Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 3

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halton county museum board the lllturt county museum xruo luin f warxje c cpwwy 0fclmr board bcld tu loauiural mhuhr burling uui duirtdii ftww c in o 1b44 mundy jin t7th kve llvrb urrry oakvill fccay laok atm 3 member u the hoard which insert- 1 ary trraamr jajp ani- wltr au operate th th tauaum aijltw vifbiirmid ualpbluiju mil wwmmji am quarry firm foots bill for sideroad construction n ka lia laawttk aultoo jwk lm aa am biiiaa oaktiur- ali cooke mlhi caora ciinu zvu- c aad ita ca raquuiil mosengeri explorers hare sunday meetings bof sjow scheduled at gallery house sol acton ijjlone quirrie ilollur is the nm tt far aa the tlu will rtconlruct no 2 side top of fjurun township llna hud usding to their plant at wings rait along the boundary iheir own expenir a wai lear between calf don and chinxu bed tn a letter rum owner bl datdy rred gardiner to fcjuirrif council monday p m th township hss started ei proprlation proceedings for land for road widening purpos ibitf baddy alio promised to bay th townships share of he cgml of moving the trlrphmir- poles alons thr roa 1 tlir r it hid lieen quoted by thr bell telephone co at 70 by motion council rwiurtr i tha 1111 telephone co to move the pole a notice from the i tano municipal board announced the wiling aside of the lottj 20th end llit it dajs for the annex alion haarins in dcorielown wd to take over 43 acres of is- ueiing the hearing will he lit tha ceortfelown municipal building r garden of the routr the proposed new access road to th terra cotta conservation area takes ltqueiing i ihare will b roughly 16 000 accord lost la a plan drawn at a joint ortihirof chinjuscousy krtn caiclon and kwjueslnjf rep ret cntallvu tha raprasantatiias a ill meet with th minister of highway ybruary list in an attempt to convlncar him the province abould pay a xreater share ainttf they feel it is mainly peopla from outside the area who frequent the conservation pt thar ar two proposed rou iej one ko i straight up the town lint between erin inrlta ladon la highway 24 and the roiuy then north to highway 24 in neither one u the pres ent road running up from the terra cotta inn considered mr mc aim a representative of hancock tire co appeared before council to discuss the rrfjppini of the nrader tires he promised to loan two ureal nuary clhm williams tw mibufirt ud fcaplor r imu twir x bd son w bacwood id the bavxnrnt wost 13 lplorw and is urt- tw kr- be- lmm trmxrrt d 1 bubrf of diolh that au utrrtrw touulrt ij ttrf leadr un john ldnt uav lslri nrk hfj jjrt jttka huddll was in ded rkaa a n5 00d uiiutaj at actoa jltfb sfbol wu prtned huiujihg intpto w llulu revaud ilut prbits viurfj it tmjoo wrrv isul dnnjt i cemur and pyruiu vjj 16 000 wrrr usud dunmi ja bf tb- fcjiplorrrt and witb prar aad all r- adinit ibri turpaw and then imi lb bynid tbla la uy fbikwi wold rcrtwy uia wsibb fad tb wjbutei of tw jaaiury birr lug bandra atvlaublia tv a kkort treas taws rrfhort tb worship ser vim was i jruj wearhlng fend trwbitoi all rd tu b2d bybui aimi srt4ptiir by doug us odd 11 trayer by ivdli utrtiur ivhuij ilrclure took up tb 6lfrtdjf and it waa de- dirauj by lgtim wilton the fiftb aad iivtb chapters of the book tb coldra coin bssj ea laju waa read by urt john bilujdy aftrr which all play ed aa indian iw water lots ura c ii dick read th sec- od story roni the book the luffju and the bell ura all anglicans ar invited to the croup of yuat ki gx wiuon wu in charge special wrvice on sunday who were riding m j iluiuca tkr worthta ervie aaaia- rebruary 16 when buhop wtl car last wedneulay raiagj ann meclure jame kinson asmtant bishop or ni was unhurt wbea u waa tbval urw 0jvid alexander and jo- agara will be the speaker in m ved in an amdfst vey lluav ja wja ww handiwork albans this is a joint service ter was driving brtb fro j j ity joined with of both st paula norval and town over lb boat a4 tbefcb epwrt far and this church he will speak on un bridge btf a tutrb aoaxj in tharg of urt the anglican world uuldr ire and rolled ff u tbe j itvnabb and loii and nally a m town hall furnace allows classes again th lint wthibiuon in 1904 at gallery houm sol 45 chaxl bow of batik by aliaa ulk su tuner toronto from feb bib to fob 24th atia staimwr wj bord in lumburt gcrnuny in 141 eb u trtifd btur d kilversmltb and an accomp- uabed maker of batik a beau tiful many totury old jva- bei krt which u atiu pract ucd today in ilat orjginal fojtn bb cam to cano in 18c3 and xhibiud br baiika at um kortb york public library in toronto callery houa sot hj arras- tad tight fccbeduu uf rrhl bjtiinii fr th next halyar which la h fuluw kabruary 29 march 10 u4 buisundinf jrphic artlat holf ucyri will ahiw waurrculuuri drawinga- woodcuti and ub- lllii march 21 april 0 paul bu- rhahh whd had a aukeaaiu wttrirt show lat fuatmouw sol will exhibit new rcllglouj paintings april 11 april 27 cwrff- lown a dorothy stone will hv a ahow with new oils done during the last yar llay 2 uay ib house kn will hfave agin the ood v tune to exhibit drawings by uia great joief irfdtfri ml at the same time small sculp tures in silver by harold uul ler may 23 june 7 house sol bra nc he out in a new direc tion by exhibiting artishlc pho tographs by four young photo graphers june 13 july 0 the gallery plana a group allow with new works by its ib artists in addition to all that there will again u in 1063 b an outdoor sculpture show in t ha galleries garden from uay 23 july 8 in which aome of o nada s leading sculptor will take part newspaper advertising brings the merchant ihoweau into your hocne time of service fu ditch at the rafeerc roctun lately k to-w- wd bh baltkei ear u a wrk if you get the chance go down and see the new inter th anglican cburcb ar national airport it is a wt are plannm tbew awawaj urf modern place compared to the i trip to teeuatl ns saiawtly old one u is situated a short feb 1mb this u twr treat distance below the old one i instead of a cbrioaau thy take your children for a drive 11a ns ar ta eat at tw avnd and go through it it will be restaurant and twa tprj intereatinir for them as well as time abopping or taking us a educational show marty wheeler ia a member the town i tall board ke of thr small combo hand that installed a furoaee s tkatpub- kl jmuu crtubell uurjkod taai viistorv and lunh wu tit- j by mrs jobs kd and urt bfa alexander yrs tbe atround bog uw bis hbadow a sunday so winter ill b with us for si more wrks after that lady spring ran rean jut as soon as the like playad at the constellation ho tel saturday night i- success secret speakers topic for men of sf johns sl johns united church a0ts mens club held their atond meeting of the naw yaar on tuesday evening with ted tuwilnion of canadian ba kef perkins brampton as the guest speaker mr rawlinson gav a very worthwhile talk od the secret of success at the january meeting of th club the following execut lv wis elected headed by j hamilton as president honorary president rev i naming past president den nla- carr 1st vice president gordon gopsil 2nd vice prep- jdant doug lock secretary john nichols treasurer jack layman membership and pho ning committee george armi tage neot day dennia carr doug uaclaren projecta com mitlee tom troulen roy wil son basil price walter rned- ger boya and youth work committee beg broomhead j todd art stamp program committee ken faulkner d lock alex reader publicity committee g ucgilvray and a maclaren in january the club served lunch for tha united church women a genrral meeting and presented them with a third year anniversary cake tic school tutt am agid be ing held there they tfiftt twa weeks in lb uautad ctmrcb basement while tke laulallatiaa wa being dooe the apale ivoawts udea are having a holiday forbotit two weeka tbey ripest is be able to ui the ejd uoragw applea at that tiaac and tbe make an rsrelletit twodtacl in the meantime the ladaea wbo make the freabvalirc are still busy heatimc co4lwtats three cerftowa tea bec ame qualified beating caauult ants recently after rattletiaig the rotnpltcaled electirmcaj lua- ting association rourw bff- ed by ontario hydra tbey are graham ramell and k w binkley manager and camuia- alnner with georgetown hydro and dave willia was cnr station operator in town a ta twtlatat uvtrtl yeirt wlwa hm wi ah operator it th ojb fcutlah tun raimin icj ditj in klourdliu january mk a baclxlftr ur kraman uv ki at tha iffcibbon houu v a laeuibtr of tha uaaonie ijtdtv and an ardtnt hunter i waa a native of woodbridge ditlnh ll uava thrm alilara mra j w baddy waodbrldtk un u kill sun clly california uul ura j a krattr wetton kuaral arvim waa held at tw sfott it son kuntral home at woodbridge laat thuraday gm announces toe vwa r couples club new group at st johns st johna united church haa new organuation a couplea dub the tint maetlnf waa held l saturday feb lat in the ttrttkh jtallwhjrh va detor ated in a valentine a day tie me bv and urt fleming on- caed with a brief devotldnal followed by buaineti and tha election of an executive a recreation period with uki wuvlhjoroukhly enjoyed a cattdullkbt lunch eonctud ad the first ueetlim 1l the new vauxhall vhra in- and the deluxe ahown bet aeata flimi iiraalnl atlekaur iced by0neril motorv the viva haa provgntiupertorlwl rlonh ike tnaak apace uated at the prototype in handling acceloratlpn all- fj ta itufatxed h capable of handllnaf aeceletaupn etago in the canadian north weather performance comfort during laat winter a twotjoorj uidniriquaaaaa- to other car sfourpaaaenger car it h avail- in tbla amaller 100o- ce engine j j clan sundavd are bucket bier ir tw6 modeu itandard providing rooaa feaaucialuieat 0 dec- below aad lhe deluxe rarpe4lng tamaaghovl laatfawjaaaa daaal extended health benefits iv f2s00 f ttach ulvmis tafacetonf brotf ambiilac 25 wkly nod womn for turth in in your area ntall coupon to at t back any 130 hollywood ave wulowdalc ont t4me -jlddiwa- tom huth tain hubh fortiirr advertla- ing managrr of the herald u now at toronto bead office of thomson nwapaprt lid mr huih who eawa to the herald from lb oak villa jour ual record latj wu transfer red to the ttarrte kuatttlner ux and un rmh aad lb4 sons mark and brock are uv ing in barrie but are hoping to move bark to georgetown when they ran find accommo dation here social personal ur and un henry sienko 14 george st ur robert oil ivler 3o henry st and ur and ura klchard slenlo agin court motored to new york tait weekend they attended the wedding of diana dvluea and donald coleman of buf falo which look place in st aldan a church ulneola long ialand tni oiocobttowh hikald tkocwjvy pwa wrh h4 pace s congdons snow boot sale continues while they last slippers 3x i saturday specimonlt nylons 3 pair 100 iu 1 19 pal ho kffumds ho ftftukfcti congdons shoes 31 mala straw iauth t7ji delrex laundromat ltd dry cleaning special with allwvinl in charrja monday wwtuajtv 10 tutiday kmtuaky 11 widkttoay kuuilv 13 betwdan houra 1pm lopm 8 lbs for 150 all merchandise clearing at wholesale cost to uv0a haa n hvm natl 18000 15000 10900 1 bedroom suite- 1 bedroom suite 1 bedroom suite 1 2 pc french provincial setwoe 19315 1 2 pc contemporary set hm 16541 1 chrome suite mm 5000 1 kitchen table t 2000 1 dresser mirror s 3000 1 large chest of drawers f 3000 1 childs chest of drawers 2600 2 54 continental beds hwob 1 39 continental bed m 1 39 continental bed 1 54 continental bed 54 mattress 1 upholstered headboardiiiws wnoillry crib mattresses 8000 4900 4000 4500 1000 500 m00 1 lazy boy chair 1 provl occasional chair imi 5217 iiss 550 5000 mttf provl occasional chair w 4718 provl occasional chair m 4967 large hostess chairs t 1100 tuf u is sth1 a good assortment qt oc tables wallplaques doll carriages- childrens peda cars open friday and saturday only modem occasional chair 1500 9 x 12 rugs m 9 x 12 rug v kiddies rugs jm play pens ij stroller i5m babies seat sleeper childs wao upholstered kcckcr upholstered phone tables 600 large lawn chaisette 1900 chromi table chair set nos 1500 large patio tables i 800 24x36 clam mirror 1400 symphonic record player wss 2500 childs safety gates 300 4000 3000 325 800 800 550 1200 v georgetown discount furniture 6traiyslreer phwrfrr7440fr

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