Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 15

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rrent rnedt wanted 6r wet koomed heated partment per month included wl 0773391 if 2 firww required or put time work thurvuy fri day od saturday od with eaahler experience one to wrap and eeree on roe i couiv ter apply ln person su- roomed heated kp- dt or rnt furnished or peeior food market 18 main llurnubed 8773374 street north bedroom apartment bear available 9th february for iolomutlba eal b4s- booaf heated aparv fit revjuired by elderly coup ler march lat pleae 8t73083 help available carpkntrv wokk remodel bat built is cupboard tec relation room uoyd grace 877203 z13 room dowoatairt apartment rest private bath and eo- vbjw moolhly plu telephone 87741x1 boom apertmefal kwxt uim beat hot wajter iupplitd rent mr lea 41 mam souui uomk aid ervlce give to elderly people m confined at bum or returning hum kuapj ul day f huht awrvlcei glv rrt kefrrenreit telephone s774afll 2 13 services auomroodatioir available omand hoard valuble taro firu or women tm ii and board available youna- tsun iusse call tl wantku tele as tnucm ii and hoaki available one or lvn gynlleiotn durham m telephone b71 u help wanted dusekekmck wanted live five day wrk 677 60fl5 31rl want- d to look after udrel while mother work ivein preferred 677 413o kxt curtaw ind aa play wanted for amalt combo u hitlsburgll r556ui after pjrt dies imagine having sim i onth or more tn spend a wuh that dream it with your reach ihrmich avon hinietirs write mrs rock 78 durhcis ave kil ener sponsmik cocimf for r resident ith two arhoo boy i wish to irje 3 bed oni home at soon at pmsib j preferably in park diklncl ajferenres if requested con torn iluih co herald of l pman who can drive u would enjoy working 3 or hour a day calling regularly i ich month on a croup ofstu girl cosmetic client on a uti to b established in and und georgetown and are wling to make light deliver etc write studio girl co ties dept cw42 840 la ur ave montreal 32 rjmte rill pay up to 5 00 per hour 3 20 experienced sales help w a m y d apply mrs m lkwis teetrsry departnvehl ilvers depl store 6eerftefewit maun painting rouniuf rhloinry repairs w w vau siewiiun trnivv decorating to eapriu ladl vldiiality artistic inlcrlur find tutitu clatuuiu in thf iriil c a grunt h it 3 gurrlown bt7 37s1 tl hanotunlngfind rplrj uli puiiu4 bought khd feotd cfell tr wltfl tv fend ap plliw uti xm u bookjuoalng typing ferv rri nvlpr lnrtjal lik fell olllr nrdi ilr lm ctrlt 41 ukln suulh ntmnt tl uliioivrviua luraltum rc overd and rpilred quihly wurkiusnhhlp t ii hruki mtwfirtlown muli tl wkijisg rd rpir iprlnit wrvice goriftown weld lntf find ttjd llrp 36 u flph kt 77 2051 ii gkohgktown uplioulery lowett prlrri with all work minihip huirsntrld a year yrrmi can tw irranued 877 440 or 877 3um ii robertson electric ihdufydlal commkcial i kisidknyial imionr 877 2d24 crohbctous tl painting decorating ratnabl ttt j haihbs and c telford 177 jiu tl w b hamilton construction ltd ccnfirfil cenlrfictfir niuc k mock coslhht jnd caitrflntily worik i7714w i raid caurl itr janitor i maintenance service rmiunllfel cnmrcm find indullrlal hoors window nlhrr clrinlns rlc call i774s7i s4 slavant cratcanl kitchkn cupboards remodelling recreation rooms customhuily homes rlfairs 1774431 kiuk tstimatks work guarantkkd deaths lewis aluiirel mian on saturday keb 1 fit ux georgetown at district u- inorial hoapual mfirfarct ajloen mclcfin s3 norton crescent beloved wile ol herbert c lewn and dear mother ol siaron auecn fend liutn alary helrd at thr harold c uc clurr kuneral home 54 edith st georgetown where luneral ervic was held on monday eveolnjt thcjice lo ul w o cburcb funeral home teea- water lor service tuesday sf 7 so p rrt interment teeawatar cenelery- howers gratelujly declined in lavjur ul curtiribu tins to the canadian cancer society notice to creditor alt persons wving claims sgslnst uf c a kosurturl alms roster please liu ssanc with the undrislgned en or before th 13th day of kebru ary idea dalfd at toronto lh ulh day of january itsm drrek ii modsrt chsrter ul arrountant tc king slreh wet toronto lon tarlo by hussell whllaly qc lita solicitor hareln services re expert service in your home to youk tv radio record mayer etc call 8779924 mobile electronic repair service u7 prince charles drive incom tax riturni bookksrplng at your office or mine fkna 1771101 v olivier acesunlant plumbina heating call 177 uu bill garbuit 16 kui st ii charter wilson welding 34 arutre0 avno 9 truck budlaa built ta hrpair to corutrur hon equltijrnt llardfannt tratlrr huilt hu phon 1 77 us 1 septic tank pumpins and clranin0 phona william varcoi rlullwmd ulilar i4me ii maths puckering diana tail suddsjnly on tbursruy jsji 30 1m4 at gravenhurtt on tario diane loil dery lo ved daughter ol lorraine and stuart flickering olglen williams and dear slater of darlene beloved grand daughter of mrs mary h eralnerion and mrs elsie puckering reiled st the harold c mc clure runeral home 34 edith ceorgelown where luoer fcl service was held saturday afternoon at ocloci the rev robert duncajtaon olficl ated interment glen williams cemetery weston emily nines dou on monday cab srd i b4 at tjie gporgelowp and uulrlcl memorial hospital emily agse dolly norton in her 67tb year etejovad wile of kenneth weston r- r 2 erin dear mother of royte kenaeth andbharron kill wayne etlngham all ol georretown and deer deugh ter ol mrs l j norton of glen williams kuneral ttrvlte inuk plrr on wedneaday at 1 00 p m at the harold c ucclure puner kl home 34 edith st george town interment in greenwood lviuetery georgetown norval disc jockeys available tar baryjjualt waddlne racaptiont ffict partial dartcat munc to mult all occasion tka bail in wund llcaionable natra lor information contact yulbho productions roy krowh 45fll7s bill yulutt 4s0334 dave williams registered mahelej mailer electrician all typci ol wiring gas and oil burners sales and service 177jjm 1 elgin st tf rent jew trucks and cars j- mnmloftoism herkes b a service v main street s brampton gl 14625 ray conn plumbing authorized cas draler hsl water 1 slaam healing 34 mill si 877 27114 ii r beeimey plumbing heating tinsmithins 8779362 sr i georgetown tf ft service our work manshlpu topi and v m ourchargca- ja r taodeal lvva hovo up torhemlnulo knowladgfl ifih latoft equipment and lop quality kplitcement parts to leryice your not igo tv appliances i j i expert tv i repairs by topnotch technicians 12 miln north tl 7437 wiring commercial 1 domestic john lenz reolwred mailer ejmlrklan electrical contoactoit 177444 tt brampton school of sadriving ivo4 modal care flulv irttured oovarnmahl licensed kutroctory w mclaughlin e we wlllplck you up al your home special attention olveri te rmbrvoua drlvarc call 45506l i ttoilec0 l m omrtr tt n rtmpfan mimoriami ditchvipld in loving me mory ol richard dltchlield who patsed away january 31 1m1 god look him home it waillll will but in our hearts we love him til 111 memory it ai dear today ai in the hour he passed away we ollen ill and think of him when we are all alone i- or memory ll the only iriend that gner ran call id own lonilly remembered by eon in taw and daughter mr and lira albert kerihaw volilmkil in loving mem rrv of a dear hufcband and lather harold lournlrr who died rebruary stli 1m3 what we would give ii we could ay hello dad in the same old way to hear your voice tee your inille to it with vou and chat awhile co ou who haxe a lather lheruh him with care ror you 1 neer know the heartache till ou tee hi vacant chair kver remembered and jd ly miiard by hi wile and lamlly iiariow in loving mem ory ol jack harlow a in ing huiband and father who died february 7tb im0 a page in menioni book i eently tuned trda beautiful memories are treas ured ever of happy daya when we were together kver remembered b wife and lamlly penrice in loving memorv of our dear son and brother john samuel who patted a way rebruary 3rd j055 in his eighth year a page in our book ol me mories la gently turned today always rrmembered li mum and dad jean find douglas cards op thanks lewis 1 would like to e press my sincere thanks to the many iriends tame knnwn and totte unknown who gave me aetlstance during my recent bereave ment herbert c lewis mrmknkmy i would like to thank my irlenda neigh hours and fellow workers al provincial papers for tarda flowers and gilts sent to me while i wai patient in the georgetown memorial iloapl tal and since reluming home special thanks lo dr rene- nek and dr scott and the nursing atalf jack ucme- nemy swkkzie ilosd and marie sweetie and family would hlr to thank evrrvone for their kindnesa clfta and cards received after their car accident on december 7th 1d63 special thanks to dr macintosh and our hospital nurses and tuff tor- the won derful cars given ui sincer ely appreciated uoyd and maria sweesle taylor i would like to thank sincerely my iriends auti nelghbaura and he stall of success janitor service lor their lovely glfta flow- era and card that were sent to me while i was in hos pital a very special think you to dr j d proud of guelph and our own dr mac intosh and to the nuraeaand staff at the hospital laabel taylor 4 life membership for mrs wj reed in wms the wmiof norval prw- byterlan church met at the home of urt clure axcbdkin on tuaaday january 28 with tb president mr ahdraw mcclur in the chair air 10 suthruad wu in charge of th devotional and mrs ft duocanaon gave the chapter iron th study book on tb prubvurian church in ud x uti tonbcrhlp wm pre ented to urt w j ud in reocnulort of be work la the w us the roll call y answered with the payment of tnbfer iidp fees irollowlni tit tteetlnjf luncb wnl kxrved by jhe httesa a- suled by air harold urcture ind vtri harold kd ulj mary utlnnm 1r kronouit of the ktertltai hraivcb of tiw dpt of ajfri culture gvi a vry interrst inj ulk lid demontytrstlon abort course uii food khotv putf in tb ftoi in norval 1 united church on wdtdiy january st3lh she xplhlid what to look for on the tod lilwu lb get the ixot food value bow to cok the ftod and nut lo the viumtm and tip on bunnui ineali uln th canadian kod cuiik lax wiu ellb la the family if properly rooke4 balanced tneati are tervrd there will be no need for vita mln pllli un jiri ijiduw k urt craig ucclure demonatrated the difference in home made nft packaged lemon pie by making the pie and fcervlng aanpt to tho attending it wai noted that there wai very lilt if difference in the tail and the packaged pie w t cheaper to mike brampton wet initltute wai in charge of the ahort court and aeveral of the norval wo meni initltute member t atten ded all njoed the day and should make wiwr i hop peri in the future noval noted organist will play norval concert norval preabyterian church have been try fortunate in aecunni one of north ameri ca forepioat concert organ iiu fredenck geoglwgan at gueit organist at a uuaical bvening to be held in the church on february 13th at 8 50 pm an invitation is extended to all to enjoy an evening of fine mua- ft well uiihfi are extended to mrs norman guthrie who fcprnt a few dsl in gnrgr- toun and district memorial hospital if you enjoy a friendly fisme of euchre be sure to attend the euchre and social kvening in the old pi negro v school spon sored by the ttnegrove hall committee on saturday even ing kobruary 8th the pinegrove farm forum hrld their regular weejclv me ting at tht home of mr and un john brander on uonday evening january 27th tht discunion took the form of a queatlonnur which wis followed by uie uiuil game of tuehrr mrs albert hunter richsrd and claude mclatigh un aislsted the hostess in serv irul lunch on monday evening feb 3 the farm forum met at the home of ur and mrs harold smellie and dlscuiied knlli in the market place th h oaten wai aislited by harold and cheater early and mrs j bran der in serving lunch and a so cial time enjoyed the next public holiday la good friday thl yaar it is the laat friday in mafoh the 27th f radiators hxfatrxd and cleaned phbne 4b171t7 tf pmurtidiatbr service 1 english street brtnurton one protest okay convention while council this year has vetoed attendance at most con- ventlona monday lhei decided to tnak reaervatlona for dele- gatea to tha good roada con vention at the royal yorc later this month cr charles hlldebrandt op posed renting a room for local delegates were only half an hour away from toronto they can commute the same aa hundreds of people do every day he observed thia brought cr kmmerson to hia feet in spirited attack on the councillor thu is gettwig monotonous he said i dont know if mr hlldebrandt has ever attended ajonvsntlon he tin he should know that the room li there for equipment men to contket us the county and township hive roomii fee observed and ha said it la time for council to settle down end repreaent the people not jrarue about petty matters station mimkft- any change in the colour or site of a mole ll li itrouble alga and ahoidd be brought to jourdocloreaueouonuoould b cancer v feature values 1inen towelling serviceable quality linen towlini weute with red border note the 23 width yd w bath towels feature value brlxbt jac- qutrd dealgna of well woven heavy terry 24x48 to alao kutue stlripej and florals broaiklotk bpecial quality in wide 46 width popular colnra out- afjjodinjf value tfc dish cloths a good quality wuvrn cotton dish cloth foil sis t for pre window shades vinyl coaud cainbric eoiure- ly wubbu uiminted n apnug roller a apodal rata iwm quality 77t xu watsauo piudw slips faoiijy quality uu hn autcbed fe value paif 1 f chenille bediprad sjjld color wltii decorative tutd overlay jjouble bed kite bttectal value vf cial valuc diapers plannellette i7i27 rjoe lit swaji bolt geuxe 20 x 40 ttf- msj cciiving blankets ksmond baby elsnvets 23 x 34 je wasvasto bed sheets percau uuillty fllilvhid tlte ill 104 w ut baby blankbts tit lound wtiglity 1- nvond blankets 3dn0 krture vlue 0j drapfs p tailed rayon jo choice of ideaufu milgld pairs laiitii triple pletstaxi with hejoitx sfeb4flal value i t9 flannllhtyi blankets a jleluxe blsnket lunurioui ly iott vvvvrit fur giud wrv vice and laundnitg ntw border alripex iqxidi ruch tl vi 1- 1 l ssimainst georgetown lent begins witfi rancaki day shrovj tues fb 1 cisock this hst of timely feature aunt jtmima pancake flour reg or bullermilk eeoroetovvm moular or italian styli f francoamerican spaghetti o 1 00 1 aylmir choicf haives peaches 2 j 45 kraft macaroni dinner 2 s25 nllsbury while er chotelale cake mix new colgatepalmolive coftomy priced detergent new uue lar6k abc giant ec6ki0mv 39c 69 99 save on crest tooth paste rt econorrty trie tube 89 cree dehvery on all 9ders 500 and up meat specials devon uiced side bacon ik plig 59 make leap wieners lb 49 matu leaf skinlels or juvhee pork sausage lb pkg 49 try our red brand beef steaks roasts priced low every day fresh produce size 111 white horida grapefruit y joi 79 us no 1 washed trimmed spinach 2 a 39 ont no 1 cmamy whit mushrooms re sqperifie sklslaaaat food markets tomatoestuli 1 wsjifeelyajjjijj ri r rj

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