb to be erected in tb 111 area to wrve the northern prt of the county similar to roach of he junior had cer iufb 1 reenlly built ululy piid uff many of tbitt hd burl rtgu and are in grade nine and thus 11 uj a filled their first year of iteakethall 1 hallon mip tl en besides being their tint time gfclfrtl tllll ontario atlorney iu uriuua rompetihun this y liu recommend shei a canada either belongmg prwe that eorgetown thf f justice mihler to or a perl of the united m hld hlgh bopm f year airt of certan sec i c i wttb fc v- lion of the criminal rode a our lurplui privfeedi should al jj kemihead aye tay i c service clul t be sold o anv buver willing i suun quina and linda ani other groupi to conduct to pay the price not left to rot i fund railing projectl because the lnltml mates does f ftr f jhot ii the j wu interrupted by not approve of the rountry that penalty for any accidental thuiiaitlr applaue when he is buying there is not ntripping or slapping ipied by cj ridiculous the proced resson why children in same the refereei a player is allow ur by which such draws or foreign land should he left to r up f f fnulm twfore she rafflee can le rinsed and pros starve bwause j a urk of dbujueiified for the remain fcuted by the provincial police grain while our farmer suffer jj 0 the game in a game holding such function sot poverty heeauie of a grain sur l a bikketlull there are ntut in cnmmunity projecti plui i few serioul injuriei however it the conventional way and w believe the world must 0h f joy llainei wai un cannot be classified as enm start cooperating if peace it i eiiough to fall while in j nil kerr said be istjintained i onlinued w j be unable the member from slallon aconomlr wars in which every lo p for the reit olcounty lo pleaded for eenn one suffers are senseless tnp ietian this misfortune kmy in government by urging we are prepared to drfendii certainly prove to be low that capital reserve be setup these belief it the earning mo lo jun to finance porjecta del parliament to best do wil t pirasant clunj to not imminent hear a little school spirit oic he suggested that ed from the crowd on monday timated espendilures the junir cheerlrsden led revenues budgeti nineteen georgetown and di strict aurla nd their lesdrra ipeni a uiowy january week end which they pi tuned tbemselvfi aha campute on d lke u mile bortb of huillsvluf trcrtilly fc group inxtuded 10 air keiigert i guidei j cadet and 6 lelrr tbn nude tlte mo it of their stay fro4ii jan 10 to jan 12 skiing tobogganing and explo ing the ran p area one of ihe leaden mm it hyatt led the girls in a divcusi on on the guide ijwi another mrs ii oamuhl taught them new guide camp so gi the party travelled to and from the nn p bv bus arronip an fd by mr and mrs art volt attending were diana carr rar nell lkinnie hilli mir j han cock ijrnla llowat r liiibeth mcculloch chain saws e uu 1 bar flush cuf hawwe e auiomahc ctuich b juculloch supthmac chain ktbotjcablp cvundj6 wiyh castthom iinik e ba1xnce0 lichrwflcht dtslgn now available at fnqjta hardware ui is mn u i 77 301 book now avofd disappointment that this and thereby win the trophy for georgetown we have assem bled ihe best qualified group or student available rour of candidate atlrnded lat years model 1 arliamrnt two of them are past presidents of the debiting club more than hair have been members of thr nd uh co ffill enlhuiuwn displayed by these girls uith the school i support re i where es esceed should he i the group in number of lively planned over a two or three chant at quarter and half y pod and warned thr i they had full use of the government iht when g the player really of or cltf little enco irage your bowling banquet is coming and who can supply you with the top music and disc jockeys you need none olker than time gym floor appreciate ihoun in high attendance at games and voiced with the li vely interest that we know the students potsewi how can chs lose their chince at cwoska ljbrary club and the school ij two top students are also dom inion tarty candid stes to win the tr phv aga ntt at leait twelve other schools will not be easy u e feel thai if sou elect us we have the best chance hut win or love we pro mite you our best the rest is up to you the executive consists of stewart d ae party leader mark llwellvn parlv u hip nick atlininn 1 arty librarian lesley hurrah deputy ieader vleanor it ail partire around baiketltall cmotf jang give us a g or georgetown suisuht trvh r lv- u g are the begin fling word 6f j chorus which pell out georgetown at on time this cheer w a well known favourite but lb ii very seldom u6w that the gymnasium w filled with the familiar chorda a x nutter of fact at our school game one rarely bear kny cheering or sign of nthuiiam amongit the spec fetor whita happened to our cbool iplrltt i a few year agp nothing could aquelch the enthusiasm oftudettu at ghs a defeat brought out a determination in tbe onlooker and participant ajlk with the support of the jmhopl fani sincere loud and often boiiteroub our khoolj teams slo rworkod up from t inejsmlflmnrefo rl kim bunii vleanor hill rirtviire arr secrrtary jane dder steven junior vuing irrd robert normi hole service pins honour library club members prance crisp tiie 1st meeting of the new year was held m the i ibrary on the 7tb of january with etgh teen member present georg in ttrown luiur nwv president in place of mrk atktoson who hii resigned the motion to send a two year lubscription to life migmne wis approved and it was decided lo have the scrapbook committee do a spe elil project on president ken nedy there is a posubilitv that bookmobile may pay i visit to our school but more about that later the fint day hack after holidays proved a busy one for the library for by the end of noon hour there were seventy one cards in the draw er for filing an the bodks had gone out that day at tha last meeting oi the old vear mem brr who had given he club a years service received recog nltion by the presentation of one year pini the btudent council alio offered to lupply the guirda for the pins with book report ipeeches and spe cial assignment coming up i know a lot of you will find the library more than helpful tea the pinch is going to hurt i in his maiden speech which luted approximately half hrjr kerr jiild tribute to stinlev hill hii predcl or who held the hallon county scat from lot 3 to hii death in 1m2 he called the previous mpp man of great fntegnty a good member and one who is i si ii i e i lerved his riding well and basketball girls seek dw w with being i fafica till- porum part of th aualgam vttvjoja lllie latin- proeea through which sutah troit rurllngtnn and oakvill bee- dunn he next few weeki he two largest towni in the hcia it ot actvlty will cen c kerr alio reminded the on tulbro entertainment services for full information contact sia tuunr 4590334 oi scotty uowh 4591 ss h fcd i we boast that our record library is second to nore h se m ta k lm m s- sm ta s fe k eatf katf w w m h j ho lb the and senior girl teams there 1 no secret easy sure euretr all type of cancer if you hav any symptoma school ailiril and mfckihg yourlwhlch could mrin cancer aee khool on to be proud of your doctor at once tano legislature that during will plav off against acton and 1 uton milton for the honour of rom county popu lion ied nit t ih ucs i f 27 000 o the present nf n ehanjlng ffm a p imker f the junior tram lvunz are jnc haker cptiin uoe j p ann podvrse assistant p description of th voun tin sharon myer vjnabelh m d h bo proud mcneil gs taylor joy hat nes susan macdonald rev gosling nancy koruck judy milli and jtll krmshead tiieir coach is miss tea id ale sharon gnrth ii manager assisted b georgina urown mn thompson i the roach nf the senior again thil year member of the teim are pat cork captain ratty qoarken bush gloria jones judy naih 1 la davidion susin trott jo ann barber pl mackinnon and gillian iywann the senior played their first game an rxhihillon agalnat pi hip mcdonald senior of gurlph they were defeated but redeemed themselves on return game hy winning 3020 georgetown senior alio defe ted acton in an exhibition gam the georgetown juniori were defeated in both game against the iliihop mcdonald juniors llowever georgetown juniors defeated acton last week in inqtbrr exhibition game both junior apd settlor tem were viclorioui over mlltoa on january loth when they played their first league game jan 20 is win day as basketball teams triumph by tuan yrftlt mondiy january i01h ptov d to b i vlctorlouv diy all round tor ceortetown hlkh cboo whlla our junior and senior uoya travelled to acton to compels jjiliut their reapec live lerai the junior and ban lor glrl of wis played hbtt lo tha vliltlng teama from acton the reaultlng acorei unlor boyi rl id senior olrla l3 and junior olrla 3713 ahow th deterallnatton of the teama to wit and the great ooopera tlop of ihe coachea and the plvyia tbe refercea in attendance at thglrbriani8fwere evelyn 8adl thouh tha uvely utter and audrey mtebim xlinuteabefore the aenlor game was ichcduled to hegin both referrea introduced themaelvea and outlined the rulea and the bouhdariea to be in effect then aa la he custom the vla- ttlng team had firat choice over georgetown in ehooalng either the haaket or the centre throw in action began on the algnal from the referee a georgetown player pat coclr the captain waa the flrat acorer ot the af ternoon ihua continued ihe game until the final acore at the end of the fourth quarter toullcdljmi xtna wj unuaually faat moving and wa completed within an hour lira w thetnpjon the aenlor drama club presents nativity playlet prl rehertt on the evening nf friday de ceniber 13th a amall but en thuilaatlc audience aaw tha mu ileal and dramatic orierini of georgetown high school the firat half ot the ahow eoualaud oi arrangemeota by the senior ami junior dance handa at well aa vocal preienta llona by ihe senior and junior cholra their work did not go for nothing aa they were lauded for their superior presentation but the part a the ahow which drew the molt applause and a few teara of compassion wu the drama clubs presentation of fjoronce ryersoha star song a play in one act which tells the lory of why mary and joseph apent that fateful night in the stable on thb road to betme hem th play took on a hum oroua note moei way until ann hardy in tha role of oeuvlav caeaera widow made the national party atebart tase georgetown lush scool is approaching the point where thr students will vote for rep resentatives of two parties to go to hrampton to attend the model parllamrn one of these parties is thr national tarty there are two major policies of this psrtv we feel that the power lo administer the needs of the people for education or for any local needs such building or rosdwork should be with the people closest to the scene tie provincial goiern menls rsn judee their own probems better than a gov ernmenl further away the central government jhould have the authority to deal with the matter of jnrelan affairs defence trade or any others that cone rn as whole naliona we also feel that canada should advance the relationship with countnea ot her own hem isphrr we should learn to know and understsnd our nrl rfhhours and to support the drive for peace by helping to develop the orgsnlisjlon of american mates we ahould first laarn to live in harmony with an economic ally aound structure whh the countries of our hemisphere then as an independent county to include the atlantic trade counlriea and others each individual must there fore start by making hla com miinity strong and have gov ernment close to him lo under stand hla needs not one that la 10 fir away that it must try to be fair to all in way ault able for their needs think and vote for your national parly peopiu who depend n iirsf untnii iiul kulll depend on natural gas her entrance anna role wu nofuntamlllar having portray ed portia brutus wife in last yeara presentation of jullui caesar also atrong in their rolea aa nuna alaijilvir and tlrta the innkeeper wer brenda elliott inpr8velenaro iw- auivauloax wat nubnoly fubu hospitals and hotels laundries and car washes beauty parlors and res taurantswherever plenty of hot vater is needed for commerce youll find natural gas the firstchoice fuel homeowners too are happier with natural gas the fastest cleanest most dependable way to heat water modem natural gas water heaters are fully automatic and marvel lously economical make the change to natural gaswater heating now tradeins have never been better 1 special bonus award trade in your old water heater right now and youll receive a special bonus cheque for 110 00 no atnngaaruchcd i this special offer is good only up to and in cluding march 31st 1964 so choose now from a variety of lending makes ad models all carry the canadian gas association seal of approval nitd gas limited

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