Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1964, p. 3

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to twist a motto jvflferf it-i-x-j- v deadline tomorrow musf hove new licence plates tomorrow u tb deadline or obtaining 1964 car platee tte expiry date tor 63 u rdru ry wth uo ex tension will b given platw went on uu on december i2th sale at the local office are termed as about umu with to wot this la compereble with the po of the iowa the pl few des have- been jv busy ercording to the local- dept o traostrt flee although up until ut hoftnftv icur joocfj hoto prevention worth 2000 gallons of cure hauort r0 nnamom buaxau your tj firefiokiert from he five hilton bifljclei fca aaaef monefdy to pleri a gountywwie program of fire pevenlion recently elled the 1964 aiikxti- irt inznl from uff are riieirmin bill williaml ol aclon viceohair- mert tooi lau ulwll of burlington koelry doug dowan of okville and uw dalicj deputy ouef larry wilion of okville standing behind u the torn- aialiae duwnw oi douglet wilton oakvill lileralure dulncl chief george wright oavvule ctwolm fe lately chief erwin lewii georgetown end chief m holm impaction ewl ch f a e clement milton public relation chief lewii ii the put cfuirmel of kit- huaeu 9 plan fire inspection spring blitz in town a um wf waatauils la the county ii by iw iuu ctwutyj ttw bud includea 11000 view iii i nitisjn sartm at t heir i for tb bureau a various fire wiury tisig le milto safety education programs in- tw kfasram tofrfsl cm a geluding litersture films col- frwtf tw lulltnourm slides newspaper and ri canty cmmtil fed euturibut fcetart rw tw five fur depart fire safety major proaotioa for fafmtt die advertising tnd pubtirily and trophifi for the innuil grade five poatrr competition in the arhoou another 1200 earmarked for tb ipeeial chriatmu fire ufety program tke iprinf cl- fire bewy will be aanup blitz and the door-to- hmjee- fiiaitiliwe during 164 earekn af ike lulteei county rtr huu thirtu oecid- w ei tzwtr feoauey weeiine la kciitaa ibawl exrct te enr1 wilk ikl uailoa fana sataty csaanl u eaipa- tire gavealidil fcefciadi ke tarl tw safhy coun eil wee eaafll rin vi9hit- aa iw ijwab u tkeir uie um reimt tae hareaj kea coatpiud a kaay eliurd tlide pre- lelalin aatliain tw ditn bee le ia tana fi huuunlt tku b mluut for aho big le aaor lena srebih at st- the elide dell aaaiaty vilk eledrial fire aexerd aae af tie maw caaaal af feral fire ubd eer a earieiy at atacr taiuee of daor industrial and commercial iaipeetlona durinf fire preve ntion week thia year the in- tpetioa bliti will be conduc ted in acton and georgetown tw remainder of the budget will be uaed for office auppliea and aulionery tw alioee axe available aroexk tw local fire depart at led weeks kaeetin tbe bareaa laal pjjuu far larsed sprit cvaeus camp- aoca aiairtl at redadmc the riiiii totl af icraat tire ttth yaex craaf firee arcoonted for wat sha af but yeara fire kae la lulua limehouse w kjtret thit ur llcntill ku a ktid iti a cu du lo i tawjl hrnkta bant alto little ttty ucoonald ii in haipitil in for teu niiia table were in pliy it wi hickr at the bom of uf ind ur klrkpatrick en rvwiay venii winnon were garg rurt w4m iua won a trvum lone kamu prlie and ut arthur wlfioit and u 6di wnt to harvey uedow- alt and onarlia ueredith tbe fornwr winning in a rut and ia campbell sinclair and sid ciriapaltedc wlu aacb played rt of the card lunth mnaifctlniof hot tur key in a ban tarta and coffer wa lrvd aftar sevon girli itunded the firtt ttiftiii2 of the new 4ji courte high school gains honours in model parliament day gtsargrtawh high txbool ii proud poaieuor of a pi ue a- warded ai btt alt round par ticipant in a model parliamrnt held in brampton saturday the arbool was one of thir teen from the llalton pcl area and three from quelle which participated in the day arvnn- wrd by the united nations association drbatei on whether canada should have a federal minister of education and with what countries canada should em phasiie trade relations were on the business agenda onta rio kducation minister wm g davia was a gnrst speaker the previous week elrctions had been hejd at the school with candidates from the do minion and national parties contesting for office seven member of the domnion party were chosen with stewart saxe aa leader uark llewellyn nick atkinson lraley iluresh as de puty leader kim gunn elea nor hill and jane ryder the national party sent three de legates roger smith dob uc- cumber and ilobert saxf roger smith waa choae as a member of the shadow cab inet for trade and commerce local organisation hid urs al tucker and mr john n walker of tha history depart merit as staff advisors halton mr dr harry liar ley wired hia congratulations to the school on monday leadership conference reports heard by ucw the mormby unllrd cbtirch ucw int on wrdoijy nuht vb 19 at bid p m iy tk chuffb ball ur a1uh march- men l waa is tiv chair and wvlratilsd the 14 lidui prr4ik4 th tafctina uiard with the purpo uf th ucw and ow tbeuve mg fallowed by the lords iryr tttr roll call word compassion waa well atwrfd jri cer siticuir rd th minutes of the ut k6rtitlg the trvasurers report was glvett by mrs harold itobson ueportj were gien by the fiv ladles who attended the laacwrthip count at apple- wood united church un al bert marcbment reported on the presidents discussion group mrs lw sampon reporud on tha financa and traturre de partment dlscusiaii group mm cliff wrlgglm worth rpor 1m on the projraffl discussion gihjp mrs- wm mcpherson su- puly l oversea relief ditcua ion group mrs hoy wilson who alteutud the group dis cussion on visiting and friend ship wis absent mrs albert marcbment read an article on collecting poataga stamps for the bib society a variety of aprons were handed in for the biuar and those who couldnt sew handed in material for aprons flva ladies were chosen to go to tha annual meeting at cooks v ill united cburcb on march s the program opened with tha singing of hymn 80 followed by psalm h7 by mrs klva howden tha script ura was given by mrs harold robson on winter reminders of god the meeting closed with hymn 3m follows by prayer lunch was served by mrs lew samp son and mrs albert marchment- congratulatiohj to mr and mrs garry hamilton nee dlaane south on the birth of their son at the milton district hospital on tliurwiay feb 20 weight 8 pounds and 13 ounc es name kent douglas mra raymond plant return ed home on wed from the peel memorial hospital with her wee daughter valerie who was welcomed by her slit brothers ricky glen donnie leonard wayne and stephen weekend tb number of people obtaining pistes wma surprising ly muall with the bew malnod of validating driver licence however issuing hj lofvded up considerably another innovation thia pi year waa t vim f 1 thb oioroitowm hhhald thuwuy pk 27 mu page s servicee officer is to address interested orsniiations to ad vise theed o the work of the speciei aervicee officer led by mra s wilson and mrs ted urowa on saturday morn ing mr and mra walter noble of hamilton visited mr and mra jamae noble on sunday ig trucks quarterly plates were introduced urgely tot the benefit of tctional trucker wbo could liceoce uev vehicle on part time besij ttu wes specially edventaateoua tp the constructiosl people eod frts trticka who only ue thir veh- lclrt pksrt of a year the tut quarterly plates are now ta asle and truck licetic- ing or 196 ywl pistes i gin on monowy usmrch iod monday ttk truck yer runa frum the fwt of april with the laat yekri 4th toii4her bulr rxpiring the nd of marn employment officer helps residents seeking jobs young georgetown pple looking for tiwir tint job or ol der rbidents who nd aaist- ance in becoming rewtployad ran get auistance frm miss madelena aruiatrong who bu ust ben appoinud special ser vice officer for the lacal of ficeof the nalonal kjuploy- ment service uui armstrong will also counsel persona who rant find employment because of person al problems other phases of her work will include caring for the needs of veterans working with the high sctkool guidance counsellor and assisting with the placement of difficult cases har f aftlunolmcmtt fob ivikv occasion tlat cut flwere wediilotf teuoet 0 iuu it mtkmsh darby is president anglers and hunters fred darby 40 raylai creac waa named president of the georgetown angjera end hunter club at tha election of officers meeting thursday last at the clubhouse neer ba reaatgrirvri linafade he sueceeda las who automatically threeyear director colin vernon lg the new vie president and miie ritzmaair- ice la the treasurer a leuuu ry u still be appointed other member of the three man directorate are don pow er and carmen cpljuid miumrtonngtts5iaw ohhs you complete home and commercial glazing aluminum sash cjuttom made mirrors fo enquiries phone 4515061 m ojto it n keeenpto heat your home the weodeew w eitsii r4eeurl cw ami smorfa aul4riittc ca fumiu cum iiui- 1aig llaj- eku f with lh malic chae0fe will kuaaaat baal r hwa ww uv bla um r tjw iw ckmaaji fwv wtl lifl uydyickthdoic mjult how i itrf wiia r h thompson hardware humbino t heatino til yswi jacksons continues with curity diapers unbelievably priced al 399 rjoz pack iprino car- coats light nicely tailored black tnd while twad urrtlnalas 1195 this weeks skcial ouarahteed far full year of wear mens sucks this gsttrtht will b tiacd or your trioney refundad if it fails to olve narrnal year for one full year automatic wash end wear only 1195 boys bedford corded jeans tough and durable boxer waist colours and checks sizes 8u a bargain at 198 these specials just akrivtd womcfctc spring suits fully lined uhert ihili thtee abedei beige urey end red uciai liitl yle in 1099 ciklj ail weathe reversible coats smahly trylad in aaaortd cojoutc two completely differit colour inside and out practically two coat in one womens sixaa 10 30 995 1395 come in and see our spring line of wometu coats and dresses jackson s 28 main street north bargain centre phone 8776881 ffl check how little it goes for kerrs column mpf reporysyo ceoroieyownfrom queens park 1 by george kerr tw ei this be-rtpap- r kdw law that use ontario crrmmi i asibeeltud iu issrlfjif iw tsse ftacal year april lal ibm te march slat hms total estimated fcapettditure wmt le s1j04 blluoii an in to ol about 100 million ecs use fiscal yak ending march 3 lal istu tha ttepirt- nu iinuusu the blfteat are rtdftcstloii hiih- way lleuai usd public wei- fare the tun of mlixdwm via be apeist ot tmhiouon alone under tie ontario foundao ion tmc ma atranta to ekmen- ry and skxaandary achools will rise by ow 3 tnuuati to cmx4mund tbo plan u do- ajfswd to eqtsalhsr educational fopperfnaltiesi uejrougjsout ont- strio and lo reduce or siabilke tbe pf burden on tham lwiii ia and trm you will recall reeding about wplalnbj by tbe ontario cou mdi oa university faculty as- that ushes dueat- nitw in ontario waa in a muddle aasd that the provincial goyct- r wn only ftrini utiiver- silie abowt 80 o what they jearnlng sooouo to 101suocwo thia in- cludaa grant for operating casta e it tended graduate pro greu reaeareh and special pur poses also then will be 53 600000 in loana through the crown corporation o be cre ated for capital construction- two new universities will be opehed this year in peterbor ough and itt the niagara pemi- iruula aa well as new collegia in scarborough and erlndile kurthr a new art college and library will be provided at the university of guelpb more fundi are now made avj- liable for liurentlan university in sudbury one would think that the council of university faculty association would have waited for the budget announcement before uunf it statement of gloom thia association inste ad of acting like numerous oth er pressure group in the pro vine should submit concrete proposal of how he province la to continue to pay- for the tremendous expanding heed of our- institutions- bf higher i v asked for owhem waa it metv ttowed what otr amounted 10 i mult of the budget le bw know why vtaoda iqr will riae by w0 how refreshing it would be if member of the ftculty aaaoclaubn made the logical suggestion- that universities abould prepar for tbf dajr when classes will be hald 13 month of the year- the extra term that this would provide would mean tremendous sav ing to the overburdened tax payer of the province many of whom never did have the ad vantage now available ontario young people instead of another voice of carping criticism tha associa tion could be a definite asset cooperatlng with tha depart ment of education in meeting future need the lncreaiei in the budgets of the departments that i vt mentioned li the reason for the 02c increase in aolinetax and this la expected tb yield the government an extra 20 million the incrassaln hospital firemlumjf will help bring pol- tyholder contributions to one- third of the coat of the scheme which waa the original inten tion tha provincial and feder al governments contribute one third eachuptohow the pub- tic was paying only i between onefifth and onequarter of theooatav the average taxpayer there fore will have to pay about 37- 00 per year more as the result of the increased tau onga and use locreaae in hospital prera- a mffal uovoftt vilui buick sascitl dlus lioe ceue you ii gofbrbulgsspeclal tbun size 7 llnbeatable for prestige easy to own puts buick quality in your hands for less because its buick through and through i i with an allnew i 115inch wheelbase thenew buick special has 6 much fcuilvin value youll braking u safer smoother its performance is swifter hardly believe how little itcosts it looks lower sleeker silkier the special is everything you ratpect in h buick and on its new longer wheelbase its ride is softer quieter its is priced much lower this year abovi all ira aillch be eurv to walcrdltaloecopa amd zero oksnow hawinrj on televllon check local llatlnaa for time end channel 124lphstrht phone 8776986 mat

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