Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1964, p. 9

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wears family heirloom for valentine wedding tells horficulturisfs add beauty with evergreens legion notes bridge untangled monster coming and campaign for monthly hop by don fh iuuid and taat but ax any ur aboi our hranth grndlnu ib l2t brldga plijtra ability to klowtt hiiidoppm dus w how to achieve individual lntm of flowering shnihj lilaci ily in hotna gardening and foun and vaxiauj kind of vetrcafl dat ion planting waj the ud all complimented with low derlying theme of a talk by the flowartng plant fetich fei j a port guut apeakrr at thr rexular lea lull pi apirra ur canadian monthly meeting of thr george holly ranted at their ba town horticultural society hid the speaker wa thanked by win tournament ws pruvii un c fhapur of tw sonaty tar m uat wednrwlay evening in the ur harry uoaa who comprj founded laat turdjy at the lh wrawrvatioal and iuwr- jcc lootf njftlx howard wrtxfjca worth school tuald yttaut waall on not tournament held here id gnieol of haxberabop quarut y ur h j lltdrr u ehair being an trt horticultural corgrtown aa previously wen ringing id atocrwa uat tkai flopc lo dhcf imrt ni ntwne ynfl m w prufeaaor john a walt well tourney wci inteohangrd tbe lr uprt w cnliy tetlred from the if or under tl e heading of announ fi to dale and the on ur went will be under j tup- ueultural mah of the ontario tt ur j j w u tlrighlo thing wjl vuuoof lav wwma wfc agricultural colkge giwlph d th of lb variou w b lo follow the d itrut wth hu torry hood elepfc- y i committal u rry on lh ai w with a ton win wbcb la v will u bp wok atad hi ulk with backboard t i project in lt4 hly whal wl don rolli baodf kiirbm ikatcbra of a houi jddjj var a driw srrm d tymrc ha ft and ktud oi wrt w rtltry tbta olat rwiur- u h rry soit rrulud ih fftjf lury fup j by oriwn trani tw h wrnd of l j wiilbi uf punt taiurifl uuu wilaon and u k ur- vgrm too clow to tb tu wbhrri vr rt hlll ropfj iir ylilt uurelt ilrli ur harry wuti mr m fouol by jtk 11 kur i 1 wright and un lill tiiil r mond idtimi ttt lit of mrftfchinmu wrr rrvrd by townrs ud to w atjii4 with ilarlf to a wall by inrini nf lh cvminilu fullowmtf iu th rd pute amall rwti would iw jn rr tnilmg thrw uyi r td firt ultrd in many riim lb horticultural wiftv 120 ua n i n mrtuii n hr ditihtrtrd vrrv ffrrt irtmta tha third wrdnriday of tu win hava bm ill ivcly th iiidlvidualily uhich tb month in tb howard wn tay on to ui prownual can u ubtainhl lh ujth plant jtuswnrlh uhfkl audtlnilu n uosviku sta tfcey coa proccdi maa apeoanijtaf aynlnwawan aauji turn bar of puyrr kerv last ye bad juat mof wbicb aayon aport i kn plmuaad fofx 3th in tha tb tamtiita m i clock 4 mm- atefkar oavrbolm l ir ufa d at bn ua n bm aa twy wj wstb air anf 4 af taw i i h i lfc b s bacu who operatar operatar by dnvo tbau doom ad in ut uhuiltd tu tbnr natural jmwth ii sutlf atrd mhf iirub vnuiiyniuh ir winter cyreiwr which attach mat hr ouhj wiuiams mat and mrs iobni thompson a family hair loom a plia sold lorfcvt lid yar bid waa worn by patricia gail vtt for br maniafta en vtlhtlb day to lara william tbaiupoh dau th irroom brolhr mr j fhompaon wai gutonnman tba dtoubl riny rrmony hwh took plar- it 7 0u pm in kook 1 riibytfian church ulmnlid by ktv culinary delicacies for guides world supper tor tur ljtl 4 vjry tamatk w wit u oil u4 wrk u lh ldlrl aunlltify a ul r rldhy vcjtliijt u iso jlmiiiy wttlt txt a fmudru teuat bl toot wj urd 6ut dtibf tw rtrouijf uitiiub lo i by play of kill fcbj mtitelli i tw inuiilrr nifniljjrii i hl j lundmj tllll sp iluru lo w hll lirri in irh ir w wr pitj la ur bruiry illtli tint ihh k mr 1lj u j il 8 pin will whoppr un sim i hiwutk iuj ur mil shout lot iw murl rol ind un roy iliuy lojd towuij in tlw luititrpl of whit il fin ihjl til lk to w 111 bmoinlnl lonj linf of djnrinj who lklr m wl iwirt frli till it will hitr a iwul couxi1iki wu wm loulh rtw lo hof in krvp up by clurll ui tbd kil duik- lr un rill ujrtorwifk w th cu dft nd llrowiun rl ly mn kmon i 11 thr formfr lh quil tv hiwrtir if tlir lulled thrir wffk lilt wfd hrncc lam ind wf nt lo h ol lrulnnirn roller li in mdir undfrilind ihjrlu will ipmul normn nly nirhl wilt n interna here lor of q 11 keep up ii 11 h nel wverl foulk ms v ee w ow i is ri t jm and plrk up lk llmbd prue from all report very6 bad an earellebt ilia uayw onre a hmihlb would hi a d idea unl ed llturih baiemenl eaeh 1- re 1 weaver got ker wddln own ed at her home the bride mo- grl i rnlij a dih of another 1 home alter lay in uelpl lulhlm1 wil omlmhl klul ehlffon over lff lhf rvielved in printed 1k rounlr mr t llne and enerl llopill kr he un an all een and enjojed l ll hl t d roll de ndredvrntlonrnrale and mr u llnrnrk helped to derwnl urery v hope k fore by branch in member l iffln jald o h kodlr the r oom mother wore brown ene 1 the firl enlerun will oon be feel and but never all on the urn bl t ut klrl an lkowle llk and roraj of whit ear ed their mother and all en able to enjoy lh nc warm i nder the lliln of liar vlllkak weddlnv nation joed a nire esenn under the weather when 1 cde irlme r kld sh earrw a kor honeymoon tp lo de ladrmp 6f ur i the ior w i lead off c me bqutl dp red ro wljlrol lh bd wore a blue l gude lplln and tawny owl mr a w ood had he ly followed by he s eel i u n tldrt of healher froa seot vet dre milrhml blue velv car line lljnock the 11 pa- rnlforlun lo fall n the hall al 111 jnm wrkler meek uli d leopard rial the railed alnnu will ihe scout the public rbool lat tliurday uon the ko pi kat eke arlon wat poom i the ion of mr and c uh lo st alban sunday at inornlnf she pu out her arm ur andlem ito lernoon for church aerwee lo help lave heraelf and broke smith nie ske her urit she will lie home ihurk and jaik like and ac we are plcedlo report that for three week wlh a heyy cordon jack sni alonj lr mr tom i hamherlln feel cal on el well wishe are mi much belter after a lenbthy nl to her lllnr he able to be luck lo hi work now ue wh him a lupumal senlce took continued sood heal i pl rejular churlh service n the untied church sunday morninf hhtea were w len- ccniclublo to daughter of mr two lomt cope mr and r ben urr man in the b rlh of a urn and alio to mr and b- iii poutf ward rrfencll and rel mr john oltawi in the birth t n of a n a lit br thrr for klm kliu rt kenny arton wat rroom mild of honour her fown of un ii thompann len will eopm blue waa of inlr de ama and i a smith l stone 1h lo ike mile a and aha employee iii bride la enipliy tarried aawade of while car ed n ihe lown municipal ffi e nallona blue tipped to match thev will live al 31 victoria kef kowsi ave mokval reception for friends on 45th wedding anniversary nw thoimiv tha inprlal ictioa fcf branch 121 haw aanauntvd 1armrr hjl tnry wl w lrpby luothrri to n junor a day kar unit legion bockay conuow- inz lh huitturr f taanu avow compatiiig w sturdy tuirkg an im landmark 1 r ma i strppl n klingbifl houif thit ted by fir rarly in li complrtrlv taken dow he low tha wii gut yrir atifi hrra included mr c spence of town and mr and mra i ctialklin of kitchener grandparenli of angela ur and mra j huntrr mr and mn hoyd ward grandparenli and mn k hunter and un c d dirk great grandparent of brian y board gets conjralulationi 1 ur and and mr clark i yon and mr ur lome heave of maple and mr peler iomerny pent ave oorjtown oka nlekra ihe weekend al inidhommr ted tktlr 4mh wldlnif ann winter reort vinrland verury oil saturday kakmarj s3 ky ytlvln about 5 of tinegrove farm vorum met ihlr rlauv and clou 1 the home of ur an i mr iriamu w uilted spencer wilwn on monday wont be lona till there ky tvabr two nonj daujhler v r 17 th nt one larled in t place lalivf ajld antall iranddaueh dlaruued low lot anl ur same and ur and ur cutomera after wlmh thev ijdiea cuild nf s mb- jin cuv and litte daughter c h her monlhl n ngw meillbers at annual meeting tweu new membera joined the twiant of directors of the m yuca thursday when an election look placa at tha tec ond annual dinner meeting u leave ueutr eucnre nr niun vir the new directora are mra ln were mr hyalt uccljre lunc ted by mr a liar will be movint from town url u b vt brampton ur r rank u t mcee the john mardnnald houe ahor u m un bill anderaon taorie- ainrunurr mm i town and ur jin buck auol mi thr home of whch everjone i invited of cnetown pourlnf tea in mi- and mr albert hunter tha venlm waa ur wllbert following a friendly game of we welcome mr and cleiv coorjelown and erv ihe hnle erved 1jrl v mond to the vllae 1 hey h r brampton mr rum rop cuave ind ur jll cleave ol georgetown worval unit 1 norval united ruuxrrdontir scouts guides are busy day afternoon february mth i with the president ur ulrd in the chair tha roll call wa anweredl with twne rrom the hlble tha scouu hava will vvere n blrt prppir the leader groups in special week martin iirt harry bennett wheldon kmmeraon stan kim herley dick uclcnmha georga y arrow michael peleichak w uard higginaon rrie penney hoy norton jr ant al brew they join in execu iva which inrtudea donald tarkar preaid of the- anoim fn mr jim bilaborrow vlca- w carter treaa- hall on friday nicht lated on the time and eftorl they recently toured the ford ihey are giving towardi cout plant at oakville along with ing and iiuling the srnutrr i the cuba heo rider and amtanta are cyril fnglehy joneph on saturday vebruarv 22 lm rwiburn and wri an glbboni ajei vddarrn thorn the scouu joined in the baen quite a ting ton g eahtalnlhi the word love buay lataly braids prepinnit the lradrra fm ira ju ui john mnhu m the d for the lmlly nlghl held in group dcirtvt to he con wfn v tou mr william gr ihe hall on frday nishl ued on the umr and erlori p thomlll vib slck lvl v in intereallnl chap- they recen ly toured the ford they are giving toward scout ter from vtuily book o nkvill aloni with inttnd ulding the scooter ler aecrelary jack armlrong reaurgenc of tho old rell lona of india mra jim uidlaw and percy ialillaw auited koaleaa in wrvlng tunc mill time waa enjoy tiahburn and lub lcadrra with and mr he scouu joined in the h r ill led th camp ajte at dclre plm we anthony with all ch and a where they pitched a tent and conloi douula and fienn ed looked their dinner 0l f cooked their pn we mrs itunta iniene i sundy february 3 the mr normn culhre and i lei morval junior farmer wih scout cub ulde and nrnwnie lenani u w in charge of the nekt euchre parade waa held to st paul and wclal evening to be held anglican church where rev i louth inn mr doug jarvie al r la mlaa crylal aaitant mr i in the old plnegrov school by it stubley conilucted ihu air mackrnnc and mr wally krb utz m for ibc su i dunn le vening t pel njoy a good game of enchre cuba guide and drownw ilnil k0 thla date in mind the norval women lnll tute invite all ladle of the community who would like to join uieni in the copper tool ling course to attend the courw to be held on march 1 and i in the old pltiegrove school from 10 a nt to 4 p m bring your own lunch tea will be provided for materials phone ur e burk or mrs e mclesm each one attending wlll mate picture x very successful valentine euchre au held by the norvnl womens institute on thursday afternoon february 30 at lb home of the president mr e burk wllh 15 tables flmm pruewlnnet yere carrying prlie mr sophie meed to ronto lucky chair number uprise urs art wluon george- lawn 1st prise for euchre hiss euubetb leslie i georgetown and zndriiervrmwonbymrs william sinclair georgetown following t e a lovely lifnch wae served held on friday evening febru ary 21 in the perish hall wa a successful evening a good number of parents and friends turned out to enjoy the varielv croup committee for scouts and cubs spoke briefly snd al so mrs 0 csrter president nf the local assocmlrlinn tor guiles and brownies she presented don smith former brown powell mrs acea mnie nitionla owl the program opened with lh err ind a brown cup ndau scout and guide marching v pp jsh hhv of remoniovl fi scouts ihejr colour snd 11 sang o canada the scouts presented three skits the enlarging machine a comic tskeoff on a scout meeting and tho beatles which stole the show sending the guides nd ilrownlerlnto screams and squeals of enjoy merit the cuba not lo be outdone by the beatles put on j mlteh miller skit my cls corker which required some of the cubs to play ihe part of girls they also sang several other songs and presented cub culle line this was do ne by dancing behind sheet with onlytbelr legs showing the guides puton a humor ou skit on camping where everything happened that camping trip vvork wllii the brownies and thr guides mrs s rishburn past presl dent of ihe la presented mrs o shea and mrs e mclean who wss unable to stlend with think you bsdge for their work during the pasl years in the la following the program lunch was served by the la and social time enjoyed ahouldnt on hr and mrs jack may mn the brownie put on kit rid- mrs tome wbalay mr j of brownie nroument and in a dressy pump smart new styling in a mid hml pump r qq as seen in ia0ics homc journal ixctusivk with silvers jerseys comfllyf tahtfaiju thomas caslms jdufy hmd 7 wiad fully arjiu llu vslnlj of cllsluj itmturlnf strsmavlai uaflu j quiukwu blmjium i rscellent 11 very good selling oa fkioay maich iek 1 00 pm hays sales arena n s hlejirway oakvuijc owtajuo thu dlapartal la a firat tuu opportunity to buy gad yuj2 rowi many freah and rbrad other duea within m daya haiferi bred and open 2 breeding bulla with daurabie peditraaa silvers niat winter closeouts astami topcoats utoisr kets 1 oor tsstx 500 s1000 s1500 slacks assoel suits hjrtma msisnf overcoats sstttrl m fck wma ivrextclclii shirts g w w now sweaters fcadsri sakves asots skijcm ksos-s- slacks upok t aeocsnatta atssciaoo tsiiirts z otsijtiaibrt tsiiirts to 14 n wt t only i blazers 99 79i 3 ilvers ad cim kl f tv 4 to 6 savjarvj cordikoy 8 ta 14 social and pbrsonal mr and mra murt alllnon 16 market mrwtrand mrwaud mra bob tane 1 terry ct havo returnnd from a vacation lnmalca travbtltna by plane they apeiit two wkl it dli covery bay mr and- mrs don barrager 18 malh st s attended thp rtiinabemotit conference of the dry cleaner institute which waa held in the empreai hotel peterborough liii weejt parr mra ilojd sweetie and rev 1 loyd whan thia year tha dinner program inchided ahaafae of aome of tha y jjctivihei voile alnger manfred jansseit aang a ion of hi own composition harry liberty and harry steli put heir judo clam through ita pacca koli wakfer and gerry llaarmeyer had their gym rlmil perform itvd mra frank kixen and karen norton ihowed aome of tha training in the fiirla gym clauea committee report ahowed i healthy growth in activity and intercut iljtough the program could iva aome what curtailed because of i fund campaign i which did nnt reach ita object lvtr leidtrihtp jralnlng bridge instruction a senior citizen club day camp iquar dancing are among bh variety of actllv ltiei promoted speaker at the dinner in cluded mayor joaeph glbboni mra w it mokkridfie ywca axtenalon committee chalfman bob smith ymca exteniion le er tary eric banion who com blnei direclora chorea for gtor- geton and brampton ddtiltd parker wai dinner dmlttan and a ilngaong wai ted by hev kelvin john n ton and mri tracey banragor mra cy ril rjlukleby thanked the ladle of knox church who catered for the dinner among gueata were mn bob allen and mr bobjepann7tpreaertlnv the nebekah lodge and mr and mr carry mccrea ijocal 14101 smith stone vn servlci s sfemk car wash 175 wfve addfd a new machine i to our twonan tew for ttdlar service gwash coupon book for 10m vo um mon thru p rid ay only now opbm sunday 124 pm harlem motors it johnwitr 72s91 i m mm

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