Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 9

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juves midgets champs jk midgets win tricountv advance to the playoffs thigi0git0wmhia1 thunder fa 4 1 page 0 kid iiockly ir pcur jooca 1kolu tri- county prexy offers congratulations ytcouwry kmot hockey uacul ps ldnl ol beniplon 0h1 awards and con grelolettom lo doug qurbory ufl captain of ikd gooelown juvvmut trt county a minor juvenila champions and jan popsit captain ol ilia goqtown midguts who wrapped up in llw a mkiqal title thundey both era awaiting opponent in the firvl sound or ttia ontario pleydowm ivrrung rooms i end 3 llah40 uucago s turun pruning rooim and 8 scrap 1 r lood jr -a- 12 00 ii 30 st ulkra vi oih drvuing riwimi 3 anil 3 iisoioo uartlrs va siamrj dreuing roomi 5 and 6 i0o130 pete llanullnn oreiiing rooms 2 and 3 i 102 x urlpli m ollawa drrviinu rouma s anil h rfra january sh atrusn leagu fi 417 13 rrril alri 7 1575 anil 7uiis ulkr dlrr 8 1s45 krnie osborne and llouf quanlmry svrape l horn nhl oonn i rule othnrne anrl 0 411 111 ill ikiii quannurv 10 20 11 00 jack lllll rr anil ii 0011 40 wnnr llawojnn scrape l hood j -a- 110012 30 jack ihllirr and unnr tlaxiilion senior league for overaged in action every tuesday mu letue fceauht tu j- ii unuuciublea 4 hlllbtlle 3 kebeu 3 black lljwka i utw4u yuea 11 sou lillhillie va keula 5 45 wick luwkt vi lntouth at blued pl 1 j a nugara 4 ottawa 1 culph 1 pete uarliea 3 st kitu 0 hi uikh 0 hamilton 0 aivtairuawt ltfvu it u burgh i hvrahey 3 feothealer 1 cleveland 1 kuffato 1 quel 1 rovidenee 3 baltimore mhl vancouver toronto 3 1 hirago 3 stw york s ronton 3 uonlml 1 imroit 4 t at jury 3 atrket l4e 6 45 7 is providence va spring drfkving rooma z anil 3 7 is7 43 buffalo vt riluburgh ureuinz room 5 ami ft 7 458 15 cleveland w halt dfffcmne rtwim 2 and 3 i iss 44 uivbfue va llenhrv drrimni room 5 anil 6 scrape jl hood mhl 0 000 40 detroit v inn i pre dreimnc riwnn 2 and 3 0 4010 20 ilnmnn ancourr divuinc rmim s and 6 10 3011 go srw york w cat sportsmen outdoors y ra0 ckahay ii 30 1 00 rrr pfrkini i 0o1 30 and 1 3o2k0 rinv uurtun industrial darts ti4 onurta kdrtibr otjrivw water dptb narrow cut ahllrf aivd lluatrrt who i and rurrfnl make it unjirrou a ruaf tttaad ai ibe vairt nffftr very tarse eruitera it ib tnw arginlied tportaueu are ruy wwnd about thr re iulni r the uarin railwiy at savera fatu and swift rap- idjt svra rjvr on tb trent ritinulrd tbat not more than iso liryer boati per ear uould uie the waterway reannf in mind that theie larger tioati ire nearly aelf luffictent beinf vrn waterway with a pair of able to carry almoit all necea- lift iddci one of which baa at inry lupphei for any trip a rady baa eoalrueld fiiure of t200 xpnditurra thy r coaeerned alwiut thep boat per trip appeara pe- oaaubdity of irreparable dam bablr trua would give ut an u lo th aporta fiabery prej 130 000 if thia fifiure ntly exuliui in the wateri con 1 trn timri thit amount it hmted with tke trent severn wou not tiejin to offset the waurway in particular ukeal n he preient revenue fron simmve couch icbint and sparj f which n also ipreitl rw tbu dawai could amr a wt area than the through the introduction of 30 000 would be coir fiah apeciea aad the par taltleil sa ianpry such in traduction would be faciiilaled jan 29lh ianlhfm ni thmlra 72 thairrt kl ijbilli j 1 irnrs 52 uarllnla 31 r irrmrn in uhllr v ashrri 47 111 ovr ra 42 ace- tllarrra 40 tar hah ra 35 trail nia irra 10 money apron is unique hockey fund raiser tt all star minor hckvr ijdiaa support group hrld lhair monthly met tln at ut sam walker a uonday january 13th the ladtra ar plannlnc to have a bake aale anmetimr in rehruary a money aprnn currently making the roundi of the five minor learn aiipportrd by the mlnnr another fact to conmler il hockey jupporl roup and mo the rnit the roh ol ntal b ccordln they acknowoledife the lm the federation lo the hon georte mcllraith minuter of traniport if you too are worried about the ponlhilitv nf allowins coarte llih aild sea ijmprey to enter into fakea simcoe courhichlne siarrow and pna uhly into the kiwarthaa you ahould write your objectloni to llrure hamer kn2tneer dcpt nf v uhenea iliveralde ir char lea tupper bids ottawa akn it would be so01i idea to let your provincial and federal membera of parliamenjknow of your obieetioona inaivlnit you all the fct about these proposed locks i ahould tell you that if these locka are built it will cut down on the waitini time that you now have with the railway ted martin of erin rep the like trourin like sim coe are show lm stans of start lo bile ted nd cord hinna of wlllowdlle uihln two miles off georgian island and seven miles off vlrfinli beach in 0 feet of water hid three like trout eo liter their williams whltefiah gord has since lin dad mother like trout the william whiteflsh halt is wil lltms wiubler with two extra hooka attached for jlstmb thro the ice the orilllas klsb ind con servalian clubs lerond annual flshlnk derby will be held at ntiier than a modern efficient orlllla on keb lsth and 16th portance to the economy of th province and lo thla area iea particular throueh tourism and the potential of the i trease ul mirlne triffic over tals or iny other waterway they maintain though the ocilirlo federauon of anglers and hunters are protesting the advisability of allowing the aport fishery of this important waterway system to be reduced cur destroyed and the recreation of thousands ruined through tb conatructlon of locka at these two designated spots to satisfy a minority group of ow- nra of large boats sf the three lakes mentioned earlier are said to be lie moat heavily fished of 111 on tarlos inland lakes it isesum- itit t 1 average of 2700 poplw fishing lakes every day for nine and a half months aif the year each fisherman acvenda average of wm per day this works out to a total of 4n53jj23 00 and does hot include coat of boats and mat kra used while enjoying thia tuetltne much of this revenue would disappear if the fish population if these three lakes were deple ted w have already seen the drastic results in rossport mea- ford ete etc where lamprey have ruined the flahlng what additional revenue can we log leally anticipate by replacing the jnirinerallway with locka marine railway in1rlv of the fact lhat inar- factor in the klaeot the boats that can navigate the severn i laincd in a brief prrwnted b they are holding the derby af ter orillla winter- carnival ine railways arsaatuia ihleyir th horse fmanllaey held on the ice affected flahlng lhrougb the ice the varian bowlers jan 2dth 1da4 standtnff hay addy ron tprecn rob wetnler rill mcdonald nc rni jack knipe mrn wukly hi 0 trivial nohwabaor harry llaylock wtakly hiftb slnlaa rob wrbater keith huffman apare saatant hlfeh yrlpla boh webrter bill mcdnnatri- saawna hiftb slrgui vric roka charlie jenner with lflep eric rou avarasa boh webiter rill mcdonald wed harriaon ladies wtwuy hlbk trlput jean graham lslher smith wmkly hlh iih jean graham millie mcnivtjn- smioivg high trlpua doreen jenner kthel trout ii aoni hlph slnaju kthel troulfri 3fi 330 377 doren jnnr with hdcp ethel troutcn avfraoaa jn craharn rboa beajohier i 103 lii smith 102 tw ufemlia4 onlariojal nor lildiet championa the oe orgetowb uidgeu hay ww tawir group chajnpioaihip and will begin c limbing lh uddr of oouno aiidet puy-ojl- as aooa aj their tirat oppowtion la docliiexj tlw lochia won the tri county a minor utlr thiirvjay night habdling rutoa y 1 to win th beat of th group fi na in t atxlght gsmatithey copped th opanvf ifl retof by 5 goal to 1 the tricouol a wlnor w get tropby rtahuroatk of lb group ctowo wai pranled 1 corgtown cjpuld and afnr ing luow jan lopcll u th end of th toad gmmi kpll and simon urwrllyn neb wud twice hod lav omppavd terry hay kd mf ty whel uof6 litigk pil ki tolrlrd four hkuti and hilly dwyr tbrv to ki ihirp vhlltt mark lug time th ceronrctown ui playa exhibition gamra with urunuby vfonday and tyrttlon thursday the tint lt jn on larlo rowptilion will likely take place tvb isih twir rhanra of rpesllng kii yimt glittering affort aikf tjoing all the way xti init according to one of th rlub official who uid lb year learn in nia opinion fa even atronger than the one lavi leason from whrh the swx drafted an unprecedented iw playara ljst leaon it waa the wm tyke hockey by sui lwr rirt of all i would like l thank all the people who came out lait week to cheer oabo on they aeem to play belter when iomene there cheer ins for them and the trorei of lait week prove thii i it awemi a little difficult to ikei a date for a neeting io we decided if no one object lhat we will juit carrv on and pv another round of the ache dulr aa you know we need help on the ice ai well ai in the iplarr bok i think it would he a good ahow of iporttman ihip if the fathen or mothrra iwould help the oppniite team llo the one their boy n in salurdiy morning hockey we ctn not coach our own aon hut nftrn play agamit him and it ii not to bad really neil week i pay wcw f fehruary io pleaie pay red or melf i scorea for rriday januar i slat new york 3 montreal 3 ntuton 3 chicago 3 detroit 1 toronto 3 schedule for friday rhru arv 7lh 3 00 toronto va rniton 3 40 t hicago va nrw york ft 20 detroit vi montreal wednesday afternoon lady bowlers jan ifllh 104 yaam ttanillna lorn nails ranlry raiders t ome backs the jeta the keglera 1 urky strikes toflee breakers the itockels wauly hlh trlaus xlsrg spires with llsndicsp flue wlttckoek weakly hlah anolss hot thornton j with llandirsp dot thornton hlh avcaa mart spires bemice kmond fv saund sts bowling jan blh 1m4 yearn ttandlna astrohauts hornets satellites nockets punchers hying ssucers rve tjisders toolers men weakly high triples isck llllllcr jj chsrlie dsvls wmiiiv hlah singles jack llllller charlie davlea sm saassns high triples jack llllller 8m jeaini hlh singua bob jepson avaraes jim tlmleck m rvank ferguson 22 1 jsck hljucr 218 i ladies weakly hl yrlplas marie south 0 betty garyln ibs weekly high singles marie south 344 betty garvin 289 lessons high triples eva murdock mo seasons high tingles eva murdock 304 averages ba murdock m r3lo marie hulme u 1m betty garvin 193 get team that lighted sttre under the indlffereot george lowti sporting public and pul- ud crowds of over s ihwivahd into th arena cunflna fur the firat timin ictt laat acaaod dimsrtd wuh 1100 delirious fans cheering the oolario champs alter they dupoaed of orlllla here in ov ertime meet the beavers y fw tw4 sets new scoring recorc jam phiil corgetwn ukdgcli tiilpcr jan ioparil tntd it to th rvc od bobka thii year during lb triouoty midget achoduu juit cotiiplcted jan acorvd 30 goau lo wt br record for a mid get league puyer the rrcord wai prrviuuaily held by carud of uramptin who acorrd a dur log the 1614l2 leaion eart attack unlikely here among minor league players chance o a boy playing in tbff cwrertn wtlox llociux actup tuiifering a heart atuck ar ery alim according to dr c a thomdaon vlcavprv sidatnt of th georgetown and duulct udoril hoaplul a mtxlicil suif juaocution dr tbompaoo made the comment aftatr a bvyeajotd to ronto boy raadolpb wayne itatunchucai did of a heart at uck during a leifue gam thev laat saturday dr tbompaoo pointed out that all boyc playing in the georgetown minor ixary tj tip underwent a phytic check up ljfl thiy atartd ppblit aschool fcad oldrf boy were cherkad agajn when they alaet 4 high juol dctoclabu defeat would have be0 hollafd then h told th ljeald and kttu would bv bed notified th dtad boy howvrr auf fered an bllmeot thl would be altnosl lmpmibl to dctetl u routine utahii nation 1111 arteria had failed to grow up ith hi body and an autop- y attributed coronary throm bui to ma if or ni uon of the coronary artery he totlapwd aftrr coming off the ice in a leagua gam in ktoblcoke he had ucn playing liockey for mvrral ye vitui lhtwivliiriiracaaaim in as organised leafuc trophies wholesale to cldm amd okoanizatioms new designs write or phone for frtw cauiogue tricounty athletic supply a ul wlhm ajtajos harris floral ajtkamgcmsnts t0 vhajv occasion ttviur cu4 fuwf 10 uuu h m tit 74si iill campaiill the big no 8 for uie enrue town junior it llarra n hjt 1 inch bill amplifll hill a 10 year old locil boy and laat year played for the juvenile all stan uriuiiinc in at 1r3 ihi bill ii an swil foothill player during the warmer clim ate he dona the font hall jnr for the eorgrlown high srhiol where hr n a yraiie 12 tudrnt bill ihoui xkatmi ah litj anil hat a good hard nunc the type that tri nithtmirei to coaliri neit tinmr game of ihe re er ii rridav february 7 whrn lakeihore bruin will aupply the nppontion 1 hope i ee you all there free lubrication on any car with brake adjustment and lining check for the regular price 07 150 stonehouse sales ltd sl ouflttl strut 8772247 8382291 did you know ine new electric heating in here was simple and inexpensive to install economical to operate and rfetdaaitest safest quietest heating system ever devised r2 til 10 71 ut j m 3a iu1 742 200 231 207 20v son youve certainly been brushing up on the subject n ft- m 75 7s 74 ul 09 37 27 cot chilly bathroom t adding a new bathroom you can make any room warm and livable with electric hcitinp you ran add clwtne heatina with- outdwturhina your present heating system and it will coat you loss to install than it would tcvcktend your present system electric heating inftvrtrmtloh centre the gpe- cuilist ut your hydros eloctrk heating information centre can give you complete information on the type of unit best auited to your room installed eoet operating cools and help in arranging installation call now electric heatinc information centre your hydro lorries defeat navy in rifle competition a team of lome scots rifle men scored 401 points to beat a strong i1mcs york team in rifle competition last week the navy squad scored 473 points ii haynsrd wis the high man for the lome scots hide asso cistlon scoring 100 points g kgeland i fish and bui war lng all scored a da with g cos altt making up the rcmlnltij 67 poi the win was the second for the newly formed association earlier in tiie year association marksmen defealed the bramp ton rifle club by a score of 069 to 001 the lome scobs team has ro- prasanted hereuunentlncoiu petition with other regiments from all across the province for clean convenience its electric heat and llent carfr gleclrlc hm im than yeu expect david p williams electrical contractors l- brpjn si jw4ju- cifcqrgirrqwh call ue far free astlmataa plan io have eleqricheat whan yau tslan a ramodal yaur home ar build a raereatlen ream far klaclrlc hear infarmallan contact ken robertson laclrlcal contractor s2 narfoit crttrr722 jbofobtowt bo it kattyck how whmh when you think about heat j think of electric heat whan yeu think kleehleel heat call john lenz tatldedllal commarclal jsleclrlcel contractara ii mill st 1 georgetown r

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