r attendants in red velvet for valentine day bride a nuralnf graduate of toroo jfary cornwall tomato osbat general hoapiul no on and brampton j lb alaff of south peel hoapiul v f k aide in cookevllle lie ia the ion cookevllle wary crce berber i o uf tad un wlum w km becanw the bride of john oweallry toronto and 1 agent for wnley on february 151 he imperial oil co lm rev norman youo official rk the bride 1 the daughter d at the three o clock cereal of ur and lira keith i barb- ony in knok freebyterilo cnur- 0 kins st k ieh and urt edgar gowland wj i i organlat the kin of love thi aioxoitoww mik4u thoraeur fat u4 bace nash amd mcdowell k vjjp nd nm thank we ill our cod kf rcuionl duxia th ajafunij of thxulr mr gowubd playd o wrfe d love and jesus jay 0 man untiring undirdi of wht flsdfolk kaiuxifioh and wniuis were flanked by whi trdj to decoata tb church 1 th hridi wrt a gown of while satin arid ippllqu of rvtnbroldrrd kfsimri uf j with tiny chap train a jsikouldcr lr7iylh ulk lllumlort tvll wa held by circlet of patl flowrn around utin ruaw sh wore ncklst of jrullured prls and carried in eld fathiofevd rcd tif red roes and stephauous ii fi tbr gsv lr itt marrlsav ura herbrrt spiurr i lirt bout wai matron of honour mrs tsre mccarthy brampton land the bride a hitters uistrs heather and phylli barbr comcun oitaat ultlomo samd boad oftavtl mi to ioa jtoml woc tom waines iviiluem t yjcrj hfatino wer syria llnl a tr 7-28- arnold rathbun ateoelawtehve tum llei op canada v llr crew hkauwon rosedale floral flowers forall occasion wfdoimo ajuaeeoiiumrs vaea k t cut floweia ejld funj w wi ho w amwrl t ymsj hernia sit aalfku awvry tkai wold key lam movej town loses asehcsovi continum from pjji 1 j t uir qt who with t van sirklor rfjreintd ijjjui j hi towtiihip in opodiin tk sflion wuiilid an adjourn mm wo that the llaird could look ovr th ara in quiuon sinrf my rllrnli sjiulh and s4nti and ueadowuirn row rri makr up all the induilnil itifumrnl in th area and both oppo annexation laid robert a smith lawfr i would b in favour of thai thf rhair man a2rrnl and took an hour off to look over th wa arcom panifd b all partiri rorvefrnfd cradm hatartuua heir oakville minstrels provide musical evening at manor cherry pie muffins judged at wi meeting in lurking up the town a claim cr youn contended that the the rehruiry home uonorn iauh b ih imv lfl ln1 health uomen inatl wtk ul i half 1 u1 lul mrtlint wa held tmiili conduclrd by ur i llylon an opportunity to renr xuuujl i tie tolahin i lernhu the ulh at the horn ole wthur v llrepla frlendlilp will thri ntl f jn ii tln coun lo v rvldnt i the orn ur n hare n ad enllemrn ly 1 inditnal brochure j ver crelrv ur i j k u urlown w the th rhurrh day aftfrnoon irvlr on whruary sun wrrr irrd at tlia rloiv of thr ui 2nd pefrfornianrt thr rraidrnli hart j vr bridmaldi thy wr suwnrd in bii ikirted treat lrntth drriuci of rtd vlvl biatrbinif pi ii bog hati whit jlovfta stid th4 tny rirrifd old faahionfd nowjfayri ef rd rarnatloni and whlt uumi william a kinuy kdmon ton alwrta was his brothrra grtwmimih william hodgson port crwllt kay stfrli and harry rrnnrt toronto wr j old up to ur young h ak minulm and avral t could you hope to prwtuc was lakrn from chapter 2 rmi and 10 voted toward th uu sic tntival an invitation a wry rniyahlr normal owin on rrumptinn of thr inc town hnsinrrr vm tjrr ind ftld of rhr traffic rongrstion man on thr keens mad to both thr willi smith and sionr varisn aunriatrs rsprcially wnrr thr doling of hr cnr railway rroiimj strrp gradrs on john stjast wins st and hivrr drur provr haiardoui for trucks hr said according to thr rnginrrr thr clonni of thr railway crot ains cauwd truck traffic o usr thr main s tinder thr bth linr bndfir or thr john st undrrpau as a rem improve me nti wrrr made to ontario st at a cost or 11 boo with an tstimitr of 100000 to fix ii from ihr 8th line to thr oth line tn reply to a question from y helton engineer can an twered the am proposed o h annexed muld b serviced adequately with both water and twert by extending cximins wrvirrs the boundary of thr land you want to annex just manage to dodgr all the houses in that part of glrn wilmami com ffientrd roquesins lawyer j weir dryly as hr began his cross examination of thr rngin err tw thirds vacant rd this land under that siiules lit up thr fares of thr snii h tt stone parnt whrn cra ailed tquarr off thr land to takr more to which cr young rr plied thrn w d lake in x prrsulent of thr bo- wrd have to servcr v mcdonald but ou want thr indutral oodi mr it ii parker commentrd thr ch anwnfmjnuikrl an invitation from norval ow rr ri one re prer niauv es k u nr l t hr ur i attend the copper too pr r v school on urch ird and 4th l fchool was read mouth ft rvrning of rnlertain iled fi r the ret ght vfb min1 of rh service in the chapel sunday aftrrnoon jrhruary omi and mrs s imkie waj thr or gtnul miss uary tetu hills sang a very appealing solo j ml a i ittlr help from you ihr srrinnn was on thr suh- rerrplion which follow rd in th church hall thr brl ladies j t niolher received wearing a misty grren silk sheath flow rred bat dark brown hoi and yellow cartage tb grori mother also received wearing a pink petal hat and eggihll accessories and a corsagtf of pink roses i- or travelling thr bride chote a white double knit tuit with opalrscent sequin trim brown accessaries and a tor need s5000 till pay day try alienor thnfly frfty 50 03 cl ly iu hll pey jay cau hon chhiy at atlantic finance iioll call was bring rels from walton mem ject of fcath and ur itcgown mgf of yr roses an itrm of xewing or baking for united c hurch falls arwrt wrrr brought nd later sold which hrouifht in a nice sum at the january meeting it was announced that a cam pet i r a smith pom led out that tion at thr district annual thr change would mran an ad would be tirld on muffins ami ditional 8 000 year in tases t herry pie and each insti for smith and stone he had lute to choose a winner from the town treasurer testify that their own group smith and stohrpaid 28 400 ml to this meeting some beau in taxes in 1033 tiful mouth watrnng cherry in answer to hr question is pies and muffins had been council doing anything to en brought inri judged by mrs courage thr sale of present in uarr hurt of brampton thr duatnal land conn young winners cherry pie 1st mrs replied we bend over hack 1 wilfrid bird 2nd mrs boh wards to promote it and we alexander and 3rd mrs gor have them sold hut when they don wingfield muffin 1st oakville minlrels vvii prevent as the music rial began his vermon hv saying thr brldr i great uncle it the hat since death is rvrr present lo john k barber waa toast mr in our lives it is pertinent thai wi at the reception and a get to the door of delrex lv elopmrnu the whole thing falls par councillor hmmerson appear ed briefly and stressed the traffic problem in the area mrs john iurd 2nd mm wingfield and 3rd mm john urnabh mra burt who is uacdon id college graduate whose ronduclrd husband is on radio spoke for aing down lent of the we ihnuld examine the problem m0 gueits were the brides of facing death death in no de grandmother mm harry s dirrrtnr of thr show with brr- feat for the hriiian who hi webster of windsor who ia 01 nda biib as aisivtant dirrclor arrepted hnt and rm in inr r aptain and un a and choreographer two ladie the death of loved onea wt can a buchanan ottawa other shared the dutiet of pianist be brought clner to cod guejls were from detroit tal mrs carol mackay and mm miriam warden the first portion of thr sh w took place i tng hack drop eitytfark with irera and a pa bench tins portion had aa iti titlr vote for me and was the final rally in ah election campaign to elect a auperin trndent for this park the second portion of the featured musical selection ami dances performed in a radio atation brenda busby preform d several clever dance and joan murphv and bill parker ang solos a aing song wat give your car spring zing 9 crtt lfrb t lt kaft0f 9 prildrl tunup vwtrtrw4ry tfcrt irh exprt mechanical bodywok wldinrj paint jcjc yeu can tuptml tut ua fe ih hi trvk esso gas and oil lincoln motors 199 gvlph si 8x73 us poruon oi inr sn w in front of a strlck i rop which depicted al with trees and a park th the cast com from thr stage and claiming that in cite of major few minutes on health via the mingling with the aprctaton hr questioned mr carr a es umatr of 100000 to lx onta no street clairuing that hu 20 a fool figure might apply to subdivision roads but not to the difficult terrain of on ario 1 in fad said j weir to i9 the pro hi m of acrrts to ipxiating plants no annexation u needed since ontario m 1 kjdy gnea there why spend large sums of money to hnng in additional land when tuo birds of your industrial land u vacant de manded j weir one owner con t roll all thr land replied mr carr xo council expreesed the desire to have other industrial land none of the land in the 45 ere under dlscnssion ia owned by or even optioned to ihr town anyway so you tlill wouldn t own it retorted ur weir krom a report he had pre tared in november 1062 the mlher wax aiked by lawyer r a smith to read the cost of developing the area i road by the time of completion fche land would have 1o sell far 9000 an acre the report con udedjlhat it would be unecon otstlesl alnee other induitrial land in town vu telling for lug jtl- hlbbart town ateuor that m0 acres of i of 3 acres f induo trial i wn vacant jirsmmf etatned bto iootr for com 1 land i the chcxa- m fire fire trucki would find it irhposfcible to get lhrougli the john street underpass councillor don powera wal er chairman explained lha the town supplies water to both hrrtlut ami stone and meadow glen growen he went on to point out that customer out aide the corporation limits are usually charged double ra ea but this has never been applied to smith and stone since half of thr plant l in lown lat year smith and stnnr paid 11050 for water said mr pow marginal basis as plant accounlanl of smith and stonr queried r a smith would you sav i oper ales on a financial marginal ha yes replied cr pow ers you itnewthe company was ronceriivd about ruing costs continued the lawvcr did ou ask the company if vou could tell council the facta no replied cr powen in opposing the dikmissal town solicitor irtd helton clal med the goml or the towii and the area annexed was the im portant factor he felt it waa a logical extension of the town s boundaries o aji area served solely by georgetown the municipality that paya for the waler malm seweri roa la entitled to llte revenue he maintained he contended that the larger piece of land waa necessary for future improvements to road to serve industry and inhabit ants in the area with the cost of providing them mitigated by the increased taxes i iu a brief reply mr weir opined that no consideration til future development had been ttlven it waa a little too lhh to ask just for the area housing the plants so a little more wan aked he concluded wryly wellplanned food way and said many things must be conndrrrd in food she stressed milk unique in supplying calcium and containing vitamin to sing familiar ballads thr perforpianre ended with a med ley of negro spirituals supposed in to he sung al a church meeting everyday use and thr diet ad with- rill parker aa deacon tquate food is necessary for ev efy member of the family she ctoied her remarks wtlhsome very helpful hints when hak ing mm gordon w ingtield thanked her for coming and judging thr cooking and prrs rntrd hrr with a lit thr motto what wr make of our home is more important than what it is made of con tainrd tome grand thoughts and waa given by mrs arthur rud dell current rvrnt hy mrs rrancls thompson whrn tea coffee and cookie wonders where increased taxes are going to stop 13 oatrander rlvd eorsetnwn ontario february imh 1hw ura hector bird thanked ihr to homcn and all who had helped tl to make audi i plraiant so 1 chance of ourlng catieer ire increaaed if treatment u be gun whrn the djieaaa ii in itx early alagea import tn yunr doctor at once it ynu dlacover any of the cancer danjer a nala i frllowahip alternoon all ajnj thr queen and a social hour followed troussea tea showers for bride mary barber mrs keith barber entertain rd at a troussta lea at her home 0 king st on february 0 for ber daughter mary whose mar riser to john owen hnlcy look place the nrxt saturday friends in town toronto islington and oakville feted the bride prior lo her marriage mrs j a s boomer islinu ton hail a pantry shelf shower ura robert s hanks was a shower hosteu al her toronto homo and members of the oak vljle hydroplane club entertain ed at the home or mrs walter anderson oakville mr kinley la commodore of the club in georgetown mrs george nwforcuijtiloiuslt mrtwnwr man hiu-klnii-iu- and mrs bernard armstrong murdock st tendered showers mrs her ber i spltxer umehouse was co- hosteu with her mother at the latter learn to recognise thesympj torn of ancoi koi inform tlon call your local office or the canadian cancer society when or where are increased taxes and costs lo thr working man going to stop all we have tieard since the beginning of the year la the federal provincial it some loc al government bodies must have more revenue income lav has already increased ihtne vtiise of old age security hhspl tallxalinn will be up over 50 commencing july 1dt auto mobile licenses are up gatolinr lax and no doubt all kinds ru hidden tax the latest is our own local hydro the hill issued this month increases the minimum bill from 200 to u 00 100 and in addition there is no 4th rate increasing ordinary bill by a considerable percentage the hydro office has no explaa atlon to offer outside of the fact you will be notified by mail ihe increased minimum bill will no doubt be a finan clal burden to people on jen slons at limited income u ia fait got ting to the stage where the government ml got as well collect our pay cheques and feed and clothe us it is to be hoped mayor gfbbons finds 1 1 possible to keep property u xes at their present level of reduce them yuyra truly at mot uifiivtttri wv w -tts- 5av got the order got a bank loan we re all set vleti a huymcqqmiin win ti ortlrr or contract lie knnui hr can turn to his local bank for financial assistance a loan may lie needed for one or mora reaioni to lay in a supply of raw materials to buy new equipment to meet t payroll or to coer other cost until the firm recenes payment for its products or services with bank credit companies large aniv snfall can take on project they couldnt handle if thy had to depend on their own financial resources more- oef the chartered banks hate steadily widened the scope of their commercial lendtnp to sene new or expanded short term needs every day local bank managers are lending to producers manufac turers farmers retailers and others to help them develop opportunities meet competition keep men and machines busy commercial loans are one of many essential services jour local bank provides to the benefit of everyone in the community the chartered banks serving your community through fullrange banking responsive lo growing changing needs vu mi