Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 16

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coming events the ymcaywca senior cjtieea club will meet tlsurev dy fvbnur uth at oclock la the canadlae lefton hal world day of prayer on friday february 141h so p m at st paula baptist cburctv all are welcome nursery fa- dliuee m euchre id belllnafad com munity centre tueay feb ruary t at b so pn ad mission soc good prise luoch acrved edacation minister officiates as pineview school is dedicated the era of the on- country acbool baa endd la eaqiieain townahip completlne trend which rtrt with sruom cboo4 ai cu willi iml the new 6- room piiaeview school had it official opeoinf january hhh to impr the importance of lb- diy hon william davi pcyiid htiine eod school jpovlbcu tainutci- of educa bake bale i p w tuctre 8 souon wa joe fcoeaker t the nchoo knday j tlevii had jone to aw principal a lei dlckaoa lnt roduxed the staff mr k hid dell un u glfeo and wr k lawaoji who lauiht laat at licny quatr hraa and pintftove achoola now doaed alrt e llilaoo froaj treialgar and shirley green a graduate of hamilton techcr cullege mr w wilton principal rr lief and url uiry kidney mu ait kupervlmx kve ceorge leslie brought reeled truilc uoyd flahcr and ruaaell miller introduced chitect mr barnctt who pres ented a united nation flag to the achoot and sharon hume and ricky brown who preacn ted a dictionary from the pu pll of speyalde school truatee cheaper kerly exlan dad appreciation to the minis ter and other taking part in the program mr kidney di the aentur choir in a february sslh adiuiaion vicay to locrite hi remark jlownhip gixtitu liifcpector tnualc aelection juirmhtwiu boor rue lticifc had delved into towruahi 0 j mcdowell fc fx hl following a ribbon futtlag ky draw wulory to rall early artuen detriment and horge jcwj itercmony vintor loured hi dont forget the kmexruvetw blrtlf tol sducetion and re- j m r ff the rounly ah tiree uchtwl and rjaed yefre cawn unity halt board luchre eoileciion uf tufcl inipeclura mentlort three fornr trust tneni acrved by area woiheii i on iatjrday feb kih id the rural ct tral khdol are eta iuuirt caiitiinghjir mun imtrturfa old jiiirove schtl acoujbne of the m6t rncouregim ley brown and wlurn ifcw pnrea admialn stw ldie dwlopmeila in eduction huh win with mr arrnktroi mr o iiru rri piovide jaald he ritcd higher profc organ veital lv krdrr uofcal uliflratuiii in teach ick coghe thurdy fettt- toor fcpi- litairur 15th at 8 so pm norvalirvt tibn and the challeg to pu byurtan church adulti lie p urgrr iiumbera uf thtr atudeiiu iic ticketi available k k at mi ad un wikj wlul mci rniuoitt j and mr prowl eui t th- lw mirtute of flu which puhued theeatton at a dinner at ijwth ufrj athiol i ru lxwjje mr tivi w lutriwluied by mar sprowl v ifr chairman o the fcchol board hoard chair man mri shirley armatrong a welcomed a crowd of over 400 i which jtnmrd ihe tchuol for the rcrmony she ttretked that education i coiublnalion in which achoot and home mini nhare and that parent muil provide the proper atmoiphere to coitiplrniriit achool initrur hon hev john c hill niinlt r r yur vuauw of united churchei at aahgrove i4h a uvty a- in hornby itreaed that the t the do lialllnafd w t are holdintf a kuchre wnny sl and dance id eelllrufad cotnniunl ty hall in february uth ad mi talon 4c wchre 8 15 p a aharp lunch aerved j h ceijrgetown aumlury for retarded children preaeiili their third annual idea of march dnte friday march 13th 1644 t n hivuri kor val woo per couple refreab uenu 1 rury probi careers preview bxtendedw boys too are included ait arranv r a ajnl l harru ul lyy ulll will llll mv klllaral ly aaalal caraaaa fr vau tuw mla th ulw arr holdlnj a il patrirk tra and bv sale on sjturdiy march hth in lb clrn wllllami united church auo keep in mind th spring rummaia sala oh may xsrd nm to ahond ike ahnual luu ol tk lud crau w tueay rmrwry atllj mm u ho auaeroof haw over ueeia koalwraiel m mak xi m cw tpeliov kmv eaenraj ovaryona we sa firida fnatructlon for be- klnhcra announced by georga- tovea vuywca i week couiw rommentinr tuaaday feb 18 so to 1030 pn tm moo call y office s7161u or ttrtiica for application forma on sunday the ninth there a going o w at holy crou school a vilen tin tea from two to four pleaaa be our guaat knjoy our loclal hava a rest tlie catholic women a lragua general meeting of the georgetown 1 dlatrlct memor ial haapiul auxiliary feb 11 t 8 p m in hoapital cafeter la thu la th annual meeting and election of officera- all rnambera pleaaa make an f fort to attand and uia your right to vote georgetown ev dlitrldym ywca second annual meeting turkey supper and junior member programme display at knox presbyterian church hall thuraday february 20th 1064 iti pin price per tic kat um on ub at the y office barbera gift shop and ttelrex smoka shop achool roust be an imtruinent of gods truth and that know ledge in luelf does not create an eduf atedtnan wisdom is the aecond essential ingredienl mr hill dedicated the building l st johns uniyid church georgetown 5nl ulnliter kv tawf m clttmlrif orginiit and choir director k r harrlim arct rut jum lt h 1100 im m irning uorahip 7 00 pm pi n tal aj much for othen u far ourwlvaa ut jue rugrahi by th t eurgeloun hun a d i roffki o al women in haled their auduuce for ten minute run the alagc at the ei d uf the itriei of ipehea quea lion and nuwrr aeuiuna will club to bring to the attention hfd w jrbtr of he jio oils girla the ma roumi wiu jean markenne of ny career available to them the eurifetown lluuneu and haa bn xpandfd thia yrar i rofeiiional vtmen club llecauie t the reap me to wl id ai chairman of the the prukrjm which tiai rally girls prt ram wai having five career people probably the n 1 rea ark archie hull medical of addrtll an atiembly of high t thing about arrer i re 0 health for halton achool girl and then iniwrr view li the willingnen f h aald thia wiek ho eld- recovetstolenwals seven months later dool atop hoplnef thatith meaaxg j a aiory tht coded in blegh cbool bmid aeret ry ern forgravas ahi oo monday when gcorgdown ro- uce department cat eeft uoi- line walked in io picm wrut watch on bll deak the waleb had be away from it owner for 7 bsoatha mr forgrae gave the wateb to hi aort feter u an early greduktioo gift id february of laat yer in july pel waat a prfc on aba hlxhway where lh wlch wa atoiep- th theft waj reported to ctuef at- hajey of the georgetoww o- ice department wbo adld it alao be reporitd to the rrv inrial follce at foirt credl which h did wilh a derrtp- tiun of the watch th lurt credit iolice pa ird the information on to the vaugtun tuwmlap folice wbo probably advance h further days ago a nun wu ked up by 1 oronto police urring a wrlit watch inarrtb- ed to ivier from dd ttny cl rcled with urea depertlweita to ie if luch had been ripw te stolen it wai patted d wn tlie lnw tf departmei li to the rorte town 1 olice who delivered it to mr rorgravr aa they uy in the rout uf rml itlll run ning perfectly bujb tocoaaariinn xariful of yickik questions in a follow up scs career representatives to r sion ihe eorgelwn hip cept a chance io ad lrrn an were askeil if a si nllsr pro auillrnce of high school stud rani could lie put logclhe r for f nll all have busy dally ache the boys jtlules to keep ami yet none of the junior chamber was res die 11 indicated reluctance ponslve when the womrn bub when askrd to lake part gesled them aa the likely ort whether or not their at anitatlon io hsndle the male tempts to guide students into end of it lonseuently theent proper niches holds any tire student body will hear lw with the students in their speakers next wednesday at eventual choice of careers will the second annual lareerspre pro never be known view at gils eacepl to the scholars them itlll insllsh of the jayceee selves lined up the live speskers who will address the boys the rep f ftw oillv oil resenttives will be from trans vouiiclilots viliy nil industrial commission erly person should engage in heavy unaccustomed work such as snow shovelling without con suiting their physician first air editor- it appcaa taaal aaasai bcra ml c taal aa lis rigkta ml wiu rsjarati a imgg og cssivasal oaa ai ally i i i i lasasa to lo isacsr olv to mart iw towai kaul tu wans 11 cl solely ai use rtgbivaaj felkr lexsalaan u9 rocsri bacrvanaaatty tbry ar sl tw aaa a mi ususcjlm iuld rs the fisure wsb a iw id tkli i evuidal stzsm sa i ma sun cr hihsrsaa wilt be judged aae a tka t be se blindly lelwj b mm lu boeet aoj live but lei kt councillor t-w- alaiea u bll usul her that bejy subuilltrd uiwsu 1 of fire ttua mr l m a pkte t ieil u iw s- tual fart uauli w i suggest tbmlb vry kejj l quoting very ueag wi slry financial siateeasu a little asl tatrcfcaa dipping wf p l law sakwvll of political ap youra trwly uka tble e rese canada air lines the tlellte lephone company the depart ment of ubour varlan asso ciates snd a ceorgetown law rr ired llelson will speak on the legal profession girls will hear six speakers on occupational therapy wo men in insurance hanking ca rrera for women in the itell telephone company and inter lor design hjch speaker will address immamukl lutheran church howard wkioolmwohth ichool auditorium m cuelp1i sttteet weshv virvua 16 so hi tunday khaali so am j knrfneb putor win prizes at iikgo and penny sali yhukj hib 131b is am oddpillowav hal tveltyone welcome sponaored by the true rluea ideal gift suggestions for your mewty a1rive0 co0 spring jewellery as low as sloo aynsley cups and saucers specially priced at s00 kicular monthly miitinii l0l 245 tueadav fehruary 11th s pjn aharp i o o f hall weabyan slrt notice all dogi owneri are re- quested to comply with bytiwntr 1827- which provides that they ahall procure i ug for each dooiiorlwftre the uth day of robruary ta may be obtained front mr hilton harker al th municipal pffice gthli borne 18 arlet- vm many other g ft items io choose from cards by rust craft for every member of the family barbers s main si n je end gifts 8773483 georgetown induitrtal pro motion thia year will be guld ed by a 5 man group composed of council mrmbera monday council appointed reeve uliott deputy ileeve wm r hunter and cri hob rrancis ilill smith and jim young to the commlnion cm r rancia and don pow era voted agalmt the motion with cr tower expreaaing the opinion that the eommiiiion ahould alao have membera oth r than councillor in lta mem bershlp fiawo fufils pass kxaminations the following puplla of mri alva allen were lucccuful in pmiing their piano enamina tiona at the tloyal conarrva tory of munc in toronto last week hnc llinaen crafe i hon our f hzabeth alien grade vi honoura lelie hanaen gridr vi honoura sharon tuckerinc crade viii tasa vlliaheth llamen grade vlir im silvers calls it valentines day friday february 14th fow is the time to sovo on qucdity apparel in silvers mammoth mens dept tors mtion ski jackets 6 solo 58 i eeetms jsj1 evotx suburban coats heeey fyjlt i toed anatv tweej fetunt avaers iwajhtd all wooi top coats suits lute- fmai quilify trql sh worsteds two p pnl mots uhvlois caftdtcan sweaters 1596 500 slacks curling sweaters 15 00 5-oo- 3oo cwark of higher priced lfw bovr slacks clmmlmnem- e4 higher priced iws j k ic ic k it wlrller weather miking your hair droopy then why not let amiaryrt r durte ireal yeu le thrlsteus famous perm christells hair styling j 14a mali south over r gouoeon furniture c 00 5 10 7 50 i 50 our special perm is well known to seorget6wns haircareful women just the thing to put your hair do bac into lovely condition and give your spirit a uig lift at te same time call early for td 7 e7al your appointment ik o o i final days of jacksons thrift terrific bargains on mens shoes oxfords soft end comfortable in grey navy brown end ten slzea 6lo 13 398 am msns windbreakers cozy leminalei keflulahy ulli sale price 895 ladies and childrens winter coats all drastically reduced lames osuom bulky fta pullovers snuo tuxbl neds ad lonr sleevea tsa 14 to ib s498 cottons many petlerns io choose oorg 3 yds for 00 yard oood skc1aui hanneis douwje knits moad- clotrr ft woouns at similar savings the canadian red cross society ccoatcttown and district manch annual meeting tuueourr room ovr uatti restaurant on 2 main street north tuesday february it 1964 f b 15 pen gueit speaker from toronfo refreihmenti served the public li cordially invited tulwo 6duction saturday dance party heesents i i a i i i i m i i a i at caeairttf m mth dime from the usa doveils bak by ike ardeils the arfiells to apd to your pleajlltie our deejay stu sinclair bewfcctuiti 12 um saurtlay february ftth oatance hall brampton hiuumbette 12 membera 1 00 smart oren en abtolute naftcauit drapery materials 99c 45 wide jackson s 2t main strut north bargain centre l 4lt7tams why coss scmool actacwam at the riviera norval smc1al bingo this monday at s 00 f m utjfcrpot500oo v 2nd jackpot 61 alamtsslon soc w 4- up tm tifssu vj jhi

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