Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 7

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school opens i 1- minister wnvlw isiblle vkoo mony at th o school whlcbarmljn mr ivakls u- eudo in liuin toiiuiilp out fl llr aoutll 0 o actually opj itj doori ig cluirau m sprawl and tt urt spiakrr iu3i n ux tin uu of kiiiiiiipuptlj in sptinbr sihouj trxulxi a uoyd flkr and dlt mainly wllh the lntt u officially oortud wd bard lnuteti aw shown hrcllr kirly hloiw li ka in hlsury of tin township ay nlfht by willi 0 davij with lh font speaker from guwlns ivnth consolidated and aomr of the popl mil mulo minmcr of kducsloti lit arc tnulm hiuicll ullur school ur davis dhd it swlril with the education ol wea- 400 attended the crhojrd thalrtiian urt shirley tnilfctone la hi history ofedu it rit million dollar projfct second home for aged start building this spring hoftnfty l whaleyf cfmholm are wardens at st stephens the annual tnecutitf of st stephen anxltcaa church was held ort thursday niht ja uary xb in th parish iu11 ith t hummj fctloufe low tut the opening ptbyrt by hev j k waxwelj urx ur want wu appointed vetry clerk two minute iiece wis ohkcrved for th- members who hd paatwd wy duritiif the pt the follow in elected hectors warder l whalt 1tls warden k- chuhylfrt rleeled secrrlry treaaurey ur nd mr arthur johhiin auditor william bradley nd t c uvihruk uy llvleyau to synod t f irew brook allrrilstr c fny drew hfftok advuory hoard klluj stfver chiirilitl ken whaley craijf lloyre al ln hnoo arthur imit k loolkotl slid john uraduy wllh two more to he lctd by th trilnlfctir mdemen hiptiinre chairman koytv donald t hi i holm david iluyce eorv thomson keith and lorn klla ivter uhell crai noytr dale ualoit ur yh ckomcbyowm hekald k whiuy choir lra maxwell exprvued hli kppre cutiod nd conkratuulioiu to kll for th work they had kr eompmihrh durliu uu yui cake and coffee were aervcd ahh sdeuiejl the tneetilli lued with wv y uxwell r the udic of st irtericjv thohe church held euchrv ullltrrt wrro party on saturday hijthtatjhe nohb trafalgar coultouulty crhtje with 13 tabled jir- ply ttie priie wee wii by the fotloww auguta vuckland mr colin hty ui kycke and ollii tieaty twd lucky drw wrfvjtrld with mftf j urtaro and lulpfl krtvri ton beirti the lucky winner a deticloui lunch waa trvd by urd ijh kuenujt and mr hujth o connor th prurd of thu ity was donated to ihf ketarded children a v und the next partv will he on sa rant lurday hiht hfb hmh enurialaexl members of th ford cux atlhelr bom rec ently when a praeoutloa held in honour of delnurvard and hia bridiobe miaa mari lyn sacrviood of burliaftoo the first part of the evening waa appot puymi carda with the to acorv winner beio ur roy bouifield and ralph kord the conaolatioo priam nt to mr dave sherwood m awarded to and wilhert toid the travel enjoyed- una prlxs curvaoa ford following the eocbx ih youof couple were presented wrth e bnde e4 w uhuaftd chairs delmar and atartlya both extended their thanki and appreciation of the lovely klft and evening- a delicious lunch waj served and a social yhufmy rb 4th vacr y 14 crhietery uord kn ivwtfwa johd unh- ui wllluin urain dirk wfl irr cliff hunlrr william uead aflyy hiidid iry william iloblnton orjtn while hununj acridrnli in ut mrt r rni irice sunday volviug jfuni have derlinrd in school surverinlendent totnmy ontario tinre qc0 the num hunter ber qf accidenta in 1w2 wji tit vanoui financial report 12 alert handling of fire were read and adopted and all irmi li at a it very much a nrrd w vrr firalityina hrv a cue lire party wai held tn friday nivht jan 31 at th- lloyne community centre wiife ten table in play mri s cur tli wai in charge of the door th pnxei were won by ur clareiih uccann un alfrd rord jim llaoulton and wllf rd fjyrence the ladira in chanc served a dellcloui lunch and a social hour wai vnjovd the neat party will he on fri day night rebruary zfllh mr and mrs alfred ford barrageks specials 3 for the price of a r yh toums tm suns tua coats tic cuahid k th hocf of two professional dry cleaning only 8 lbs for 200 cih fend cfry it mu si only f tup i dbvry barragers cuanus t btus 11 mulfl si lie golph si h4om tr 72279 the hew 150 had home for the aed adjacent to he pre- acnt centennial manor will he started ihu yrar imtead of in th it wj revealed at halton cpunty council uat week the stepped up programme was dlarlosed in an application fur 1 s230 000 municipal work ute will cut auiatance loai to help financelgrcatty a coiuldcrahle isvlnk willwlut wa oppoted by bvf j i effected by the com mo n ue of laundry chapel and auditor ium facilities in thr preaent huildinf which will w con nee ted to the new hulding by an underground pauage in ad dition the ute of the existing the overall coil tm ealllritcd one million dol lar cot immediate plant call for a hm bed home with the addi tion of further iso bed prov ided at a later datr th new lhre ilorey home a salary b law seven pages long luting 202 county emp loyeea and totalling over 700 000 yearly wai approved by hal ton county council uit week while all the other salary in provide for approximately 0 creates passed quietly a wrin brdj oa rich floor with a spe rial rare patients on the main floor and bed car on tba tt rond and third floor lev f if tjwo elevators are included in the plans gle enaued over the salary of k m o coordinator bruce c c refi or to 750 an increase of j250 was recommended by the hmo committee headed by rreve h ihnton of acinn rlliolt of ceorgetown chair man of the ivronnrl and of fire adininlslratlon committre the iersomif 1 commillee ov errules any other on this is sue contended iteeve rlliolt all other committees merely recommend salaries to the per sonnel commiter ht main tamed obviouily council agreed with iteeve r limit and vofd to refuse the salary increase included in the salary by lawt were staff members of the county huildinc ceatrnni al manor health cnit jul maintenance staff and roads department highest paid foun ty employee is ir a t- hull medical health officer at 12 303 fallowed by clerk ad mm lstrator g brown at fioq teams fail to place in zone crib tourney by andy t lfcurmit iiaccis supptm j comirteniontlnj tlobrt burnt cftmnat he wrmbfin of uu oytl cuiidiin htgion ttrahch 1j0 alotif with the lome wou ylment jc coy itfd i ulltu nlht ts cflebritt ro- brrt burrtk birthday on the 31st jtwury x capacity crowd filled tbt auditorium for the occauon riattcn of llijtli were brouzht in by llirry rottomi to lh accompaniment of pipei and druma ilamlah hay of the lome scots propoaed the toait to the hauls followed by a lout to robert butirs by past president dav bowman toast to the qiwi by branch president bilph luwex lout to ibilnl lea waa by dave capperaqld and aiuwered by urs betty ucuan lttlon branch 1m chaplain k c johnston slid race and tha mc dutlea were handled by earl unce lome scots c o after dinner entertainment waa provided by a very able local sinter mr tom trouten who sang a medlev of scottish aaax accompanied by rev k c johnston tom la a very frbla ainger and bis contribution to haggu night waa apprecia ted alao on the tame program were two young daneera mars steven and kurt brush who did some fine dancing reg kyalla rhythm kings provided the mimic pr the remainder of the evening zone crib zone representation was 100 per cent with a total of 128 crib playera taking part in the tournament which involved 16 leami it was a tad day for the branch i20 bovs acton teams came in first third and fourth in that order wllh port credit taking second place dont get upftet over thla loas boyst we cant win all of the eventj all of the- tlmewe have to be con alderalc good buried and let aomeona elae win every now and then but not too often w the beat a georgetown team could do waa sth b0s0 lucky winners jack leslie ticket aeller bob williams pa you might notice a dlf ferent format in thla column tbe reaaon la that your regularj writer la off to jolly old eng 4ond for a couple of weeka and thla column waa compiled by vofe pb man lundy andy two local bankers get promotions two local bankrra have ceived promotions and will be leaving for positions in other towns lee king accountant at the downtown branch of the can adlan imperial bank of com merce will be manager of s new branch being established at aaterdown it la in a shop ping plata and he experts n be making the move about mid uarch mr and mrs king and their children laura and paul came here six years ago from kbig ston both have been active in town affaire ur king as trea surer of si johns united church and the chamber of commerce and his wife as pre sldent of st johns united church women and treasurer of the ladiea curling club at the royal bank assistant nceountant bui english will be leaving the end of tha month to become accountant at the ridgetown brancfi mr kng lish hta wife and daughter christine live at 75 ildntyre crescent he la a director of the jayeees misplaced money basket back in auxiliary hands atiskct alasket they found the yellow basket and with twelve and a half dollar in it to boot it last week s meet ins of georgetown meeting of tha auxiliary for retarded children the basket a money raisins feature in which a gift and a money box are placed the holder takes the gift puts in 50c and replaces the gift for the next member was mislaid a few months ago in addition to this good newi the auxiliary were informed that the squibb co donated twenty bur tooth brushes to fit tha electric handle which dr k uccauley donated last month to the sunshine school more welcome news was the twenty six dollar donation from avian aircraft to be used for institutional care jh6k3khlay danohrous guest speaker mrs s pen j horseplay wllh guns aecoun rice told of the methods of ted for five per cent of tha care of the adult retarded in unintentional discharge ao- home in england where hhrcidenta in ontario last year sister is the matron the home known as the haven of reat was on of the stately homes of england with acres of grounds snd is now used to house sixty five patients bet ween the ages of twenty and eighty with the association hoping to enter the field of the adult retarded too they listened with special attention to mrs pen rip two other ladles mrs j todd and mrs a peddle ipoke briefly about care of the adult retarded in wellahd and cu- elph respectively the annual ides of march dance will be held march 13 at the riviera with ralph ur- sel and his band playing for the danelng cylinder rental agreements charter wilson welding 34 armstrong av otargelown butlnss 1774451 kotlcunu vttwl warehouse for sl liquid industrial gases ltd po box 285 wlllowdalo qnl ota welding equipment and supplies arc wotcunfl equlpmant and accoaaorut j uquid cabonirr on nltrogan argori hydrogen hafhumcoa corpproaaod air pols envoy general motors introduces at last power comfort in the small car field hotrs what it is epic i a totally now budrjot car built and backsd by ganoral moloit it t tha small car that givosyou tha foominat com fort power manoauvrability luogago spaco good lookt economy and value that you v always wanted in a car of this size epic gives you a lively engine combined with 4speed all- synchromesh transmission that does away with that under powered feeling no detail of driver or passen ger comfort was overlooked in epic s design tho heater is exactly the same type as m big cars and givos excellent warmth also there s a roal trunk to hold the luggago of tho whole family epic is available in two modols do- luxo or standard 2door todon via suggest that you drive epic soon at your chevrolet dealer s and find out what youve been trussing in olhor small cars heres what it has 1 soiii high ilhkihm ascj m1m inilirlasa icspmlcdarrcl eratmn in niy traffic inph criming speeds n llic pen rad 2 vmimill iihim inilfpfnifl nt ft- hunt si spknmon uli uf lh 1 umim rle nu r u i li ii in- ou ii revel in t j s str v him- r 1st ii n di in r pic rjflaiilpm m leering wheel nn jimin 1 cure lile nt icmi i u inrs 4 mmi htii i klll i spi r i stick 1 idly ndun- bued on all gear inrlu ling firl slhi- stoitim ioufr itigltilrumbralri uiih liuilt in anli fade fcj lure ft intmual iioo- c iiasslscomlnnrslow wciriii with great strength and rigidity in rif nii a ralllr fire ikwit 7 fl i i sif i hv khu rrall pie lots of lirat for fruiil an i rer ijienfers irlril in tl itrl iw uratlirr fl rim imiuwm lur artujlly has more legroom than nunv n called big ran try il rfmlm lok mh it aii its huilelnealainri nit lip all tlir vj forward tn allow rjj enlrv into llic luc i teat id r mil ysr tlunh tvri that trunl lid ou ii le reallv tif n e i jii 1 1ejsed al llic h drui it frel frihim ii si im ru houhioid- iv 1 pr lundlrs me an e fienne porls rar 12 thl msiiiii itv al i hoi m ou tre all four corner of ihr car taiih ease drive with eilra safely what 17 costs suegestcd maxi mum retail de livered price ol a standard 2door sedan with heater and defroster at cfeohcktowm price quoted in cludes delivery anrj kindling charges federal sales and excise taxes pro vincial and local taxes and licence are not included heres how it was tested about a year ago we shipped a prototype ol the epic to canada lor a real torture test driving in the winter weather of northern ontario the test proved for sure this car could tako anything a canadian wintor could throw at it and come back for more if you ever had doubts about the be havior of imported cars under tough canadian conditions for- oot them epic has rowntten the book on reliability smao wonder i its f fr 4- k ltiaat ma4uacunto for ottjal m0t0m woducyi of canada unit hvvauxhatl motol umitfo idton mound cahtsj and ithw 0 coastto coat n sm youchwrohtoldsmobilaenvoy dalf srtsje i andrew murray motors ltd lmajstnctr- 7r phone 8776344-

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