Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 1

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printing publishing 7 mrm has rtct aa frhmn ana hiblihn easaea itavaffaein afca bl n fin printing and news wee georgetown herald tie home newspaper for georgetown and district ads that pay yew ub esatce ass aet 1st teas herekra claealfleel skseaas bf sew tit 72201 atorleajer eallaaa the merelel as m ra will bief ttta nulti yeas wer rvsar aa fctcortd cleee mall rw office dap ottawa georgetowns leap year baby osat lawsraaler 4 00 par yeasr t caeay frices taai coast wsa r- a4 iis as i fog troubles traffic damage in thousands j tf like georgetown prices women start petition tw kww wsj m cr d me fur whole milk in k h u u u cii i bl l 18c ewart tnj whole milk li sir kvlitkuoa ttow circulating wl 1 a rrsw wf atiawa i i tj uji onurlo milk kaw twaj tiul w ktihaa bout after they hive been jrtri tev j a i ttnjrj to the town council ly j f st iw sww what we are demanding wkuik iwe said mrs ivle mewllltabia ii oae u tw rimlituj that either the town damn petitta lj tkai thr l wll lbi milk usl to thou wife lri alhia fcwr a wrrur la the eighbouring rornmunl lm m ih u- that we be allowed to auk wjwcu ky the tart as haw out of town dslrles bring ccel l thai tj aewie their uilk into thli town la oalvklle j urria i she uul the ratepayecs hail sh lase w ui stills is brcwnf quite concerned by hie ol ililri wit i ikii dif in milk prlcei union smith stone face board saturday receives high award fgr drowning rescue two injured buses delayed predict end of fog today kiiiki ii i tl jul i lj i vi i v i 1 lull i u uuo uu 111 i w 1 in il a ud ii l 1 i ilo lor a heroic acl in k l i john with kithy hon n r i dim lu 1 of new ijitiard la cm lili i ll i with uimt a child from d j h n k vi l 1 l i by ilrowiuiik al the lower p 10 ard in v n i pernilll dam eoriitiiwn arej the inndrnl wn r p iledl a invm jl ll to tin ituyal unadiaii lliiinane n uul ll i ii aauwialmn which aft r inn a i i hh no ulitlun hai aaardeil f jn 1 1 mil iiji certlficalii lo the pjir h i i ll 10 on mmdi jnr j ii irind hnl ul ii iltilkina coniratnlaliil llu 1 e nl ii youny gcorirtiwmr fur ii i a i lioriitii 1 r valnut and priirnlcd him with l nmpanv rwrit r tin certificate during tin ruun vald the fo vus cll meillnil jihni fallur wednrml ill rn i liljii a liu inhi r of the town hu run to mjllin wurki ktalt vat proudly h for b a in w n ui the certificate fur kalhv will irthir the fir t u be forwarded to her in ew nin r mlitii i he ijtkeard louli llue wulhw a tetiiar kuffelad hoik foiu ad etpreuv ed ankle when a ifj plekilp driven b her mother mr hilda micilvray d ik i virval un in tilhuori with a luou t lu v panal truck drtv en by haph milter of ifutlon v41e hller uffertd itlhior in i ike junci llanugc in thin one wak iniulcl at uuo to the itruck k i i 51 1k10 lo the hev pan ion hlan ui null 1 i el i ilorij lilt i uppitl it ii tl 1 fun ii i 111 il ill pivci e up if it ition li1 art sit it to iii- t u lud in three tint nil llljhwm ii il i avt of iii iillid all i hi iuuii jme day llanlel lee 1ihnn driving a kinall n in ml ih 7th ijn lent ntar ahhtrovt but id injitrv hundred ami dnur iljiuaiie wai dona c i inlllileil on o i hi 4lh lin rdar sprtnli mo nlthl invulved ul ter jotve hw4a shell have 17th birthday when 68 danltl and miritannt mac born in georgetown and diit wflfht ind the trrond intyr of 65 sargent rd gr riei memorial hoipilul on sa f thr mirintyrr who bav orxrtown have a dau who turday r ebruary 2fllh lnoihw daufihter maureen wont tee her first birthday she 1- geortpetown i contri noul the if four yeara old bution to the nation t crop of above urs manntyre hoitu wbn she la ftfl ihe can ce leap year babiea infanii kathleen marie liuufuliy ubrau bar 17th birthday it born on that r day that it wirp at wnat h f folntf to b a lonff tlm bf appended to khruary every wemi ealtea and candlea for i four yeara i liitld kathleen uarle whowai kite ta 7 iba 5w ouncei tnaenta departmmt ktutrl chairman and reprejrn uuvri from tb company and tw ufiioa will luten to the ar kuuiu in a room in thr kinci ldrd hotel in toronto a seven man negotiating com nut tee from tlua local and a jrrsfcr buaaber of manajement rep- witlr h hmrml retenutive will pretent their a roatiuaiia bauj will rpctivr eei imi ij sum ltwu 1u1 tj llw uiw xll ajaj seur woilrti ha smuiii tj slotoe uurteil uk twiaf eotttriett diftr t rmnliauai uu saturuay tutmi lwtw ehild sls xnx j wn local womens council relive speakers holiday ut limn j a iuw inlrnutioiial dump iiu ir until trurl ilrivrn li itoltert crm inn it it 3 imirham 1dw f rn tnri trien by huwvll smlmh tli if itrjinplnn and a 1qs4 ion i in tiir ilrtvrn hv rthur uawea pinh id it it j rtim damage ber i hn iillrl j mm in f ui hundred dollar hani thnr vl done to a 10a3 ramb j o ler when it lrft the 7th um uti n jt th hircnr nideruad utt i urdmula llie driver mun rl mill if ksnuemng- township could tie in thr birthday pre six hundred and forty here enrol in operation flow uh p command plans sunday visit to anav iww arms kairy 1 international frlendihlp thro exchange af pn pal correjpon danca betwaan itudanu in foun trlal all ovaf tha world u tive obnrt of operation wow ku- uartj laaden of the world the plan adopted by the auitra ban junior chamber of com veree la bahui partlclpatad in by jayeaa utuu la many eoun trial of tha world and li being handlad in the georgetown un it by war uorgenktern ftaaulu of the operation indl cat a great deal of lntereit by local itudenu thinkj to the cooparauon of principal end taacbera in the achooli eeturni to data by achooli and by coun trlea cfint choice are aa fol low- tchaall uarrlaon wrlcgleiworth u chapel ltoly cron kennedy park 141 138 118 0 total ceuntrkve auxtxaul japan great britain sweden united statei south africa rhluppltin norway new zealand korea singipora maliya indoneala toul 106 00 00 sb sa s3 43 33 33 z3 14 ft 9 usd damace wmeel highway cars collide police get praise the police get loll ol knocks itl nice to hear ionic good thlngl too aitd cr jim atmmeraon on monday he told council that a rcii dent hid contacted hint to ei preu hli gratitude for helping live hit wlfei life cpl ted scott and cit hoy llenderion milled in an emergency and their knowledge of arit aid wai lrutrumenul ha iltd uaut l sojuy iltanni aa cam wu- uaii at e ml r vwrul i ui wkttu oaatu acwjuj kf i at uala of rie itudcnta namet at eill aluaaery garage by countnea are being forwari bectty iw caaxlwa thib ded to the reipective countries t a tthtaet anwtiv with uirough canada jaycees a hat i hawaii stabe aa a tl of about 300 name ha been davul llacfcrr aa avcr4ary tree received fronl australia and surer aa anaktn jaw hake new zealand and la being ctrrlajbrrt parlcr jack hat ill oh ulated through the schools at aavtl jaell lanlae the preaent time i irka aitwfialf kaa tka ba- luartaaal af wl ta amrtl wl rraa ayaaalwai w caauda it traew u ktjory la lsarl and il u atraia aavbeteed ikat ua a car leaving the iga pa rjellrus inl lot and another travelling jtitwi on guelph si eolltlet f jw for also property damage kr jswri police report aalh genl lil anay an bait kawwtaag mi tw swelled by aoldiera serving in w cawtara uaut ml twllha fenian raids red river vet and northwest rebellions tfaa bulk of tha tprmbcrshlp hit ta world war 1 coniprlad wlerans of tha south african war and world war veterans in exvaaed membership in the post war years in lbwair jorce was added to the organisation tin army navy and air force veterans association con ortu itself with the welfare of veterans and tha furtherance of baa interests of all cana diana firs actual for imsseales ilaaoreal day a dine joy laird of norval driving along guelph in a camlet 1083 plymouth anil guenler fc h lh andrea 34 shelley st george- ttaaa- ai laaiavdiig town was proceeillng onlo thv ffoaa lm u 17 tw labr highway in a 1ds3 monarchl lo aeaj a caaatll when they collided twrui aa tvrfr agauu an cs e l rollins who i- ansenraa my veititated aplil the damage al tb sakliers wcaaaa setturt and hso to the laird car and ilot relabaed tketr alfiliatia- with to the andrei vehicle lib longha1rs croon 7 at i lliiiil hie th ral children lo count iv ind lo hi h r i town wai ininrwht nf lrm but the huie m rim without inridrnt thr hm itrivrr vtrti pu kiip eirlier than i thrv could move uitti rjuti iliehllkht of the nirrljiitf of and mnit finlhrd ut ii behn the georktown lwal council irhrdule of women hi id at the home of three aceidrnt nmrml mr h t iayl reb 21 wai roads in the genrehovwi irin ullnn ucjlhrrman uid the khuuink b mtaa jean hud it tuesday at 8 l m j cir rondihons forecast for thur dell of lidei taken durmildnen hy margaret llilller f 4 indiraird an end to th her trip to south america thr georgetown a 1m vnlkrii fk blankrt me ad thurwlav ivid pictures arwi mm rudd ii en iiiffere woo tnu when would u colder with haw srjt commentary on the it left the 7th line of lmjiie en and piedictte1 a westerly jcotinlriei vt lied each with itiinfl at llirnhy own uniiie attractions were thoroughly enjoed by the members mrs j watt presided the meetinu which was opened with ailrnt praer after the routine bumnras mrs y johnson conrner for educal wind of 25 mllea per hour six ncrea near sin i iir ion reid a report on recent ac w tivitlei h fie irovincll coun i s cl in the field of education l runn this report dealt with hilingu ppt i nab one with 63 plates just one driver waa atopped saturday mornlrifijflr not hav ini 1w4 ik its plate on his ear rolic chief hoy haley uld it la the firtt lime in two years thai the department hai had to telirjfi car for bearing the wrohb platei the police wtre on the look out for 43 llcenwi as toon as tbey cfird midnight friday a number or ran were uill i ravelling georgetown streets with the whiteoil black plates 011 the last day but moat either u4e fcbe thane in time did ttt drive nut day t second separate school mayjhave teaching nuns vt prrkrd retrt i since the arra the nfement had worked oul well for liolh partis llnull rltccliw septt ftilier 1 1mi wa d all startmi aalaries will be rai iclinetl at ihe meellnc of the ed one hundred ilollars whlla llim and hiculturalism coun r jnmjj w u cilling of students itlucauonj it week and ways of hnneing week fiflv dnllar to two hundrtd dollark the hoard de vcea anu way o m arc n vllen of rich humlrd dollark the roard de problems of bicullurallsm tie rf h1 hu b pn l0 fllaal aller a prolonged discuss- fore the layman prepare preliminar sketchek ion on salaries mr cmeuishof presented onlv four room ar e- the report for the red cross n hu hf ham w 1 iqnv ifl society in which the announce- eiplm tl lu v ment of three blood donor cll roomi w n tuc weather nics this year was made mrs nl lhiiltrk hiah laaw 1 essary nieuwhof also spoke of a need acc0 to chalrmjn r fb forvfhing up a local hetrom thomnion pur work room now tn pi j mrs wyatt addressed thchllitv of havinb telchinr sis 3 hility 01 iiavmk itiniiii i members on the freedom from lpr r schools haing hunfier campaign and the my sore project mrs tsui recommended to the members a recent brochure on the alma of national pro inclal and local councils of wo men 20 sat 21 20 20 1 yi 7 37 10 ib 20 411 explored a letter from the public march school board informed the se- pirate school board that theyl sun would be unable to ictoramo 2 mun date any kindergarten pupils 3 lnc 40 32 from holy crosa school thla full t h tea wat served gy mrs kerraince the public school antlcip- i f the month w reh mri johnson and mrs wyatt jaled enrolment would make it 3li rr 22 uri kerr expressed thanka to imposaiblr those who contributed to fch the public school hoard ex vlina v t seolt while sisters swoon toronto organist plays recital at first baptist 1s orsllrtkt robert y menil sowul clyn evani arid the firat baptist church choir ware parts of tha programme at an organ recital in first bapust last wednesday evening mr merrll whs li tha dlrec- of music at farmer-memof- il baptist church toronto played ten selection demon- aerating the versatility and qua lity of tie baldwin electric organ recently purchaeed by the church glyn kvanl sang the penit ent o lord most holy and the lard la tty shepherd organ eeleetiona were procea- aaosul on waatmlnater abbey t itsou but neaf tha uualcal csttdta tha- kala hym- ad a medley of 80 hyrnn them es processional on adoro tv deroto the flferr fountain beverie lunbcls largo first organ sonata 12th concerto groaao aria magnificat fugue and trumpet voluntary intrqduqng a new madness iscoutllania fotoet thudybucja otoplcjrmlteajf whtaivr ttwt other alnglng group call trairnwjvea- f tti eouli norval seoul clen webb bijj cunnlnoriem tommy reynold rkttirnniy cyraj oo t mo eritertoln pannh at fornuy rtlghtln norval iw i r tocmlier espoaajly awnnettt bull in rskoito iali a aiorthoro w owned by s g bfjahatt of georgetown was em of jm btllu that sold in the lljal imiknl al brandon mejrtbba reoajltly peter jone pboto qbviously a pleasant disease robinson sisters marlapne laurle and diane daughters of mr arid mra dune rob inson norval road the yjayyau reformer hope their audiences will the winsome threesome caught the eye othereld photographerjeler jonei who qulcklycapjyred tiwlf enthusiastic glow on film 1

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