Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by ham newts umliml 22 main street s cwrgelown ontario w c udw publish pag4 thursday femuary 27rh 1964 editorial comment hrtb holding on ttw fcwid annual tjpot 6f ihe yrx- ywca given al dmo meeting last waelc fthowd n impraiivtj record for hi t infant aiftofy vhe variety of y atliv i 1 are pkgrtmt eruj gym civile for junior leant cad club which has e tones of darnts odo widoe imtructioi adull iqur dine incj e lummei day cantp for children and ieniov allien club to give lonw tdo of trie program at tendants til the dinrw uw 4 lkjkj clsvi in citd e qym demonstration by boy nd girls end haafd n original folk tong by one of the young mmbfi while optimism was sounded in every speath ttvere was one dailt not lo live wtsnlng k l mony operating on n 0000 expense budget last year the y balanced itt books with a surplus 4eft from the previous period this year it mus somehow find at lean 12 000 mora to the tame program or face a drastic bolt lightwning we would hah to see the organ je tton disband for lack of such funds tlve y ti rt a profit mwng group no aosh purtonctjivc pfograrni rtn look for recruits for ih ranks t ts debated parhcuulyto gvrg yocwvg people clen h rcr tiit in their fomalve yeafc believes jt can do ttfl better than a uuvly localued group because ol its worldjltd ufiliettoni and the prcwon value of rtv services it of vert it can oprat for many years without central building though in every tmnd 11 the dream thet loniedy georgetown will be of tie and contain th inuatt necei- tary lo acquire thu facility man white ttve program cm be quile adequately pro vided by using hkiiting ftciltloi ictwols ctiurcii hallv whalevof n available the public 11 not felkcd for urge don ationi when campaign lime comei a do lar or two from every reiident and there would ba more than enough sometimes we feel that a proportion of residents look on the y as purely a recreation group those wrio take the lim to enquire lo learn more about it cannot help but be sugar vnd spici come booster step in right direction news echoes ffom the rfw f tke hrid 1939 ami iff 10 yiats aoo hre whtcii bfoka out yhbrfcdey mcxnng irt ihe icilcnen of heboid miditel farm home completely destroyed lh oecgetown wore able to fvm the barn despite a strong wind whlcb blew flame toward me nearby building most seku robbery to occur in georgetown for torn time w smesh nd grab occurrence early thurtdey morning r berbers gift sbop the stores how wirv dow wai wnaked at about 4 mjrx in fbe morning and wetcie v aliped ml 700 touri 1 gorgeiown citizoos wilj liave chance to ie what goes on behind the acenet at tne local telephone exchange when- tke bell hojd open houmi at n juildtng a mem street morth in april tiver pubhc i kwiled to inspext lite ccunphceled ooevahon 24 yuau aoo 1 over 3 so men of h ranks of the lorn scots regiment of hallon peel and duffer in counties have started spring training and will continue unul june 26lh tty are preparing for the visit of me king qeen 1 in abandoning hwe d of i municipal building m geor getown this yer tt prjlent couivit and mayo joseph gibbons are consistently ponumg the policy of debt reducteoii aliliough tle mmitbars of council considered building a suilabu public buildnig on the s te tornerly owned y creelmari s limited et the last meeting of counot they disposed of the property lo mrs w preston and mr hyman silver whom we believe intend erecting buildings which will b e credit to hm town mrs preston has given ihe georgetown lumber company the contract for remod elling the creelman building into a first eta is restaur ant and apartment en a lk front door th tst r at homf watching lh sam tv iwrogrim as the fallow in tht city rrivstrly i rhuckli at bnlh points of vipw both ar full of contntlictloni iii city fel grass is always greener increases in a4lerl th town mun icipal office is a pift i h- rjht direction by council for too longnuvilcipal taarh5 have been fer below af lor iimll4f jocv ir in dustry end far oul of line tvitft vvbet should be paid by what fr ffed la a mjllton dot- ur corporation thay are still too tovv but council hai perhaps gone at jw arlt can in a yar wnen it is rwperjfclr poodejee tax rate at least lo hold it el ft present le vel political awaremss one of the lest publicized activities at high school is the model parliament on saturday the georgetown group dlitmguuhd themselves by winning 1 plaque- for best all round participation when hsey tent delegates to brampton in e day tponiored by the united nations associa tion previously elections had been held at the sxlvool to choose members students gained an insight into canadas electoral system and the ten young men and wom en who were tent lo brampton gained it is too often e conimon failing that government employees 1entj to be under paid the civil service- is prime example while a low salary icle is lomewhat com pamated by ob iecvuty the vad fact is that the positions tend to become cluttered with incompetent help overloaded in numbers and cumbrsome with rveedlefs detail georgetown is wile lo avoid ths if ptt peve dept n anything the town ojhee ihould be known w as a place which dra tfw highest quality the best skilled and th tnosf emicient em ployees news desk extras by terry heruy mil live in that yrenna if v sve ne 1ke whale jump a sit- wr plattar yhls la an aw rellfrrt eft kaaret ih tke vast itlntar lwt f wr aemlnien true kai strona ttui ort saturtiayi the whale tvre- umm is trut inte aenva ib- clunu the no pnvcy knows your but nru the una 1 in 1 hid u far a day te tha ie town flow t xp uwles inv v w r fchewi sixw p sm fait ul cy mow cin you hv privacy in thf city vtwn you re jammed into wo by our lot in al i like nd wno hv bornblt l of people aoinj north for the 1 skiing or swimtninj or flshlrjc thry don i en wave to each other hockey league will be hand ng out the cash and silver pnaull ihoui monrcal 111 ware that annual y procla mi it ii echoed iith jual fm l about monrcal hall th olhfr doicn or s cities of any size further informal on about parliamentary don procedure and the conduct of a legislating body students and staff are to be congratu lated on this interest which while not part of the school curriculum is certainly an im portant preparation for adult life while we do not think a school should be over- loaded with extracurricular activities to the detriment of the studies which a young person must master some we ii chosen programs of this type add lo the develop ment oj teen minds this or that particular hero employee as having been of most value to his team most successfully tcramblmg the v i i j i yhe statement abeva la usu- referee s radar or e tudmg the i u j il lit y fellewed by a diatribe sa- well honed elbow of laf j h quxol nned eddie h u ui hiwm ill dltm r tht mo i of he tngible ceo ld hlmk ldat find ihelr wy lo deserving party through a i yolno yltom thl eem lo y umw mn funcfon reonbl well up north nul yh amall town fallow ravas about that wythual rat race in hie city and ut and rvr r last old gaj price ethtallc cluba and trut at a pace no ceuld stand h changed thursday city rat hn uld the suprtst station li thf only independent dealer- ahlp m town old tha lurald that the price of gas wei uppad there only after the gas in st of it when the tax nmr in via kftjuittml he said witt inovptndant he was not dictated to by the oil firms who instructed the other service slationa to add the tax after the butht propo- tat the herald phoned a eroae- wction of local tint vpwiw tors last week to rind 1 com plaint by some molorlsta that operalors were maudf a ft tuck by boosting their kae price riftit away ware true lrt lacb rase it wa lesrnad the operators were lnitrucled by the oil oompanlej to make the hang the last georietown service station to adjust its as prices thr myths multiply lnacitywai amvitrona s service stat of a million theatres are half empty eonceru play to small crowds esotle restaurants go broke in a small pu a tenth of two percent ia ravelling m that tlfchtng and hunting and so ion on guelph street who fcold eas at the old rale until thura- djy five diyi after ontario go vernment pliced a 3 teat per gallon edditlohkl ux w it a spokesman tot the gaji wkk criu ftlpukcio whilk you waiti lyuhwur jwlwr4 u mu u n 1 business directoryj thm mail bag cites mayors efforts to raise town wages 31 ityrtm street february 15 1wu gentlemen our mayor joseph gihbons la to he congratulated on hit efforts to raise wages of the municipal employees public speaking winner to compete ih toronto contesi a wood bridge girl and a geoigetown youth took top honours in the provincial semi final done public speaking contest for secondary school students of halton peel york outside metro and ontario counties held in anderson high school whitby eleven contestants look part in the dplt7m7objtlon which i l forced him to remind the admin latration committee that incraa sea must be put through though it might mean curtailment of expert in other departments about 4000 in increases was authorized thu li a vastly different at tltude toward tho employees than when a previous official stated he would rather pay a a man twice what he was woiuh so that he could dispense with him if the job was not done then attempt to pay hint less than what he waa worth true none of tho employees that benefited will find the ex tra money too much of a hurjjen to carry home but thla is a move in the right direction to maintain the staff we have ra then than train them and lose them it should also eliminate the need for 200 per week help and be much cheaper in the lonfl run the actual percentage nf in creue to any employee would not to large nothing near the 180 voted and accepted in tho put year by council members t n trie be hoped ttutoia oh her deparlnienu also will te eem the recognition they ahr uld get when their jaleriei are r previewed we believe they will yattrs truly maria van dyk 18 a grade 12 student at woodbrldge high school was the winner in the prepared speech section and david nianey 18 a grade 11 student at georgetown hlnti whithy puhlle ulllitlee coitm in inn and chairman william j fisher of new toronto puh lle utilities commission who la president of district no 4 ontario municipal electric as soclation presented the attract ive engraved trophies to the winner on behalf of the ont ario municipal electric assoc titlrm mlsa van dyk winner of the prepared speech section recelv ed an encyclopedia uritannlca world dictionary alt the other finalllrtj received encyclopedia ilrltannlca year books these school won the impromptu book t w d speech section these two lone y e ontario municipal klec winners will represent the four trie association counties in tho ipfl4 provincial j final oratorical contest in tor onto on march 30th miss barbara stark 1s al grade 10 student at andrruin high school whitby wan thrj runner up in the prepared speech section david blaney who resides with hla parent mr and mrs j eric illaney at 87 sargent flo ad georgetown took for his topic lnthetmproniptu section should vxaminatlons in schools be abolished ho gave a thought provoking talk on thti subject hla english teacher mm a t llvjngaton of geo rgetown high school ccotnpim- led the parents mr and mrs eric blaney in attending the provincial aeml final contest another ghs student paul ine rowe waa among district injiuatwhq competed at whit by mini van dyk spoke on my country canada and miss barbara stark dealt with the topic how we can assure canadas unity following the announcement of the winners by the judges cttmmlfcakmar jamc bom of but the selection methods are inconiittent and results of at least one the awarding ol the vezma trophy ring un true too often the veina goes annually to the goalie of the team which at the end of the reg utar schedule has had the least number of goals scored gainst it the recipient for some reason known only to league fathers and daily iportiwriteri is then lauded at the best goalie in the nhl during that particular season the fact is live goals against percentage n a team mark and it a trophy is to be awar ded for it it ihould be e team trophy and clearly defined as such good goal tending is ust on of the team s strong points reflected yi the goals against average it alto mir rors great work by the def ense and above average fore checking and backchecking by the forwards when the op posing team has the puck ev erybody- on the defending team is or should be doing his darrvdest to prevent tcore not lust the net mindei who only handles the shot jf the forwards arjd defame have failed in their defensive efforts it s time the nhl reviewed the award of a trophy to t player to whom it doesnt be it they want to pick and honour a best goal keeper the choice ihould be made by the players who would be allowed to cast ballots fo only the goalies on the other five teams the yardstick should not be a statistic which could end often does place the vexlna in the hands of a goalie who hat had to han dle twothirds of the shots on a more deserving toiler who finishes well back wuddaa do all wlntr in that dump this is equally familiar it is asked in the tones of sim pie incredulity of e sophisti rated suburbanite who spends all uinter doing exactly what you do in that dump up north working playing bringing up your family trying to pay the bills and gcpwing older on mast matter 1 take e stand but in this danunclatlen ef the ether fallows made f life i take twe stands the first is gentle agreemen with my small town friendsj go along with helr belligerent argument that the city is no place to live that 1 d hate to hafle that traffic that living is chesper in a smaller centre that its wonderful to live with in five mlnutei of fishing curl infl golfing and friends whan i im listening te iw bid buddy who hue in the city i ned sapely when he paints out that the city is an ucltlno place te live that its wdrful be able te sew fee t mal in a fascinating tu- that the small town deasnt pro vide the same cultural eppor tunltlas lor your kids chiropractor bohalb a cay dc appointment mrt i lb cll tk 7j401 main cwtnlwn chiropractor crld w cerbett dc open dally by pplttrrtent lloui call arrant 77u31 1ia main v nei- carr wittwood ontario lnd urvv4if ih mountiinvlrw id s tkingle 7 mil w h crr ii r walwwj tr 7jm8 rm tr 44144 beware of unsafe ice must be 4 inches thick intermittent thjw arenaktni fraction of inche ofx pond nd river in the re fet local parent aliould he remind ing their elilldrcn a safety report uaya alushy white ice must be at leal 4 thick before it can mipport person to inche are sufficient if it clear blue ice the report ays but a 15 per cent slrenuth reduction must lie considered if it i river lee kollolvln 1 a table based on dear iond ice with the ice thiclmoal n inche al left and the pernlulble load at rleht 2itoneperoniiniootu i 8 croup alnsle lie tv paenn- car 8 llaht truck thl table which doesnt p- j ji ply to parvpd load but only ta movlnj one refer to clear k 1 victory cannot be won wltp oo popd and like onlyiout encounterln the ioe dax develocments limityd fetullder flnaflama prop walter vcholok w74111 r 47j9415 kr rxcirt ly ca consult o y waiki occulst prescription filled ii mm st s brampton gl 14474 r gu 1b243 hour oam spsl dally knday 0 a m to p l fcvenlnf by appotntmnt robl r hamilton oplemlrltl 118 mnuntalnview rd s carretal bidjih vor appointment 8773971 bible thought forjthewtl georgetown herald publlhd byhem nwpa4rllnthl gepretown ontsrlo walter c blhn publisher garluld mtcllvray production superintendent terry harley alleen brdley new editor accountant mae douglas advertising manager mrs william geggle clork tyolst anne currle reporter poter jonea photographer lcaho curlt dave hasting bob ban mylei gllsua john mcclemonti t member of the canadian weekly newpper t soclation and the ontario assoclatlbn cwn jl award winner barrager s cuantrshlrt lsuhdrr yr 7m7 19 main s 188 guelph all werk dee e prarrtl massage maurlc h millar km 9 cleaveholme dr vritfio or 907 house call by aivangml dale bennett latimer baines lurruun t u1uiw doug1as v lattueb terencb t bajnm trllllgle ysml jj mill st c4ral0n- george c hewson harrller td elultw 118 uounulnvlew rd s carretal building georgetown yr 7m1i wallacr thompson 3rd division court clerk coiflmwslonar yr72ms oeoroiyown animal clinic i v lavltt dvm b footman mrcvs 108 paelph street cunle opeh y pm b pro moni wd pri let afternoon 1j morrison sandtftson t co end dyck i morrison 11 cuelnh stw oeorselewrt b773351 monuments rollock campbrll bks1gns on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phdhli u17sm s3 water street north oam frederick a helson brrlllw end mlelur 118 mountauivlew rd b carretal building georgetown t yr 7uw me mandersodqc berrliler end solicitor 41 mill st georoolown tr 7w64 ucensedauct10neeb prompt servlce- po bog 4s tb 7sbb4 gorgek tvansicltlerba berrliltr gollcllor netirv dr williams bldgj m main 8 te 745s1 v kaplan ord barrltera end tallelrere sidnlykaftan 1jb mounulnview bds carretal building t74m wbwsmiszi

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