awttng roofing w naro arttatk matter and u o ia the c a- graal bjl 3 lava s77xiu tf hand tuning aad rcpatri mh tjptng eerr as iaeaaa tax ai aba leader 1 mat aaiifa aotjott it servicer imcotu tax utukns boaaaaepiag st your offlea 774101 plivtab tspfjdullexkd farwhwre rec aeel n qiulltj t h brim gnagjr t wfckwq aaa eeaaiia apring laa aa bag bepalr wet m co tiu ii ljpaabuery ctta all wort taaeea s yun caa w arranged e7t or phi i jeobertsoa electric cbobcbtowm decorating plumbing heating call 77 jj bill garbutt 1 elgin st u charter wils0m 7 wilding truck bodlee bull a tlepeir lo eeaieuuc- uon equipment a heraxarlag trailer built t7oea1 real estate cmhc have usted ail of their re poiaveascd home in georvrtown lor ml only 1 to choose reom cftu us om dave williams btuw lam mealar axbctaucum all type w wlrlag cat and oil burners sal1s ako mvic uraa if uaia it tr full doers pajaeal to one nha mortgage wtlb monthly oajroaau from u t i1blm tlelmg uxej act at willi ua maw fobert rial ht ati u nvlrh rr t774 77a47 w i hamilton ooarrntucnoai ltd block comcrktk casncntkv wokk r beeney miatinc ttwmttwlmc 8779362 at i cbobcetown u septic tank wmjjaae vakcob 1 ulaeer ji w disc jockeys available er eaaeaaea ill- teteplleaa alme karhaa aeaem ok u ault all occasion tax barf b hwx meeaoaaue katee far laleemillea contact tuluo mtooucttom be mr koi yaeteet smm ray conn plumbing autmohizad as malbk vu4 wkw haau m vlu a rr ttw u wiring commkkcial oomijtic john lenz aeue metier ulku klkctkital contltactok 77mm u radiators repaired and cleaned mon asitirr u peel radiator service 1 kkx111i street bram real estate why pay rent 700 00 down payment lorthla tin three bedroooj now la coritown bright living room with lunny eapoaure huge modern klttheu wllh cubboardi and coualer apace pavad drive way fnrd yard patio and completely lendecaped mop lb ly payment leai than feat price ducl to us 400 00 four bedrooms with omi mortcack 714 mrirrhly woo00 down payment or ihle four badrtom home in acton tea nunulcf from georjelown madera kllcbaa urse enough or illing coodilied living room cai furnace tarn 1141 yaarly lot wxloo with a for- ett in your back yard uu price ubm00 e a mitchell limited 113 oueea tire aw kramptom 4ilalxl torn export sstvtcf im yxu1 homi to your yv radio kccoko hayft ktc call 8779924 aiobile electronic repair service 147 punoe chakui dmv rent new trucks and cars muomvm m herkes ba service mam nam s bkampton gl 14625 expert tv repairs by topnotch technicians oar worfc- bmdehlp if topiao urcbargo va hava up totrtamlnuta knowladga 4a lalast ajdjulpmanl and top quellty plaoacnant parti m wrvloa your wt jflfigttvappliances 92 mjn tit tim 3 irtory boum bot uf beaud s ood aiied bavdrtiotak attrtai ri li ving kaxmbl wilb tfii irrlu kuli kiu din- at tooni tnwicro kit tbvh fcuhrjom bw doaiklv trt 1 lent totuticin tlcw to tublict hd uf b wbixju anking prlrf 14 boo a b4noti brick bunjj 16- wl tiluaud eloa u fcchdli- vamilyikad kiubih fcj batd baautifully iwwraud tbrouxbout walk out bucmcfit jrnd at 14000 00 0utfoo full prlt fat ur4 25 ft living roairj uri- hiodru kitfho laundry radti uaroow tjlm 3 badrooua harold s hare ltd realtor mkt may clapham births doherty john and lor riii crcac are bappy lo bounce lha blrtb oi a daugh ter kriatiaa aaa lha at- at ceorgeuwd a jjlai onct memorial h on sunday feb so 1m hthi mr and mra elmar j lilll 10 mcnabb 8tnet announce the birth oi their find grandchild atreada lou lac born february 7th lsoa women college uoapital toronto ontano to mr and mra robert j 11111 20z2 proapect street burllngtoa ool alao lint grandchild el mr and mra roaa milne of buubury odtano m0ssop helen andtdaa arc happy to annonrica the arri e a b ieiiga m cy dlea bora ott jaaaary zsth 1ss4 in georgetown a dietnct memorial leapt u a aialer lor sherry aad robbie ruudeix newtoo and ma noa roddell are happy to announce the birth of their aon paul herbert ua jan uary srd 1b64 at the ge orgetown lloepltal real estate buiuunc lot oa ann street approximetr alee 73 x 17z beat oiler otma x1uuiloom 110uxk for aau aiding aluminum eeunu and acreena gaa urece 13 nor mabdyblvd tk 7jo07 po gali oh rimt top oualitv 4 bedroom split level s year old many gutrse owner tyanaferred 4 some feoad gyy4 siohcktowm homii 3 bedroom brlrk bunga luwtf with all conveaicti ret in aeveral locationa in georgetown priced irou tloooooo lull price with from gsoo ull down payment one mortgage only pakmi 57 arrea near terra col ta with pond aaklng 7s00 00 ull price for thee and other propertle call sydney k lamb hkaltor 1 mill uri atli uoltxjd talmo 7 rooms 4 bedroonu all ronverurwi lik gu batlnf s pic bathroom and wiur heal corutructiao imui brick kcumi tlxwlol giriflf leormrd ib town 1500 down tau 150 10 w 3 itoou ml ij wick bunsalcvw ia eirellrnt eonditton havinc full baarment aluminum rtormi and ttniu avta oo beumnt windows la older part o ttntd with ldvly viw front nd back all rorw4iuoci and w bcllw it can not b undermld monthly nayment on nlla woruag 82 prin irvt and tax bauaual dow naytaeit or i ond raortiac 14sm 6 kooal bflev bungalow aurroumlfd with hu trcca ii tcrtt wtlh ld room and tion firpur lovoly btint and clean u a pin slw lot 75130 uonttjy paymcnli on ml la ntortjr 02 p int ti gobatafltlal dcrtvu paygjiu or 3rw mortg lhjbob 4 apartment buildin aohd brick 2 two bed- roonu and 3 cum biroo 11 cvtntalned and occupied by good unaou good opi6ttunuy to invcal tomr mn- nay lt m tflv yu uoc partinjur about tb list tni- mon ta 7th5 ocntact us 1 you bw a boot or an apartment o rent ttplitil arid hal of rrw kfplhf nlu ocvnuh ua for farma bujiinei and small holding contact dykstra real estate hvena 7354 u ouelph gearoelowrt bokothy bukkm koareteliletlve 41 byron su i774iu member llramaiem ortlaru end can real kalate klaanai 3 bzbooai bfuctj buflgilow regway drive new condition gee heat living rootn dining room and kitchen oarrlei or 83 00 pit cloae ta acbool and ahopning 10 acrjm wmi cfijokk and half buah georselown s milea eullable for aummer cottagee can be divided into amaller parceli aaking t00 par acre hsock bungalow new garage icenlr 1 acre treed lol 2 tdtlai from 401 good well and all conveniencea aaklng 1m0 with teraa contact tjuy w iusskil phonh 17477 7 main st j 0i6ot5wm j a willoughby sons ltd realtors 4laurriaa a- t 12 w f hunter mal esyayi mokik h yell are inlereeted in buylnej a repossessed central mortgage 3bedroom bungalow call thii ofpic at mecb only about 60q down balanci on oni moftyoaob frlcat rapga for aanudaudwd 10000 to other housoa mcludimr attached jaraga up to 11600 we hava other houaee la varloug localioni price rue uooo to fam0 w f hunter huu est ati mokeff id tyttf i774xu 774441 jrnk webb 77445 exatxs iiumtea herbert r bext on tuemuy vcbrtury lllb 1s04 at bd bococ norl ontario lurwrt h brt huntttr bejtrved of way tlrcei and d father of wtliua ol norval juamiina t ibe lurold c air uurr vuneral ibkoc m kdufa street ccjorabrltywo wber fu nrj fcorvic will b held uri tburwd4v ajjlwmmmj hi 2 clock kew ijoyd vvt4t1 will official tnuttttet1 hlilctt cemrury norval iuau6tait i a lfceyakd in ovint uxe knory of a uiviiib buaband and fatbr ted appuysrd who peieued away kvbruary i7u lta kver remeinbef d by hlj wiir and family i1un1k til lovillil hwabmary of a drar fthr andrew hunter who patvd away pn february ltth ka3 t think of hlfcrj ih uleoc llii name i oft retail thr ithlnjf i it to abater but bu fletur on the wall m sadly iriiied by rhgwbe and nona cakds of thawks dillon 1 would like to e und toy alnrere appreclatioti to dr a thorn pon dr 0 dwy-j- the nureattdbuff at th crortfetowi 4 dutrict utiorial llcutital for thr card and ipocial klndnea to bir thank you all very much percy dillon knox church tuhoeud of manager of knox pres byterian church wub ta preaa their thanka to ur k y buller who- reaiknv tion on january ftth itmm tcrtmiuted hm aix years avrvice aa caretaker of kncy church tha lndiulry and inleghty displayed through hn tenure by mr buiur ii appreciatively remtuurvt ulwick uy moat aincere thankj to friend and the thursday thimble club for card and belt wuhea while 1 waa a patint in lite geor ft- town and district uem orial hospital a special thank you to the nursra and alaff and to dr willimi and dr behenek mr mary meiwick pucklring in the midst of our sorrow w wish lo ex presa our heartfelt thanka to our many relatives friends and neighbour for the kind neas and sywpathy shown us during the lou of our belov ed daughter diane lois wr especially wish to thank rev ft duncanaon for his conaol jng words all the donors of the many floral offerings and cards the pallbearers and the mcclure funeral home for their kind and ef ficient management of the service stuart lorraine and dar lena puckering waldie my sincere lhanka lo friends and neighbour for cards flowers and gifts while i waa a patient in ge orgetown it district memor lat hospital and during my convalescence in brampton special thanks to dr thomp son and dr lletherlngtou mrs mary waldie jweston in the midst of our sorrow we with to x presj our hesrtfelt thanks and appreciation to our ma ny relatives friends and neighbours for tha kindness and sytnpathy ahown us in the loss of beloved wife and mother kmily dolly weston we especially wish to thank the rev j h mcuulkit for his consoling words all the donoms of the winy beautiful floral offerings tha doctors and auras of georgetown and district memorial hos i pltal and lha jurold c mc i clure funeral home for their kind and efficient ua tuseftent of tha services kenneth b weston r and family government swoop removps ammunition at armoury tiwrrtw ft ix 1m4- p ags 13 notice to creditors in th ksyatf ol- jeeesvh yeun da s ah persons having claims against the uuu of joseph young 1st of the town ol georgetown in the county of llaltori gentleman who died on or about tha 28th day of november ipte hereby notified to aead in to the un ideraigned executor of the aald estate on or before the 6th day or march 1064 lull particular or their claims after which date the estate will b distri buted having regard only to the claims of which the exe cutor shall then have notice dated at georgetown -on- tario this 10th day of fehm aryatnw u bliilandcrson qc ql ttlh street georgetown ontario 47 executor a shroud of secrecy covered n ouciaj awoop oo m umji loo oolano karcnouries iocjuding laorne scots c coys oo park st geortvloma which has left all tnlbtu units wkb out ammunition it was tevca led uua week artioat on orders froxi um hiaer miiilary echcioos lrucka and trtaopa have wcretly rw red off all imiiidudjlioo ll4ck ed by the taviilul h wu takei u a vcjiu1 polo bo o u arayini whexe and ylock piled tw tmr followead lualruct tuoj frool oct a where cwnvct minuteat ricllyer hwd raritrr cdud an moergeiwy ueung wttb tup level artuy ui tu dictiji mil hi knall arms pro lectiao a veil of lacryy roverfd un ainiy kwoiiti whirh utt the iiulhia rponwle only or liwir wupot addluoiul ucunty prccauiaoiis to cover thtw karvc alkai lafrll dwtied a bpkawinan taid yevterday lha1 the tnititta units had biwuuiaaiy held uuwuihuaui for targft pc-aftic- bd range uukv tut all iiuiunitten is now itor ml il i ontral puint when a uml rwjuirrj aiiimunltjon they will order it aiid it will be de uvered to the tinge hat aeitl stockaded at the central pobtnt apeeulahon is caap borden are ail 303 amen ttioa tor the army brest una end rrfantrtg lee knfteld rv flea and 7 83 aaaimuiitioc for the beigiaa fn cnaux uc txrw cauiada a root line ixfaatry weptwi aad the taajor weapuo at the loriv scots george to wo armoury also takes wore taoria and unjaoka shells heavy handed if hi ruilsy icly elect fd chlfuuh bf the cefge- town public sfbcpttt kkmjd rul- d bil first buslrie barenag with a hvy mthd he ctkildu t tar fetullfd prior lo the eoeet ng r i r i n a rhiuiati xtd wll til larwlttrtl las rllgw irubtct tb a gaudy gold painted weighty nullfl wh4i klblulllg aubldedlbe rhairnun wti prrkehlrd with a proper gavel engraved with his nam by the bujieaa ad uiuutrtor jim kvsns spring crackup 64 a muacel revue and playful pokjs at ctjrnf riviera norval- fri feb 28 tiaot av ervaoy lh tocai tcoury clib taview will want to i wket bvttptcn players can do loo cvayeirvg eft w til wwwy samta cwckesia 1 oo kem ee curtain 8 30 thep shop every aisle etwt4jh railui a aaa a elffem at your superior food mkt georgetown ulan mtayy spare ribs ib 49 make uai swb1 moo10 swm picxito aaa aaa cottage kk rolls uan utish aaw aaa pork 35 picnics j lxvon lb pkg side bacon 59 moon roow mac cheese 2 35c french fries 1 s j tomato soup 2- 25 carnation aaa m g evap milk 346 fresh produce macintosh mc spy apples x sweet juicy jaffa oranges i 69 cauroinia no 1 aj af cauufl0wer 29 ontawo no 1 smau eg cooking onions 3 v red rose tea bags plot is cre yc superior coffee lreakly crourtd le yetr aeaulremenh reel 7jc lb 65c klee tissues g 2 far 59c br0m0 seltzer brylcreem 59 j igl macaroni cu jtstl spaghetti a wo rl 9c save joc 34 or iln swav stach glide 59 nabisco shreddies u aoi i 27c mices efkctlvi thihis m ax ra 1 ji4 is ctf v- ttyr pr-