Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1964, p. 12

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mrs vipond native of preston lancashire a town resident for five ywtn mrs john il vipond to died on february isth in georgetown hospital 7e former paulina boltoo be wu born in lkn caabire england and nm to 7 in j008 she first lived maaried la guelph where ake met i wklnick ikths ottaway mr and mr john ottaway bjt 1 glen william axe happy to ah bounce the birth of their no on monday february 17 1961 in georgetown and dis trict memorial hospital wc igbl 0 lb w-w- a brother i for kinbery mimojtiams lorusso in loving memory of a deer mother and grand mother tin e- lorusao who paud away tfartrb 3 1s00 we washed you aujfer day by day and could not help in any wy school for deaf functions minor motor mishap m- i i rt fl i ua kilne hh4 actor explained to business cubljni h anarried wr hiuband later they uve tlrn new ndl toronto and port cn mr vipond a cheoianer re tired they came tu crorgrtowa tn live at 7fi hince cfaarlw drive she wk a uumntxr o l st ceora-e- anglic c buich she leavei hrf hubnd and oe un wluum bf kitchener bev john mcmulkin rpn ducted the funeral krvic un fc rehruaxy lrhi at th wall run i exml home turlih lkaham rrrwij llnenon interment toil irt woo4ljtti cemetery guelph atlaa joan mackenzie prcaid ed at the regular mojjly din ncr meeting of the uuin and wofulonal women a club but iut food by and taw youon monday evting m the mc 1 j gibbon hotel ixirmg dinner into the saviour a arms ktlhour bbe mnben listened to on ukt thrs pkrrt on a tape tve kilner of hh- acton d without serious harm his car left the- pavement luhucn they arc buutht ja n 1 wy mu ular achool work in a mucb different way and they grow l u i ui i li tacment lwld the kllner car older ax lwg typing uphol imj ttxtl atcring bajrdreaaing and vj loua ways of making a living i damage in the accident it was uut only motor vehicle for thcujlv wbcd tby by 4 fuvlahed school uy are ohp hs cr0r8elowo lrr placed in poalllom from mlh mil wk re ui twontfl n- ulu ulonry tilled thil im owo kav v ji yv mnciiilr wilhomlr of lt curccr rvlcw b llivr ii2h ui yuriiiry 1 the llliii dtughuf of m kod ur 1 urlnlrk at buxlinxion to bouui miui1 w ofur ahnilks uy 5 iu fuuciuw twy cn nur lk ir1 1irln of ienc wlwn lld un 1l d wllclwll of hunks to infldl and lib j v ij i 1 r w l l ik- i 1 uun for crd nh fuwr frt of lbs cr nw dabos 01 thamk ixbool tlw otbc hrc will be they hifcko ji bt tbintf of ich a former corcrtowii lrl tud bck kt a future uitet jtby tbat eolp kluotf fcucb ai lou brnhfcra plkytd a roie in tiii jvilerulii hkllowern iftr b tb- librt n4 sullivin mu tucomu during tl baiak portion mid ndi oiik trcouimnidatlon to coming events ttiujwday yrbrttary so llim at lrl ueixirlal llipital luahiploii otiurlo rvnru llaten graham tt itk 3 cajril i v b to llu uruin and uf t iwrr mr urn arilus m john v w liike lav rnday umi clh lit tt iim gas feme at 2 p hi 3 5 fitch re at i inctrove t oiti nunlty llil 1niljy irbruary j8th at 8 jo pin ihirp ad mimlofi uc ijiihi pnin e bakf tilt in t nlied gk office friday lrbruiry flth t 10 rn tpom red t y 2nd aji nrnfltlrf ur iumii rt lain wh wi re t in tiudint fluwera fjult ard aid kif is while i wj a pjtn nl jii tl f lf rk low ui lul ala unki t the nurnni wlaft mid dr 0 ou tr an 1 dr i hanitrbtn mrt ut j it laid 11 rhlldreii vocabulary by the it wag atagrd at the ui iveruty viual ayiiilol of the hyi f weltru ontario ijiruion iti fcchool trir ry hird o wwk klve the ehitdren a nornul life a thurd year uturli t b in that they have many actlvi ped ff oftryrjl stanuye tui auch i wain nuirti hrow 4 in irelub nl- cuu thirty nrogrmk aud stu fc u uitr f mf uanh muting yitl mr hwrli w liden are odr 1 waul uuhtureaa the ur uity re uught to drive r itnd fraid nl n i tli mating wiu tw hvld etlwitf their tei i krandaugh i r o un llrr ptiritt in geortilown 8ridia un imihirimu ihauici memorial lloapltal tt oud be ulfuj to the special thaiki to the ituniip of auch a prugrn irt and fctktf -j- 1 to 3r turn the tuture m ad wilkin n trihulicd un tht 11 sum utaurant auice juite a the reling tlut alllik upv j ljrar crowd tl exprcifd lo at wrfe handicappid childin they are folunejle in one way anl that i t iat the teachcri who lach hem ar of the lt they h 11 prulul howth y00ls tint particular field ihey are vilally iiilerpi in il itrtud at the harolt t mr ceorielown cub and scout 1j cljre runeral home 34 rdith djea auailury slrt ui ul saturday mornlni tuchre aid dai re ijumior rb 22nd thence to knon lre ed by akhtrove wl march b bytenan church where wrvue stowarttown hall r uchre fl 13 wa held saturday aftrrnw n pjil melody men rrhes ra al two o clock ii lennrnt wjs good prliei rcfnil incnli a in recnwkd cemetiry itev uluion 7v norman y6ung otdclalcd speyklih ii mr an j cl nol bake sale ft p m v trhre 8 30 torn at the school 1riljy rrh ruary 2flth eefrrahnif nls lpcky draw sunday adntuiinn nlc door prur 2 27 marrli rtli si vera ltarry and dear fa albani ladie guild mother ther of william and harry ing sunday huffri suppt r 4 00 uwjuiem iiuu wai held at pbl to 7 00 pin in iarlah holy crou church on wednei hall glen williams adults t niorning at ten o clock 1 children 50c rveryone ittruent w in greenwood welcome 3 3 lemtrry gearietown club lira- darr 8 p m to tii0mps0v john arthur wriggles rh au llorum 0ftl l geor and d 150 per couple 100 unrl mutic by w bitty anl thr ii u wltri appn i nate dre white ahirt at d tie bleed oentr clinic wd mv mirch ii 19w 3 le r v he lurnm mccluvr 4m u i p runrnl home 34 rdith mr el churth hall mw on tufij m uo 0f mr frauim 1774517 tprmpnt w in ytinntw ccin orietuwll uclovrd hiulull i of jriji sulkrr aitd ovwr fj thw of lie nor mn i v hodgmo or scartuirough artik aid liiii wime i wjii i 4 k wu w- n mlnali n cqnm tier anne mr wtllliia sproul a nt tu gr r town loiiluru4ii mr4 li llramilon and jt hh at al it nki l the jv or i 1 v mri mimihu home twr brother of uaul nurttlttt hl ir 0 dwy j mrioh mckwn mr j j thompfton geor j r l hilhrlan k h ot amlewtill arre doisds my cere thank cofrnc 1 11 in tkj- koyil to mr jean itunlle hunk imin awiewoti arr f nuuvfi j york m ak wl mrt acj rfi mm maloney and pr t 1 io mubbour f r fl wen tiifti uikinion til official ober ht r u th a kifl in awretia on chiery uili and car u while wr it i ht 1 1 d that many of mm lou mven uai alu a i un a tatitit in ge rte the intmberi w 11 1 eble to kuit a e u a local girl uho t wn an i j alrict mt in rial jitm 1 n e of he vjnou fun is i arbint at the sri tw 1 ant a hoaj ital sptcial tl anli t eti r i dunr i the conference mua malor ey aid ne gr rj iu v s rinn y unu ile 1 1 ai an i mi am com it ht rt duncar i n an i itv uk mr maureen walkrr aiprtciatun to de llebei i k anl mri uilkinton along wjth a 1 the urtmg itaff fir 1im jean mackenzie and mr thur care and kindnita to margaret garner will be the me allcrt douon coinniiltee in clurte of the llummale sale lo be btld 1 may mim win maloney lupervlwor of the junior sc ool for kit deaf milton was the gue xwiiham bf that adders auqion sale of furniyurk cowcb lawm signposts of spring showing you the fashio routc t 6 for jrrmlry william on sat urday reb 22nd 1wi4 in sunnybrook military hospii i al toronto william jeffrey fhaiiam we wuh to expreii of 5 ltiiery slreet teorge town tie loved buaband of n can be t ry proud of kim cook t iwn i inr i uvn s fc itti of v rtrfl i n bull farm saturday feb 29 our hearlfilt thanka and ap preciati n to our many rela tivri friend and neighbour fur tht ir kindneti and iym jl 130 tharp t follwinn t roiiley 17 in t in yood ton lit on viking 31 4 la e electric love 2 yton utuin ho ne p ft n crnrrju r with crt sslop frecu r as n w in tli electric washer with a critical letter from a rate pump ai new sunbeam floor pajtr m ltltr which appur poluher 2 yean jo ionlmen ed in llie herald ncently cau ul iwxl 5 month chraterfiel i refutes charge that sewer rebates subsidize industry pathy ah n to ui during the hktf fir ue evening and water chairman pwrn on i k m rn d pece itiii ii un ailpcn monday lo refute chirtu that belrtom i nle dremer with lie trsmpertamen nd blv w illnrui anl death of a bel v ua mtrthluced by mr aileen ed huahanl anl father liar ura lley mli maloney ahoued in raha we epecially i bo movl wih to thank the kcv norw p man ourig for hi conioling nd anoui recreational artivl w rda alt the dnnon of the th which wa moil llluminat many beautiful floral offer lnj the palllwarers anl the at the present time here are mrt lure funeral home for im uj lu al tie the school and heir knl and efficient man anl it n expected that there akenie i of the icrvicr will be at least thirty more next mrs raham anl fan ily r 1 upiu are divided into classes of not more han ten funeral ten ice wai conduct hvncock 1 wlh to exlen i iin each pupil requiret o m hrarlfell thanks an i ap n urh ind vidua attention preciah n iir ibr acu o from the teacher one of the kin jnen incssale of s n man problems of dividing the pathy anl teautiful floral of children into rlauea 1 th fact tnrt memorial hospital john arthur tliompon of georki town llelavcd ton of the late jolj thompson and mart aret arthur of acton holldaze etery acton ttnd bvaluwu te divert jwiiloughby iumanuel lutheran church howaso wriccleswobyh chool auoiyottlum m gullp1i st11et wrshl sarvlca 10 30 am awtiday scheel 9 30 im j khifnlr pastor ferincv nceicd from lind friend and neighbours and especially thank thr kcv itobert duncanson dr hebe nek dr o per and all the nurses and slalt for the won tlerful rare and kindnesi lo me while a patient m the hazch grahattt 78 eirrt wn and district mr that tere are so many dcareei of tleafnet and other affile lions the children com to the school a the aff between five and six and graduate at john arm itrong on saturday reb 22 1wu john armstrc ng willoukhby in hli ftoth yrar iteloved husband of the late horenc molbersill and fa ther of mrt herbert a mi i yoi ambrowas esquesing louebby iwrt ilio mrvnrd haim fjrmpr hy in snnilchildrfn olivrr i uish to thank thr u 16111161 iuneril irrvirr look plirr on grorirtun riro dopartmrntl an fjqurunc dilry farmer u turmliy it grace church on f r the nice box of fruit they until be retirett a few ear the hill interment mount cave me uhile 1 vn in theaco ryincli haien graham g reduction in tewcr urnrri ellcd mirror larte ue cbaryca lo mime indu nes arc broi re tone 111 i i e tal e anl helns tuhtidued ly rciidrntial c chir tool uine platform laiparn rocker 2 pice rleiterfichl the service b law allow a lulte tmill china cat net cot reduction in ln 10 per cent fee table centre tat li larte aurcharge on water ratei when walnut extemlon talle 6 oak an uidmtry eitablnhea that a dining chain u io 1 id brai proportion of water u not en tied pine elicit of drawrri old erinj the lewer ayilem country chrat old kw ing mirror mr powrn preented itati 3 contoleum run mantel clock tlcl to ahow that if the mo 000 i ljm haock od 1 ruined from the aurcharce fh enamel op kitchen la came from the eeneral rite it c tnadle irwinc maclf ne would mean an additional 1 67 wciium cleaner iteamcr trunk milli in taxi or an extra year cookins ulennk lied ly 12 00 for he average houte dins power rotary lawn mow hold ai hornet pay lei thanler ouantlly of imall tooli car thla in aewcr charici uili eijden tooli etc tabllahe that there no truth thia li coml clean furniture in mr tetcn alleation he ill be aold innde rverjthint ul to be removed the eveninc of aale t mr took la in the boa pital terma cavh thk ckomoetown herald thunday fab 27 hit tagf 12 frank petth auctlenaar bene 177 3u4 pleasant cemetery memoriams baiuy charlet and june nee curtis are proud to an nnunce the arrival of a ton craig andrew 0 lb in georgetown and dutricl hos pital ebriury iqtb 1004 a brother for ilnatf many thanki to dr a i- malntoh ry itrnnett who passed iv rebmary 2fl 1060 deep in our heart th will alwajs stay general meeting georgetown minor baseball association thursday february 37th i jo 335 dllrax blvd ah persons interested 1 lease attend 1 you are interested and can not attend please call btmfl5glvcd and remembered every day planning a party we have the capacity for 130 persons in our new viking hall telephone house yannenhop huttonvhil iasmo second annual antique show and sale canadiana motor hotel kennedy hd and hwy 401 toronto march 4 and s arrtong thousands of items all for tales from twenty leading dealer will be a fine colloc hon of rtntiqoa clocks presented by mary sutherland v hoilem of cfto ctv i our house nrvvett in loving mrml wl h o thnnk ory of a dear mother mt a fl our kn frpnjl m third sunday in lent si john united church georgetown onl hlnuter rev ian m fleming organist and choir director pl it harrlton l ajfct rmt tunoayv march lr xs ajn hrnlng oribip wpjn evening wonhip tlie ranlly itlnnltt in loving memory of my wifr ethel bennett who pa tied away on kb 26 1000 peaceful be thy rest dear mhtl tu wecl to breathe thy name a in life i loved you dearly so in death i po the lame fver remembered by hus band william ii1il in loving memory of a tear husband and father chester hill who pawed away 1- eh ruary 24 10m ten yeara it scemi but yeater day we love you and we mi you imf sadly missed by wife cora and family 110imks in lnvinjt memory of a dear mother mrs y holmcj who died march sal 1da2 while you dear mother roat and aleep your loving memory we 11 al waya keep daughter and ton in law luicl ind elwyn hollmes in loving memory of a dear wife and mother uxi e holmea who died march lat 1062 what we would give ber hand to clasp her patient face to aee to hear her voice see her smile a in the day that uaed to be but skome day well meet again beyond the toll and atrue and clasp each other hand again in heaven that happy life always remembered by mr k holme helen and bill hospital johnnie oliver 7fl died in peel memorial hoi i 1 i pilaal brampton on reb 20th i shoittmav i would lke to a p nilivf he wls express my sincere thanks to wn o mircirrt i dr paul panabaker nl graham he attended the nurses and staff of geor st school and follow i getown hnipilal for their lnfi hi mirrjac t0 j stal b rare and kindness to me dur vfr thfy hvfd on no 15s ing my recent stay in hospi l e wm membrr 0 the tal also my friends and hol nreedera association neighbours for their cards mi hlfj h mrmberof the i and bcrt ttuhea william schoo noard of stewarttown shortman whool snd the board of ma nacrrs of knox preibyterlan church after telling their farm mr and mrs graham moved to an other property in the same neighbourhood he leave hi wife three children r leaner mrs d e hodgtns of scarborough anne mrs william sproule uramp ton and john al home five crandchildren lynda and ste phen hodglnt graham barbara and hoa sproule a brother hugh graham rexrialc and sister mabel mrs j j thom pann ccorstown and gladys mrs ii llllott applewood acre bev norman young conduc neighbours for their many kind exprekiom of sympathy and condolence during our recent ereavement mr john m vipond and family mrs john gear was native of norval mrs inhn gear of clarkvon died suddenly lul werk fol lowing s bout of flu vic wa the former iois v endley daughter of mr and mrs doujja r endley of or aneevllle and wa born when her parent lived near norval on the town line in the hoime now owned by mr c mccnu ley shc 1 saves hor huuband dr john gear and a daughter ann her parents were holidaying in ho rid a and flew home on hearing the news of her death yulftro productions saturday dance party presents in khson the dovells hacked by the ardeus dirkt rrom usa chick dee jay george young non member si 50 membert 1 00 orange hail brampton dancing 813 l y y laat taaa mt aaaj aaajiaaa taaa fax tanii tafaf tarfl ibbj w v w taaj ted ther funeral service on so turday in tknox presbyterian church and interment was in greenwood cemetery george town- pallbearers were francl thompson norman bird glenn rlndlay lome mcklllop wai iv martinson and murray mod die georgetown district high school open house 7 00- 10 00 pm thursday march 5th 1964 visit your high school during education week students will demonstrate work in the science commercial technical academic home economics and physical education departments v rebekah birthday euchre verdun rebekah lodge thursday march 5th 815 very good prizes refretmenls everyone cordially invited admission soc oym programme commercial shops acadcm4c 7s09 00 p hi 700 ii 00 pm 7 00 830 pm v 7 30 s 30 pm children must be accompanied by adults music amd drama nioht rriday april 17th notice of annual meeting the annualmeeting of georgetown t district memorial hospital association will be held al ihe howard wrigglesworth public school on thursday march 12th 1 at 8 00 p m the public an welcome any person who is the holder of a current association membership card is eligible to vote or dr stand or election as adirector of the hospital board v sfld ted evans president georgetown t district memorial hoapltal association the nevvfsy of miomt wool suits ideal to wtlohtin lip your walorobt all wool toodli cloth t3 p suits 695 ail wool k50ble cloth 3 plac suits r- j 2500 au wool poodle cloth j niii suits -r- 1995 all wool poodle cloth 3 put cmit wl1 chanel an duiii contrast ncj blouse 2500 thaw suits coma u havy while plnlr blue and yllew now fcaturcd at ilvers one of onirlea n fmlly clorkino slm georgetown brampton trv 6yofowh auxiliary for jttajl children prsnta their third annual ides of march dance friday march ulh lo4 al the riviera norval 900pm to 12 30 am 5 00 par couple refroshnianh for tuuta phone 77w4a holy cross school association all new bingo startino monoay t p m march snd al the riviera norval 19 games of 1000 7 games of 2000 hus 500 00 jackpot 1st georgetown scout group committee spring dance with the starlighters orchestra saturday march 7th 1964 0 30 p m 12 midn rjht stewarttown hall door prizes spot dances luncheon proceeds for camping equipment admission 2 00 couple for tickets cau 77oo9 or 7744 notice of meeting tn-anrnjalmatlngotrhtltoii-coujityjaambjitt- o central ontario cattle breeding association will be held thursday march 5th 1964 at 1 1 am llony school milton hwy 401 and hwy th programme will include guest speaker william kilmer canada packers ltd lunch provided centftl ontario cattle brooding association is a farmer owner farrner controlled artificial breading association operated for the benefit of its membwj annuat-meat- irrgs are hed in each county it sarvesto give awry member the opportunity to reoelva and uiscuss report of its business and policies vfiltors era also vrtloarne centre ontario tajha jraadlw y jp im

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